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[Linux/Unix编程] pubnub-raspberry-GPIO

PubNub 是一家提供数据流网络及相关 API的企业,成立于 2010年,总部位于旧金山。原先 PubNub 的这个网络的主要客户是移动 app,透过后端平台的作用,让 app 内部可以进行通信。不过随着 IT 服务朝着 IP 网络的演进,以及物联网的日渐流行,使得 PubNub 逐步发展为一个安全可靠、遍布全球的的双向数据网络,成为为移动 app、web 以及物联网等依靠定期小型信令传输的服务的承载网。 目前 PubNub 拥有超过 2000 个客户,包括社交应用与消费者应用,以及金融、商业服务等垂直领域,但是物联网现在已成为 PubNub 发展最快和最大的业务。PubNub 的在网设备现已超过 2 亿的设备,每分钟要完成 2000 万个实时事务。我曾使用其它方式如 MQTT 来控制树莓派 GPIO 接口,而以 PubNub 的方式最简单。 以下网址范例在树莓派 3 执行 (树莓派2 也可以) 包含 2 部分, 首先手机透过浏览器接口将控制树莓派 led亮灭信号传至PubNub云端平台, 接着在树莓派执行应用程序(for python) 读取先前已存在 PubNub云端平台的 LED控制信号以控制GPIO 接口使得 LED 持续亮灭。
PubNub is a provider of network traffic and related API company, founded in 2010 and headquartered in San Francisco. PubNub original main customers of this network is a mobile app, through the effect of the back-end platform, so app can communicate internally. But as the IT service evolution toward IP networks, as well as the growing popularity of things such PubNub progressive development of a safe, reliable, worldwide two-way data network, a mobile app, web and rely on things such as periodic small letter order bearer network transmission services. PubNub currently has more than 2000 customers, including social applications and consumer applications, and vertical areas of finance, business services, but now things have become PubNub fastest growing and largest business. PubNub in network equipment is now more than 200 million of equipment to complete the 20 million real-time transactions per minute. I have used other means such MQTT to control Raspberry Pi GPIO interfaces, and the ea (2016-04-20, Python, 556KB, 下载4次)


[Linux/Unix编程] Linux_Kernel_CN(1)

本书并不是特意一本Linux 的内部手册相反它是对操作系统的介绍同时以Linux作为示例书中每一章遵循从共性到特性的原则它们将首先给出核心子系统的概叙然后进行尽可能的详细描叙 我不会用routine_X()调用routine_Y()来增加bar 数据结构中foo 域的值这种方式来描叙核心算法 你自己可以通过阅读代码发现它每当需要理解一段代码时我总是将其数据结构画出来这样我发现了许多相关的核心数据结构以及它们之间的关系 每一章都是非常独立的就象Linux 核心子系统一样当然有时它们还是有联系的比如说如果你没有理解虚拟内存工作原理就无法描叙进程 硬件基本概念一章对现代PC 做了简要介绍操作系统必须与硬件系统紧密结合在一起协同工作操作系统需要一些只能够由硬件提供的服务为了全面理解Linux 你必须了解有关硬件的基础知识 软件基本概念一章介绍了软件基本原理与C 程序语言讨论了建立Linux 这样的操作系统的工具并且给出了操作系统的目标与功能的概叙 内存管理这章描叙了Linux 如何处理物理内存以及虚拟存储技术 进程管理描叙了进程的概念以及Linux 核心是如何创建管理与删除系统中的进程 进程间及进程与核心间通讯以协调它们的活动Linux 支持大量进程间通讯IPC
the book is not specifically a Linux internal manual Rather, it was the introduction of the operating system Linux simultaneously in each chapter of the book as an example to follow from the common characteristics of the principles is that they will be the first core subsystems of Syria will then proceed to the detailed depicts as possible, I will not use routine_X () call routine _Y () to increase the bar data structure foo domain of values in this manner, depicts the core algorithm you can read the code when it was found necessary to understand some code, I will always data structure drawn so I found many of the core data structure and the relationship between them each chapter very independent, just like the Linux kernel subsystem of course sometimes they like or linked, for instance if (2005-04-08, Unix_Linux, 1172KB, 下载32次)
