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按平台查找All Windows_Unix(306) 

[Windows编程] gupiao

VC++ 6.0 stock software source code, look at it, a good source code ..... general stock software if uncomfortable ah okay, you can own DIY ah, took Mastery letter Normal Edition basis for well, that is a very suitable for DIY software, basically they have any idea can be implemented by modifying the software, you need to make great efforts to re-develop one? (2016-09-02, Windows_Unix, 113KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] worklog_10.0

Venus logbook internal system architecture style enterprise collaboration office Authentication and Active Directory integrated AD authentication based on B/S is a software system supports Forms, to facilitate the user' s default installation department management system for staff management, employees can add their own work calendar, and share it with colleagues and so on. (2016-03-01, Windows_Unix, 4669KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] DianCMS.ACC_6.0.0

易点内容管理系统(DianCMS)是基于微软.NET Framework 4.0、AJAX1. 0技术,采用Microsoft Access/SQL Server 2000/2005/2008存储过程进行多层架构开发的内容管理系统。其功能设计主要面向中大型企业、各个行业、事业单位以及政府机关等复杂功能站点。系统已建立文章系统、图片系统、下载系统、个人求职、企业招聘、房产系统、音乐系统、视频系统、网上商店、P2P网贷。使用自定义模型、自定义字段、自定义表单、自定义录入界面、会员系统等功能,您还可以轻松、灵活的建立适合自身需求的任何系统功能,最大化满足每个用户任何时候的不同需求。
Easy point content management system (DianCMS) is based on the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0, AJAX1. 0 technology, Microsoft Access/SQL Server 2000/2005/2008 stored procedures multilayer architecture developed content management system. Its functional design mainly for complex features site large enterprises, industries, institutions and government agencies and the like. System has been created articles, pictures, download the system, individual job search, business recruitment, real estate system, music system, video system, online store, P2P net loan. Use a custom model, custom fields, custom forms, custom entry interface, membership systems and other functions, you can easily and flexibly build any system function for their needs, to maximize meet the different needs of each user at any time . (2016-03-01, Windows_Unix, 17552KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] DianCMS.SQL_6.0.0

易点内容管理系统(DianCMS)是基于微软.NET Framework 4.0、AJAX1. 0技术,采用Microsoft Access/SQL Server 2000/2005/2008存储过程进行多层架构开发的内容管理系统。其功能设计主要面向中大型企业、各个行业、事业单位以及政府机关等复杂功能站点。系统已建立文章系统、图片系统、下载系统、个人求职、企业招聘、房产系统、音乐系统、视频系统、网上商店、P2P网贷。使用自定义模型、自定义字段、自定义表单、自定义录入界面、会员系统等功能,您还可以轻松、灵活的建立适合自身需求的任何系统功能,最大化满足每个用户任何时候的不同需求。
Easy point content management system (DianCMS) is based on the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0, AJAX1. 0 technology, Microsoft Access/SQL Server 2000/2005/2008 stored procedures multilayer architecture developed content management system. Its functional design mainly for complex features site large enterprises, industries, institutions and government agencies and the like. System has been created articles, pictures, download the system, individual job search, business recruitment, real estate system, music system, video system, online store, P2P net loan. Use a custom model, custom fields, custom forms, custom entry interface, membership systems and other functions, you can easily and flexibly build any system function for their needs, to maximize meet the different needs of each user at any time . (2016-03-01, Windows_Unix, 18604KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] htnews11

提供5种新闻调用方法:XML新闻调用,静态数据包新闻调用,ASP新闻调用,JS新闻调用,IE内嵌式新闻调用,本系统只提供后三种新闻调用模式,如果您需要前两种新闻调用模式请购买《飓风信息管理系统V1.8纪念板》或《飓风信息管理系 统V2.6企业版》
Call the method offers 5 News: XML News called static packet information call, ASP news call, JS news call, IE embedded news call, the system only after three news Recall mode, if you need two former News Please call mode bought Hurricane information management system V1.8 memorial board or Hurricane information management System V2.6 Enterprise Edition (2016-02-27, Windows_Unix, 629KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] Beautiful-Architecture

Book around five subject areas to organize the content of the book: overview, enterprise applications, systems, the end user application and programming languages. Book to make the best designers and architects to describe their choice of software architecture, open architecture of each layer, show them how to make the software functionality, reliable and easy to use, efficient, maintainable, portable and elegant. (2016-02-01, Windows_Unix, 8341KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] 20140907113650722

The gateway did not receive a timely response the upstream server or application. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please report this message and include the following information to us. Thank you very much! URL: http://www.jxcad.com.cn/thread-1263640-1-1.html Server: localhost.localdomain Date: 2015/10/25 04:04:38
最好用的nc查看程序,NC VIEW,一款读取查看NC程式码的软件,专门用于查看刀轨的!解压后直接运行ncviewer.exe即可!觉得比熊族好。可以通过三个视图方便查看生成的NC码,设置断点检查程式码有没有问题等。 (2015-10-25, Windows_Unix, 1594KB, 下载1次)



基于CAS的单点登录示范。单点登录(Single Sign On),简称为 SSO,是目前比较流行的企业业务整合的解决方案之一。SSO的定义是在多个应用系统中,用户只需要登录一次就可以访问所有相互信任的应用系统。
Single sign-on (sso) model based on CAS. SSO (Single Sign On), referred to as SSO, is one of the more popular enterprise business integration solutions. SSO is defined in multiple application system, the users only need to log in to a can access all application system of mutual trust. (2015-05-28, Windows_Unix, 103KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] SOA_simple_Patterns

[R]理解 UDDI [R]浅谈SOAP [R]使用 WSDL 部署 Web 服务 SAAJ_speakernoted Web 服务:理解 UDDI 注册中心中的 WSDL Web 服务的最佳实践 Web 服务世界的安全性 创建、部署、发布和使用一个简单的 Web 服务 从这里开始了解 Web 服务 用 Web 服务和 J2EE 集成企业应用程序
[R] understanding UDDI [R] On SOAP [R] to deploy Web services using WSDL SAAJ_speakernoted Web Services: Understanding WSDL in a UDDI registry Best practices for Web services Web services security world Create, deploy, publish, and use a simple Web service From here begin to understand Web services Integration with Web Services and J2EE enterprise applications (2014-07-15, Windows_Unix, 3485KB, 下载2次)



SOA from concept to practical, just a few years time, developing very rapidly. With further development, such as SOA, SOA-related technical standards for various also will develop and improve. SOA advantages and features, most manufacturers and users already familiar, such as loosely coupled, business agility, based on open standards, how to build SOA applications business or organization? SOA architecture build enterprise applications and e-government, the need for SOA based on open technical standards, or, based on the application of non-standard technology, it is only the traditional application, rather than the so-called SOA, let alone get carried SOA to the benefit of it. So, faced with large and complex SOA-related technical standards, how we have chosen to use them? Without the support of business and technology, and technology needs of business services, leaving the business to talk about technical standards, like paper. Below, we will both business and technical perspectives, (2014-07-15, Windows_Unix, 3484KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] memcached

Not a lack of enterprise application development workflow technology, such as human resource management system entry approval process, contract management system contract approval process, OA of the leave approval process, financial management systems, such as reimbursement process. Development workflow module is one of the development of the technical difficulty of the highest module of enterprise management systems, in order to further enhance Chuan Chi podcast. Net training technical strength trainees, Chuan Chi podcast. Net training courses added workflow technology through and rights management systems combined, students are able to master a variety of open workflow approval process (2014-05-30, Windows_Unix, 10930KB, 下载8次)


[数值算法/人工智能] Introduction-to-Data-Mining

A readable introduction aimed at business users who want a clear, non-technical overview of the techniques and capabilities of data mining. A valuable educational tool for prospective users of this exciting new technology.Topics covered include Data Description for Data Mining, Predictive Data Mining, Data Mining Models and Algorithms, The Data Mining Process, and Selecting Data Mining Products. (2012-05-18, Windows_Unix, 202KB, 下载4次)


[技术管理] search

说到“全文检索” , 很多人一定马上 想到“google” 、 “百度”这些我们在生活和工作中 遇到问题时,最常用的求助方式。但目前市面主 流的搜索引擎,大都价格昂贵, 构架复杂, 不适应 一般企业的需求。本文将介绍一种实现简单,成 本低廉的全文检索技术—Oracle Text。
Speaking of " full-text search," many people will immediately think of " google" , " Baidu," which we live and work in the problems, the most common way to help. But the mainstream search engine market, most expensive, complex structure, not suited to general business needs. This article describes a simple, low-cost full-text retrieval technology-Oracle Text. (2011-08-23, Windows_Unix, 70KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] hackermonthly-issue1

《黑客》月刊是news.ycombinator.com 网站黑客 新闻组的印刷版。这是一个深受黑客和企业创始人喜欢的网站之一。我们选择文章的准则就是“能够满足我们的求知欲”。每一个月,我们会选择黑客新闻组最受欢迎的文章并以杂志的方式出版。欲知详情请访问:hackermonthly.com
HACKER MONTHLY is the print magazine version of Hacker News — news.ycombinator.com — a social news website wildly popular among hackers and startup founders. The submission guidelines state that content can be "anything that gratifies one s intellectual curiosity." Every month, we select from the top voted articles on Hacker News and print them in magazine format. For more, visit hackermonthly.com. (2010-11-28, Windows_Unix, 2438KB, 下载3次)


[系统设计方案] 1

According to what they have learned to design a campus network or enterprise network construction program (assuming that there is floor, Department of Computer Science, Mathematics Department building, the English Department building, Department of Physics House and administration building. Proposals are divided into five VLAN). Rental of telecommunication to an external IP address, using a virtual LAN to the Internet mapping methods. (2010-01-14, Windows_Unix, 125KB, 下载7次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] 9000_en_V8.1.0.8_1440x900

9404 dvr Nv700x Video Card Sdk Airtel Data Card Video Card Booster - Video Surveillance For Pci Video Card - Pci Video Card - Card Video Vga - 64 Mb Video Card
9404 dvr Nv700x Video Card Sdk Airtel Data Card Video Card Booster- Video Surveillance For Pci Video Card- Pci Video Card- Card Video Vga- 64 Mb Video Card (2009-10-30, Windows_Unix, 5630KB, 下载17次)


[Windows编程] jiaohuanji

现代交换原理讲义CH1_交换概论ch2 通信信源模型-new070327_new-2CH2_交换网络ch3_Erlang拒绝和等待系统CH3_数字程控电话交换与电话通信网ch4_通信网络性能分析CH4_信令系统CH5_分组交换与分组交换网ch5_网络拓扑结构分析CH6_ISDN交换与综合业务数字网ch7_网络可靠性分析
Principles of modern exchange notes Introduction CH1_ exchange communication channel ch2 source model-new070327_new-2CH2_ exchange network ch3_Erlang refused to wait for CH3_ digital program-controlled telephone systems and telephone communications network to exchange ch4_ Communication Networks Performance Analysis of Signaling System CH4_ division CH5_ network switching and packet switching network topology ch5_ analysis CH6_ISDN exchange and integrated services digital network analysis of network reliability ch7_ (2009-05-14, Windows_Unix, 5626KB, 下载43次)


[Windows编程] Windowsdesign

本书特色: 基本入门:输出、输入、对话方块 对Unicode的介绍 图形处理:绘图、文字与字体、点阵图形与metafile 系统核心与印表机 声音与音乐 动态连结程式库 多工与多执行绪 多重文件介面 网际网路与企业内网路程式设计
This book features: the basic entry: output, input, a dialogue box on the Unicode introduction of the graphics processing: graphics, text and fonts, dot matrix and metafile graphics core of the system with voice and music printer dynamic link library to implement multi-tasking and multi- multiple document interface thread Internet and intranet programming (2008-09-08, Windows_Unix, 5882KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] gkbm

《江苏省高考网上报名系统》——中学2005版 本软件版权归江苏无锡孙双忠所有,为造福广大中学教务人员,你可以任意复制、传播! 使用方法: 将gkbm文件夹只接上传服务器即可! 本机调试只需将gkbm文件夹放在C:\inetpub\wwwroot\文件夹下。 然后在IE中输入:http:\\localhost\gkbm\index.asp即可运行, 管理入口:http:\\localhost\gkbm\admin.asp 用户名和口令:admin 如要显示学生照片,请将已经剪切好的照片存放于photo文件夹中! 如你在使用过程中有任何问题,请QQ(106053410)联系或在我的网站留言, 我的网址:http://wxsz.wxjy.com.cn/gkbm/index.asp
"Jiangsu Province entrance examination system for the Internet"-- secondary 2005 version Banquangui Jiangsu Wuxi Sun Shuang-all for the benefit of the general secondary teaching staff, you can copy arbitrary, dissemination! Use : gkbm folder will only then can upload server! The machine will only gkbm debug folder on the C : \ inetpub \ wwwroot \ folder. Then in IE input : http : \ \ localhost \ gkbm \ index.asp can run, the management portal : http : \ \ localhost \ gkbm \ admin.asp Username and Password : admin students to show pictures, please have a good shearing photographs stored in photo folder! if you are using the process have any questions, please QQ (106053410) or contact me at the website message, I Address : http://wxsz.wxjy.com.cn/gkbm/index.asp (2005-11-03, Windows_Unix, 1105KB, 下载605次)


[电子书籍] ZLDQ

After more than three years of dedication to collect and collate the CHM version of a comprehensive information Daquan, the content will cover software technology (DELPHI, NET, Java aspects), Project Management (project documentation, demand, risk, testing, support tools), the enterprise management (ERP aspects), the most valuable is also very technical Hsu slides. (2005-06-24, Windows_Unix, 46369KB, 下载3003次)
