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[数值算法/人工智能] 38253

美国大学生数学建模竞赛(MCM/ICM),是唯一的国际性数学建模竞赛,也是世界范围内最具影响力的数学建模竞赛,为现今各类数学建模竞赛之鼻祖。MCM/ICM 是 Mathematical Contest In Modeling 和 Interdisciplinary Contest In Modeling 的缩写,即 数学建模竞赛 和 交叉学科建模竞赛 。MCM 始于 1985 年,ICM 始于 2000 年,由 COMAP(the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Application,美国数学及其应用联合会)主办,得到了 SIAM,NSA,INFORMS 等多个组织的赞助。MCM/ICM 着重强调研究问题、解决方案的原创性、团队合作、交流以及结果的合理性。2014年,共有来自美国、中国、加拿大、芬兰、英国、澳大利亚等19个国家和地区共7783支队伍参加,其中包括来自哈佛大学、普林斯顿大学、西点军校、麻省理工学院、清华大学、北京大学、北京航空航天大学、浙江大学、南开大学、上海交通大学、华中科技大学,南京大学等国际知名高校学生参与此项赛事角逐。 本作品是2015年MCM中A题“根除或者遏制埃博拉”的赛题,贡享资源,希望多大家有用!更多资源敬请关注http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/articlelist_3902127067_0_1.html
PROBLEM A: Eradicating Ebola The world medical association has announced that their new medication could stop Ebola and cure patients whose disease is not advanced. Build a realistic, sensible, and useful model that considers not only the spread of the disease, the quantity of the medicine needed, possible feasible delivery systems, locations of delivery, speed of manufacturing of the vaccine or drug, but also any other critical factors your team considers necessary as part of the model to optimize the eradication of Ebola, or at least its current strain. In addition to your modeling approach for the contest, prepare a 1-2 page non-technical letter for the world medical association to use in their announcement. (2016-01-04, WORD, 358KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] MF_RC531_scn

MF RC531 是应用于13.56MHz 非接触式通 信中高集成读写卡芯片系列中的一员。该读写卡 芯片系列利用了先进的调制和解调概念,完全集 成了在13.56MHz 下所有类型的被动非接触式通 信方式和协议。芯片管脚兼容MF RC500、MF RC530 和SL RC400。 MF RC531 支持ISO/IEC14443A/B 的所有层 和MIFARE® 经典协议,以及与该标准兼容的标 准。支持高速MIFARE® 非接触式通信波特率。内部的发送器部分不需要增加有源电路就 能够直接驱动近操作距离的天线(可达100mm)。接收器部分提供一个坚固而有效的解调 和解码电路,用于ISO14443A 兼容的应答器信号。数字部分处理ISO14443A 帧和错误检 测(奇偶&CRC)。此外,它还支持快速CRYPTO1 加密算法,用于验证MIFARE 系列产 品。与主机通信模式有8 位并行和SPI 模式,用户可根据不同的需求选择不同的模式,这 样给读卡器/终端的设计提供了极大的灵活性。 2.特
MF RC531 is applied to 13.56MHz contactless communication highly integrated chip card reader in a series. The card reader chip series use advanced modulation and demodulation concept completely integrated in all types of passive 13.56MHz contactless communication methods and protocols. Chip pin compatible MF RC500, MF RC530 and the SL RC400. MF RC531 supports all layers ISO/IEC14443A/B and MIFARE Classic protocol, and is compatible with the standard criteria. MIFARE contactless support high-speed communication baud rate. The transmitter does not need to increase the active part of the internal circuit can directly drive the operation of the antenna near distance (up to 100mm). The receiver part provides a robust and effective demodulation and decoding circuitry for ISO14443A compatible transponder signal. The digital part handles ISO14443A framing and error detection (Parity & CRC). In addition, it supports fast CRYPTO1 encryption algorithm used to verify the MIFARE products. Commu (2014-04-25, WORD, 344KB, 下载20次)


[单片机开发] E-3000

系统基于TCP/IP通讯协议,结合Internet将家电、照明、安保、娱乐等设备通过网络集为一体,既实现数据传输的准确无误,又可远程控制,还提供了丰富的网络共享资源及增值服务,布线简单方便,有效降低成本。 系统采用红外无线遥控、GPRS技术,引入人性化理念,赋予用户更多、更智能的操控方式,外观设计高雅、精致、大方。 系统订制灵活,支持在线升级。
System is based on TCP/IP communication protocol, the combination of Internet appliances, lighting, security, entertainment and other equipment through the network set as a whole, not only the accuracy of data transmission, but also the remote control, it also provides a rich network of shared resources and value-added services wiring is simple and convenient, efficient and reduce costs. System uses infrared wireless remote control, GPRS technology, the introduction of the concept of humanity, giving users more and more intelligent control methods, design elegant, refined, and generous. System customized flexible, support online upgrade. (2014-01-11, WORD, 2670KB, 下载7次)


[语音合成] NMR-data-processing-water-detector

核磁共振(NMR)技术探测地下水是目前唯一的直接找水的地球物理方法。与传统的地球物理方法相比具有高分辨力,高效率,信息量丰富和解唯一性等优点。利用核磁共振地下水探测系统可以高效率地进行区域水文地质调查,确定找水远景区,圈定地下水在三维空间内的分布,进而可靠地选定水井位置等。但是由于水中氢核产生的核磁共振信号的幅度小(纳伏级),要求探测系统的灵敏度高,将引入大量的自然和人为噪声,导致采集信号的信噪比低,解释结果不清楚。 本文用LMS自适应算法提高MRS信号的信噪比,用Hilbert变换提取MRS信号的包络信号,用线性拟合提取水文地质参数并通过仿真实验结果,验证了本文提出的数据处理方法的有效性和准确性。
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technique to the detection of direct water division is the only geophysical method to find water. Compared with conventional high-resolution geophysical methods, efficient, informative unique advantages of reconciliation. Groundwater exploration using nuclear magnetic resonance system can efficiently carry out the regional hydrogeological investigation to determine the prospective areas to find water, delineation of ground water distribution in three-dimensional space, and then reliably the location of the selected wells. However, because the water proton NMR signal amplitude generated by small (Na V level), requiring high sensitivity detection systems, will introduce a large number of natural and man-made noise, resulting in low signal to noise ratio acquisition, interpretation of results is not clear. In this paper, LMS adaptive algorithm improves the MRS signal to noise ratio, with the Hilbert transform to extract the signal envelope MRS signal ext (2013-05-15, WORD, 932KB, 下载14次)


[SQL Server] library

附加数据库SQL Server 2000 (1)将Database文件夹中的扩展名为.MDF和.LDF的两个文件拷贝到SQL Server安装路径下的Data文件夹中。 (2)打开SQL Server 2000中的“企业管理器”,然后展开本地服务器,在“数据库”数据项上单击鼠标右键,在弹出的快捷菜单中选择“所有任务”/“附加数据库”菜单项。 (3)将弹出“附加数据库”对话框,在该对话框中单击【】按钮,选择所要附加数据库的.MDF文件,单击【确定】按钮,即可完成数据库的附加操作。
will pop up "additional database" dialog box, in the dialog click 【 】 button, select to additional database. MDF file, click the sure 】 button, can complete database of additional operation. (2012-12-27, WORD, 2185KB, 下载4次)


[行业发展研究] JSPwangshanggouwuxitong

近年来,随着Internet的迅速崛起,互联网已日益成为收集提供信息的最佳渠道并逐步进入传统的流通领域。于是电子商务开始流行起来,越来越多的商家在网上建起在线商店,向消费者展示出一种新颖的购物理念。 网上购物系统作为B2B,B2C(Business to Customer,即企业对消费者),C2C(Customer to Customer,即消费者对消费者)电子商务的前端商务平台,在其商务活动全过程中起着举足轻重的作用。本文主要考虑的是如何建设B2C的网上购物系统。
In recent years, with the rapid rise of the Internet, the Internet has increasingly become a collection of the best channels to provide information and gradually into the traditional areas of circulation. So e-commerce began to pop up more and more businesses built on the Internet online store to demonstrate a novel shopping concept to consumers. Online shopping system as the B2B, B2C (Business to the Customer, business to consumer) and C2C (the Customer to the Customer, consumer to consumer) e-commerce front-end business platform, in the whole process of its business activities play an important role. The main consideration in this article how to build B2C online shopping system. (2012-06-10, WORD, 537KB, 下载8次)


[技术管理] ERP

In this article I argue that the organizational involvement of large scale information technology packages, such as those known as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), has important implications that go far beyond the acknowledged effects of keeping the organizational operations accountable and integrated across functions and production sites. My claim is that ERP packages are predicated upon an understanding of human agency as a procedural affair and of organizations as an extended series of functional or cross-functional transactions. Accordingly, the massive introduction of ERP packages to organizations is bound to have serious implications that precisely recount the procedural forms by which such packages instrument organizational operations and fashion organizational roles. The conception of human agency and organizational operations in procedural terms may seem reasonable yet it recounts a very specific and, in a sense, limited understanding of humans and organizations. The disti (2012-05-03, WORD, 83KB, 下载3次)


[系统设计方案] Factory-network-video-surveillance

工厂网络视频监控方案 根据企业网络视频监控系统项目和公安部门的设计规范要求,结合从事保安监控系统工程设计经验,遵循技术的先进性、系统的扩展性、整体设计的实效性和高性能价格比。在系统的设计中,强调设计的综合管理及操作性能,力求系统操作简便、实用和直观性。 系统设计强调中心监控的综合管理和操作性能,力求系统操作简便直观。一方面激活内部配置管理,利用现代计算机技术和网络技术加强过程控制,以提高管理的水平;另一方面需要使有关部门在事后获取相关录像记录,提供有效现场证据和线索,在事前、事中及事后进行全面防范。
Factory network video surveillance solution (2011-11-28, WORD, 2304KB, 下载7次)


[网络编程] Build_a_wireless_intrusion_honeypot

As we all know to bring a flexible wireless network access while security has always been its Achilles heel, enterprise wireless network or home wireless networks are easy to attract foreign " tourists" , on the one hand WEP, WPA and other encryption measures have been cracked makes wireless encryption useless, the other wireless network to automatically connect automatically search network also made a lot of " non-interested person" to connect to your wireless network. So how do we prevent attacks against wireless networks and intrusion it? If we can adopt the necessary measures to counterattack the invaders do? Today, I would urge readers to follow along to become masters build wireless intrusion honeypot for intruders exposed its true face. (2010-06-25, WORD, 294KB, 下载23次)


[GPS编程] Doc.qichejiankong@www.aspjzy.com

关于LBS:LBS(Location based service)是基于地理信息技术将物理位置在电子地图上定位,并以此为基础而提供的空间信息服务又称定位服务,狭义的说是通过无线通信网络,获取无线用户的位置信息(经纬度坐标数据),在地理信息系统平台的支持下提供相应服务的一种无线增值业务。广义的说,只要是基于位置的信息服务均属于位置服务,包含GPS定位方式、我国的北斗双星定位方式等等。合理地分析、整合这些信息并将之将之将之传达给决策人,即可帮助企业各个部门提高决策能力,譬如策略制订人和计划制订者、市场和销售人员、客户服务代表等......
LBS(Location based service) (2010-04-20, WORD, 29KB, 下载45次)


[GPS编程] Taxi-GPS-Monitor-And-Dispatch-System-Solution

View of the actual business requirements, tailored to the rental vehicle GPS monitoring and dispatching system for enterprises to provide accurate positioning of vehicles, monitoring, scheduling, information services and crisis management services can also be customized according to business needs police inquiries into service systems (including vehicles Search, track queries, and document processing, etc.), passenger transport management services system (including tax-analysis of the data), etc. (2010-03-30, WORD, 97KB, 下载20次)


[防火墙与安全工具] ArithmetiqueCrypto

黑客攻击与防范 黑客常用的攻击步骤可以说变幻莫测,但纵观其整个攻击过程,还是有一定规律可循的,一般可以分:攻击前奏、实施攻击、巩固控制、继续深入几个过程。 目前比较流行的网络级安全防范措施是使用专业防火墙+入侵检测系统(IDS)为企业内部网络构筑一道安全屏障。防火墙可以有效地阻止有害数据的通过,而IDS 则主要用于有害数据的分析和发现,它是防火墙功能的延续。2者联动,可及时发现并减缓DoS、DDoS 攻击,减轻攻击所造成的损失。
Hackers attack and to prevent common hacker attacks can be unpredictable steps, but throughout its entire course of the attack, there are still some rules to follow, and generally can be divided into: attack a prelude to implementation of the attack, to consolidate control, continue to penetrate several processes. Currently more popular network-level security measures is to use the professional firewall+ intrusion detection systems (IDS) for the enterprise internal network to build a security barrier. Firewall can effectively block the passage of bad data, while the IDS is mainly used for bad data analysis and discovery, which is a continuation of the firewall functionality. 2 person interaction, they can promptly detect and mitigate DoS, DDoS attacks, to reduce the losses caused by attacks. (2009-10-29, WORD, 14KB, 下载26次)


[软件工程] zhiliangruanjianguan

In order to make the software has a sustained and stable quality, we have to produce software and provide services to the process control. However, if there is no reliable information on a process of sustained and consistent control of the land impossible. Through the steps, hoping to play a role in attracting valuable opinions, the practical implementation of the CMM software enterprises, we can according to their actual situation and specific requirements to be applied. (2009-09-03, WORD, 8KB, 下载3次)


[软件工程] CMM

Neusoft on different software focuses on the process of practical experience. These practices to SW-CMM Theory as our guide through the pilot project testing, Neusoft has been promoting. At present, Neusoft has set up, including project management, software engineering and organizational management and other aspects of the standard software process. Through the steps, hoping to play a role in attracting valuable opinions, the practical implementation of the CMM software enterprises, we can according to their actual situation and specific requirements to be applied. (2009-09-03, WORD, 46KB, 下载13次)


[RFID编程] rfid_training

企业rfid技术培训文档 分以下几个部分: 第一、RFID 历史 3 第二、RFID系统组成 3 第三、RFID系统的工作原理 4 第四、电子标签分类 5 第五、RFID特点及其优点 6 第六、RFID工作频率以及应用 7 第七、RFID技术中国应用前景 13 傻瓜型书籍 适合初学者了解rfid技术
Rfid enterprise technical training part of the document the following points: First, RFID history of 3 second, RFID system components 3 Third, RFID system, the working principle of 4 Fourth, the electronic label Category 5 V, RFID characteristics and advantages of 6 Sixth, RFID operating frequency, as well as the application of 7, the seventh, RFID technology application in China 13 fool-type books for beginners to understand rfid technology (2008-10-31, WORD, 114KB, 下载86次)


[其他] cdt

循环式远动规约 1.主题内容与适用范围 本标准规定了电网数据采集与监控系统中循环式远动规约的功能、帧结构、信息字结构和传输规则等。 本标准适用于点对点的远动通道结构及以循环字节同步方式传送远动设备与系统。本标准还适用于调度所间以循环式远动规约转发实时信息的系统。 2. 引用标准 国家标准:《地区电网数据采集与监控系统通用技术条件》和《远动终端通用技术条件》。 3. 一般技术要求 3.1本规约采用可变帧长度、多种帧类别循环传送、变位遥信优先传送, 重要遥测量更新循环时间较短,区分循环量、随机量和插入量采用不同形式传送信息,以满足电网调度安全监控系统对远动信息的实时性和可靠性的要求。
err (2008-08-19, WORD, 143KB, 下载11次)


[文章/文档] thesystemofemail

本系统要实现的主要功能有: 1. 用户申请注册功能。用户通过申请可以得到一个自己命名的信箱,容量大小为10M。 2. 用户忘记密码处理功能。用户忘记密码可以通过注册时设置的密码提示问题来重设密码。 3. 用户收邮件功能。它包括SMTP收邮件、POP3取邮件和WWW读邮件三种方式。 4. 用户发邮件功能。它包括SMTP发邮件、WWW直接发送邮件、暗送邮件、抄送邮件、定时发送邮件。 5. 用户信件处理功能。系统初始设置4个文件夹来分类处理信件:收件箱、发件箱、草稿箱和垃圾箱。用户还可以自己建立新的文件夹。信件在各个信箱之间可以相互移动。 6. 用户查找功能。用户可以使用查找功能通过查找信件主题或信件内容来找到自己需要的信件。 7. 用户信箱配置设置。它包括个人资料更改、密码更改、参数设置、POP3服务器设置、过滤器设置、自动转信、定时发信、签名设置。 8. 管理员管理用户和信箱邮件功能。包括输入(增删改)、查询、统计、报表。系统性能参数设置。 9. 广播功能。它用于公司定期向一定的用户发送信息,由于一般的用户数有一定数量,所以必须用数据库管。
err (2008-06-26, WORD, 83KB, 下载14次)


[单片机开发] 7

Studied this subject can be stored as a virtual oscilloscope-type low-grade, that is, in terms of performance on most occasions, only to meet the basic application, and strive to realize miniaturization and low prices as much as possible so that limited financial resources to small users (electronic enthusiasts, small enterprises) can be universal, in the use of large users to play a strong advantage of portability, high-end oscilloscope used in conjunction with each other. (2007-07-29, WORD, 632KB, 下载14次)


[企业管理] littel_P

an enterprise management, large companies have big companies, small companies have the small-company basis, if the experience of others to their morale, which in turn would be counterproductive. Similarly, the management of a software project is the same, large projects and small projects in a way that is not exactly the same. But from another perspective, the big and small and is not intrinsically different from that of many ways is common. The purpose of this paper is from the author's experience to talk about small project development management. (2006-03-13, WORD, 7KB, 下载7次)


[电子书籍] rxdrd

人类出版史上第三畅销书你一生中最重要的一本书。 「人性的弱点」在世界各地至少已译成五十八种文字,全球总销售量已达九千余万册,拥有四亿读者。除圣经及论语之外,无出其右者。 原著者以人性的各种弱点为基础,提出了这一套令我们面红耳赤、怦然心跳人际关系学,使世界人类的相处之道为之一新。 雄心万丈的青年企业家、业务员、家庭主妇、学生、热恋中的情侣 不管你是什么人,这都是一本让你惊喜,使你思想更成熟,举止更稳重的好书。我们相信这将是你一生中最重要的一本书。
human history published the third best-selling book your life the most important one book. "Humanity weaknesses" in the rest of the world has been translated into at least 58 languages, global sales reached more than 10,000 9,000, with 400 million readers. Apart from the Analects of Confucius and the Bible, were second to none. The original works were a human weaknesses, based on a set of our red, the accompanying heartbeat interpersonal study, the human world as well as the one for the new. Ambitious young entrepreneurs, salesmen, housewives, students, a couple in love no matter what, this is a surprise for you, so you thinking of a more mature, more prudent behavior books. We believe this will be your most important life of a book. (2005-01-09, WORD, 163KB, 下载32次)
