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[C#编程] cashier-management-system

digital cashier app designed to help small businesses in their sales processes. With multi-user functionality and customizable features, it has account management, product customization, and transaction handling. (2024-04-14, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] securityonion

Security Onion是一个免费开放的平台,用于威胁搜索、企业安全监控和日志管理。它...
Security Onion is a free and open platform for threat hunting, enterprise security monitoring, and log management. It includes our own interfaces for alerting, dashboards, hunting, PCAP, and case management. It also includes other tools such as Playbook, osquery, CyberChef, Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, Suricata, and Zeek. (2023-06-26, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] WpfApp.Adress.ComboBox

Wpf ComboBox 多级正向级联比较容易实现,想实现反向级联还是有一定难度。添加新对象只用到正向级联,而浏览不同的对象就需要用到反向级联。本示例程序为一个简约到极致的企业管理系统,使用EF Code First,Sql Compact数据库,实现不同地址的5级行政区划选择和浏览,实时产生含行政区划名称的地址。 (2022-02-15, C#, 18730KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] C#最新KZB智慧医疗健康评估系统源码

一、源码描述 这是一款非常优秀的智慧医疗健康评估系统。程序功能齐全,可选择性强。有需要的的朋友可以看一下哦。 二、功能介绍 具体功能介绍如下: 管理员后台: 1、基础信息管理:用户信息管理、管理员信息管理 2、健康数据:健康信息、健康图形展示 3、健康建议管理 用户后台: 1、个人信 (2022-02-15, C#, 5520KB, 下载1次)


[C#编程] SeparateSQLServer

C # separates the database and separates the SQLServer database. Generally, it can be separated and attached to the database in the Enterprise Manager. It can also be fully realized in C # (2020-04-23, C#, 13KB, 下载2次)


[C#编程] IC卡读写

The IC card attendance system of enterprise employees uses the Mwic_32.dll component that comes with the IC card. Before running, you need to copy this component to the Debug folder. (2020-04-19, C#, 415KB, 下载1次)


[C#编程] HRManage

The enterprise salary management system comes with the database and can simply modify the C# and operation. It also comes with the database building database, which contains three levels of architecture. (2018-06-13, C#, 1363KB, 下载4次)


[C#编程] 富贵电玩修改工具

I DON'T NO SPK ENG,CAN U SPK CN (2017-08-05, WINDOWS, 8552KB, 下载38次)


[C#编程] 05

根据企业对QQ系统的要求,本系统可以实现以下目标:  操作简单方便、界面简洁美观。  每个客户端只能注册一次。  可以在局域网中实现文字及大图片的传输。  可以实现局域网视频。  可以实现多用户的信息通信。  系统运行稳定、安全可靠。
myqq system (2013-08-17, C#, 911KB, 下载3次)


[C#编程] TurnOnSQLServer

C# to start the SQL Server server, start the SQL Server database server in C# environment, and start Enterprise Manager is the same, but here is the C# language to help C# beginners to understand the specific application of SQLServer (2013-05-13, C#, 13KB, 下载3次)


[C#编程] CSharp-SQL2000-development

C#使用SQL2000小型数据库开发几个实例。 包括:1)学生信息管理系统,2)企业人事管理系统;3)超市管理系统;4)客户管理系统;5)仓储管理系统。供大家分享~
C# to use SQL2000 small database developed several instances. Include: 1) the student information management system, 2) corporate personnel management system 3) supermarket management system 4) customer management system 5) Warehouse Management System. Share ~ (2012-12-23, C/C++, 7754KB, 下载33次)


[C#编程] companyWeb

VS2008 C# + sqlserver2005开发的企业级网络应用,包含完整的前后台功能,采用三层架构,用存储过程提高访问性能,实际建站或学习asp.net必看
VS2008 C#+ sqlserver2005 development of enterprise network applications, including complete front and back function, three-tier architecture, access to stored procedures to improve performance, must see the actual plus or learning asp.net (2011-10-03, C#, 5089KB, 下载7次)


[C#编程] 02

企业短信群发系统 在使用本程序前,需要硬件“短信猫”支持,操作短信猫时需要调用厂商附带的dllforvc.dll动态连接库。
Short Message System in the enterprise use of this procedure, you need hardware " message cat" support SMS operation with firms need to call the cat' s dllforvc.dll dynamic link library. (2011-09-14, C#, 1362KB, 下载7次)


[C#编程] C_yuyan

Analog signals into digital form, you must go through quantification can be achieved. Scalar uniform quantization methods include two kinds of quantitative and non-uniform quantization, these two methods will bring about the loss of accuracy. This paper discusses the analog source to quantify the optimal algorithm, and use C language implementation of the Gaussian source at different quantization levels under the uniform quantizer and the optimal non-uniform quantization step size of the numerical calculation. Calculated by comparing the results given the non-uniform quantization is superior to uniform quantization of the specific conclusions. (2010-03-24, C/C++, 709KB, 下载21次)


[C#编程] 3

设计一个一元稀疏多项式简单计算器 [基本要求] 一元稀疏多项式简单计算器的基本功能是: (1)输入并建立多项式; (2)输出多项式,输出形式为整数序列:n,c1,e1,c2,e2,…..,cn,en,其中n是多项式的项数,ci和ei分别是第i项的系数和指数,序列按指数降序排列; (3)多项式a和b相加,建立多项式a+b (4)多项式a和b相减,建立多项式a—b。
Design a one dollar a simple calculator sparse polynomial [basic requirements of] one dollar a simple calculator sparse polynomial basic functions are: (a) input and the establishment of polynomial (2) output polynomial, the output in the form of an integer sequence : n, c1, e1, c2, e2, ... .., cn, en, where n is the number of items polynomial, ci and ei are the first i-item coefficient and index sequence in descending order according to index ( 3) The polynomials a and b are added together, the establishment of polynomial a+ b (4) polynomials a and b-phase reduction, the establishment of polynomial a-b. (2010-01-05, Visual C++, 144KB, 下载15次)


[C#编程] c_sms

If the company wishes to inform the staff in the field, far back to the company to report, the traditional way is to dial the phone to notify each employee, and now developed a corporate Short Message System will be able to prepare a report to the staff back to the company' s SMS, and then add all the field staff telephone number, to send out a unified, greatly improve the efficiency of the office. Through practical needs analysis, develop a set of enterprise in this Short Message System. (2009-12-07, Visual C++, 1541KB, 下载3次)


[C#编程] gongzixitong

C#工资管理系统(附源代码)1、权限控制 我们在刚开始运行时,首先把系统主界面所有菜单隐藏起来,当用户填入用户名、密码并且通过用户名、密码之后,根据登录用户的权限,再把该登录用户能操作的菜单项显示出来。 2、临时工资表 因为工资表的字段可能会发生变化,不同企业的工资表也可能不同,因此我们在临时工资表里面只是预设了25个字段。不过在处理的时候,要检查这个临时工资表里面哪些字段的内容是有效的(即哪些字段有内容,哪些字段没有内容)。 3、导入导出Excel 本章介绍了使用COM组件操作Excel的详细方法。 4、邮件群发 本章实现了一个邮件群发的功能。
C#wage manage system (2009-04-28, Visual C++, 4231KB, 下载231次)


[C#编程] cx

酒店后台管理系统,包括夜审,会议管理,查询和报表查询等功能,用winform和企业库Enterprise library做的,数据库是SQL2
Back office systems, including night-trial, conference management, query and reporting features such as query, using WinForm and enterprises do Enterprise library database, the database is SQL2 (2008-06-19, Others, 7152KB, 下载26次)



CSharp realize with the TCPIP utility, including tcpClient TCPServer and procedures, server and client can realize the interoperability of communication (2008-03-01, C#, 189KB, 下载102次)


[C#编程] info469

本书内容由三部分组成。第一部分介绍信息论与信息科学的基本知识, 第二部分介绍 Shannon 信息论的基本内容,第三部分介绍信息论的应用。本书叙述力求通俗简练,较长的定理证明将通过指定参考书给出,各章附有习题与注解说明。对大型的练习,如无失真数据压缩编码、有失真图象压缩编码、调制编码及其他编码技术作者编制了若干个大型的练习试验,作为信息论理论教学的补充与尝试,有条件的学校可以开设。~..~
contents of the book consists of three parts. The first part gives information, and information of basic scientific knowledge, Shannon introduced the second part of the basic content of information theory, information theory on the third part of the application. The book describes concise seek popular, longer theorem proving, through the designated reference book is the chapter bearing exercises with explanatory comments. The practice of large, lossless data compression, distortion image compression coding, modulation and coding and other coding technology writer produced a number of large-scale exercise testing, information theory as a supplementary teaching the theory and experiments, qualified schools can open. ~ ~ .. (2005-06-06, Visual C++, 2704KB, 下载56次)
