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[WEB开发] 3.7.4_Basic

NetGather企业建站系统是结合asp+access+div+css开发的多语言网站,支持无限的语言种类、菜单栏目及栏目分类(免费版本不支持添加语言),后台操作便捷、友好、更具人性化,完全适合中小型企业的要求。 技术:采用vbscript语言 数据库采用:access。 页面:div+css标准通过W3C验证,符合目前主流浏览器,ie6+,火狐,Opera,Chrome,Safari等。
NetGather asp+access+div+css Build system is a combination of multi-language website development, support for unlimited language, the menu column and column categories (free version does not support adding language), background operation convenient, friendly and more humane, perfectly suited for small and medium enterprises requirements. Technology: Using vbscript language database using: access. Page: div+css standard by the W3C validator, consistent with the current major browsers, ie6+, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari and so on. (2014-05-27, Windows_Unix, 1103KB, 下载1次)


[软件设计/软件工程] CMM.pdf

CMM是指“能力成熟度模型”,其英文全称为Capability Maturity Model for Software,英文缩写为SW-CMM,简称CMM。它是对于软件组织在定义、实施、度量、控制和改善其软件过程的实践中各个发展阶段的描述。CMM的核心是把软件开发视为一个过程,并根据这一原则对软件开发和维护进行过程监控和研究,以使其更加科学化、标准化、使企业能够更好地实现商业目标。
CMM- Capability Maturity Model for Software, (2013-08-20, Windows_Unix, 520KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] you-yourself-okay

1、请你自我介绍一下自己好吗? 回答提示:一般人回答这个问题过于平常,只说姓名、年龄、爱好、工作经验,这些在简历上都有。其实,企业最希望知道的是求职者能否胜任工作,包括:最强的技能、最深入研究的知识领域、个性中最积极的部分、做过的最成功的事,主要的成就等,这些都可以和学习无关,也可以和学习有关,但要突出积极的个性和做事的能力,说得合情合理企业才会相信。企业很重视一个人的礼貌,求职者要尊重考官,在回答每个问题之后都说一句“谢谢”,企业喜欢有礼貌的求职者。 2、你觉得你个性上最大的优点是什么? 回答提示:沉着冷静、条理清楚、立场坚定、顽强向上、乐于助人和关心他人、适应能力和幽默感、乐观和友爱。我经过一到两年的培训及项目实战,加上实习工作,使我适合这份工作。 3、说说你最大的缺点?
1, you yourself okay? Answer the prompts: Most people answer this problem too ordinary, just say the name, age, hobbies, work experience, these have on your resume. In fact, most want to know that the job seekers ability to perform the work, including: the strongest skills, the most in-depth study of the field of knowledge, the most active part of the personality, the most successful thing done, the main achievements of these are unrelated and learning and learning, but to highlight the positive personality, and the ability to do things, to put it reasonable enterprises will not believe it. Enterprises attach great importance to a person s politeness seekers to respect examiner, after answering each question and say a "thank you", and companies like polite job seekers. 2, do you think the biggest advantage is your personality? Answer the prompts: calm, well organized, stand firm, tenacious (2012-08-27, Windows_Unix, 13KB, 下载5次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] JQuery-easyui-demo

JQuery easyui做的可以更换皮肤的界面,共有五种皮肤,让页面变得更加漂亮。
JQuery easyui do can change the skin interface, a total of five kinds of skin, make the page more beautiful. (2011-09-08, Windows_Unix, 962KB, 下载168次)


[WEB开发] CuiyuanShow

萃园SHOW主要是为学校内部使用而开发的,目的是供学生获取学校信息、同时提供帮助学习和娱乐的功能。系统的面向的用户包括:学生,老师,专业管理员,总管理员。就每个不同的用户而言功能不完全相同。 学生可以从本网站获取通知、新闻等信息,可以获取学习资料、在线讨论、查询自习室进行学习,还可以发表日志、聊天、发校内漂、玩游戏、听音乐进行娱乐。管理员可以进行用户账户管理、主页新闻通知的更新、日志状态审查、班级的创建、学生会等团体组织的创建。
Extracts Park SHOW primarily for internal use and development of the school, the aim is for students to access school information, and help learning and entertainment functions. System for users include: students, teachers, professional administrators, the total administrator. Users on each of the different functions are not identical. Students can notice from this website, news and other information, you can get learning materials, online discussion, check study room to learn, you can also post logs, chat, send internal drift, play games, listen to music for entertainment. Administrators can manage user accounts, home news update notification, log the status review, the creation of classes, students and other community organizations to create. (2011-08-29, Windows_Unix, 17306KB, 下载6次)


[Web服务器] nginx-for-windows-1.0.4

(1)nginx的特性和简介 (2)nginx for windows的下载与安装 (3)nginx处理静态资源的配置 (4)nginx 反向代理设置 (5)nginx 常见错误 引言:为什么要使用nginx 目前很多大型网站都使用了nginx,新浪、网易、QQ等都使用了nginx,说明nginx的稳定性和性能还是非常不错的。这主要是因tomcat处理静态资源的速度比较慢,所以首先想到的就是把所有静态资源(JS,CSS,image,swf),提到单独的服务器,用更加快速的HTTP服务器,这里选择了nginx了,nginx相比apache,更加轻量级,配置更加简单,而且nginx不仅仅是高性能的HTTP服务器,还是高性能的反向代理服务器。 (*)nginx for windows的安装教程 (*)nginx处理静态资源的配置 教程 (*)nginx 反向代理设置 教程 (*)nginx 常见错误 教程 本文原创 转载请注明出处 http://bywei.iteye.com/ http://www.bywei.cn/blog
http://bywei.iteye.com/ http://www.bywei.cn/blog (2011-08-24, Windows_Unix, 1261KB, 下载41次)


[通讯编程文档] differencebetweenICAandRDP

Citrix Independent Computing Architecture ( ICA )技术已经被证明,能够通过整个企业网络来提供配置 Windows 、 UNIX 以及 Java 应用程序访问的强大的竞争优势,而不需考虑用户的位置、客户端硬件设备或者可用带宽的限制。
Citrix Independent Computing Architecture (ICA) technology has been proven through the entire enterprise network to provide configuration Windows, UNIX and Java applications to access a powerful competitive advantage, without considering the user' s location, client hardware devices, or available bandwidth restrictions. (2011-02-15, Windows_Unix, 16KB, 下载11次)


[通讯编程文档] lowSNRFreES

本文利用软输入软输出信道译码器输出对数似然比随相位偏差变化的规律得到低信噪比MPSK信号的 相位偏差代价函数,并提出一种求解该代价函数的迭代相位搜索方法,以相对较小的运算量实现较高精度的相 位估计。仿真表明,该算法在低信噪比下具有稳定的性能,并且能够克服大多相位估计算法都存在的相位模糊 问题。
In this paper, the soft input soft output channel decoder output log-likelihood ratio with the variation of the phase error signal to noise ratio MPSK signals with low phase error cost function and propose a cost function for solving the iterative phase of the search method relatively less computation to achieve high accuracy phase estimates. Simulation results show that the algorithm is stable under low signal to noise ratio performance, and most of the phase estimation algorithm can overcome the phase ambiguity exists. (2010-11-29, Windows_Unix, 198KB, 下载10次)


[系统编程] 8643

不仅如此,世博会还是人类的聚会,人们从世界各地汇聚申城,那么作为东道主的你又是否准备好迎接海外游客、展现城市风貌呢? 领略世界技术文化也好,接待国外来宾来客也好,外语都是必不可少哒!你还不赶快趁机好好学习学习? 在【沪江世博英语学习专题】中,汇集了沪江小编精选的世博英语学习文章。 不仅有即时的新闻动态,还有名人访谈、世博专用口语和词汇栏目,更有独具特色的上海旅行潮人指南! 希望在世博之后,不仅上海的城市形象有提升,你的英语水平也跟着突飞猛进哦!
上海的城市形象有提升,你的英语水平也跟着突飞猛进哦! (2010-10-17, Windows_Unix, 1372KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] USBPD108

ChipGenius是一款USB设备芯片型号检测工具,可以自动查询U盘、MP3/MP4、读卡器、移动硬盘等一切USB设备的主控芯片型号、制造商、品牌、并提供相关资料下载地址。当然也可以查询USB设备的VID/PID信息、设备名称、接口速度、序列号、设备版本等。   软件绿色小巧,即插即用,是数码消费者、电子爱好者、DIY人士和数码维修人员身边的好帮手。
http://bbs.mydigit.cn/read.php?tid-18285.html (2010-06-24, Windows_Unix, 258KB, 下载294次)


[网络编程] networkArcheture

描述基本的以及混合的局域网拓扑结构 • 描述多种企业范围以及广域网的拓扑结构 • 解释不同拓扑结构的优点和用处 • 讨论以太网传输系统的几个版本 • 解释令牌环网传输系统的结构和功能
Describe the basic and hybrid LAN topology • describe a variety of enterprise and wide area network topology • explain the advantages of different topologies and discuss the usefulness • Several versions of Ethernet transmission systems • explain the token ring network transmission system structure and functional (2010-04-02, Windows_Unix, 1740KB, 下载7次)


[处理器开发] AMBA20_cn

Bus AMBA2.0 official Chinese version of the agreement. AMBA2.0 embedded bus protocol is now the most widely used areas of the bus protocol. The English version of it in the arm on the company' s Web site can be obtained free of charge. (2009-08-18, Windows_Unix, 1070KB, 下载2次)


[电子书籍] masterBugFree2

BugFree 是借鉴微软的研发流程和Bug 管理理念,使用PHP+MySQL 独立写出的一个Bug 管理系统。 简单实用、免费并且开放源代码(遵循GNU GPL)。 如何有效地管理软件产品中的Bug,是每一家软件企业必须面临的问题。遗憾的是很多软件企业还是 停留在作坊式的研发模式中,其研发流程、研发工具、人员管理不尽人意,无法有效地保证质量、控制进 度,并使产品可持续发展。 BugFree 就是为了解决上述问题而开发的。
BugFree is from Microsoft' s R & D management processes and Bug, the use of PHP+ MySQL to write a Bug independent management system. Simple, practical, free and open source code (follow the GNU GPL). How the effective management of software products in the Bug, every software enterprises have to face a problem. Unfortunately, many software companies still remain in the workshop-style R & D mode, the R & D processes, development tools, personnel management unsatisfactory and can not effectively ensure the quality, and control the progress of sustainable development and products. BugFree to address these problems is developed. (2009-06-14, Windows_Unix, 3704KB, 下载6次)


[Linux/Unix编程] linux_source_reading_requirement

Linux 源代码阅读知识点及要求 说明:1、本次源代码阅读,以Linux 最新的稳定版本(2.6)为主; 2、源代码下载地址: 在官方站点 www.kernel.org 上最新稳定版本是; 在清华的 ftp 上随时都可以下载到: ftp.tsinghua.edu.cn/mirror/kernel.org/linux/kernel/v2.6/ 3、源代码阅读辅助工具: 在Windows 环境下推荐SourceInsight3.5 在Linux 环境下推荐SourceNavigator 5 这两个软件都已经上传课程论坛
Linux source code to read the knowledge points and requirements: 1, read the source code to the latest stable version of Linux (2.6) mainly 2, the source code to download Address: www.kernel.org on the official site is the latest stable version in Tsinghua University on the ftp can be downloaded at any time to: ftp.tsinghua.edu.cn/mirror/kernel.org/linux/kernel/v2.6/3, the source code of reading aids: In the Windows environment recommended SourceInsight3.5 recommended in the Linux environment SourceNavigator 5 of these two software programs have been Forum Upload (2009-06-02, Windows_Unix, 121KB, 下载5次)


[OpenGL] 200711151061989771

OpenGL™ 是行业领域中最为广泛接纳的 2D/3D 图形 API, 其自诞生至今已催生了各种计算机平台及设备上的数千优秀应用程序。OpenGL™ 是独立于视窗操作系统或其它操作系统的,亦是网络透明的。在包含CAD、内容创作、能源、娱乐
OpenGL ™ is the industry' s most widely accepted field of 2D/3D graphics API, it has been since the birth of the birth of a variety of computer platforms and equipment on thousands of outstanding applications. OpenGL ™ are independent of the Windows operating system or other operating system is also network transparent. Contains at CAD, content creation, energy, entertainment (2009-03-23, Windows_Unix, 65KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] iis6

Microsoft Internet Information Services 6.0 针对企业、IT、ASP、ISV、Hosting、.COM 以及一般 组织等环境需求,作了重大的架构修改。新加强的部分包括了更佳的Web 服务器管理功能、更快的 效能、更好的可靠性以及更紧密的安全性。本实作练习使用IIS 6.0 Process Model Architecture、 IIS 命令列工具以及 Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) 来示范IIS 6.0 所支持的一些关于可 靠性和便于管理的新功能。
err (2009-01-12, Windows_Unix, 145KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] 802.11.Wireless.Networks.The.Definitive.Guide.

802.11.Wireless.Networks.The.Definit ive.Guide, wireless authoritative guide to English, right WLAN 802.11 a detailed analysis of the agreement, IEEE than see the agreement to understand more, engaged in the wireless LAN and MAN study design are very useful (2007-04-08, Windows_Unix, 7642KB, 下载310次)


[Windows编程] Programming_the_MS_Windows_Driver_Model_CN

以某种观点来看,Windows 2000或Windows 98都是由一个操作系统核心和多个驱动程序组成,这些驱动程序与系统中的硬件相对应。本书的内容全部都是关于驱动程序及其相关的技术。
in some perspective, Windows 2000 or Windows 98 operating systems are a core and a number of drivers Group % of these drivers and the hardware system should be relative. The contents of the book are all on the driver and its associated technologies. (2006-11-30, Windows_Unix, 7041KB, 下载51次)


[Windows编程] calculatoracac2

WinHex (hexadecimal powerful compiler tools, direct operational) FINALDATA Enterprise Edition 2.0 (data recovery software, installation-free ... it is certain VC on the boys arrived, looking for documents using real addresses the IPQQ2006 (2006-05-16, Windows_Unix, 28KB, 下载30次)


[Windows编程] 斑马条码打印程序

pb开发的程序国内最出色pb源代码站点之一,令人心动的powerbuilder资料、编程技巧, 超过20M的pb大型管理信息系统[财务管理、商场管理、餐饮娱乐管理] 源代码源程序,绝无仅有的pb代码自定义报表.支持网友自由发布自己的文章。
pb development of the domestic procedures for the most outstanding pb source code site, moving PowerBuilder information, programming skills, more than 20M of pb large management information systems [financial management, management, entertainment management] source code, pb unique code-defined statements. support Netizen free to launch its own article. (2006-01-24, Windows_Unix, 21KB, 下载223次)
