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[企业管理] 成功与失败取决于工作流

I remember a well-known domestic state-owned enterprise, in 2013, the integration of regional group branches, sales companies have moved to a place for centralized production office. It is a good thing to be able to concentrate on product quality and do a good job in R&D, production and sales. However, due to the lack of (2018-11-14, C#, 400KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] WarehouseManage

系统介绍 本系统属于小型的数据库管理系统,可以对中小型企业客户资源进行有效管理。通过本系统可以达到以下目标:  灵活的录入数据,使信息传递更快捷;  系统采用人机对话方式,界面美观友好,信息查询灵活、方便,数据存储安全可靠;  提供多种多样的数据查询功能,至少包括入库、出库和库存等常用查询功能;  能够建立完善的基础信息档案,至少包括供应商、货物和仓库3种档案;  设计出实用的货物管理功能,至少包括入库管理、出库管理、借货管理和盘点管理;  对用户输入的数据,系统进行严格的数据检验,尽可能排除人为的错误;  系统最大限度地实现了易安装性、易维护性和易操作性。 操作注意事项 本系统管理员用户名为:mr,密码为:mrsoft。
System introduction This system is a small management system, which can effectively manage the customer resources of small and medium enterprises. Through this system, we can achieve the following goals: • flexible input of data, so that information transfer more quickly The system adopts man-machine dialogue mode, the interface is beautiful and friendly, the information inquiry is flexible and convenient, and the data storage is safe and reliable Providing a wide range of data query functions, including at least warehousing, outbound and inventory and other commonly used query function • able to establish a complete base of information files, including at least 3 files of suppliers, goods and warehouses Design a practical cargo management function, including warehousing management, delivery management, inventory management and inventory management at least • data input to users, the system strictly data testing, as far as possible to eliminate human erro (2017-05-27, C#, 4642KB, 下载9次)


[企业管理] 51aspx_QiEInventor

从业务流程图可以看出该中小型企业仓库管理系统主要有以下几项管理功能: 入库:管理员通过将物品分类存入仓库中,进行入库管理,然后进行登账。 出库:管理员通过销售仓库中的物资,进行出库管理,然后进行登账,做盘点。 盘点统计:主要通过对入库、出库进行登账后的管理,对盘点过的数据进行统计,查看是否有缺货现象,数据少于10个或以下的以红色预警显示。 借出:管理员可把仓库里的物品外借,并记录下来和查看。 归还:可分次数借还,一次还多少数量,并把归还的数量入库。
As can be seen the business flow chart that SMEs warehouse management system are the following management functions: storage: Administrators items classified by the warehouse, make storage management, and then board account. Library: Administrator through the sale of goods in the warehouse, make a management, and then board the accounts, doing inventory. Inventory statistics: mainly through the storage, a library board to manage the account after the inventory had to statistical data, to see whether there is out of stock, the data is less than 10 or less than shown in red warning. Loan: Administrator warehouse of items to borrow, and recorded and viewed. Return: divided by the number of times also, once also what quantity, and the amount of restitution storage. (2015-03-18, C#, 2388KB, 下载10次)


[企业管理] Person-Management

系统介绍 根据企业对人事管理的要求,本系统可以实现以下目标: 操作简单方便、界面简洁美观。 在查看员工信息时,可以对当前员工的家庭情况、培训情况进行添加、修改、删除的操作。 方便快捷的全方位数据查询。 按照指定的条件对员工进行统计。 可以将员工信息以表格的形式插入到Word文档中。 实现数据库的备份、还原及清空的操作。 由于该系统的使用对象较多,要有较好的权限管理。 能够在当前运行的系统中重新进行登录。 系统运行稳定、安全可靠。 操作注意事项 (1)本系统用户名为:tsoft,密码为:111。 (2)程序可执行文件目录中,必须存在bar文件夹。否则,以默认路径对数据库进行备份时,将无法找到备份路径。
System Introduction Personnel Management in accordance with business requirements, the system can achieve the following objectives: easy to operate, simple and beautiful interface. When you view employee information, can the current employees' families, the training is given to add, modify, delete operations. A full range of convenient data query. Employees in accordance with the conditions specified in statistics. Employee information can be inserted into the form of a table in a Word document. Realization of database backup, restore, and emptying operations. Because the system uses the object more, have better rights management. Can be re-registered in the system is currently running. System is stable, safe and reliable. Handling Precautions (1) The system user name: tsoft, password: 111. (2) the program executable file directory must exist bar folder. Otherwise, the default path for database backup, the backup path can not be found. (2013-11-22, C#, 4303KB, 下载5次)


[企业管理] HRM

根据企业对人事管理的要求,本系统可以实现以下目标:  操作简单方便、界面简洁美观。  在查看员工信息时,可以对当前员工的家庭情况、培训情况进行添加、修改、删除的操作。  方便快捷的全方位数据查询。  按照指定的条件对员工进行统计。  可以将员工信息以表格的形式插入到Word文档中。  实现数据库的备份、还原及清空的操作。  由于该系统的使用对象较多,要有较好的权限管理。  能够在当前运行的系统中重新进行登录。  系统运行稳定、安全可靠。
Personnel management according to business requirements, the system can achieve the following objectives:  simple operation, the interface simple and beautiful.  In view employee information, you can on the current family situation of employees, training situation Add, modify, and delete operations.  the full range of convenient data query.  according to specified conditions on the staff statistics.  employee information can be inserted into a table in the form of Word document.  implement database backup, restore, and clear operations.  As the system s use of the object more, have better rights management.  able to run the system in the current re-login.  system is stable, safe and reliable. (2011-05-20, C#, 3826KB, 下载5次)


[企业管理] MyOAS(Sql2005Vs2005)

环境:vs2005+ sql2005 项目简介:本办公自动化系统可以灵活快速的发送和接收文件更快捷。  实现员工的上下班考勤。  实现功能强大的公告发布与管理功能。  对用户输入的数据,系统进行严格的数据检验,尽可能排除人为的错误。  系统最大限度地实现了易维护性和易操作性。  界面简洁、框架清晰、美观大方。  实现企业部门和职员的信息管理功能。  为了促进内部员工之间的交流,设置聊天室、活动投票功能。  实现公司优秀员工评比功能。  实现职员修改登录系统的个人密码。  通过后台查看与删除公告信息、查看公文信息的功能。
Environment: vs2005+ sql2005 Project Description: The flexible office automation system can quickly send and receive files more quickly.  employees to work to achieve attendance.  announcement to achieve powerful and management functions.  on the user input data, strict data validation system, as far as possible eliminate human error.  system to maximize the ease of maintenance and ease of maneuverability.  interface is simple and clear framework, nice.  enterprise departments and staff information management functions.  To promote communication between internal staff, set up chat rooms, activities, voting function.  achieve excellent staff appraisal function.  staff to modify the registry system to achieve personal password.  announcement by the background view and delete information, see document information function. (2011-04-11, C#, 697KB, 下载22次)


[企业管理] SourceWarehouseManagementSystem

主要功能 企业仓库管理系统由基本信息管理模块、入库管理模块、库存管理模块、查询管理模块等几部分组成。  基本信息管理模块 该模块主要包括操作员管理、商品信息管理、库存信息管理、供应商信息管理4部分。  入库管理模块 该模块主要包括商品入库、入库退货两部分。  库存管理模块 该模块主要由库存商品打印、库存盘点、库存调拨、库存出货、库存上下限管理5部分组成。  查询管理管理模块 该模块主要由商品入库查询、入库退货查询、报损/报益查询3部分组成。
Main function Enterprise Warehouse Management System consists of basic information management module, storage management module, inventory management module, query management module composed of several parts.  basic information management module The module includes operator management, product information management, inventory information management, supplier information management Part 4.  storage management module The module includes goods storage, warehousing return in two parts.  Inventory Management Module The module mainly stock merchandise printing, inventory counts, inventory allocation, inventory, shipping, inventory management on the lower limit of 5 parts.  Query Management Module The module mainly by commodity warehousing queries, storage returns query, reporting loss/benefit inquiries reported 3 parts. (2010-06-09, C#, 2184KB, 下载98次)


[企业管理] VCSDB

《Visual C#.NET数据库开发经典案例解析》的配套光盘,包含进销存管理系统、人力资源管理系统、生产管理系统、财务管理系统、图书馆管理系统、酒店管理系统、医院管理系统、教务管理系统。
"Visual C#.NET Database Development classic case analysis "matching discs, including inventory management systems, human resources management systems, production management systems, financial management system, library management system, hotel management system, the system of hospital management, educational administration system. (2006-03-27, C#, 19127KB, 下载3328次)
