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按分类查找All 金融证券系统(426) 

[金融证券系统] Stock_price_prediction_and_forecasting_LSTM

With this code stock price of a company on the NASDAQ can be predicted and forecasted (just a project made for fun and learning, not investing tool or for advise) (2024-03-02, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] MicroUMKM

We created this micromerce with the aim of helping this local trade (2024-01-28, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] GenAI-SimilarWordFinder

GenAI SimilarWordFinder“是一款Streamlit支持的web应用程序,展示了生成人工智能在解决企业相关查询方面的能力...
GenAI-SimilarWordFinder" is a Streamlit-powered web app that showcases generative AI s capabilities in solving enterprise-related queries. It emphasizes Supply Chain Optimization, Customer Service Enhancement, Market Analysis, and Financial Forecasting. (2023-11-30, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] Stat-Bot-for-trading

A machine learning statistics tracker for novice enterpreneurs to make better trading decisions, (2023-10-17, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] financeTrackingApplication

A finance tracking app designed to help individuals or businesses manage their financial activities, track income and expenses, budget effectively, analyse spending patterns, and achieve financial goals. (2023-09-28, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] Gestion-demandes

Logiciel de l Enterprise Expert pharma qui permet de gerer les demandes ansi que le stock.,物流企业专家制药公司。,
Logiciel de l entreprise Expert pharma qui permet de gerer les demandes ansi que le stock., (2023-09-27, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] Home_Credit_Default_Risk

Home Credit fosters financial inclusion by aiding those with sparse credit histories. Using telco and transaction data, they employ machine learning to gauge repayment capacities. Their goal: ensure right clients get suitable loans with optimal terms, supporting their financial success. (2023-09-24, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] sicma-project

This project focuse on create a database and backend app for manage inventary and financial data in a small bussines., (2023-03-15, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] Home-Credit-Default-Risk-analysis

Home Credit is currently using various statistical and machine learning methods to make these predictions ensure that clients capable of repayment are not rejected and that loans are given (2023-07-18, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] Stock_Prediction

Stock predictor that predicts the stock for the upcoming days based on the past data for the stock of a particular enterprise.The project also includes good data visualization maps for easy interpretation of the results. (2019-03-16, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] Quantum-Warehouse

Quantum Warehouse,强化学习架构,用于自动化企业部署的仓库库存长期规划。
Quantum-Warehouse,Reinforcement Learning architecture to automate long term planning of warehouse inventory for enterprise deployment. (2022-12-08, Python, 1233KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] abquant-data

abquant-data,A&B professional platform for quantitative finance. God is Asking & Bidding Me. ABQ 基于 通达信 数据的量化.
abquant-data,A&B professional platform for quantitative finance. God is Asking&Bidding Me. ABQ quantification based on communication data (2023-05-05, C++, 404KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] SalesPurchaseTracker

SalesPurchaseTracker,Sales Purchase Tracker软件使用户能够管理其企业的销售和购买。它维护库存,节省成本...
Sales Purchase Tracker software enables user to manage his business s sales & purchase. It maintains stock, saves bills, calculates profit-loss and VAT. (2012-11-19, C#, 518KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] z52cStockC

z52cStockC,股票数据分析 编程不太会,会多少写多少,基础数据来源通达信,复权数据来源凤凰网
Z52cStockC, not very proficient in stock data analysis programming, can write as much as possible. Basic data source is Tongdaxin, and restoration data source is Fenghuang.com (2022-06-07, C, 653KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] Creditscore

Creditscore,a creditscore model with Logistic Regression ; 基于LR实现类似蚂蚁信用分或金融机构风控模型的信用评分卡
Creditscore,a creditscore model with Logistic Regression ; Implementing credit scoring cards similar to ant credit scores or financial institution risk control models based on LR (2019-09-17, HTML, 199KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] Ouicky-News

Ouicky News,这是一个使用React Js制作的新闻网络应用程序。它展示了商业、体育、娱乐等不同领域的新闻...
It is news web application made up using React Js. It shows news of different fields like business, sports, entertainment, healthcare & finance. It uses API calls to fetch news from server. This application uses SSR (Server side rendering) using react-router. (2022-11-06, JavaScript, 328KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] KDRSI组合

KDG index and RSI index of the EA resonance (2017-11-14, MQL, 1KB, 下载22次)


[金融证券系统] DEMO

完整的股票软件分析软件源代码(类通达信风格) 开发语言:VC++ 开发平台:VS2008 其它的功能和通达信类似,不用多介绍,目前市场上大部分股软都具有这些功能 主要介绍一下特色功能,也是很多人一直在寻找但很难找到的具有二次开发功能的公式平台源代码: 目前很多股软,包括通达信,大智慧等主流软件的公式平台里的函数总有一些不足,所以很多人希望能自己开发扩展自己想要的函数,但又没有源代码,所以只能被动的等上述软件厂商开发.可谓等待绵绵无绝期. 现在这套源代码可以让您自己随意增加公式编辑平台的函数,根据自己的需要开发出自己品牌的股软,非常适合具有在股软行业施展才华的个人及公司.也适合个人研究者根据自己的需要开发出适合自己的软件.
Stock analysis software complete software source code (class letter accessible style) Development languages: VC++ Development platform: VS2008 Other features and accessibility similar letter, not more, at present most of the market shares have these features soft Introduce the main features, but also a lot of people have been looking for but it is difficult to find a formula with a secondary development function platform source code: At present, many software stocks, including accessible information, great wisdom and other mainstream software platform in the function of the formula there are always some drawbacks, so many people want to expand their development function you want, but do not have the source code, so only a passive The development of other software vendors. can be described as waiting for everlasting. The source code can now make free to add your own formula editing platform function, according to their need to develop their own brand of shares of sof (2011-08-28, Visual C++, 6137KB, 下载651次)


[金融证券系统] 23423

Flying fox, 100 letters and other software up to the automatic delivery of orders, cs structure, very powerful, can control multiple accounts (2010-08-07, Visual Basic, 925KB, 下载56次)


[金融证券系统] 工资批量入帐

prepared with the wages software for enterprise use converted into text files for use banks (2005-07-14, Windows_Unix, 20KB, 下载16次)
