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[数据库系统] 1192

基于SpringBoot+MySQL+Uniapp+微信小程序的健康早知道小程序(附论文),用户,管理员角色。随着信息化时代的到来,管理系统都趋向于智能化、系统化,“健康早知道”微信小程序也不例外,但目前国内的市场仍都使用人工管理,市场规模越来越大,同时信息量也越来越庞大,人工管理显然已无法应对时代的变化,而“健康早知道”微信小程序能很好地解决这一问题,轻松应对平时健康信息的工作,既能提高人力物力财力,又能加快工作的效率,取代人工管理是必然趋势。 本“健康早知道”微信小程序城以ssm作为框架,b/s模式以及MySql作为后台运行的数据库,同时使用Tomcat用为系统的服务器。本系统主要包括以下功能模块首页、个人中心、医生管理、用户管理、健康信息管理、健康评估管理、在线留言、 (2024-05-25, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Job-Application-System-with-PHP-and-MySQL

Built a Job Application System using PHP, MySQL, phpMailer, and reCAPTCHA. Streamlined the job application process with secure data submission, including personal details, resumes, and cover letters. Integrated advanced security measures like reCAPTCHA and CSRF protection for spam prevention and safeguarding against unauthorized form submissions. (2024-03-18, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] JDBC-MySQL-Full

This enterprise project serves as a compelling showcase of my proficiency in leveraging databases and advanced Java, demonstrating not only my technical skills but also my ability to seamlessly integrate and optimize these technologies to meet complex business requirements. (2024-01-26, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] E-Commerce-Sales-Dashboard

电子商务销售仪表板是一个Power BI可视化工具,旨在为电子商务企业提供关键指标的全面概述。通过交互式视觉效果跟踪年初至今的销售、盈利能力和产品性能。
The E-commerce Sales Dashboard is a Power BI visualization tool designed to offer a comprehensive overview of key metrics for E-commerce businesses. Track Year-to-Date sales, profitability, and product performance through interactive visuals. (2023-12-20, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] demo-python-database

A database is a structured collection of data stored in a computer system, used to manage and manipulate information for various applications and purposes. It can be relational or non-relational and is widely used in businesses and organizations. (2023-12-22, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] E-commerce-Back-End

I expanded given starter code for an E-commerce business to build the database, seed it with product, category, and tag data, and enable API interactions for CRUD operations, with real-time table updates in the SQL database. (2023-09-07, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] KevinPaul

Internal Javascript file is attached to HTML. Last script is helpful. It collects data from user ( for ex- username, message and e-mail) and store it in Google Forms. Best use for small businesses and portfolios. (2022-09-07, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] ucms

UCMS是一款简单的开源内容管理系统,可以非常方便的通过它来快速开发各种各种企业站、文章站、站群系统。 系统兼容PHP5.2–PHP7.0,在APACHE、NGINX、IIS上都能使用,支持MySQL SQLite两种数据库。官方更新日志:
UCMS is a simple open source content management system, which can be used to quickly develop various enterprise stations, article stations, and station cluster systems. The system is compatible with PHP5.2 – PHP7.0 and can be used on APACHE, NGINX, and IIS, supporting MySQL SQLite databases. Official update log: (2019-07-26, PHP, 359KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] project2

It is a basic project for quickly building an enterprise background management system, integrating a package of convenient functions, such as: convenient general addition, deletion, modification, query, powerful permission management, dynamic multiple data sources, dynamic forms, online database maintenance, etc (2019-06-13, Java, 30806KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] java-bangong

Java enterprise OA office system spring boot collaborative office system. The front-end of the system uses freemarker template engine, Bootstrap as the front-end UI framework, and the back-end uses spring boot+mybatis, with attendance management, process management, announcement management, mail management, schedule management (2022-04-06, Java, 529KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] OnlineDisk

大数据企业实训项目:基于SpringMVC+Spring+HBase+Maven搭建的Hadoop分布式云盘系统。使用Hadoop HDFS作为文件存储系统、HBase作为数据存储仓库,采用SpringMVC+Spring框架实现,包...
Big Data Enterprise Training Project: A Hadoop distributed cloud disk system built based on SpringMVC+Spring+HBase+Maven. Hadoop HDFS is used as the file storage system, HBase is used as the data storage warehouse, and the Spring MVC+Spring framework is used to implement the package (2022-12-16, JavaScript, 118462KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] airline

项目描述:使用python语言开发了一个显示航班航线的可视化系统,主要实现查询航班信息,航线显示信 息,显示航班晚点率。 项目职责:采用python开发了航线显示模块,在《智能计算机与应用》2019 年第 9 卷第 3 期上发表论文《...
Project Description: A visualization system for displaying flight routes has been developed using Python language. The main functions include querying flight information, displaying route information, and displaying flight delay rates. Project responsibilities: Developed a route display module using Python and published a paper titled " (2019-09-29, Python, 4758KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] BMAdmin

BM Admin 是一个用于快速搭建企业后台管理系统的基础项目,项目集成了常用的通用性的用户,角色,权限,日志,数据库等功能,项目实现前后端分离以方便使用者,项目基于springboot,java8等.
BM Admin is a basic project used to quickly build an enterprise backend management system. The project integrates commonly used and universal functions such as users, roles, permissions, logs, databases, etc. The project achieves front-end and back-end separation for user convenience. The project is based on Springboot, Java8, and others (2017-10-30, JavaScript, 1969KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] OnlineDisk

大数据企业实训项目:基于SpringMVC+Spring+HBase+Maven搭建的Hadoop分布式云盘系统。使用Hadoop HDFS作为文件存储系统、HBase作为数据存储仓库,采用SpringMVC+Spring框架实现,包...
Big Data Enterprise Training Project: A Hadoop distributed cloud disk system built based on SpringMVC+Spring+HBase+Maven. Hadoop HDFS is used as the file storage system, HBase is used as the data storage warehouse, and the Spring MVC+Spring framework is used to implement the package (2018-02-03, JavaScript, 118462KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] NutzFw

Java open-source enterprise level rapid development framework, backend management system, with complete permission control, code generator, custom forms, dynamic database, flexible workflow, mobile app client, and support for front-end and back-end separation development. (2022-01-09, JavaScript, 41033KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] awesome-cheatsheets-cn

专为国人开发者打造的 Cheat Sheet — 操作系统、数据库、编程语言、框架和开发工具等速查表。通过一个文件快速掌握或查找你所需的关键知识。 项目上榜靠你了,觉得不错点个 Star 吧!
A Cheat Sheet specifically designed for Chinese developers - operating systems, databases, programming languages, frameworks, and development tools for quick lookup tables. Quickly master or find the key knowledge you need through a file. It s up to you to make the project list. If you think it s good, click on Star! (2020-09-02, Others, 10185KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] 小型企业管理

VBA programming language design is adopted in the system, the system mainly for data management and statistical design. This system is mainly for selection and statistics of each project by window operation. Thus greatly facilitate the user's input and management system. (2017-08-05, VBScript, 455KB, 下载2次)


[数据库系统] 2005102218595041

这是本人自己为某大型企业集团开发的一个发货单管理系统, 主要是用于发货单的录入、打印、作废等处理,并可按照多种口径进行分类汇总。开发环境:PB8.0+SQL SERVER2000
This is my own for a large enterprise groups developed an invoice management system is mainly used for shipping orders entry, printing, void, etc. treatment, and can be classified according to a variety of caliber summary. Development Environment: PB8.0+ SQL SERVER2000 (2010-01-26, PowerBuilder, 1651KB, 下载9次)


[数据库系统] SchoolMIS(ADO+SQL2000+ActiveSkin)

软件介绍: 编程环境: windows2003 +visual stdio c++ .net Ado + SQL2000 /####################################/ SQL设置: 将在SQL2000下建立schooldata数据库 导入数据文件 导入数据: data目录下有school_back数据库备分文件 操作:用SQL企业管理器还原数据库来导入数据
Software Introduction: Programming Environment: windows2003+ Visual stdio c++. NetAdo+ SQL2000/####################################/SQL settings: in SQL2000 database established under schooldata import data into data files: data directory has school_back database backup file operations: using SQL Enterprise Manager to restore the database to import data (2008-03-29, Visual C++, 3485KB, 下载10次)


[数据库系统] Fee

县级供电企业电费核算源码, 在客户处正常运行8年以上, Delphi 5开发,数据库为Interbase/Firebird, 深入使用Procedure和Trigger等, 对入门者具有很好的参考价值.
County-level accounting source electricity power supply enterprises, in the normal operation of clients for more than 8 years, Delphi 5 development, database Interbase/Firebird, in depth, such as the use of Procedure and Trigger for beginners with a very good reference value. (2008-03-20, Delphi, 3016KB, 下载66次)
