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[其他] hubujob

Open multithreading, climb 51job, Zhilian recruitment, Haitou, Lahook, Dajie.com and other common recruitment websites, which consist of a series of modules such as direct job search, school recruitment online application, famous enterprise online application, enterprises I follow, and companies I collect. Websites based on frameworks such as Spring MVC+Spring+Mybits+SpringBoot. (2024-05-08, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Inventory-Management-

The Java-based inventory management system is a robust software solution designed to efficiently manage and track inventory in a business or organization. It provides separate interfaces for administrators and users, each with their own set of functionalities and permissions. (2024-04-18, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] people-hr-java-sdk

Access PeopleHR是Access Group的一部分,我们一起支持人力资源世界。从为所有规模的企业提供HRIS,到提供学习内容、工资系统等等。Konfig(https:konfigthis.com)生成的PeopleHR的Java SDK。
Access PeopleHR is part of The Access Group, and together we are supporting the world of HR. From supplying HRIS for all sized businesses, providing learning content, payroll systems, and much more. PeopleHR s Java SDK generated by Konfig (https: konfigthis.com ). (2024-03-27, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] hetzner-java-sdk

Hetzner提供可靠的云托管和数据中心服务,重点关注安全和性能。他们的基础架构为企业提供可扩展的托管解决方案,包括专用服务器、云存储和虚拟专用服务器。Hetzner的Java SDK由Konfig生成(https:konfigthis.com)。
Hetzner offers reliable cloud hosting and data center services with a focus on security and performance. Their infrastructure serves businesses with scalable hosting solutions including dedicated servers, cloud storage, and virtual private servers. Hetzner s Java SDK generated by Konfig (https: konfigthis.com ). (2024-03-19, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] WebBasedSpringInventoryApplication

基于Spring的库存管理系统专为特定零售企业量身定制,具有定制HTML UI增强功能、具有最小和最大阈值的库存跟踪、“一口价”功能,以及全面的文档和单元测试,以实现稳健的应用程序性能。
Spring-based inventory management system tailored for a specific retail business, featuring custom HTML UI enhancements, inventory tracking with minimum and maximum thresholds, and a "Buy Now" functionality, along with comprehensive documentation and unit testing for robust application performance. (2024-02-22, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] smart-etl

轻量级的etl框架,只有一个jar包。比spark,hadoop,kettle等PAAS型的ETL框架轻量。可轻易集成使用 信创友好:一套SQL,兼容mysql oracle dm postresql等数据库 高性能:SQL执行比数据库快50倍,比clickhourse快...
The lightweight etl framework has only one jar package. It is lighter than Spark, Hadoop, Kettle and other PAAS ETL frameworks. It is easy to integrate and use information creation friendly: a set of SQL, compatible with databases such as mysql, oracle dm postsql, etc. High performance: SQL execution is 50 times faster than the database, faster than clickhour (2023-12-01, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] sanri-tools

sanri-tools-maven 是一个开源的用于企业开发的工具包,重点是要解决实际开发中一些数据查询,监控 ,可视化工具,目前已经聚合了 kafka,redis,zookeeper,dubbo,swagger,soap,mybatis,elasticsearch,mon...
Sanri tools maven is an open source toolkit for enterprise development. It focuses on solving some data query, monitoring and visualization tools in actual development. Currently, kafka, redis, zookeeper, dubbo, swagger, soap, mybatis, elastic search, mon (2022-10-31, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] vihacker-cloud

VihackerCloud is a development scaffold based on SpringBoot2. x, SpringCloud and SpringCloudAlibaba. The project introduces the idea of componentization to achieve high cohesion, low coupling and high configurability, which is suitable for learning and enterprise use. (2023-05-25, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] JavaLib-quartz

基于企业级定时任务框架Quartz Job Scheduling开发的,目的是帮你快速构建定时任务系统,你可以专心编写你的业务逻辑,而不必关注定时任务具体是如何实现的,
It is developed based on the enterprise level timed task framework Quartz Job Scheduling. It is designed to help you quickly build a timed task system. You can concentrate on writing your business logic without paying attention to how timed tasks are implemented, (2019-04-19, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] VK1623S_V1.2-CN

The software program control makes it suitable for various LCD application lines. Only three to four signal lines are used to control the LCD actuator. In addition, it can also enter the power saving mode by command (2021-04-25, Java, 2103KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Apache Shiro

Apache Shiro是一个强大且易用的Java安全框架,执行身份验证、授权、密码和会话管理。使用Shiro的易于理解的API,您可以快速、轻松地获得任何应用程序,从最小的移动应用程序到最大的网络和企业应用程序。
Apache Shiro is a powerful and easy-to-use Java security framework that performs authentication, authorization, password, and session management. With Shiro's easy to understand API, you can quickly and easily access any application, from the smallest mobile application to the largest network and enterprise application. (2021-03-31, Java, 2403KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 问道1.6ECT中文对照表

account_question.list 账号安全答题库 achieve_info.list 成就奖励 ac_combat_answer.c 未知 aiwo_zhonghua.list 爱我中华(活动) aiwo_zhonghua_test.list 爱我中华(活动) amend.list 异常补偿配置表 answer_info.list 答题类 antiaddiction.list 任务奖励经验道行金钱列表 appellation_color.list 称号颜色 appellation_effect.list 称号属性 appellation_name.list 各种称号 apprentice_bonus.list 拜师升级奖励 april_fool_2012.list 愚人节大冒险活动 april_fool_2012_test.list 愚人节大冒险活动 april_fool_2013.list 愚人节宝箱大冒险 april_fool_2013_test.list 愚人节宝箱大冒险 april_fool_2014.list 百变怪入侵天墉城 april_fool_2014_test.list 百变怪入侵天墉城 arbor_day_2013.list 植树节活动 arbor_day_2013_test.list 植树节活动 arbor_day_2015.list 植树节活动 arbor_day_2015_test.list 植树节活动 arbor_day_2016.list 植树节活动
Account_question.list Account Security Answer Library Achievement_info.list Achievement Award Ac_combat_answer.c. unknown Aiwo_zhonghua.list Aiwo_zhonghua_test.list Amendment.list Anomaly Compensation Configuration Table Answer_info.list Antiaddiction. list Task Reward Experience Road Money List Appllation_color.list Appllation_effect.list title attribute Appllation_name.list Apprentice_bonus.list April_fool_2012.list April_fool_2012_test.list April_fool_2013.list April_fool_2013_test.list April_fool_2014.list April_fool_2014_test.list Arbor_day_2013.list Tree Planting Festival Arbor_day_2013_test.list Tree Planting Festival Arbor_day_2015.list Tree Planting Festival Arbor_day_2015_test.list Tree Planting Festival Arbor_day_2016.list Tree Planting Festival (2019-01-18, Java, 15KB, 下载3次)


[其他] daikuantoubiao

The source code for an Android version of the Jurong Loan Bidding Assistant project, which is used internally by a company or developer, will not leak out. The project relies on his official website, orong. cn, but now that the official website is down, it is estimated that the entire company will run away and share it, because the project lacks a department. Picture resources so the original project will report errors, I use the resource directory under the other picture files to replace the lack of picture resources, may be wrong picture display but the whole project can run normally.
The source code for an Android version of the Jurong Loan Bidding Assistant project, which is used internally by a company or developer, will not leak out. The project relies on his official website, orong. cn, but now that the official website is down, it is estimated that the entire company will run away and share it, because the project lacks a department. Picture resources so the original project will report errors, I use the resource directory under the other picture files to replace the lack of picture resources, may be wrong picture display but the whole project can run normally. (2018-09-13, Java, 5767KB, 下载0次)


[其他] studydemo

Mule ESB是一个基于Java的轻量级企业服务总线和集成平台,允许开发人员快速便利地连接多个应用,并支持应用间的数据交换。Mule ESB支持集成现有系统而无论其底层采用何种技术,如JMS、Web Services、JDBC、HTTP以及其他技术。
Mule ESB is a lightweight enterprise service bus and integration platform based on Java that allows developers to quickly and conveniently connect multiple applications and support data exchange between applications. Mule ESB supports integration of existing systems, regardless of the underlying technologies, such as JMS, Web Services, JDBC, HTTP and other technologies. (2018-07-24, Java, 1663KB, 下载2次)


[其他] 222

2018年望江县幼儿教师招聘考试+答案【34889489必过】 -內部+消息 {諮詢+求助34889489√十足 把握(通過率100%)壹手打造.100%保證.實力 信譽 攷試=答案=通過{必√過 34889489》- 2018年安庆市望江县幼儿教师招聘攷試題答案《34889489》 2018年安庆市望江县幼儿教师招聘攷試試題\答案《扣34889489》 2018年安庆市望江县幼儿教师招聘攷試題答案【34889489】實力 2018年安庆市望江县幼儿教师招聘攷試題答案【34889489】信譽 2018年安庆市望江县幼儿教师招聘攷試題答案【34889489】共贏 2018年安庆市望江县幼儿教师招聘攷試題答案【34889489】圓夢
of water conservancy construction has been promoted. It is the two year of water conservancy construction in China. Water supply and drainage valve industry belongs to the mechanical industry, and its market development is mainly affected by the downstream application market. According to the statistics of the general machinery industry a (2018-06-22, Java, 14KB, 下载0次)


[其他] dxj_bxsb

Social security system (2018-06-12, Java, 19140KB, 下载0次)


[其他] dcm4chee-2.17.1-src

dcm4che是医疗保健企业的开源应用程序和实用程序的集合。这些应用程序是用Java编程语言为提高性能和可移植性而开发的,支持在JDK 1.6及更高版本上部署。
dcm4che is a collection of open source applications and utilities for the healthcare enterprise. These applications have been developed in the Java programming language for performance and portability, supporting deployment on JDK 1.6 and up. (2018-05-02, Java, 6508KB, 下载2次)


[其他] jeecg-jeewx-master

Jeewx is an open source, free WeChat housekeeping system (multi touch management platform), and won the first place of CSDN Developers Conference in 2014. Using JAVA language, WeChat, WeChat, support public enterprise, Alipay service window, small programs such as multi contact management. Jeewx implements the basic management function of WeChat public number, payment window, WeChat enterprise number, small program and other contacts. It integrates the practical modules such as Oauth2.0, extended service, toolbox, report and so on. The powerful code generator is convenient for the user to develop two times. (2018-04-19, Java, 40374KB, 下载12次)


[其他] kaifabaokuangjia

An open source class library for Android developers, you can get the latest code, examples and development documents in amsoft.cn. Tandbase contains a large number of common means of development, such as network download, Http request, thread and thread pool management, image cache management, file upload and download, ORM database framework, and package a lot of common tools such as the string, date, file processing, image processing and so on, can make your application to reduce the redundancy the code in the development team, greatly improve development efficiency and maintain the code, can avoid negligence caused due to the development of common mistakes very good.
An open source class library for Android developers, you can get the latest code, examples and development documents in amsoft.cn. Tandbase contains a large number of common means of development, such as network download, Http request, thread and thread pool management, image cache management, file upload and download, ORM database framework, and package a lot of common tools such as the string, date, file processing, image processing and so on, can make your application to reduce the redundancy the code in the development team, greatly improve development efficiency and maintain the code, can avoid negligence caused due to the development of common mistakes very good. (2017-11-27, Java, 15598KB, 下载1次)


[其他] Jfyes_IME_08-08-20_1

jfyes 触摸屏拼音输入法 简介 --------------------------------- 官方主页: www.jfyes.com.cn Email: jflskj@163.com QQ: 348677065 触摸屏拼音输入法 标准版:IMESTD.dll 支持基本的拼音输入。 触摸屏拼音输入法 专业版:IMEPRO.dll 支持基本的拼音输入,词联想功能(22.9万大词库)。 触摸屏拼音输入法 高级版:IMEADV.dll 支持基本的拼音输入,词联想功能(22.9万大词库),繁简体功能。
Jfyes_IME_08-08-20_1 (2009-06-24, Java, 2992KB, 下载7次)
