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[WEB开发] xmweather

软件介绍 厦门城市天气预报PHP程序,数据来源是中国天气(weather.com.cn),内容包括厦门天气预报、明日厦门生活指数和当天厦门天气调用。 Tags: 厦门城市
Software introduction Xiamen city weather forecast PHP program, the data source is China weather (weather.com.cn), including the Xiamen weather forecast, tomorrow Xiamen life index and the day of Xiamen weather call. Tags: Xiamen City (2016-04-14, PHP, 409KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] LJphpcms_v1.4

1. 企业信息:发布介绍企业的各类信息,如企业简介、组织机构、营销网络、企业荣誉、联系方式,并可随意增加新的栏目等。 2. 新闻动态:发布企业新闻和业内资讯,从后台到前台真正实现无限级分类显示,并随意控制显示级数,大大增加信息发布的灵活性。 3. 产品展示:发布企业产品,按产品类别显示及搜索产品,并可多选产品直接下订单询盘,无限级分类,大大增加信息发布的灵活性。
1: enterprise information release describes the various types of information, such as enterprise introduction, organization, marketing network, enterprise honor, contact information, and can be increased to the new column. 2 news: release news and industry information, background to foreground truly unlimited class classification, and control of display random series, greatly increasing the flexibility of information. 3. Product display: release enterprise product. According to product category and search for products, and multiple products directly under the orders inquiry, infinite level classification, greatly increasing the flexibility of information release. (2016-04-06, PHP, 5752KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] qwqs_dede_v2

包含页面: 首页、新闻列表页、新闻内容页、搜索页 兼容各大浏览器(IE6/IE7/IE8/火狐/遨游/谷歌/)! 完整模板 适合:奇闻趣事、八卦娱乐、文字类、QQ娱乐等
Include page: Home page, news list page, news content page, search page Compatible with all major browsers (IE6/IE7/IE8/, Firefox/travel/Google/complete template)! Suitable for: Gonzo, gossip entertainment, text, QQ etc. (2016-03-22, PHP, 9033KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] program

该系统是一个基于PHP技术的小型企业网站建站引擎,使用MySQL作为后台数据库,Apache作为Web服务器。通过使用本系统建设企业网站,企业能够很好地展示形象,能够很清晰的向用户展示企业的产品,企业管理人员能方便的更改网站对外展示的内容。 该系统还可以作为一个开发框架,通过简单的二次开发,提供给学校、事业单位等使用,降低了网站开发的成本。
The system is a PHP-based technologies for small businesses Build engine, using MySQL as the back-end database, Apache as the Web server. Construction site by using this system, companies can show a good image, very clear to show users the company' s products, business executives can easily change the external display of the contents of the website. The system also can be used as a development framework, simple secondary development for use by schools, institutions, reducing the cost of website development. (2013-05-17, PHP, 3405KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] UTF-8

qiye moban (2013-04-09, PHP, 239KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] htdocs

完整的企业站程序,红色的前台UI,比较大气。 PHP+MYSQL运行环境。 内带数据库备份与安装包。
Complete corporate Station program, red front UI. PHP+ MYSQL operating environment. Within with database backup and installation package. (2012-11-15, PHP, 7987KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] phpdede

用php开发的 模仿东方电子企业网站 安装可以使用 支持二次开发
dede php mysql (2012-10-10, PHP, 312KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] wordpress-3.4.2-zh_CN

wordpress3.4.2 php+mysql 内容管理系统
wordpress3.4.2 php+mysql content management system (2012-09-18, PHP, 5232KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] qiboqiyezhan

qiboqiyezhan1.0 web1.0.rar (2012-02-24, PHP, 6326KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] mmsjiema

To realize the MMS decoding, simple and clear, PHP friends into. (2011-10-31, PHP, 22KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] my-category-order.2.8.7_cn

My Category Order排序插件for WordPress,目前为my category order.2.8.7 cn简体中文版本。WordPress默认分类列表是按照名称顺序显示的,修改一下调用函数的参数后也仅可以使用分类ID顺序。用此插件分类列表的排序方式能够自行控制
My Category Order plugin order for WordPress, currently my category order.2.8.7 cn Simplified Chinese version. WordPress Default Category list is displayed in the order by name, and modify the parameters of what the calling function is only available classification ID order. Use this plugin to sort the list of categories can be self-control (2010-10-19, PHP, 31KB, 下载9次)


[WEB开发] 933wfang520

96654仿520模板升级版,稳定无bug,邮箱完美登陆。 版面清晰简洁漂亮美观,并可更换多种皮肤风格。 演示地址www.96654.com.cn
96 654 520 template upgrade imitation, stability, no bug, mail the perfect landing. Beautiful beautiful clear and concise layout, and can replace a variety of skin styles. Demo Address www.96654.com.cn (2010-08-16, PHP, 3656KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 2009805

超清爽的绿色环保企业网站 内含有源码
website (2010-07-03, PHP, 2789KB, 下载9次)


[WEB开发] CCVMS-2.0-install

威视是国内最普及的视频管理系统,可以应用作为各个行业的视频频道或独立的视频网站,尤其在地方门户、地方电视台、新闻传媒、教育、汽车、金融、娱乐、艺术、原创视频、企业展示以及专业类的垂直站点,得到广泛应用。 系统以最流行的PHP和MySQL为技术框架,无需缴纳其他第三方授权费用。软件系统本身也有着卓越的承压性和稳定性,经过千万级流量考验,成为众多国家级站点的第一选择。是所有专业站点的最佳选择。
威视是国内最普及的视频管理系统,可以应用作为各个行业的视频频道或独立的视频网站,尤其在地方门户、地方电视台、新闻传媒、教育、汽车、金融、娱乐、艺术、原创视频、企业展示以及专业类的垂直站点,得到广泛应用。 系统以最流行的PHP和MySQL为技术框架,无需缴纳其他第三方授权费用。软件系统本身也有着卓越的承压性和稳定性,经过千万级流量考验,成为众多国家级站点的第一选择。是所有专业站点的最佳选择。 (2010-05-27, PHP, 1485KB, 下载23次)



web (2010-04-26, PHP, 3157KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 016

大头贴娱乐平台 PHP + MYSQL 运行install/index.php进行安装。 管理员帐号admin 密码admin
Emoticons entertainment platform PHP+ MYSQL to run install/index.php to install it. Administrator account admin password admin (2010-02-11, PHP, 570KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] hengfafcv50

房地产项目,属于房地产企业管理典型应用 可以参考一下
Real Estate Project (2009-06-10, PHP, 1263KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] okphpBBS40

Mainly used for the establishment of exchange-type sites, such as technical support sites, academic exchange site, the entertainment community. (2008-07-25, PHP, 457KB, 下载41次)


[WEB开发] Oblog45_Final

oblog 4.5正式SQL版。oblog是windows下的多用户的博客程序,可以访问www.oblog.cn了解详情,这里提供的为正式版本。
SQL version of the official oblog 4.5. oblog is under the windows of multi-user blog program, you can visit www.oblog.cn more information, provided here for the official version. (2008-01-17, PHP, 7633KB, 下载9次)


[WEB开发] OkphpCMS50

Okphp CMS v5.0 主要用于企业应用,也可用于政府、学校、店铺,以及小团队管理的门户站等。
Okphp CMS v5.0 mainly for enterprise applications, but also for the government, schools, shops and a small management team as a gateway station. (2005-08-24, PHP, 1113KB, 下载53次)
