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[企业管理] wages-management-software

A the wages management software written in VB, can be used within the enterprise as simple management, wages and salaries, but also can give needed the reference to a friend (2013-04-26, Visual Basic, 798KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] renshizhaopin

This is a simple small business personnel recruitment system, comes with the candidates resume template, including the ID number, date of birth, place of residence, educational qualifications, deliberately pass on the exchange (2013-04-05, Visual Basic, 1049KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] corporation-manage-system

Corporate personnel management system written in VB, the beginner VB+ACESS database hybrid programming students is a good reference. Initial login account: Admin Password: 888888 (2013-01-03, Visual Basic, 647KB, 下载11次)


[企业管理] ERP

ERP企业资源计划 目录 一、概念篇 • ERP的概念:ERP从“有限”向“无限 • ERP的管理思想 • ERP系统的概念及其管理思想 • ERP的核心 • ERP与业务流程重组 二、技术篇 • ERP系统的技术实现 • ERP系统与网络连接 三、管理篇 • 利用ERP实现管理目标 • 企业应用ERP系统的目标 • ERP中的人力资源管理 • ERP系统的成功应用模式 • 应用ERP与国情和厂情的关系 四、实施篇 • ERP实施的项目管理 • 实施ERP系统的模式与方法 • 商品化ERP软件的选择、需求和实施 • 实施ERP系统的风险 • ERP实施效果的评价 五、新方向 • ERP与B2B,哪条路好走? • 制造企业电子商务和ERP整合应用探讨 六、论坛篇 • 专家意见 • 厂商意见 七、案例篇 • 打造EC企业——访北京第一机床厂 • 金融管理中的ERP
• ERP ERP enterprise resource planning directory, the concept of the concept papers • ERP: ERP from " limited" to the concept of " unlimited management thinking • ERP • ERP system and its management thinking • ERP core business process reengineering, technical articles • ERP system technology • ERP system connected to the network management articles • ERP application with the national conditions and plant to take advantage of the successful application of human resource management in ERP enterprise applications, ERP systems to achieve management objectives • Target • ERP • ERP system mode • love relationship, the implementation articles • ERP implementation project management • commercial ERP software selection, requirements and implementation mode and method of implementation of the ERP system • • evaluation of the implementation of the ERP system risk • ERP implementatio (2012-12-05, Visual Basic, 27KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] 201011111

随着计算机及网络技术的飞速发展,软件应用在全球范围内日益普及,当今社会正快速向信息化社会前进,信息自动化的作用也越来越大。从而使我们从繁杂的事务中解放出来,提高了我们的工作效率。 本销售管理系统是主要适用于中小企业的销售管理。是企业的日常运作不可缺少的一部分,其充分的体现了自动化的优越性,让繁琐的客户、合同、产品管理变得轻松。本销售管理系统容易上手,为中小企业管理带来极大的方便。
Design Objective: With the computer and network technology, the rapid development of software applications increasingly popular worldwide, today' s society is rapidly advancing to the information society, the role of information has become increasingly automated. So that our affairs from the complex to liberate and improve our work efficiency. The sales management system for small and medium enterprises are the main sales management. The daily operation of the enterprise an integral part of its fully embodies the advantages of automation, so cumbersome customers, contracts, product management easier. The sales management system easy to use, in order to bring great convenience to SME management. (2010-11-19, Visual Basic, 1699KB, 下载7次)


[企业管理] chap1

vb database system, is about Invoicing management system, including corporate purchasing management, sales management, product distribution management, payment collection management, economic analysis and decision-making (2010-11-05, Visual Basic, 493KB, 下载13次)


[企业管理] 200631514235438

This component source code is developed ERP enterprise software, check the convenience of call, and write, can be used for SQL and other data, the user can modify the source code needed, check if the data are transferred when tens of thousands of lines also as long as 2 seconds can be shown, double-click the line, you can return the value of each column is the input in the development of business documents and inquiries, the best choice (2010-07-19, Visual Basic, 23KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] managesystem

本软件为免费软件提供个人网站免费使用,不得将之用于盈利或非盈利性的商业用途,商业使用请购买正式版本。该软件广泛适用于公司企业,商场,超市,门店等用于企业库存管理系统, 超市库存管理系统,仓库库存管理系统,是您进行信息化管理的强大工具。 进存销管理系统功能介绍: 1、产品入库,入库查询 (对已有产品可快速入库) 2、库存管理,库存调拨 (可设置库存报警功能,库存不足的情况下程序将自动报警) 3、产品出库,出库查询 4、统计报表 (各时段统计) 5、会员管理 6、员工管理 7、工资管理 8、单位管理 9、仓库管理 10、产品分类管理 (设置二级分类)
web material manage system 1.0 (2010-06-06, Visual Basic, 850KB, 下载15次)


[企业管理] changguangV1.1

一个本人独立开发的,公开的ACCESS数据库源码,适合小型企业的进销存软件,您可以修改源码添加功能。已有功能:年度结转、数据备份、各种仓库需要的报表,汇总,存货清单等功能模块,可以完成日常各项仓库的记帐工作。有更好的提议请发邮件至dgymx@163.com (2009-04-30, Visual Basic, 937KB, 下载8次)


[企业管理] 397097rsglxt

欢迎使用考勤管理系统v1.0 企业员工的考勤工作历来是人事与财务部门比较头疼的问题。不仅工作量大,而且时效性强
Welcome to Time and Attendance Management System v1.0 employees work in the attendance has always been a comparison of personnel and financial sector headache. Not only have a heavy workload and time-critical (2009-04-25, Visual Basic, 742KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] PersonnelManagement

企业人事管理系统1.将各个项目子目录拷贝到硬盘上,然后可以用Visual Basic打开程序。 2.在每个项目子目录里面的sql目录里,将后缀.sql的文件打开后,拷贝到SQL Server 2000的查询分析器里。然后执行将产生需要的数据库结构。
Enterprise Personnel Management System (2009-04-13, Visual Basic, 1000KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] 03

人事管理系统使用VB开发本系统规范了企业人事档案 能查询各类信息并进行统计分析
Personnel Management System using VB to develop norms of the system of enterprise personnel files of all types of information to query and statistical analysis (2008-05-10, Visual Basic, 542KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] rsgl

vb+access 做的企业人事管理系统,可以实现员工,客户基本信息的添加,删除,查询,更新.
vb access of enterprises to do the personnel management system that can realize employees, customers basic information to add, delete, query, update. (2008-05-10, Visual Basic, 1121KB, 下载67次)


[企业管理] yunshuqiyegongjuxingchengaipaixitong

Quickly-deteriorating jade cavity side of bridge HUAIきModerate conduct anti department, the hard side of bridge HUAI Core Tools shallow cavity fake country wins the most meat, lynx Wine剒your weak (2008-05-02, Visual Basic, 43KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] people

The personnel management system for enterprises and institutions to provide personnel information, information changes, such as information access services, primarily to meet the modern enterprise talent management needs. (2007-11-07, Visual Basic, 1919KB, 下载6次)


[企业管理] factory_in_store_sell

Purchase, Sales and Inventory Management System for commercial enterprises, is a reliable vb systems, is my personal exercises, with reference to the outcome of many predecessors and be improved. (2007-10-10, Visual Basic, 2469KB, 下载30次)


[企业管理] zytgzgl

VB write wage management system, with the thesis oh. Very good (2007-04-25, Visual Basic, 1285KB, 下载238次)


[企业管理] Affair

Enterprise Management System (procedures packing) is "database systems development projects and programs precision solutions for VB Series According to the management of "collateral CD procedures. (2006-12-21, Visual Basic, 5140KB, 下载192次)


[企业管理] lyzy

The system includes user management, geographic resource management, attractions management, hotel management, restaurant management, recreation management, traffic management, and tourism routes in the tourism management process to which they are exposed. the full realization of the tourism resources and line management system function (2006-11-14, Visual Basic, 714KB, 下载63次)


[企业管理] 企业人事管理信息系统

papers plus the development of the original code (2004-12-14, Visual Basic, 371KB, 下载238次)
