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[Windows编程] aa

Tube https://www.youtube.com/all_comments?v... Traducir esta página Top comments Newest first. mark kenneth santos 2 years ago. nice one brod sis :) viva viva magicfive longlive ,,,,, proud to be a dsffcs.. Read more Show less ... Tripoud www.tripoud.com/words/dsffcs Traducir esta página home > d > ds > dsf > dsff > dsffc > dsffcs · dsffcsa. cod: 1.464.259.083. dsffcsb. cod: 1.464.259.084. dsffcsc. cod: 1.464.259.085. dsffcsd. cod: 1.464.259.086.
Tube https://www.youtube.com/all_comments?v... Traducir esta página Top comments Newest first. mark kenneth santos 2 years ago. nice one brod sis :) viva viva magicfive longlive ,,,,, proud to be a dsffcs.. Read more Show less ... Tripoud www.tripoud.com/words/dsffcs Traducir esta página home > d > ds > dsf > dsff > dsffc > dsffcs · dsffcsa. cod: 1.464.259.083. dsffcsb. cod: 1.464.259.084. dsffcsc. cod: 1.464.259.085. dsffcsd. cod: 1.464.259.086. (2014-12-11, Visual C++, 77KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] NoteManage

《学通Visual C 的24堂课(软件开发羊皮卷)系列》第24课企业短信群发系统,包括短信猫的安装 、INI文件的操作、使用短信猫发送短信、使用短信猫接收短信等
"Learning through Visual C 24 lessons (software development scrolls) series" Lesson 24 Enterprise Short Message System, including operating SMS cat installation, INI files, send text messages using SMS cat, cats receive text messages using SMS, etc. (2014-04-17, Visual C++, 290KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] Essential.C.cn

Book 4 to the performance-oriented nature of C++: procedural (procedural), generic (generic), object-based (individual objects), object-oriented (OO). This book is organized around a series of increasingly complex procedural issues, as well as to address these issues language features. In this way, you not only learn C++ functions and structures will also learn to design their purpose and rationale. (2013-09-17, Visual C++, 8794KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] lbgvq

要想得到好的性能编码, 仅采用标量量化是不可能的。 当把多个信源符号 联合起来形成多维矢量, 再对矢量进行标量量化时自由度将更大, 同样的失真下, 量化基数可进一步减少,码率可进一步压缩。这种量化叫矢量量化
To get better performance coded using only scalar quantization is impossible. When a plurality of source symbols are combined to form multi-dimensional vector, and then the vector is scalar quantization will be greater degrees of freedom, the same distortion, the quantization can be further reduced base, rate can be further compressed. This quantification is called vector quantization (2013-07-02, Visual C++, 238KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] huffman

The Huffman coding is one of the entropy coding method, according to the source symbol occurrence probability distribution of the characteristics of the compression coding, the main idea is the Huffman coding means: the probability of the symbol with a long codeword conversely, the probability is small symbols using a short code word. (2013-04-26, Visual C++, 25KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] cpp_primer4_cn

本书全面介绍了 C++ 语言。作为一本入门书(Primer),它以教程的形式对 C++ 语言进行清晰的讲解,并辅以丰富的示例和各种学习辅助手段。与大多数入门教程不同,本书对 C++ 语言本身进行了详尽的描述,并特别着重介绍了目前通行的、行之有效的程序设计技巧
This book a comprehensive introduction to C++ language. As a primer (Primer), it forms tutorial C++ language on a clear explanation, supported by a wealth of examples and a variety of learning aids. Getting Started with the most different from the book on C++ language itself, a detailed description, and in particular highlights the prevailing current and effective programming skills (2010-10-06, Visual C++, 1727KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] C

C++ classic interview questions, absolutely is every program will see, and $basically every company examination will be derived from! Of course! As long as you see, and have the method, then you strong! Of course, a veteran are not so sure programming!!!!! Believe it or not! I wish you good luck! Programmers! (2010-08-25, Visual C++, 126KB, 下载11次)


[Windows编程] jiami

Mainly to show the metamorphosis of some C language games are played. Also to show the process can be written about people not read in that article, many people can see the message, many people feel a lot of fun, yes, that was originally used for friends " recreational music" for entertainment enjoyment, nothing, not too seriously (2010-08-08, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] PhoneRecord

随着市场竞争的日益激烈,各个企业都想尽办法完善对客户的服务,电话客户服务便是企业推出的一项举措,通过电话与客户联系业务,为客户解答问题,但是在客户过多的情况下,难免出现问题,为了避免这种情况的发生,需要对所有的客户电话都录音,通过录音可以更好的了解客户的需求,也可以避免员工在工作中出现差错。 本系统在设计时应该满足以下几个目标:  采用人机对话的操作方式,界面设计美观友好、操作灵活、方便、快捷、准确、数据存储安全可靠。  系统可以进行来电显示和来电接听等功能。  提供电话拨出功能,可以通过程序拨出电话。  提供客户管理功能,记录客户信息,并可以在拨出电话时以电话簿的形式显示客户信息。  提供电话录音功能,当电话接通时开始录音,当电话挂断时结束录音。  提供录音管理功能,可以通过程序修改录音文件的存储位置。  系统最大限度地实现了易维护性和易操作性。  系统运行稳定、安全可靠。
无 (2010-04-24, Visual C++, 3804KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] zruijie4gzhu

基于802.1协议的认证软件源代码 本项目为 稳定 使用目前广州大学大学城校区的校园网的锐捷协议而兼容,但并不限于广州大学使用。 同时在此感谢广州大学惠风和畅网络版版主小赖的辛勤工作,还有经常给校园网的设备放假,留时间给童鞋们复习功课的网管们。
802.1 certified software based on protocol source code for this project is to stabilize the University in Guangzhou University City Campus of the campus network Ruijie agreement is compatible, but not limited to the use of Guangzhou University. At the same time would like to thank the Guangzhou University Online Moderator Wai Fung Cheong Lai hard work of small, there are always vacation to the campus network equipment, leaving time for children' s shoes were the administrators who review their homework. (2010-03-30, Visual C++, 62KB, 下载12次)


[Windows编程] A001

本配套光盘提供了《Visual C++ 编程技巧精选集》一书相关编程技巧的完整源代码,使用时,强烈建议您根据原书的提示信息进行操作。 本书使用的Northwind(Access)数据库是Microsoft Office 2003/2000的示例数据库,nothwnd (SQL Server)数据库是Microsoft SQL Server 2000的示例数据库,AdventureWorks(SQL Server)数据库是Microsoft SQL Server 2005的示例数据库,通常,这些示例数据库在以上软件的完整安装光盘中都存在;如果不存在,请直接到微软(中国)有限公司的网站(http://www.microsoft.com/zh/cn/default.aspx)上搜索。所有数据库的安装请使用默认设置。
The complete CD-ROM provides a " Visual C++ programming skills compilation" a book-related programming skills to the full source code, when used, it is strongly recommended that you book prompts according to the original instructions. This book uses Northwind (Access) database is the Microsoft Office 2003/2000 sample database, nothwnd (SQL Server) database is Microsoft SQL Server 2000 sample database, AdventureWorks (SQL Server) database is Microsoft SQL Server 2005 sample database, usually These sample database in the above software, a complete installation CD there if does not exist, please go directly to Microsoft (China) Co., Ltd. Web site (http://www.microsoft.com/zh/cn/default.aspx) on the搜索. The installation of all databases, use the default settings. (2010-03-23, Visual C++, 54KB, 下载22次)


[Windows编程] Library_management_VC

目前,图书市场日益激烈的竞争迫使图书企业希望采用一种新的管理方式来加快图书流通信息的反馈速度,而计算机信息技术的发展为图书管理注入了新的生机。 本图书管理系统实现了以下功能:  实现图书的入库与入库退货管理。  实现图书的库存盘点管理。  实现图书的定价、调价管理。  实现图书的销售、销售退货管理。  实现图书的入库查询、入库退货查询、图书销售查询等信息查询。
library management system by VC (2009-09-01, Visual C++, 15312KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] RedTube

Contains sourcecode for algorithm and tool to decrypt links from www.redtube.com to get real download links
Contains sourcecode for algorithm and tool to decrypt links from www.redtube.com to get real download links (2009-08-14, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] CTI_vc

Government rent telefiling a call center system board package jni development package, based on the east D320 board package after package, you can call j2ee environment can be very good and application servers such as websphere, weblogic such as integration, to achieve enterprise-class applications (2009-07-23, Visual C++, 1775KB, 下载18次)


[Windows编程] multichanneltest

完成飛行情報區交叉可以高保真的夢想,它的大幅過濾器和線性信號階段。 but current FFT type of FIR crossover on PC loses time information of audio signal.但目前的FFT類型的FIR交叉在PC失去時間信息的音頻信號。 If you use 10ms frame, time information in 10ms are lost.如果您使用10ms幀,在10ms時間信息都將丟失。 Now nVidia CUDA GPU computing power can achieve very fast "Real" FIR conversion, resulting such a sharp filtering like below.現在的nVidia CUDA技術的GPU運算能力可以達到非常快的“真正的”飛行情報區的轉換,從而導致這樣一個尖銳的過濾像如下。
Complete FIR Crossover can be Audiophile s dream, by it s sharp filter and linear signal phase. but current FFT type of FIR crossover on PC loses time information of audio signal. If you use 10ms frame, time information in 10ms are lost. Now nVidia CUDA GPU computing power can achieve very fast "Real" FIR conversion, resulting such a sharp filtering like below. (2009-05-17, Visual C++, 1740KB, 下载11次)


[Windows编程] SMS

在一些业务范围广泛的公司中,当公司有了新的通知要告诉在外地的员工,通常使用拨打电话的方式,这样虽然能把事情说清楚,但是当在外的员工比较多时,工作量很大,为了解决这个问题,可以开发一个企业短信群发管理系统。企业短信群发管理系统主要利用硬件短信猫发送短信,并且可以查看SIM卡中收到的短信。本系统应具有以下功能:  电话簿管理。  常用语管理。  短信息发送。  短信息接收。  短信猫设置。
In some businesses a wide range of companies, when the company has a new notification to tell the staff in the field, normally used by calling the way, so although things can make it clear, but when compared from a long time staff, heavy workload In order to solve this problem, can develop an enterprise management system for mass text messaging. Short Message management system for enterprises mainly use the hardware to send SMS text messages a cat and can view the SIM card text messages received. The system should have the following features:  phone book management.  management of commonly used terms.  send text messages.  receive text messages. SMS settings  cat. (2009-04-16, Visual C++, 46KB, 下载78次)


[Windows编程] mydoom.a.src

诺维格源代码.通过电子邮件附件和P2P网络Kazaa传播的病毒,当用户打开并运行附件内的病 毒程序后,病毒就会以用户信箱内的电子邮件地址为目标,伪造邮件的源地址,向外发送大量 带有病毒附件的电子邮件,同时在用户主机上留下可以上载并执行任意代码的后门(TCP 3127-3198范围内)。
诺维格source code. Through e-mail attachments and P2P network Kazaa virus, when the user opens and run the annex to the virus program, the virus will mail to the user (2008-05-22, Visual C++, 104KB, 下载20次)


[Windows编程] TheClanguagesolidexampleanalyzesessence

C语言实例解析精粹 人民邮电出版社 ◎ 光盘内容说明 1.【Code】目录,包括实例1~190的所有源代码和可执行程序。 2.【Tools】目录,包括TC2.0编译器。 ◎ 光盘使用说明 1. 源代码的使用说明,参见【Code】目录下的CodeReadme.txt文件。 2. TurboC 2.0 的安装方法,参见【Tools】目录下的ToolsReadme.txt文件。 ◎ 技术支持 在光盘使用过程中,如果遇到问题,请发邮件至linread@163.com或zjulinruizhong@yahoo.com.cn与我们联系。
C language example of the people to resolve the essence of the contents of Posts (2007-11-08, Visual C++, 4458KB, 下载28次)


[Windows编程] DirectXCollisionDetectionAlgorithm

针对各企业采用的软件类型差异,提出了基于DirectX SDK的远程协同设计模型,用X文件作为虚 拟装配统一的数据交换格式。根据X文件对三维模型数据的存储方式并结合AABB包围盒的检测算法,只供参考!
against enterprises using different types of software. Based on the DirectX SDK remote collaborative design model, X-file as virtual assembly unified data exchange format. According to documents X 3D model data storage mode and AABB bounding box with the detection algorithm for reference! (2007-06-19, Visual C++, 432KB, 下载35次)


[Windows编程] netpad

作者:邵天英 网络流量即时监视。V1.2 本软件运行环境为win2000/NT/XP 无须安装,界面很漂亮。 以线柱的形式即时显示当前的网络流量。 可以查看非常详细的网络配置情况,供您参考。 快捷键为 Ctrl + F12 可以动态显示进,出,总的流量,让你 对当前的网络情况了如直掌。 做为一款系统监视软件,我想他将成为你的好帮手。 可以出售代码。 可以按照你的要求改进功能。 E-Mail: shaotianying0812@sina.com tianying@student.dlut.edu.cn 有任何问题可以与我联系!
Author : Shao-day surveillance network traffic immediately. The V1.2 software operating environment for win2000/NT/XP not required to install, interface and very pretty. Line column to the form shown in the current network traffic. Can View very detailed network configuration, for your reference. Ctrl keys to F12 can be dynamic display of entry, exit, the total flow and let you on the current situation of the network as a direct charge. As a new system monitoring software, I think he will become a good helper you. Code can be sold. According to your request enhancements. E-Mail : shaotianying0812@sina.com tianying@student.dlut.edu.cn have any questions can contact me! (2004-11-07, Visual C++, 43KB, 下载238次)
