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[Windows编程] cPP5-7

TanHaoJiang c++ class the solutions, 5-7 chapter, very detailed, also very classic. Approaches to master, learning C++ very good material. After decompression is TXT, there is a detailed the source code. Direct and stickup to c file can run. (2011-12-17, Visual C++, 22KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] Cprogram

High-quality computer education software development is the weak link, although many programmers can be proficient in programming, but lack a strong sense of quality, do not know how in the development process, built-in high quality. This makes the majority of enterprises rely on a large number of test and error correction to improve the quality of software products, has paid a high price. Therefore, how to effectively improve the quality of software products, IT one of the major challenges facing businesses. (2010-10-31, Visual C++, 14KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] mousekeyboard

When you need to use the computer to do some repetitive operation, it will become very troublesome. If the computer automatically at the right time can make a click of the mouse or enter the corresponding character, then the liberation of people can play and other recreational activities to do, the software is used to accomplish this work. (2010-09-17, Visual C++, 2262KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] DoubleBufferDemo

网上有许多文章讲述了如何使用Visual C++程序实现双缓冲,都是用C++面向对象语言写的,可能对很多没有接触过面向对象语言的C语言初学者来说理解起来有些困难,并且有些好心人也只是把源代码贴上去,不做注释,这就使读者读起来更费劲了。 在这里,我会就每一条语句作出解释。其中有一个地方比较有趣,值得讨论 感兴趣的朋友可以看看我的博客:http://blog.sina.com.cn/renfei521
nothing (2010-04-06, Visual C++, 756KB, 下载58次)


[Windows编程] SimplySnowProgram

Use WIN_API function written in a very simple procedure, suitable for beginners WIN a friend for reference. After running you can see the screen started to snow, but over time would get under the more there is no interface to end the program needs to delete the process in Task Manager. Would like to learn for fun ^ ^. (2010-02-06, Visual C++, 7KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] EnterpriseTelephoneManagementSystemforRecording

With the increasingly fierce market competition, all companies have tried every means to improve customer service, telephone customer service is the company launched an initiative on the phone with customer contact business, to answer questions for customers, but the customer too much circumstances, the inevitable problems, in order to avoid this from happening, the need for all customers calls are recorded through the recording could be a better understanding of customer needs, but also employees in their work to avoid errors. (2009-12-21, Visual C++, 3820KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] main[1].c333

visualc++6.0 Enterprise edition based on the integration of the official patch produced sp6 upgrade the! The installation to use, no need to patch again. ppvisualc++ is a powerful visualization tool for software development (2009-06-01, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] main[1].c12358

visualc++6.0 Enterprise edition based on the integration of the official patch produced sp6 upgrade the! The installation to use, no need to patch again. ppvisualc++ is a powerful visualization tool for software development (2009-06-01, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] Update

With the perfect software, it is necessary to update the client at any time, so I wrote an online update, General letter a strong network, and as long as the server-side modification, and customers on the line as long as there are prompts to update. (2009-05-16, Visual C++, 213KB, 下载65次)


[Windows编程] a

基于Web技术的通用监控平台 以互连网为核心的技术革命,正给人类工作、生活,乃至生存带来巨大变化。如何将已有的应用系统与蒸蒸日上的互连网技术结合起来,进一步提高企业的运作效率和企业形象,得到了企业的广泛关注。上海Foxboro有限公司在工业智能自动化领域为广大用户提供了优秀的产品和服务,随着互连网技术的发展和应用,为了进一步满足客户的需求,公司提出将现有的IA系列产品SCADA与Web技术有机结合起来,实现基于Web技术的SCADA通用监控平台。
Universal Web-based technology platform to monitor the Internet as the core of the technological revolution, is to the human work, life, and even bring about great changes in survival. How to existing application systems and the success of the combination of Internet technology to further enhance the operational efficiency and corporate image, has been widespread concern in the enterprise. Shanghai Foxboro Company Limited in the industrial field of intelligent automation to provide customers with excellent products and services, with Internet development and application of technology, in order to further meet customer demand, the company proposed to the existing SCADA and IA products Web technology combine Web-based SCADA common monitoring platform. (2009-04-16, Visual C++, 171KB, 下载9次)


[Windows编程] Program

客户管理系统使用SQL2000做为后台数据库数据库文件在压缩文件中在database文件夹下。使用VC++编写,使用ADO方法访问数据库,程序中将数据库操作封装成一个很健全的类,用户可以直接将ADO类应用在其他的系统中. 客户管理系统主要由基础信息维护、客户信息维护、客户服务、信息查询、系统管理和帮助信息等几个功能模块组成,规划系统功能模块如下: 1、基础信息维护模块 该模块主要包括区域信息设置、企业性质设置、企业类型设置、企业资信设置、客户级别设置和客户满意程度设置6部分。 2、客户信息维护模块 该模块主要包括客户信息、联系人信息、业务往来、客户呼叫中心4个部分。 3、客户服务模块 该模块主要包括客户反馈、客户投诉两个部分。 4、信息查询模块 该模块主要包括客户信息查询、联系人信息查询、客户反馈满意度查询和客户投诉满意度查询4部分。 5、系统管理模块 该模块主要包括增加操作员、密码修改、退出系统3部分。
This is a Customer Management System, it Program with VC++,and The DataBase is SQL2000,the Program accessing the DataBase with ADO Method. (2009-02-13, Visual C++, 2179KB, 下载67次)


[Windows编程] aybook.cn_byylkcsjbg1208

Through the design, preparation, testing an arithmetic expression syntax and semantic analysis procedures, better understanding of the syntax and semantic analysis understanding of the principles and procedures for the realization of lexical analysis of the lexical word sequence and analysis of inspection (2008-12-28, Visual C++, 60KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] C++_cn

This book discusses all those who may appear in the C++ Code basic error, but also those details appear in the C++ Grammar, pre-processing, memory management, polymorphism, class design and inheritance relations between types of design that may occur in all kinds of complicated error. (2008-10-22, Visual C++, 20774KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] Gossip_TeleportNPC

魔兽世界模拟服务器脚本代码. Menu->AddItem(0, " 主城传送 ",100) Menu->AddItem(0, " 初级副本传送 ",101) Menu->AddItem(0, " 中级副本传送 ",102) Menu->AddItem(0, " 团队副本传送 ",103) Menu->AddItem(0, " 外域副本传送1 ",104) Menu->AddItem(0, " 外域副本传送2 ", 105) Menu->AddItem(0, " 个人银行 ", 106) Menu->AddItem(0, " 开通飞行点 ", 107) Menu->AddItem(0, " 领取工资 ", 108) Menu->AddItem(0, " 外域传送 ", 109) Menu->AddItem(0, " 野外BOSS传送 ", 110)
World of Warcraft server script code simulation. Menu- (2007-10-17, Visual C++, 7KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] yl2nl

阳历转农历 /*************************************************************************** 致看到这些源代码的兄弟: 你好! 这本来是我为一个商业PDA产品开发的日历程序,最近移植于PC机上, 所以算法 和数据部分是用纯C++写的,不涉及MFC,所有的代码都是以短节省存储空间为主要目 的. 很高兴你对这些代码有兴趣,你可以随意复制和使用些代码,唯一有一点小小的 愿望:在你使用和复制给别人时,别忘注明这些代码作者:-)。程序代码也就罢了,后 面的数据可是我辛辛苦苦从万年历上找出来输进去的。 如果你有什么好的意见不妨Mail给我。 wangfei@hanwang.com.cn 或 wangfei@engineer.com.cn 2000年3月 ****************************************************************************/
to the Lunar calendar /************************************************** to see the source code of these brothers : Hello! I used to do this as a commercial product development PDA calendar procedures in recent transplant PC, So part of the algorithm and the data is written in pure C and do not involve the MFC, All the code is to save storage space short for the main objective. I am very glad that you have these codes right interest, You are free to copy and use some code, only one small wish : you use and copy to others, do not forget to specify these codes author :-). Code people, but behind the data from the calendar I have worked hard to find out losers on Capitol Hill. If you have any good ideas might Mail to me. Wangfei@hanwang.com.cn or w (2007-06-04, Visual C++, 50KB, 下载85次)


[Windows编程] StateUBookstoreView

This is based on the Tsinghua University Publishing House, "a comprehensive master vb6.0 Enterprise Application Development" and revisions. 67 focus on this self-made on the hope that we criticize and correct (2007-05-17, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] StateUBookstoreDoc

This is based on the Tsinghua University Publishing House, "a comprehensive master vb6.0 Enterprise Application Development" and revisions. 67 focus on this self-made on the hope that we criticize and correct (2007-05-17, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] StateUBookstore

This is based on the Tsinghua University Publishing House, "a comprehensive master vb6.0 Enterprise Application Development" and revisions. 67 focus on this self-made on the hope that we criticize and correct (2007-05-17, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] my_joystick

This is based on VC cserialport kind of a handle on the game joystick programming can be realized by the butt rocker button and the capture and control. (2007-04-26, Visual C++, 69KB, 下载345次)


[Windows编程] box_man321

这是个挺老的游戏“推箱子”,vc++6.0下写的,在windowsXP下通过测试。 游戏规则很简单,只要把黄色的箱子全部推到圆圈的地方就可以了
This is a very old game, "RSS", vc 6.0 wrote in AIX through testing. The rules of the game is very simple, as long as the yellow box to put the full circle of the area can be (2005-12-12, Visual C++, 20KB, 下载7次)
