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[其他] RegEx1CAddin

用于在1C上执行正则表达式的本地API组件:企业平台Внен:Native APIкомтон快速таДЛВПоиееиреГурнихВраеаинатформе1С:Притер
Native API component for executing regular expressions on 1C: Enterprise platform Внешняя Native API компонента для выполнения регулярных выражений на платформе 1С:Предприятие 8 (2024-01-07, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] bmstu-cn-cw

计算机网络课程工作(带论文),BMSTU IU7(ICS7),第七学期,2023年。静态文件的HTTP服务器,使用Apache和Nginx负载测试,用C编写
Computer networks course work (with paper), BMSTU IU7 (ICS7), VII semester, 2023. HTTP server for static files, using Apache and Nginx load test, written with C (2023-12-19, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] aithinker_dev_open_sdk

安信可中间件软件仓库,长期持续维护,支持BL602 BL616 BL618 LN882H芯片,如果你在使用过程中发现问题,请在本仓库提出,会有专员进行处理
Anson middleware software warehouse, with long-term continuous maintenance, supports BL602 BL616 BL618 LN882H chip. If you find any problem in the use process, please put it forward in the warehouse and the specialist will deal with it (2023-11-28, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[iPhone/iOS] SesameSDK_ESP32_with_DemoApp

SesameSDK3.0は、iOS Android Embedded向けのBluetooth IoT(Internet of Things)ライフ?ラリて?あり、オーフ?ンソース、使いやすく、強力、かつ永続的に無料て?す。公式のセサミアフ?リもこのSesameSDKを使用しており、こ...
SesameSDK3.0 は, iOS Android Embedded to け Bluetooth IoT (Internet of Things) ラ イ フ ? ラ リ り, オ ー ?, ?, い や, It is strong and suitable. The formula セほアフ?リここをしおりこりこ, こここ, こ (2023-11-24, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] doker-dev-stack

First Multi Product Enterprise Solution to automate developpement of microservices applications. Using CI, CCQ, CD and helm, Kubernetes, docker and Data Distribution Dervices (2023-01-22, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] WacOS_10

WacOS 10.15的宾馆存储库,这是MacOS 10.15(Catalina)的开源娱乐。WacOS操作系统项目的一部分。
The guesthouse repository for WacOS 10.15, an open source recreation of MacOS 10.15 (Catalina). Part of the WacOS operating system project. (2023-10-22, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] dhcp

ISC DHCP是用于DHCP服务器、中继代理和客户端的企业级开源解决方案,支持IPv4和IPv6,适合...,
ISC DHCP is enterprise grade, open source solution for DHCP servers, relay agents, and clients, supports both IPv4 and IPv6, and is suitable for use in high-volume and high-reliability applications. (2023-03-29, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] Bank_System

基于云服务器环境和数据同步需求,设计了一套完整的银行业务交易系统的数据同步解决方案。(广东省农信联社金融科技校园挑战赛云计算赛道(冠军 + 最佳人气奖)),
Based on the cloud server environment and data synchronization requirements, a complete data synchronization solution for the banking transaction system is designed. (Guangdong Rural Credit Union Financial Technology Campus Challenge Cloud Computing Track (Champion+Best Popularity Award)), (2023-08-02, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[视频会议] RtmpDemo

Cylan Rtmp Demo code for test 嵌入式摄像头推流的demo,通过捕获视频流的I帧P帧,实时推送到指定的推流链接,支持HTTPS的地址 ,
Cylan Rtmp Demo code for test The embedded camera s streaming demo captures the I frame P frame of the video stream and pushes it to the designated streaming link in real time. It supports HTTPS addresses, (2017-03-13, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] WacOS_10

WacOS 10.13的宾馆存储库,这是MacOS 10.13(High Sierra)的开源娱乐。WacOS操作系统项目的一部分。
The guesthouse repository for WacOS 10.13, an open source recreation of MacOS 10.13 (High Sierra). Part of the WacOS operating system project. (2022-06-08, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[iPhone/iOS] ECSigneriOS

Open source again! ECSigneriOS signature iPhone client: enterprise signature, personal signature, super signature, multi file simultaneous signature, time lock locking and unlocking, certificate status reading, package information modification, server management, etc. (2022-07-18, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] reading-code-of-nginx-1.9

Nginx 1.9.2 Source code read through analysis comments, with detailed function Chinese analysis comments and related function process call comments, the most comprehensive nginx source code read through analysis Chinese comments, updated (2021-07-26, C, 59930KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] CS50x

Solve All Cs50 - 2021 (Harvard University s introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming) problem sets - C - Array - Memory - Python - Html - CSS - JavaScript - SQL - Flask (2023-05-04, C, 7329KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] SmartOS

SmartOS is an embedded system platform for Internet of Things enterprises, which is independently developed by silent Internet of Things technology. The goal of SmartOS is to transform all industries into intelligence. (2016-10-09, C, 25KB, 下载0次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] ishell

ishell 是一个跨平台的Unix Linux命令行、VNC、文件管理工具;可以运行在windows Linux(Ubuntu、统信UOS、Deepin) Mac 平台。
Ishell is a cross platform Unix Linux command line, VNC, and file management tool; It can run on Windows Linux (Ubuntu, UniTrust UOS, Deepin) Mac platforms. (2023-05-22, C, 24911KB, 下载0次)


[聚类算法] TBase

TBase is an enterprise-level distributed HTAP database. Through a single database cluster to provide users with highly consistent distributed database services and high-performance data warehouse services, a set of integrated enterprise-level solutions is formed. (2023-04-07, C, 28323KB, 下载0次)


[聚类算法] wskm

这是CRAN R软件包存储库的只读镜像。加权k均值聚类。主页:[https:...](https:github.com SimonYansenZhao wskm)
? This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. wskm — Weighted k-Means Clustering. Homepage: <https://github.com/SimonYansenZhao/wskm>, <http://english.siat.cas.cn/> Report bugs for this package: <https://github.com/SimonYansenZhao/wskm/issues> (2020-04-05, C, 1839KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] d-comprehense-linux-Kernel-network-protocol-stack

Reading and commenting on Linux Kernel network protocol stack, with detailed Chinese analysis comments and related process analysis call comments, is very helpful for understanding and analyzing the source code of the kernel protocol stack (2020-12-24, C, 73162KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] VNN

VNN,VNN是由欢聚集团(Joyy Inc.)推出的高性能、轻量级神经网络部署框架。目前已为Hago、VOO、VFly、马克相机等App提供20余种AI能力的支持,覆盖直播、短视频、视频编辑等泛娱乐场景和工程场景
VNN, VNN is a high-performance, lightweight neural network deployment framework launched by Joyy Inc. Currently, more than 20 AI capabilities have been provided for apps such as Hago, VOO, VFly, and Mark cameras, covering pan entertainment and engineering scenarios such as live streaming, short videos, and video editing (2022-03-28, C, 153900KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] RISC-V-Myth-workshop

RISC-V-Myth-workshop,一家由VSD公司有限公司和Redwood EDA以5天RISC-V神话的形式成立的合资企业(为您提供微处理器)...
A join venture of VSD corp. pvt. ltd. and Redwood EDA in the form of 5 day RISC-V Myth ( Microprocessor for you in thirty hours) workshop, making learning easily accessible for participant across all time zones. (2021-07-02, C, 2528KB, 下载0次)
