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[WEB开发] 51talk

This is 51talk internal recruitment system template, there are basic functions of recruitment template: cast resume, job screening and so on. You can download the template to experience the next, suitable for small and medium enterprise website template download. (2017-03-31, HTML, 4294KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] school1

可用来建立学校相册、班级相册、企业单位相册、家族相册 功能介绍: 1、集成了春夏秋冬和灰白朦胧,五种风格,用户可以根据自己的审美观随时改变界面色彩; 2、三种首页风格,可以任意选择随时切换
Can be used to create school albums, class albums, business units album, family albums Features: 1, integrated seasons and gray hazy, five styles, the user can change their interface according to their aesthetic 2, Style, you can choose to switch at any time (2017-01-16, HTML, 1055KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] xytq

本程序为天气小偷,提供的和信阳热线现在使用的天气预报完全一样。 功能如下: 1、可以定制显示全国各地每个县的天气预报。内容包括24小时预报、5天预报、实况、生活预报、健康预报、旅游预报和历史天气等内容
This procedure for the weather thief, provided and Xinyang hotline now use the weather forecast exactly the same. Features are as follows: 1, can be customized to show the weather forecast for each county across the country. Contents include 24-hour forecast, 5-day forecast, live, daily life forecasts, health forecasts, travel forecasts and historical weather and other content. (2017-01-03, HTML, 61KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] FlatPress_v0.1010.2zh_cn

FlatPress是一个开源,符合标准(XHTML valid),基于Smarty模板引擎的个人博客系统。支持多语言,支持通过插件来可扩展功能。无需数据库支持,其所有内容都存储在文件文件中。 安装完成后,进入后台设置点Options->Language可以设置简体中文。
FlatPress is an open source, standards-compliant (XHTML valid), personal blogging system based on the Smarty template engine. Support for multiple languages, support for plug-ins to extend functionality. Without support, all of its contents are stored in the file file. After installation is complete, enter the background set-point Options-> Language can be set Simplified Chinese. (2016-11-11, HTML, 773KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] ElinCMS_v1.7GBK

ELINCMS是针对企业建站所开发的一套轻量级内容管理系统。容易上手,并且只要有点PHP知识的朋友都可以很轻松的进行二次开发,以达到自己所需的功能特性。 ELINCMS系统的特征及运行环境。
ELINCMS is a lightweight content management system developed for enterprise websites. Easy to use, and as long as a little knowledge of PHP friends can easily carry out the second development, in order to achieve their desired functional characteristics. Characteristics and Operating Environment of ELINCMS System (2016-11-11, HTML, 1477KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] guagua2.2.0

GuaGua论坛系统是一个轻量级的瘦论坛系统, 访问速度极快, 使用简单. 程序代码简洁严谨, 整个系统程序仅400K大小, 功能强大, 完全免费开源. 可用于建设帮助论坛, 企业产品知识库, 教育, 咨询, 问答等等.
GuaGua forum system is a lightweight thin forum system, access speed, simple to use. Simple and rigorous program code, the entire system program is only 400K size, powerful, completely free open source. Can be used to build help forum, enterprise product knowledge base , Education, counseling, quizzes and more. (2016-10-06, HTML, 401KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] HonoBlog_cn

HonoBlog 是php/mysql 开发的博客管理系统 1.动态网页管理 2.菜单管理 3.角色组管理 4.用户管理 5.权限管理 6.菜单栏目管理 7.内容发布管理 8.博客分类管理 9.博客文章 10.博客主题模板 11.联系我们 12.模板管理 13.模块管理 14.数据备份
HonoBlog is php/mysql development blog management system 1. The dynamic website management menu management 2. 3. 4. Role Group Management User Management 5. Rights Management menu section 6. Content Management 7. Release Management 8. 9. blog category management blog article 10. The blog theme template 11. Contact us 12. 13. template management module management 14. data backup (2016-09-19, HTML, 1606KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] HonoBBS_cn

HonoBBS 是php/mysql 开发的内容管理系统 1.动态网页管理 2.菜单管理 3.角色组管理 4.用户管理 5.权限管理 6.菜单栏目管理 7.版主管理 8.论坛板块管理 9.友情链接 10.论坛主题管理 11.论坛回复 12.皮肤管理 15.模块管理 16.数据备份
HonoBBS is php/mysql development of dynamic web content management system 1. 2. Menu Management 3. Management role group management 4. User Management 5. Rights Management menu section 6. Management 7. Moderated 8. Management 9. friendship forum sections 10. Links Forum topics Forum replies management 11. 12. 15. skin management module management 16. data backup (2016-09-19, HTML, 1472KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] onez_Robot

Provide the appropriate interface, can develop your own robot program, automatic answer, contacts, notes, reminders, after remote management, recreation, omnipotent inquiry, online teaching and other functions successfully registered the site and instantly receive a robot three domain names, each site has its own separate membership system. Each member individually train their own robots other members and other sites affected. (2016-08-25, HTML, 1660KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] BBWPS_job

[PHP招聘程序源代码版|BBWPS]功能介绍 1、完善的招聘参数设置; 2、灵活的信息参数设置,方便控制显示效果; 3、针对求职、招聘信息强大的组合查询功能; 4、简单易用的个人简历、工作经历、企业招聘信息发布/编辑;
[PHP recruitment source code version | BBWPS] Features 1, to improve recruitment parameter settings 2, flexible information parameter settings, easy control display 3, for the job search, job postings powerful combination inquiry function 4, easy CV with work experience, recruitment information release/editing (2016-07-19, HTML, 3081KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] fashonstas

Clothing company website templates, body width 1000px, div+ css structure, beautifully designed, suitable for garment factories, apparel manufacturing company, clothing design, corporate website production, a full set of templates, including Home, About Us, News, Products, customers comments, contact us and many other sites template page. (2016-06-22, HTML, 5113KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] education

Training company Education Website template, top to bottom widescreen design, body width 1100px, minimalist atmosphere, beautifully designed for training institutions, training companies and other service business establishment, a full set of templates, including Home, About Us, curriculum centers, information centers, Contact us page templates and many other sites. (2016-06-22, HTML, 4097KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] ConsulteX

Blue simple company website template mechanism based jquery.anythingslider.js, jquery.easing.1.2.js and jquery-1.4.2.min.js plug production for training institutions, companies and other sites use a full set of templates, home, about we, solutions, partners, clients, and other site templates Contact us page. (2016-06-15, HTML, 2030KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] Win8daohang

Win8 style widescreen navigation bar is based on a wide-screen navigation menu jQuery implemented for enterprise sites to use, mouse-over navigation bar drop-down two full-screen navigation menu. There are Home, innovative technology, product centers, projects, service support, contact us and other navigation items. (2016-06-01, HTML, 37KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] tuangoufenlei

Categories buy site navigation based on jQuery code that is produced for a large buy, site navigation menus electricity supplier Web site. Mouse click to buy all the classified side of the pop-up menu two columns, two columns show the mouse after a detailed three columns! Red style, have all classified buy, home, food and beverage, entertainment, travel accommodation, service life, beauty, merchandise and other columns. (2016-06-01, HTML, 111KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] cn3wz2005

Devoted to different categories and different regions to manage the site in various industries, enterprises, companies, personal websites, its exact URL classification and area classification and rapid information and less refined way to search the Internet to become today s society people the preferred means of access (2016-03-22, HTML, 6415KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] Fsy2

一款适用于一些中小型企业网站建站程序,所有的操作全部傻瓜式修改与管理 在v1.0的基础上有了相当大的改进,界面美化了,支持分类功能 后台管理地址:admin/admin.asp 管理帐号和密码:ah
A suitable for small and medium enterprises website design and procedures, all of the operations and management of all modifications fool With considerable improvement in v1.0, based on the interface landscaping, and support the classification function Management Address: admin/admin.asp Management account and password: ah (2016-03-22, HTML, 262KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] houtai_shangjia

Business Information Network Admin templates, simple, background operation easy, just be typing, Internet access, will manage the site! Dark blue style, with landing pages and page background operation, functional form of the page to open the tab on the left menu effect is very dynamic, really is a good background template. web pages reference materials. (2013-12-30, HTML, 394KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] mailmoban

企业邮件处理系统模板,深蓝色风格,包含登录页面,顶部菜单已经实现,整个后台看上去挺动感的,只是左边的菜单还需要自己找一段脚本去完善。 该后台模板包含文件:html,css,js,images
Enterprise mail processing system template, deep blue style, including a login page, the top menu has been achieved, the background looks very sporty, just to the left of the menu also need a script to perfect. The backstage template contains the file: HTML, CSS, JS, images (2013-01-08, HTML, 192KB, 下载8次)


[WEB开发] BetterCOSv2[1].06

该系统是基于 Intranet 的 Web 技术,完全采用B/S体系结构的内联网办公系统。 该系统独特的信息流设计使得信息在政府/企业的部门内部和部门之间传递效率极大提高,信息传递过程中耗费降到最低。
The system is based on the Intranet of Web technology, complete with B/S architecture, intranet office system. The system' s unique design allows the information flow of information in the government/business sector within the department and the greatly improved transmission efficiency, information delivery process to minimize cost. (2010-06-28, HTML, 3069KB, 下载1次)
