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按分类查找All 其他书籍(452) 

[其他书籍] eetop.cn_FPGA数字信号处理实现原理及方法

The FPGA implementation of DSP principle & method. (2019-08-09, Verilog, 3789KB, 下载6次)


[其他书籍] android001

Andrews personnel and enterprises face questions summary is engaged in the Android software development work necessary when candidates Collection (2013-09-21, Java, 11242KB, 下载9次)


[其他书籍] Enterprise-Management

企业管理学 本书的内容分为原理篇、实务篇和专题篇。在原理篇部分,教材围绕管理学的四大基本职能,系统地介绍了计划、组织、领导、控制和管理理论的新进展;在实务篇部分,详细阐述了企业在管理和运作等方面的基本实务内容(包括企业战略管理、经营与决策管理、市场营销管理、生产与运作管理、人力资源管理、质量管理、财务管理、设备管理和技术管理等);在专题篇部分,对管理学发展的一些前沿问题,如信息管理,项目管理,物流与供应链管理、资本运作与管理、虚拟企业管理和国际企业管理等作了概括介绍并围绕重点问题进行研究性归纳。
Chapter book is divided into theory and practical papers and thematic papers. Papers in principle part of the materials around the four basic functions of management, a systematic introduction to the planning, organization, leadership, control and management theory of new progress In practice, some papers described in detail in the management and operation of enterprises and other basic practice (including strategic management, operation and decision-making management, marketing management, production and operation management, human resources management, quality management, financial management, equipment management and technology management, etc.) part of the thematic papers on the Development of Management Some cutting-edge issues, such as information management, project management, logistics and supply chain management, capital operation and management, virtual enterprise management and international business management and gave an overview of key issues surrounding the research s (2011-06-02, WORD, 24268KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] EnterpriseServiceBus

企业服务总线提供了ESB的体系结构概述,展示了它如何把它纳入日常IT专业人士的范围,利用企业应用程序和J2EE的构建服务。NET中的C / C + +和其他遗留环境的集成工作一个事件驱动的面向服务的体系结构。通过对现实世界的用例从多个行业制定使用ESB的研究,该书概述了明确和一贯对这种一体化战略提出的好处。
Enterprise Service Bus provides an architectural overview of the ESB, showing how it can bring the task of integration of enterprise applications and services built on J2EE, .NET, C/C++, and other legacy environments into the reach of the everyday IT professional, using an event-driven Service-Oriented Architecture. Through the study of real-world use cases drawn from several industries using ESB, the book clearly and coherently outlines the benefits of moving toward this integration strategy. (2010-04-02, C/C++, 2481KB, 下载24次)


[其他书籍] Survey_on_SMT

The paper gives a survey on three approaches of statistical machine translation and the evaluation methods used in SMT. (2010-02-22, Visual C++, 123KB, 下载18次)


[其他书籍] NS_Fro_China

NS2 English manual, network simulation software, based on C++ function and opnet similar, mostly for enterprise use, free software (2010-02-19, Visual C++, 2696KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] DevelopersGuide_CN

OpenOffice 是一个开源字处理软件,源码可以到www.openoffice.org 下载。本书是其开发指南中文版。
OpenOffice is an open source word processing software, source code can be downloaded to the www.openoffice.org. This book is the Chinese version of its development guidelines. (2010-01-09, Others, 10381KB, 下载99次)


[其他书籍] HGE_CN

Classic 2D game engine HGE Chinese language reference manual, is a rare data, and now HGE has been open, the game developers a good choice. (2009-09-29, CHM, 216KB, 下载12次)


[其他书籍] softarchitect

在软件组织中,架构师的作用是举足轻重的。本课程针对企业开发最关注的问题深入 研讨,抓住投入产出比这个企业的核心价值,讨论架构设计如何使这个核心价值得以实现
In software organizations, the architect' s role is pivotal. This course is designed for enterprise developers are most concerned about the issue in depth, to seize the input-output ratio of this company' s core values, to discuss how the architecture design to make the core values of realized (2009-09-10, Java, 1316KB, 下载14次)


[其他书籍] qt-4.3-whitepaper-cn.pdf.tar

QT Chinese white paper, I will briefly mention the use of various modules, suitable for beginners all QT (2009-06-27, Unix_Linux, 1703KB, 下载94次)


[其他书籍] vim_Bible_cn

Vim中文手册,网上不好找的. 该手册不谨介绍了vim的命令,还有教程,让新手们更快的入门。
Vim English manual, online不好找of. The manual not only describes the vim command, as well as tutorials, so that novices have a faster entry. (2009-06-13, Unix_Linux, 1748KB, 下载141次)


[其他书籍] gnu-make-doc-zh_CN-1.3

gun make中文手册 ver3.8,由徐海兵翻译,非常详尽地介绍了make的各个方面
gun make Chinese Manual ver3.8, translated by Xu Bing, a very detailed introduction to all aspects of make (2009-04-11, Unix_Linux, 895KB, 下载22次)


[其他书籍] gnu-make-doc-zh_CN-1.3

the book includes the discription of the makefile s format,varible, function,library etc . it is suitable for the linux developers and emmbed developers (2009-04-09, Unix_Linux, 905KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] LPC2141_42_44_46_48_1_cn

This is a series of chips LPC2141_42_44_46_48_1 Chinese data, costs a lot of time to find and come up with to share! (2008-11-21, PDF, 478KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] Cortex_M3_TRM__en_and_cn

Cortex-M3 Chinese English technical manuals, with the Cortex-M3 authoritative guide Topsy can easily use Cortex-M3 (2008-11-09, Others, 6167KB, 下载142次)


[其他书籍] Standard_VerilogHdl

Synchronous design specifications, Huawei as a domestic leading enterprises in the electronic communications of synchronous VHDL design normative documents (2008-10-09, VHDL, 290KB, 下载36次)


[其他书籍] Enterprise_SOA

SOA learning of relevant content, from the perspective of enterprise-level SOA describes the deployment process. (2008-09-14, Others, 3757KB, 下载84次)


[其他书籍] uu

Thesis, service-oriented architecture, SOA, methodology related to the application of SOA to build a new generation of enterprise information management system (2008-05-27, Others, 3989KB, 下载292次)


[其他书籍] ThinkinCOM

COM insider, the main stresses COM+ Principle and enterprise application of the original English e-books, learning good information on COM. (2007-08-08, Visual C++, 6403KB, 下载88次)


[其他书籍] mianshi

major enterprises interview subject Collection, it appears right after the interview you, you have great pitching (2006-09-28, C/C++, 166KB, 下载255次)
