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按平台查找All Windows_Unix(306) 

[单片机开发] KMSP10.1.7

KMSPico 10.1.7 for activate windows
KMSPico 10.1.7 for activate windows (2016-06-06, Windows_Unix, 7138KB, 下载12次)


[matlab编程] matlab_PowerElectric

电功率是在该电能是由一个电路传送的速率。权力的单位是瓦特,每秒1焦耳。 电力通常是由电动发电机产生的,但也可以由源如电动电池供给的。它通常是通过一个电力电网供给到企业和家庭用电力工业。电力通常是由千瓦小时(3.6兆焦耳),其功率在千瓦乘以小时运行时间的产品出售。电力公用事业使用的电表,这使运行总计交付给客户的电能量的测量功率。
Electric power is the rate at which electrical energy is transferred by an electric circuit. The SI unit of power is the watt, one joule per second. Electric power is usually produced by electric generators, but can also be supplied by sources such as electric batteries. It is generally supplied to businesses and homes by the electric power industry through an electric power grid. Electric power is usually sold by the kilowatt hour (3.6 MJ) which is the product of power in kilowatts multiplied by running time in hours. Electric utilities measure power using an electricity meter, which keeps a running total of the electric energy delivered to a customer. (2015-08-14, Windows_Unix, 8722KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] guzhangqiangxiu

TCM 系统在浦东电网几个典型事故案例中的应用,分析了 TCM系统的图中定位、电源点分、并工单等几个典型功能在实际故障抢修工作中的效果。证明 TCM 系统能够满足电网企业与用户对于故障抢修管理业务的实际需求,有效解决了现有故障抢修流程存在的诸多问题
TCM system in the application of several typical accident cases in the pudong new area power grid, the figure of TCM system are analyzed in positioning, source points, and several typical functions such as the repair order effect in actual fault repair work. TCM system can satisfy the power grid enterprises with the actual needs of users for the fault repair management business, effectively solve the existing problems of the existing fault repair process (2014-11-09, Windows_Unix, 7258KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] NET_MVC3_CN_EN_Tutorial

翻译原文档名: MVC Music Store 版本: ASP.NET MVC3 概述 Mvc Music Store 是一个为WEB开发人员一步一步介绍和解释如何使用MVC和Visual Web开发的应用教程. 我们将慢慢的开始, 所以适合于初学者的WEB开发体验! 这个将被建立的程序是一个简单的音乐商店, 这个程序有三个主要的部分: 购物,付款,管理! 本文档由两部分组成: MVC Music Store(一).docx MVC Music Store(二).docx 日期: 2013-3-28
Translation of the original document name: MVC Music Store         Version: ASP.NET MVC3         Outline Mvc Music Store is a WEB developer to introduce and explain step by step tutorial on how to use MVC and Visual Web application development, and we will begin slowly, so is suitable for beginners WEB development experience! This program was created by a simple music store, the program has three main parts: shopping, payment, management!                 This document consists of two parts:         MVC Music Store (a). Docx         MVC Music Store (two). Docx         Date: 2013-3-28 (2014-03-27, Windows_Unix, 11375KB, 下载3次)


[matlab编程] (EN_CN)SVM-Introduction-

网上能下载的本书的中文版均缺少89和97两页,又此书已绝版,本人只好从英文完整版中摘录缺少的内容,分别补全了这两页的内容。注:英文完整版也已经作为PDF的附件加了进去。 我也上传到了IASK,不能下载的朋友可以去搜索“(中文版)支持向量机导论.rar”
Internet can download the Chinese version of the book were missing two 89 and 97, and the book is out of print, I had to excerpts missing content from the English full version, respectively, to complement the content of the two pages. Note: The full version of English has also been added as an attachment inside a PDF. I also uploaded to the IASK, can not download friends can go search for "(Chinese version) Introduction to Support Vector Machines. Rar" (2013-11-27, Windows_Unix, 9571KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] 3

☆ 系统功能:☆ 灵活的录入数据,使信息传递更快捷; 系统采用人机对话方式,界面美观友好,信息查询灵活、方便,数据存储安全可靠; 实施强大的后台监控功能; 功能强大的客户级别、来源分析; 实现各种查询、支持模糊查询; 实现企业客户及其内部资源的信息化管理; 对用户输入的数据,系统进行严格的数据检验,尽可能排除人为的错误; 系统最大限度地实现了易安装性、易维护性和易操作性;
☆ System features: ☆ flexible data entry, more efficient transmission of information man-machine dialogue, friendly and beautiful interface, information inquiry is a flexible, convenient, safe and reliable data storage a strong background monitoring function powerful level of customer , source analysis various queries to support fuzzy queries corporate customers and its internal resources information management strict data validation data entered by the user, system, rule out human error as far as possible system to maximize the the easy to install, easy to maintain and easy to operate (2012-08-17, Windows_Unix, 2806KB, 下载4次)


[人物传记/成功经验] Search-engine-ranking-secrets

在我还没有被别人当作 之前,我就在利用 技术赚钱,赚钱的模式不是给 别人服务,而且利用 这种成本 效果非常好的网络营销策略和传统企 业合作做贸易(通过网络卖工艺画)。这里给朋友们分享一下我开公司之前的故 事。 我还在大学的时候,因为和朋友一块儿搞点子网站,自己单独搞创业网站。所以 不断有工作找我,创业的朋友找我,风投找我,眼前的好机会找我。于是,我 脆从大学出来,做了一名自由策划人。一边给一些朋友公司做兼职顾问,一边研 究各类网站的赢利模式,研究电子商务网络营销,研究传统模式和网络模式的结 合 就越发现网络营销在各个环节中是最重要的,因为利用网络营销可以可以任何一 个企业合
Search engine ranking secrets (2012-05-21, Windows_Unix, 311KB, 下载4次)



本文着重描述了基于CDMA 1 X VPDN网络具体连接建立的步骤和实际应用。提出具体的解决IMSI认证和地址绑定的实现方案,提供了 实验环境拓扑。并给出在试验环境下路由器的基本配置并对主要的配置加以说明。其中lMSI认证实现的关键是利用RAD I US服务器。试验环境使用的软件是FreeRadius免费软件,正式组网时可利用企业现有的RAD I US服务器或安装免费的RAD I US软件,从而低成本解决了该问题。上述解决方案经过实验网测试。系统运行稳定。证明有效可行。
This article focuses on the network based on CDMA 1 X VPDN connection is established specific steps and practical application. IMSI propose specific solutions to achieve certification and address of the binding solution, provides an experimental environment topology. Given in the test environment and the basic configuration of the router' s configuration to illustrate the main. Which is the key to achieving lMSI certified by RAD I US server. The software test environment is FreeRadius using free software can be used when the official network of existing RAD I US enterprise server or install the free RAD I US software, low-cost solutions to the problem. After the experimental network testing solutions. System is stable. Proved effective and feasible. (2011-04-23, Windows_Unix, 344KB, 下载10次)


[WEB开发] website

小计天空 中英文双语企业站 1、本程序由小计天空出品 版权所有 2、本程序为免费程序,不得依任何商业形式转送而得到暴利 包含了 公司新闻,产品中心,留言板,公司页介绍,等等重要的是双语版,源码全,功能全,100 可使用。界面清新自然 后台地址 admin/ admin admin
Subtotal Sky Station 1 in English and Chinese enterprises, the program produced by the sky Copyright Subtotal 2, the procedures for the free program, shall not under any form of transfer and receive profits business includes company news, product centers, message boards, company pages introduction , and so important is bilingual, full-source, full-featured, 100 may be used. Fresh and natural background interface address admin/admin admin (2011-04-19, Windows_Unix, 2638KB, 下载5次)


[企业管理] PWMS

根据企业对人事管理的要求,本系统可以实现以下目标:  操作简单方便、界面简洁美观。  在查看员工信息时,可以对当前员工的家庭情况、培训情况进行添加、修改、删除的操作。  方便快捷的全方位数据查询。  按照指定的条件对员工进行统计。  可以将员工信息以表格的形式插入到Word文档中。  实现数据库的备份、还原及清空的操作。  由于该系统的使用对象较多,要有较好的权限管理。  能够在当前运行的系统中重新进行登录。  系统运行稳定、安全可靠。 操作注意事项 (1)本系统用户名为:Tsoft,密码为:111。 (2)实例执行文件位置:TM\07\PWMS\PWMS\bin\Debug\ PWMS.exe (3)程序可执行文件目录中,必须存在bar文件夹。否则,以默认路径对数据库进行备份时,将无法找到备份路径。
Enterprise Personnel Management System (2010-12-09, Windows_Unix, 7913KB, 下载9次)


[软件测试] 4121

软件测试管理概述 如何有效的提高软件产品的质量 了解开发人员的测试心理 按照企业现状设计测试流程 软件测试变更处理技巧 软件测试团队交流的方式 软件测试部组织结构 测试人员:临时与专职的选择 测试培训与绩效评估方法 招聘软件测试人员的考虑因素 机遇与失误:软件测试是个好职业吗? 做软件黑盒测试是没有前途的死路吗 ? 从测试工程师到公司副总,谈软件测试人员的职业发展的路线图 酒香也怕巷子深 – 如何为你的身价增添筹码?
Software Test Management Overview How to effectively improve the quality of software products Understand the psychological test developer Design of the testing process in accordance with corporate status Software Testing Techniques for Change Way communication software testing team Organizational structure of the Department of Software Testing Measurement: choice of temporary and full-time Training and Performance Evaluation Test Recruiting software testers considerations Opportunities and mistakes: Software testing is a good profession? Do the software black box is the dead end you have no future? From the test engineer to the company vice president, software testers on a road map for career development Wine is also deeply afraid of the alley- how to add chips to your net worth? (2010-07-30, Windows_Unix, 310KB, 下载14次)


[WEB开发] Enterprise

主要功能 企业门户网站是一个功能完备的网站,由网站前台和网站后台管理员管理两大部分组成。  前台功能模块 前台展示区要求实现:首页、网站公告、新闻热点、工具软件下载排行、工具补丁下载排行、用户登录、用户注册、更改口令、找回密码、退出系统等到功能模块信息的显示功能。  后台管理模块 后台管理模块要求实现:用户管理、用户查找、管理用户头像、公告管理、新闻管理中心、留言本管理、产品资源管理、友情链接管理、修改密码、忘记密码、管理员重新登录、安全退出管理14个功能模块的功能。
Main function Enterprise Portal is a fully functional web site, from the front and web site administrators to manage two major components back.  front modules Front display area required to achieve: First, the site announced, hot news, tools, software downloads Ranking, tools, patch download rankings, user login, user registration, change the password, retrieve password, exit the system until the function module information display.  Admin Module Admin module requires implementation: user management, users find, manage user picture, notice management, information management center, a message of the management, product resource management, links management, change passwords, forgotten password, an administrator log on again, the security management of 14 out of functional modules. (2010-06-09, Windows_Unix, 1505KB, 下载14次)


[Windows编程] StarWH

Warehouse Management System (2010-02-15, Windows_Unix, 2921KB, 下载31次)


[数据库系统] Oracle_Security

本书涵盖了从简单到复杂的甲骨文安全领域。它描述了基本的RDBMS的安全功能(例如,密码,特征,角色,权限,同义词),包括在确保 Oracle的系统安全,开发审计和备份计划,并利用Oracle企业管理器和Oracle安全服务器许多实际的战略几个方面的实际经验,同时也涉及先进的安全功能,诸如加密,可信Oracle及互联网和网络的保护。
This book covers the field of Oracle security from simple to complex. It describes basic RDBMS security features (e.g., passwords, profiles, roles, privileges, synonyms) and includes many practical strategies for securing an Oracle system, developing auditing and backup plans, and using the Oracle Enterprise Manager and Oracle Security Server. Also touches on advanced security features, such as encryption, Trusted Oracle, and Internet and Web protection. (2009-11-02, Windows_Unix, 1317KB, 下载6次)


[OpenGL] Face

OpenGL™ 是行业领域中最为广泛接纳的 2D/3D 图形 API, 其自诞生至今已催生了各种计算机平台及设备上的数千优秀应用程序。OpenGL™ 是独立于视窗操作系统或其它操作系统的,亦是网络透明的。在包含CAD、内容创作、能源、娱乐、游戏开发、制造业、制药业及虚拟现实等行业领域中,OpenGL™ 帮助程序员实现在 PC、工作站、超级计算机等硬件设备上的高性能、极具冲击力的高视觉表现力图形处理软件的开发。
OpenGL ™ is the industry' s most widely accepted field of 2D/3D graphics API, it has been since the birth of the birth of a variety of computer platforms and equipment on thousands of outstanding applications. OpenGL ™ are independent of the Windows operating system or other operating system is also network transparent. Contains at CAD, content creation, energy, entertainment, game development, manufacturing, pharmaceutical industry and virtual reality industries field, OpenGL ™ help programmers achieve at PC, workstations, super computers and other hardware devices on the high-performance, highly with high impact visual performance graphics processing software development. (2009-03-23, Windows_Unix, 4408KB, 下载29次)


[Windows编程] eMule++

,乱码,上传下载,图形处理等诸多问题 (2006-03-26,Java,2578KB,28次) LangGeTaiJavaJDK5.0StudyNote.rar - 作者:林信良(网络化名良葛格) 学历:台湾大学电机工程学系经历:SUN教育训练中心讲师著作:《JAVA 学习笔记》、《Spring 技术手册》,为SUN官方教材主要编写成员之一博客: http://blog.CSDN.net/caterpillar_here 本书详细信息: http://www.china-pub.com/computers/common/info.asp?id=31664 (2007-03-18,Java,8746KB,77次) struts.rar - CSDN_文档中心_Struts快速学习指南15(内部培训教材)-大部分素材来自于《Programming Jakarta Struts》一书.files (2008-01-04,Java,525KB,1次)
, Garbled, uploading and downloading, graphic treatment and many other issues (2006-03-26, Java, 2578KB, 28 times) LangGeTaiJavaJDK5.0StudyNote.rar- Author: Lin Liang (a pseudonym Liang葛格network) Education: National Taiwan University Electrical Engineering Department of experience: SUN Education and Training Center Lecturer writings: (2008-09-24, Windows_Unix, 2256KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] spring2.0-reference_final_zh_cn

简单地说,Spring 是一个以控制倒置(Inversion of Control)原则为基础的轻量级框架。控制倒置是一个用于“基于组件的体系结构”的设计模式,它将“判断依赖关系”的职责移交给容器,而不是由组件本身来判断彼此之间的依赖关系。当在Spring内实现组件时, 容器“轻量级”的方面就展现出来了:针对Spring开发的组件不需要任何外部库;而且, 容器是轻量级的,它避免了像EJB容器那样的重量级方案的主要缺点,例如启动时间长、测试复杂、部署和配置困难,等等。
In short, Spring is a control inversion (Inversion of Control) based on the principle of lightweight framework. Inversion is a control for the component-based architecture design mode, it will determine the dependence relations duties transferred to the container, and not by the component itself to determine the relationship between dependence. When in the Spring when the realization of components, containers flyweight out on the show: Spring for the development of components does not require any external library Moreover, the containers are lightweight, as it avoids the EJB container as heavyweight program s main shortcomings, such as long start-up time, test complexity, deployment, and configuration problems, and so on. (2007-10-31, Windows_Unix, 2733KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] fwgzxt

客户服务跟踪管理系统源码: 适合一般的公司使用。 主要包括客户记录管理、记录分配管理、工作记录管理、服务调查管理、用户信息管理等管理模块 对客户设备的问题进行跟踪,设置其服务级别,服务状态等信息 根据待分配、已分配、已解决三个状态来进行分类浏览 每个客户都有相应的工作记录 有对客户的服务进行调查回访系统 DB下面为数据库文件,使用企业管理器附加即可 默认管理帐号密码admin
Customer service management system for tracking source: suitable for general use. Mainly include customer records management, record distribution management, records management, investigation management services, management of user information management module of customer equipment tracking, set up their service level, service status and other information to be allocated in accordance with, have been allocated, has been resolved three state classification browser each customer has a corresponding record of the work has on the customer service system to investigate a return visit for the following DB database file, use the Enterprise Manager attached to the default admin account password management (2007-09-11, Windows_Unix, 428KB, 下载21次)


[软件设计/软件工程] BugManager

do a software, technology alone is good enough. must have a good development process and associated support tools. Domestic software enterprises project managers are remarkable : demand, design, coding, testing, maintenance, and even product releases must proficient, hands-on, but in practice you can not proficient in everything, so only one result : four fire-fighting, forcing the car but never see the end. (2007-04-10, Windows_Unix, 1255KB, 下载23次)


[WEB开发] OLAP444

OLAP devoted to support complex decision analysis, support information management and business management decision-making of a decision analysis tool. It can be based on an analysis of the demands, rapidly and flexibly to large amounts of data for complex query processing, and to the visual, easily understood in the form of search results for a variety of decision makers, so that they rapidly. accurate picture of the operation of a business, understanding the needs of the market. (2006-12-13, Windows_Unix, 429KB, 下载33次)
