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[企业管理] Xiao5u_Customer_1.4

School Worry customer information management system is a simple customer information management system, customer-focused, scientific management and information technology together to achieve unified management of customer information. System is suitable for enterprises, companies, education and training institutions, enterprises and institutions ... (2016-05-23, ASP, 1014KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] Zhi_Repair

Chi Rui repair management system targeting administrative enterprises, institutions, organizations accelerate network paperless office and network information repair management system, the system supports urban areas module management, membership information module, repair type, maintenance workers information display, to achieve fast and accurate in place, support online printing, data export, aggregate data, repair times statistics. (2016-05-22, ASP, 519KB, 下载2次)


[企业管理] skycnasp

Angel News Studios portal management system-DIV+ CSS template, anti injection sql keyword filtering, multiple browsers adapt perfectly compatible with IE6-IE8, Firefox, Google and other standards-compliant browser, the template style in one CSS style , complete separation of content and style, to allow website designers to create templates and management. (2016-05-21, ASP, 7309KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] Dvbbs8.3_Sql

Guanlong technology enterprise website management system is based on ASP+ ACCESS technology development of e-commerce platform, is fully automated, fully intelligent online management, maintenance and updating of site management system. This system is directly uploaded to your web space can be used. Full background operation. (2016-05-20, ASP, 5956KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] wlzp_2.1

Net network Dr. books are small companies Simple Network billing system can also be used as an accounting of the family, such as your organization have a lot of colleagues, often have their usual daily expenses, the system can record at any time, using a mobile phone can also be login operation. (2016-05-19, ASP, 1314KB, 下载2次)


[企业管理] sk2012

SK enterprise website management system is under the Asp+ Access/Mssql environment to develop open-source products. SKCMS to information as the theme, unlimited classified as support columns, with the flexibility to use a number of plug-ins in order to achieve the vision of an information gateway! (2016-05-18, ASP, 3605KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] banzhu_2.0

斑竹企业智能建站系统 2.0,只要你在论坛多发帖,特别是优质的内容,精华帖等,就会得到论坛点券或体力,即可以用论坛点券或体力免费兑换斑竹币,或直接点击任务,赚取斑竹币,即可下载斑竹2.0了。
Bamboo enterprise intelligent website system 2.0, if you post to multiple forums, especially high-quality content, the essence of software, etc., will give the forum or physical coupons, which can use the forum or physical coupons redeemed owner free credits, or click on the task earn coins Bamboo, Bamboo can download the 2.0. (2016-05-18, ASP, 2124KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] ESMS_06.0108.H

The thinking enterprise management systems to enhance back-office functions fully institutionalized. Simple website background operation. Use of. Front page is simple and clear. Top Site modify Herd.asp file. Please edit website bottom Foot.asp file. Other specific functions to background operation. (2016-05-17, ASP, 1524KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] 583idc

动天数据企业网站管理系统1.0功能特点: 1、支持一键生成html; 2、支持google和百度地图生成; 3、RSS生成 4、URL自定义 5、增加按指定日期生成内容 6、自定义生成目录、文件名称 7、分类自定义模板、内容自定义模板
Moving day data enterprise website management system 1.0 Features: 1, support for a key to generate html 2, support google and Baidu map generation 3, RSS generation 4, URL customize the 5, increase generated content 6 by a specified date, custom build directory, file name 7, classification custom templates, custom template content (2016-05-17, ASP, 3015KB, 下载2次)


[企业管理] bijieoa

Bijie hotline OA system includes a personal office, document management, resource management, personnel management, meeting management, corporate culture, management and other functions, and to achieve three units (such as company headquarters, provincial branches, regional offices) while using , independently of each other at all levels, but it can interact with information (such as: document, assigned, announcements, news, etc.). (2016-05-17, ASP, 1042KB, 下载2次)


[企业管理] flqiye1.0

Campanula enterprise website management system using ASP language, and ACCESS support MSSQL , using the class and cache technology, security and speed greatly improved, reducing the burden of multiple queries a , perform a page and then refresh the page is almost no need to query the , fast. (2016-05-14, ASP, 1207KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] EasyesESYS4.9_UTF8

Easy- Build unlimited classification system features, unlimited-class features, multi-level membership management, multi-template combination, super tag definition, support DIV+ CSS site design, more intelligent labels. Home support and channel label column label static output and replace multiple static pages nesting. (2016-05-14, ASP, 1448KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] EditWorksPro510

phpweb企业管理系统基于php+mysql+smarty+ajax技术,使用更加方便,用户体验更加良好。 本系统包括产品管理系统,文章管理系统,附件管理系统,以及数据库的管理及维护,ajax留言系统,界面简洁大方,后台操作更加方便。
phpweb enterprise management system based on php+ mysql+ smarty+ ajax technology, easier to use, more good user experience. The system includes product management, article management system, attachment management system, as well as management and maintenance of the , ajax message system, simple and elegant interface, background operation more convenient. (2016-05-11, ASP, 198KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] xhad

Born Creators CRM customer relationship management system for small and medium enterprises is a common type of customer management software, integration of natural Creators long been engaged in software development management experience and advanced technology, the system uses leading B/S (browser/server) mode of operation, making the network work without geographical restrictions. (2016-05-09, ASP, 587KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] frontaccounting-2.3.24

FrontAccounting(FA)是一个针对企业ERP供应链的网页会计管理系统。FA允许多使用者、多语系和多国货币。FA接续OpenAccounting (OA)这套已停止开发软体的发展,并有更进一步的进展,OA则是由WebERP衍生出来的。
FrontAccounting (FA) is a web accounting management system for enterprise ERP supply chain. FA allow multi-user, multi-language and multi-currency. FA continue OpenAccounting (OA) has stopped the development of this software development, and there is further progress, OA is derived WebERP out. (2016-05-07, ASP, 1733KB, 下载2次)


[企业管理] ranzhi.3.3

However, the co-management system consists of customer management (crm), daily office (oa), cash accounting (cash), sharing the team (team) and applications of GNSS (ips) five modules, mainly for small and medium enterprises internal management team. And the market compared to other products, and then focus more on the synergy to provide integrated, streamlined solution. (2016-05-06, ASP, 3805KB, 下载2次)


[企业管理] fchbook

非常好用的一款留言簿,非常适合小型企业站点!!! v.13更改了1.2版本的审核显示问题 客户留言之后,不在前台显示,后台审核之后才显示(原来的是显示发布人的名称不显示内容,现在是什么都不显示!!)
Very easy to use a book, ideal for small corporate site !!! v.13 change auditing display issue Version 1.2 After the Message, not in the foreground show, backstage after the audit was displayed (the original publisher s name is displayed without content, it is nothing to display!) (2016-04-18, ASP, 96KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] HEasy_v1.0

HEasy客户管理软件可以快速为中小企业实现客户管理并实现协同工作,以便企业掌握各客户洽谈及订单签约状况。该客户管理软件提供给小微企以实现公司客户管理的实施,网络中一台电脑安装,其它电脑均可通过浏览器使用。 通过本软件能够对现有销售人员进行部分工作的监督和管理,提高工作效率,该阶段业务员流动频繁,需要通过客户管理系统CRM保护客户信息。 登陆系统的用户名:admin 密码:admin88 演示地址的用户名和密码都是666
HEasy customer management software for small and medium enterprises can quickly achieve the customer management and achieve collaborative work, so that the business to grasp the customer to negotiate and order status. The customer management software to provide small and micro enterprises in order to achieve the implementation of the company s customer management, the network of a computer installed, other computers can be used through the browser. Through the software to the existing sales staff to carry out some of the work of supervision and management, improve work efficiency, the flow of the phase of the business, the need to protect the customer information management system CRM. Login system user name: admin Password: admin88 The user name and password for the demo address is 666 (2015-12-13, ASP, 202KB, 下载2次)


[企业管理] web

企业日常管理系统报告报告管理-员工日常工作计划和总结 每天工作记录情况,让领导及时掌握员工动态; 邮件传输-给员工轻松发邮件,及时传达工作要点;员工管理-轻松维护员工信息; 报告审批-领导可对部门员工各报告进行审批和维护
Daily Enterprise Report Management System Management- employees daily work plan and summary daily work record and to allow staff to grasp the dynamic leadership Mail Transfer- Easily send e-mail to employees in a timely manner to convey the main points Staff Management- Easy to maintain employee information report approval- Leading department staff can approve the reports and maintenance (2015-04-13, ASP, 55KB, 下载2次)


[企业管理] LJV102

企业网站管理系统V5.0>动态和静态 asp+html 用户名 admin 密码 admin 后台可先切换 动态和静态 asp+html 良精通用网站管理系统V4.8新增功能,在线实时支付 兼容Firefox、Maxthon、TT等常用浏览器 公告可以切换成视频播放!
Enterprise CMS V5.0> dynamic and static asp+ html user name admin password admin to switch back to the first dynamic and static asp+ html good proficient with CMS V4.8 new features, on-line real-time payment is compatible with Firefox, Maxthon, TT Notices and other popular browsers can switch into a video player! (2009-09-11, ASP, 1193KB, 下载16次)
