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[.net编程] 11

云点滴客户解决方案是针对中小企业量身制定的具有简单易用、功能强大、永久免费使用、终身升级维护的智能化客户解决方案。依托功能强大、安全稳定的阿里云平 台,性价比高、扩展性好、安全性高、稳定性好。
The cloud drop customer solution is an intelligent customer solution with simple and easy to use, powerful, permanent free use, and lifelong maintenance for small and medium sized enterprises. Relying on powerful, safe and stable Ali cloud platform, it has high cost performance, good expansibility, high security and good stability. (2018-04-13, ASP, 24405KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] 17

查看安装过程启明星工作日志系统Worklog安装教程 启明星工作日志系统式构架企业内部协同办公的基于B/S的一款软件系统支持Forms的身份验证和集成AD活动目录的身份验证,方便对用户的管理。
Check the installation process, the star job log system, Worklog installation tutorial. A software system based on B/S for the internal collaborative office of the star work log system supports the authentication of Forms and the authentication of the integrated AD active directory to facilitate the management of the users. (2018-04-12, ASP, 4515KB, 下载2次)


[.net编程] Loachs_v1.3

This procedure basically on. Net platform, supported by default Access database, can be extended to any database, complete with articles published, comments, subscriptions, labels and other features to meet individual/team information publishing needs, as a blog, cms, or even build corporate site (2014-06-16, ASP, 601KB, 下载4次)


[.net编程] NetQuiz_Ve

. This code shows you use Microsoft Enterprise Library, but also shows the different ways you can play UI. I have to keep the code very basic so everyone can use it in a very simple way. Code zip file contains SQL scripts and database backup and ready to use. (2013-05-27, C#, 257KB, 下载2次)


[.net编程] Asp.net-talk.pdf

本书从。NET的基础出发,在适当的地方加以延伸和拓展,使之更贴近企业开发。书中系统地讲解了。NET企业开发的多个层面,主要知识点包括:表单知识、.NET运行机制、Visual Studio 2008技巧、ASP.NET服务器控件的使用、SQL注入防范、单元测试、三层架构、报表、数据加密/解密、GDI+、ADO.NET、分布式开发、AJAX开发及静态页面生成技术、高性能ASP.NET应用程序开发等,在最后一章以一个实际项目来演示如何将本书所讲的知识点应用到实际项目开发中
Book from. NET basis for starting to extend and expand where appropriate, to make it closer to enterprise development. The book explain. NET enterprise development levels, the main knowledge points include: forms of knowledge. NET operating mechanism, Visual Studio 2008 skills, the use of ASP.NET server controls, SQL injection prevention, unit test, the three-tier structure, statements, data encryption/decryption, GDI+, ADO.NET, distributed development, AJAX development and static page generation technology, high-performance ASP.NET application development to demonstrate an actual project in the last chapter of the book about how knowledge applied to the actual project development (2013-04-12, ASP, 8812KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] LCweb

LCweb Articles是一款小巧的基于.Net(asp.net_c#_access)的文章系统,非常适合小企业建站。非傻瓜型,需要具有一定的基础,用起来非常方便。 功能介绍: 1、无限级分类划分文章栏目 2、广告管理功能 3、留言板功能 4、友情链接功能 5、后台用户管理
LCweb Articles is based on a small Net (asp.net_c# _access) post system, ideal for small-Buy.com. Non-fool type, need to have a certain basis, which are very convenient. Features: 1, the unlimited classification divided post part 2, ad management functions, message boards 4, Link function 5, back-end user management (2013-01-14, Others, 1533KB, 下载3次)


[.net编程] Loachss

本程序基本于.Net平台开发,默认支持Access数据库,可扩展为任意数据库,拥有完整的文章发布,评论,订阅,标签等功能,满足个人/团队信息发布需求,可作为blog,cms,甚至建企业站点 本程序采用了 NVelocity,CKEditor 组件
The program in basic Net platform development, support for Access database by default, can be extended to any database, complete post, comment, subscribe, tags and other functions, to meet the needs of the individual/team information can be used as blog, cms, even built the corporate site This program uses the NVelocity, CKEditor component (2013-01-13, Others, 596KB, 下载4次)


[.net编程] lcweb0.2

LCweb是一款小巧的基于.Net(asp.net_c#_access)的网站内容管理系统,非常适合小企业建站。非傻瓜型,需要具有一定的基础,用起来非常方便。 非傻瓜型,具有一定的基础用起来会觉得很方便。
The LCweb is a compact based on .Net ( asp.net_c#_access ) web content management system, very suitable for small enterprises website. Non dummies, need to have some foundation, very convenient to use. The fool type, have certain basic use of it will feel very convenient. (2013-01-11, Others, 1865KB, 下载3次)


[.net编程] cominfosec

原先给企业开发的一套安全生产信息报送系统,现在发来大家共享一下! SQL数据库,附加即可,管理员和密码都是admin 主要功能: 1.可以分权限上报系统 2.中级管理层决定是否确定上报 3.反馈上报信息
The original to the enterprise to develop a set of safety production information reporting system, and now to share what! The SQL database, attached to, administrator and password are admin Main function: 1 can be divided authority reporting system The 2 Intermediate management layer determines whether the identified reporting The 3 feedback report information (2013-01-11, Others, 327KB, 下载23次)


[.net编程] B2BPBRevision

拍宝网 使用.Net 1.1 + SQLServer2000技术仿照淘宝网相对功能完善的网站,实现了无限级的分类功能,为网站的扩充提供了很好的基础。 此外还完成了会员开店,个人商品管理,站内信等功能.. (正在继续完善中...)
Shoot Po network use. Net 1.1+ SQLServer2000 technology modeled Taobao relatively well-functioning website, infinite level classification, and provides a good foundation for the expansion of the site. In addition, the completion of the member shop, the personal merchandise management, station within the letter and other functions .. (and is continuing to improve in ...) (2012-11-25, C#, 5934KB, 下载5次)


[.net编程] pnett200r

精通ASP.NET2.0企业级开项目开发源代码.有会员积分系统/简单易懂OA系统/客户关系管理系统统/网上书店系统.每个里面都分sql2003与sql2005的代码,CSHARP 三层架构非常值的学习
Proficient in ASP.NET2.0 enterprise-class open project development source code. Member Points System/easy to understand OA system/customer relationship management system system/online bookstore system. Each of which points sql2003 and sql2005 code the CSHARP three-tier architecture very value of learning (2012-07-29, Visual C++, 2028KB, 下载7次)


[.net编程] cftjk

一:文件说明: 1:md5_pay.aspx 支付页面. 2:md5_query.aspx 查询页面 3:payresult.aspx 支付结果显示页面 4:queryresult.aspx 查询结果显示页面 5:Md5Pay.cs 各功能实现类 二:注意点. 1:因为让.net自动转化处理URL中的中文字符,所以请在web.config中加入以下配置. <globalization requestEncoding="gb2312" responseEncoding="gb2312" culture="zh-CN" fileEncoding="gb2312" /> 2:注意最好别把商户KEY明文显示. 3:读取回跳地址的地方可以用配置或者是相对地址(但在发起请求时必须组合成全地址)来实现,这样方便自已网站的部署. 另外,回跳地址推荐使用IP地址. (2012-07-15, C#, 36KB, 下载5次)


[.net编程] aikaoyuanma

一、 系统功能介绍 管理员: 添加账户:教师(主管),学生(员工) 管理账户:修改,删除 添加班级(部门) 管理班级(部门):修改,删除 Excel批量导入学生(员工) 导出学生(员工)到Excel 环境配置:可选择学校或企业
A system function Administrator: Add Account: teacher (supervisor), students (and staff) Management accounts: modify, delete Add classes (departments) Management classes (Department): modify, delete Excel Batch Import students (employees) Export students (employees) to Excel Environment configurations: choice of schools or businesses (2012-03-27, PHP, 12246KB, 下载14次)


[.net编程] NET2.0

无限级分类的中小企业网站(Sql数据库) 利用VS2005+Sql2000开发的一个无限级树形菜单,比较简单,实用性比较强 DB_CNZZ下为数据库文件,附加即可 数据库连接配置修改DefaultTree.aspx.cs中的SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("server=(local) database=GHRQ uid=sa pwd=sa")
Unlimited classification of SME website (Sql database) Using the VS2005+ Sql2000 the development of an unlimited-level tree menu simple, practical DB_CNZZ under the database file, attached to Database connection configuration modify the DefaultTree.aspx.cs in SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection ("server = (local) database = GHRQ uid = sa pwd = sa") (2012-03-23, Others, 2869KB, 下载7次)


[.net编程] TL

我们公司正在用的成本核算系统。用于中小企业进行成本核算。 功能:部门设置,人员设置,人员成本核算,部门成本核算,月核算,年核算,分类成本核算。 其他说明:为保证程序完整性,保留了注册文件,修改reg2.asp页面即可取消掉注册。
Our company is using the cost accounting system. For small and medium enterprises to cost accounting. Function: department setting, staffing, personnel cost accounting, departmental cost accounting, monthly accounting, annual accounting, cost accounting classification. Other Description: To ensure program integrity, to retain the registration file, modify the reg2.asp can cancel the registration page. (2010-01-25, ASP, 771KB, 下载12次)


[.net编程] 1

达达ASP.NET企业信息管理系统(Spring.NET修改版) 源码 后台主要功能有: 基本设置: 站点设置 系统探针 用户管理: 用户管理 修改密码 作品展示: 作品管理 添加作品 文章管理: 分类管理 添加分类 文章管理 添加文章 内置Asp.net探针,文章编辑器采用的是FCKeditor 程序使用VS2008(C#2.0)+SQL2005开发,功能和Access数据库的[达达ASP.NET企业信息管理系统]一样,然后改用了MVC框架Spring.NET+NHibernate,改进了分页效率较低和分页代码量大等问题 目录结构: DAO:Spring.NET+NHibernate通用DAO层 Model:数据库实体 SpringResource/spring_bean_dao.xml:Spring配置文件下的 <object id="DbProvider" type="DAO.SQLProvider, DAO"> <property name="ConnectionString" value="Data Source=(local) Database=Web User ID=sa Password=sa Trusted_Connection=False" /> </object> (数据库连接字符在这里修改,然后还要重新编译DAO这个项目才会生效) WEB:WEB层 DB_51下为Sql2005数据库,附加即可 后台登陆地址:admin/default.aspx,帐号/密码:51aspx/51aspx
324234234324 (2009-09-18, C/C++, 8163KB, 下载47次)


[.net编程] dotnetserver

作为《微软NET程序员系列》丛书之一,本书着重面向解决方案,而不是一本普通的编程参考书,全书分为6个部分,主要介绍了如何计划,开发和部署企业电子商务解决方案。本书将理论与实际紧密结合,详细讲解如何解决电子商务集成时遇到的问题,并进一步探讨了使用Microsoft .NET Server的各种语言和技术解决具体的问题。 本书适合开发顾问、解决方案提供商、应用服务提供商,及独立软件供应商的开发人员阅读,此外,对于负责为特定商务问题设计企业级解决方案的人员来说,本书也具有足够的专业性
As a "Microsoft NET programmers Series" series, one of the book focus on solution-oriented, rather than programming a general reference books, the book is divided into six parts, mainly describes how to plan the development and deployment of enterprise e-commerce solutions. This book will be closely integrated theory and practice, explaining in detail how to solve e-business integration problems encountered, and to further explore the use of Microsoft. NET Server in a variety of language and technology to solve specific problems. This book suitable for the development of consultants, solution providers, application service providers, independent software vendors and developers to read, in addition, for the specific business issues for the design of enterprise-class solutions for the staff, this book also has enough professional (2009-05-29, ASP, 25638KB, 下载4次)


[.net编程] ASP.NET

2、网站地址管理系统 jack,123456 3、在线选课系统 学生1,1 教师1,1 管理员manager,manager 4、人才招聘系统 普通用户abcd,123456 企业用户ccc,123456 管理员manager,123456登录
web address management system jack, 123456 3, on-line course system Student 1,1 Teachers 1,1 Administrator manager, manager 4, talent recruitment system Ordinary user abcd, 123456 Business users ccc, 123456 Administrator manager, 123456 Log in (2009-04-02, ASP, 1966KB, 下载28次)


[.net编程] Recruitment

Online talent management system is an interactive function of the human resources information systems in the network are set up on a virtual job fair. A lot of well-known enterprises in order to attract talent, are creating their own online talent management system, so this is a more popular network applications. (2009-03-11, ASP, 259KB, 下载9次)


[.net编程] DEV343

EEP (Electronic Enterprise Platform)是一个架构在VS2005之下多层解决方案, 全部以控件化免编程的方式来开发企业的e化系统, 并强制将系统分割成表示层与业务层, 能同时支持ASP .NET与Windows Form。
EEP (Electronic Enterprise Platform) is a multi-storey structure under the VS2005 solution, so as to control all manner of free programming to develop e-business systems, and making it mandatory that the system is separated into that layer and business layer, it can support ASP. NET and Windows Form. (2008-09-26, Others, 976KB, 下载9次)
