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[微信小程序] FriendsChooseDemo

监听键盘删除按钮,仿 微 信 好友选择
Monitor keyboard delete button, mimicking WeChat friend selection (2016-03-29, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] RSelectePhoto

iOS图片视频资源选择器(仿 微 信 )
IOS picture and video resource selector (imitating WeChat) (2018-07-05, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] CircularLoadingProgressView

一个仿照 微 信 朋友圈视频加载动画
A video loading animation imitating WeChat friends circle (2016-06-22, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] Paytool

简单对 微 信 支付&支付宝支付的封装
Simply encapsulate WeChat payment and Alipay payment (2019-09-04, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] JHThirdPartyPay

微 信 支付宝支付工具类,第三方,支付
WeChat Alipay payment tools, third-party, payment (2018-10-08, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] PhotoPickerController

高仿 微 信 自定义相册,选择照片。
High imitation WeChat custom album, select photos. (2017-01-12, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] appToWX-phonegap-plugin

App 跳转至 微 信 启动小程序
App jumps to WeChat launch applet (2018-08-29, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] ContactsSort

通讯录排序,类似 微 信 通讯录
Address book sorting, similar to WeChat address book (2017-01-09, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] HeadPictureUploadClip

仿 微 信 头像上传时的裁剪效果
Cropping effect when uploading fake WeChat avatar (2020-01-03, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] ZSSideSlipCell

仿 微 信 各个Cell侧滑效果
Simulate the sideslip effect of each cell on WeChat (2020-02-25, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] PayService

集成封装 支付宝、 微 信 、银联、Apple Pay
Integrated package Alipay, WeChat, UnionPay, Apple Pay (2018-11-01, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] WTShare

iOS新浪 微 博, 微 信 ,QQ原生分享
IOS Sina Weibo, WeChat, QQ native sharing (2016-07-02, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] ChatDemo

模仿 微 信 聊天界面,包括文字聊天、图文混排、音视频通话记录、发送位置 信 息、语音聊天、图片、动画、视频等
Imitate WeChat chat interface, including text chat, mixed image and text, audio and video call records, sending location information, voice chat, pictures, animation, video, etc (2016-05-05, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] WXApi

iOS 微 信 分享+授权登录功能示例
Example of iOS WeChat sharing+authorized login function (2021-04-26, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] JYJChat

集成环 信 3.0,自己写的,对键盘处理,跟 微 信 键盘,弹出,隐藏,还有输入非常像,但是没有封装
Integrated Huanxin 3.0, written by myself, handles the keyboard, which is very similar to WeChat keyboard, pop-up, hidden, and input, but not encapsulated (2016-07-27, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] WXVideo

模仿 微 信 小视频下拉效果
Simulate the pull-down effect of WeChat small videos (2015-10-22, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] JKRCustomSearchController

高仿 微 信 搜索框,自定义SearchController
High imitation WeChat search box, customized SearchController (2019-06-13, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] WKWebView

WKWebView 支持POST请求 加载本地页面 直接加载网页 JS交互 集成支付宝 微 信 URL支付功能 仿 微 信 返回按钮
WKWebView supports POST request to load local page to directly load webpage JS interactive integration Alipay WeChat URL payment function imitating WeChat return button (2019-07-11, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[技术管理] iTunesConnect_DeveloperGuide_CN[1]

将iphone应用程序提交到apple store的教程,系苹果官方的教程,是苹果开发人员必读教程
Iphone application will be submitted to the apple store tutorial, tutorial Apple' s official line is Apple' s developer reading tutorial (2011-07-04, Objective-C, 5571KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] atmega8_cn

atmega 8 开发使用手册
atmega 8 Development Manual (2011-01-02, Objective-C, 2126KB, 下载8次)
