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[WEB开发] 42

The general source code of enterprise website is the source of ASP enterprise website developed by aspcms. (2018-04-12, ASP, 11595KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] 13

Enterprise website management system is suitable for the construction of network business management platform, such as news portal, enterprise knowledge portal, enterprise office information and so on. (2018-04-12, ASP, 7911KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] xm_companyweb

喜木企业网站管理系统 功能列表: 1.企业内容管理:是新闻管理系统(带图片,无限级分类),可完成企业新闻等功能。 2.企业产品展示:展示企业产品,可发布产品图片,二级分类,带订购询价功能。 3.企业信息:单篇文章,可完成企业信息,企业概况,联系我们,经理致辞等功能。
Wood-enterprise website management system feature list: 1. Enterprise Content Management: news management system (with pictures, unlimited class category), to be completed by corporate news and other functions. 2. Enterprise Products: display their products, may release product images, two classification with OrderThese function. 3. Enterprise Information: single article, to be completed by corporate information, corporate profiles, contact us Manager Speech functions. (2016-05-14, ASP, 1386KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] x_company_v1.2

Legend enterprise website management system to improve the site sub-modules, such as business resumes, corporate culture, business news, industry information, product demonstrations, download center, Honor, network marketing, recruitment, Feedback, Member (2016-05-02, ASP, 9382KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] lvseztw_v1.1

农业企业网站代码 功能完整 企业介绍,产品介绍,新网
Agricultural enterprise web site code (2013-08-19, ASP, 2582KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] lianzhengwrzcnet2

ASP网站源代码,政府、企业官方网站。 ASP网站源代码,政府、企业官方网站 ASP网站源代码,政府、企业官方网站
ASP website source code, government, corporate official website. ASP website source code, government, corporate website source code ASP site, government, corporate official website (2013-08-13, ASP, 2857KB, 下载5次)



Enterprise site templates, top decoration decoration Introduction, renovation case the information of all kinds of enterprises (2012-07-25, ASP, 31365KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] dl

雅安电力公司的网站 演示请看:http://www.10-net.cn/yadl
Ya see the power company' s Web site shows: http://www.10-net.cn/yadl (2011-03-09, ASP, 2577KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] music_TV

music_tv (2010-05-19, ASP, 192KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] Wap

Wap企业网站管理系统 企业WAP网站一般是指展示企业形象,介绍企业产品的WAP手机网站或者3G手机网站,让客户可以通过手机就能了解一个企业的大体情况和产品内容,从而更广泛的宣传企业,赢得更多的客户关注度! 一般企业WAP网站包括:公司介绍,产品介绍,企业新闻动态,服务范围介绍,留言板,企业招聘信息等内容
Wap enterprise website management system for enterprise WAP site generally refers to corporate image display to introduce enterprise product website or 3G mobile phone WAP site, which enables customers to mobile phones will be able to understand the general situation of an enterprise and product content, and thus more widely publicized corporate and win more customer focus! General business WAP sites include: company presentations, product introduction, business news developments, scope of service description, message boards, recruiting information, etc. (2010-01-17, ASP, 1021KB, 下载24次)


[网络编程] ASPone

asp enterprise resources plan system (2009-09-09, ASP, 723KB, 下载46次)


[企业管理] autojxc_ent

简单WEB进销存汽车销售管理系统(汽车进销存) 官方网址:http://www.cnshitou.cn/ 演示地址:http://www.cnshitou.cn/autojxc/ 下载地址:http://www.cnshitou.cn/soft/autojxc_ent.rar <简单WEB进销存汽车销售管理系统>是一套用于汽车进货、库存、销售为一体专业汽车管理软件,基于B/S 模式,使用asp开发,不需任何安装,只需一个浏览器,就可以随时随地管理,汽车与普通商品销售有着极大的差别,在汽车销售过程中有许多是辅助工作,如:汽车入户涉及了入户信息(车架号,保险公司,赠送装璜等各种费用)以及售后的维修管理,前台展厅管理等。汽车销售企业里人少事情多,<简单WEB进销存汽车销售管理系统>是总结和概括大量整车销售企业业务的基础上,吸收了用户多年使用意见,精心制作后推出的一套专门针对汽车销售企业的管理软件。 以下是功能模块: 一、展厅管理 二、进车管理 三、销售管理 四、库存管理 五、售后管理 六、业务报表 七、公文管理 八、系统设置
i don t know (2009-08-11, ASP, 1948KB, 下载120次)


[WEB开发] liangjing2009htmlMD

破解版的企业网站源码!! 绝对好用 适合各种企业应用 其中包包含产品展示 企业介绍等等内容 可供二次开发
Crack-source version of the corporate website! ! Absolutely suitable for a variety of enterprise applications easy to use package which contains products for enterprises, introduced the contents of the secondary development, etc. (2009-05-28, ASP, 3864KB, 下载94次)


[WEB开发] good_enterpriseWeb

企业网站管理系统,企业网站自助建站管理系统源码.后台地址/boss,后台帐号admin密码为admin 企业网站管理系统,由我们公司开发设计.是一套通用的公司企业自助建站网站管理系统,美观的前台,强大的网站后台管理功能,自助管理前台相关栏目.中文,英文,繁体三语使公司
Enterprise website management system, business self-help Web site management system建站source. Backstage Address/boss, background admin password for the admin account corporate Web site management system, designed and developed by our company. Is a common set of corporate self-help Web site management system建站, beautiful outlook, a strong background in web site management functions, self-management front-related columns. Chinese, English, Traditional trilingualism company (2008-08-03, ASP, 2978KB, 下载223次)


[WEB开发] pbdic

Simple enterprise product platform to help enterprises make the Friend. Although simple, but their efforts are (2008-07-27, ASP, 1987KB, 下载19次)


[企业管理] Entipriseinformation

企业信息系统网站,一个完整的企业信息管理网站,可以发布自己企业的各种信息. 少加改造可以建立自己的网站.
Enterprise Information Systems Web site, a complete enterprise information management web site, you can publish your business information. Small increase could be modified to create their own web site. (2008-07-01, ASP, 296KB, 下载12次)


[WEB开发] FreeWebSite

Multi-style multi-lingual corporate web site management system ASP source code (2008-04-29, ASP, 2204KB, 下载189次)


[WEB开发] SourceCode1

宏道企业网站源码 用ASP编写的公司网站源码
Point Source Enterprise ASP website prepared by the company website FOSS (2007-04-14, ASP, 1933KB, 下载172次)


[Windows编程] 55dddown

软件简介: 管理帐号密码admin ..........................ASP 很好的代码.在http://www.vvn.cn 下载的
software description : management Account admin password to 5 ASP good code. in http://www.vvn.cn Downloading (2006-04-13, ASP, 218KB, 下载2次)


[其他行业] asp.qiguan

off-the-shelf e-business website source, with access database, a little change, you will become of it. (2006-04-11, ASP, 2032KB, 下载106次)
