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[.net编程] 14

系统采用ASP.NET4.0 无需数据库。 在企业抽奖时,请勿关闭或者刷新页面。因为系统目前没有提供保存数据功能。 例如在抽二等奖和一等奖之间,可能有时间间隔。 那么,此时,你可以按F11取消全屏,然后最小化页面,再单击右下角喇叭,设置无声。
The system uses ASP.NET4.0 without database. Do not shut down or refresh the page when the company draws raffle. Because the system does not provide data saving function at present. For example, there may be a time interval between the two prize and the first prize. At this point, you can cancel the full screen according to F11, then minimize the page, and then click the lower right horn to set up the silent. (2018-04-14, C#, 529KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] Spring.NET-2.0.0-M2

Spring.NET provides a lightweight solution for enterprise - level applications. With Spring.NET, we can configure the application in a uniform and transparent way. The focus of Spring.NET is to provide declarative transaction management for the middle layer, as well as a fully functional ASP.NET extension framework. Spring.NET is noninvasive, and the code does not have any dependency on the framework itself. (2017-12-18, C#, 62248KB, 下载2次)


[.net编程] asp.net-E-commercial

Asp.net大型B2B网站程序源码 具有供求信息、行业资讯、产品展示、会员注册、会员自助建站等模块 企业注册后可以建立商铺发布产品信息、公司信息及在线交易等 会员分为免费会员和收费会员,其中系统还集成了广告管理系统 DB_51aspx文件夹下为数据库文件,附加即可
Asp.net large B2B website source With the supply and demand information, industry information, product display, membership registration, membership self-help station and other modules After the registration of enterprises to establish shops to release product information, company information and online transactions Members are divided into free members and fee members, which also integrates the ad management system In the DB_51aspx folder are the files you can attach (2016-11-20, C#, 6063KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] LazyOA_ACC_v5.8.7

Lazy work through the WEB-based enterprise computing, using the world' s most advanced Microsoft technologies: C# language, SqlServer/Access database engine and the IIS server, stable and reliable performance. Centralized control of data access, to avoid the possibility of data leakage. Provides data backup tool, data security protection system. Multi-level access control, perfect password authentication and login mechanism has further strengthened the security of the system. (2013-07-23, C#, 11177KB, 下载13次)


[.net编程] SMS

SMS2K SMS messaging platform to provide highly reliable expansion, support jsp, asp, asp.net, vb.net, c#, php, Domino and other programming calls, combined with the Wireless Modem for development, enterprise, government units to communicate anytime, anywhere instant messaging solution programs. This demo receive SMS number, test receiver features available via your mobile phone to send text messages to the number on the system receives the message, it will prompt the page is a new message, you refresh the page, you can see the information received (2013-07-11, C#, 90KB, 下载6次)


[.net编程] ydyCMScode

用户名和密码均为51aspx 易得宜网站管理系统V1.3.2源码 易得宜网站管理系统可用来建立和管理中小型企业或其它组织、个人的网站。例如可用来介绍和展示产品或服务、发布信息等。 主要功能 ·栏目可增、删、改。三种栏目模式可选,编辑栏目内容时可选择六种内容模板。可设置子栏目。 ·前台首页有多个自定内容区域,可自定放什么内容和放在哪个区域。 ·前台首页可灵活调用栏目或子栏目内容的标题(纯标题模式或图片加标题模式) ·含结构简单的html模板。可方便地通过修改html模板改变本系统的前台外观。 ·基本信息设置。包括网站标志、网页标题、网页底部信息、网站简述。网站名和网页底部信息可用本系统的内容编辑器灵活编辑。 ·留言简便管理。 ·用户名和密码修改。用户名和密码的备忘问题和答案设置。 ·网站数据备份与还原。 ·自动适时清除不用了的上传文件,方便节省空间。
User name and password are 51aspx (2013-03-22, Visual Basic, 688KB, 下载2次)


[.net编程] Portal

Personal .NET Portal是一个基于Web的个人门户网站系统,配置起来非常简单和方便。它提供一种简单的方式建立个人网站,页面使用标签和模板创建。 主要特点: 1、不需要数据库的支持的动态内容 2、内嵌著名的在线编辑软件:FCKediter 3、丰富的功能模,绝对可以满足一般中、小型企业和个人建站的需要 4、可以直接在线编辑保存 5、支持Api接口 默认管理帐号/密码:admin/admin 默认普通用户帐号/密码:user/user
Personal. NET Portal is a Web-based personal portal system configuration very simple and convenient. It provides a simple way to create a personal website, page tags and template creation. Main features: 1, does not require database support dynamic content, embedded famous online editing software: FCKediter 3, rich functionality mode, absolutely meet the general Jianzhan small businesses and individuals need 4 direct online editing save 5 support Api interface default management account/password: admin/admin default normal user account/password: user/user (2013-01-17, Others, 2252KB, 下载21次)


[.net编程] Maque3.0

麻雀企业网站管理系统基于微软asp.net+access开发上传虚拟主机空间就可以使用。3.0之后采用全动态模式,更容易使用,功能全免费开放。 后台路径:admin/login.aspx 用户名和密码都是admin 主要功能: 1、新闻信息:可分多类(内部新闻,外部新闻等) 2、产品展示:可分多类(分类一,分类二等) 3、网站公告:网站公告添加多数据显示。
The enterprise website management system based on Microsoft asp.net+access upload virtual hosts can be used in space. After 3 the dynamic model, easier to use, complete function is open free of charge. Background path: admin/login.aspx user name and password are admin Main function: 1, news and information: can be divided into many types of ( internal news, External News ) Products: 2, can be divided into many categories ( category, category two. ) In 3, the website announced: the website announced to add more data display. (2013-01-11, Others, 563KB, 下载6次)


[.net编程] EoyooCMS_Mature2.0_UTF-8

EoyooCMS(英文译名) 是一套基于B/S多层架构的Asp.Net开发的一套网站的内容管理系统,团队于2007年正式投入开发,是最早一批国内领先Asp.Net开发人员,系统由团队完全自主独立研发,从数据库设计到底层代码基建再到前台UI设计,最早的内部版本发布于2010年8月,历时2年的系统完善,目前拥有的成熟模型有:单页、文章、图册、产品、下载、视频、人才、留言。 并且每个模型都可以自定义扩展字段,由用户自定义属性字段。 团队一直专注于用户体验+UI前端设计,后台管理系统拥有一流的用户体验,如果您是老板,或是创业者,或是设计师,或是程序开发人员等,操作后台起来有各自针对的体验不冲突。 EoyooCMS并不仅仅是一个纯技术产品,我们以“为用户提供价值”为目的。后台结合数字营销集成了对访客用户的行为进行分析,数据挖掘。您无论是企业也好,是站长也好,运营过程中更能知道网站的哪些战略需要改变,哪些需要增进。
Asp.Net development set EoyooCMS (English translation) is based on a set of B/S multi-tier architecture website content management system, team in 2007 to invest in developing the first group of leading domestic Asp.Net developers, systemby a team of fully autonomous and independent research and development, infrastructure and then to the front desk to the underlying code from database design, UI design, the first internal version was released in August 2010, lasted for two years to improve the system now has the maturity model: single page, article,Atlas, download, video, talent, message. And each model can be custom extension field by a user-defined attribute fields. The team has been focused on the user experience+ UI front-end design and back-end management system has a first-class user experience, if you are a boss, or entrepreneurs, or designer, or application developers, operating background up for the experience do not conflict. EoyooCMS and not just a pure technology product (2012-12-01, C/C++, 5382KB, 下载8次)


[.net编程] DotNetNuke040803Source

DotNetNuke04.08.03免安装版项目源码 Dotnetnuke(简称DNN)是一个免费、开源、可扩展、几近完美的内容管理系统,可广泛应用于商务网站、企业内网(Intranet)和外网网站、在线内容发布网站,是建立在微软ASP.NET平台之上的一套WEB应用框架,是微软第一次向开源说"Yes"的里程碑,是门户网站的未来。
DotNetNuke04.08.03 free installation project Dotnetnuke version source code (hereinafter referred to as the DNN) is a free, open source, can be expanded, nearly perfect content management system, can be widely used in e-commerce site, enterprise network (Intranet) and the WEB site, online content publish your website, is built on Microsoft asp.net platform on a WEB application framework, is the first time Microsoft to open source said "Yes" a milestone, a WEB portal future. (2012-05-11, SQL, 14263KB, 下载16次)


[.net编程] SIS

供求信息网(系统文件中有详细的系统和使用说明) 系统介绍 根据需求分析的描述以及与用户的沟通,现制定网站实现功能如下: 1.灵活快速的填写供求信息,使信息传递更快捷。 2.系统采用人机对话方式,界面美观友好,信息查询灵活、方便,数据存储安全可靠。 3.实施强大的后台审核功能。 4.功能强大的月供求统计分析。 5.实现各种查询,如定位查询、模糊查询等。 6.强大的供求信息预警功能,尽可量地减少供求信息未审核现象。 7.对用户输入的数据,系统进行严格的数据检验,尽可能排除人为的错误。 8.网站最大限度地实现了易维护性和易操作性。 9.界面简洁、框架清晰、美观大方。 10.为充分展现网站的交互性,供求信息网采用动态网页技术实现用户信息在线发布。 11.充分体现用户对网站信息进行检举的权力。
Supply and demand information network(System files in the system and detailed instructions) (2011-08-06, C#, 1971KB, 下载7次)


[.net编程] BtoBSWT315

Asp.net大型B2B网站程序源码 具有供求信息、行业资讯、产品展示、会员注册、会员自助建站等模块 企业注册后可以建立商铺发布产品信息、公司信息及在线交易等 会员分为免费会员和收费会员,其中系统还集成了广告管理系统 DB_51aspx文件夹下为数据库文件,附加即可 管理员后台admin/Admin_Index.htm 由于系统庞大,一些功能还有待完善...
Procedures for large-scale B2B website Asp.net source with the supply and demand information, industry information, products, membership registration, members of self-help modules建站Registered released after the establishment of shops product information, corporate information and online transactions such as membership is divided into free membership and membership fees, which the ad also Integrated Management System folder DB_51aspx database files, additional background to the administrator admin/Admin_Index.htm large as a result of system, some features have yet to be perfect ... (2009-05-02, SQL, 3402KB, 下载15次)


[.net编程] hrB2B2.0

2.0 Huarui industry e-commerce systems using the latest Microsoft. Net3.5 (c#)+ mssql architecture, code to conduct a comprehensive re-engineering and optimization, and garbage removal of redundant code, run faster, higher areas. Total Station to generate static, Members secondary domain name, bid ranking, enterprises have set the template for the Members Choice at interface using DIV+ CSS design, implementation procedures and interface separation, Convenience modified to suit their own personality interface at the user experience regard, the extensive use of ajax technology, more user-friendly. (2009-03-07, C++, 10893KB, 下载33次)


[.net编程] entmms

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" > <head runat="server"> <title>无标题页</title> </head> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> 企业信息管理系统</div> </form> </body> </html>
< @ Page Language = C# AutoEventWireup = true CodeFile = Default.aspx.cs Inherits = _Default > <! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -// W3C// DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional// EN http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd > <html xmlns= http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml > <head runat = server > <title> no title page </ title> </ head> <body> <form id= form1 runat= server > <div> Enterprise Information Management System </ div> </ form> </ body> </ html> (2008-12-01, Visual C++, 213KB, 下载7次)


[.net编程] 20061119

《圣殿祭司的ASP.NET2.0开发详解——使用C#》光盘说明 一、光盘用途 本光盘为《圣殿祭司的ASP.NET2.0开发详解——使用C#》一书的配套光盘,供读者阅读图书时参考和学习。 二、光盘内容 1.书中所有范例的程序代码; 2.第1,3,6,7章所涉及到的相关内容; 3.书中范例使用的数据库; 4.第21章PDF电子文件; 5.博文视点精彩宣传片; 6.点击博文视点; 7.README.txt文件。 三、运行环境和使用方法 计算机中必须安装Visual Studio以及SQL Server软件。 光盘所带安装程序的使用方法在书中相应章节均有详细说明。 四、防病毒 本光盘所有文件都已经过Norton Antivirus扫描,未发现有任何已知病毒。 五、如果对光盘有任何疑问、建议或者发现有错误之处请与 dinla@broadview.com.cn 联系。 (2008-06-29, C#, 5715KB, 下载25次)


[.net编程] netHomewordDatabaseFile

asp.net 1.1编写的网上作业系统的数据库文件(补充,因为以前的忘了发数据库文件,现在补发,已经设定为可以不需要账号就下载,为大家造成了不便,抱歉),为本人历时4个月的苦心力作,功能非常强大,包括学生信息管理,老师信息管理,题库信息管理,作业信息管理,学生在线答题,学生老师在线判卷,学生在线提问,老师在线解答等非常强大的功能。大家看看源代码的大小就知道了。本人呕心力作,从未发布,为了换取点数,不得不拿出来了!最最最重要的是——————我的毕业论文也一并奉献了—————— zhangywiwy@163.com zhangyw1984@yahoo.com.cn都是我的邮箱,希望大家多多下载,多多交流,多多给我点数!嘿嘿!
err (2008-06-27, ASP, 1009KB, 下载860次)


[.net编程] 29093740163(1)

酒店管理系统 酒店企业内部的管理。 目标系统包括以下功能: 1、 客人信息的登记与查询 2、 客房的退房管理 3、 客户信息的管理,包括客房的各种详细信息,如客房的编号、类别、标准价、折后价、客房的具体位 置、是否有客人以及对客房的查询。 4、 酒店员工信息的编辑与查询。 5、 按月、季度和年统计酒店的收益。
Hotel management system hotel management of the enterprise. The target system includes the following features: 1, guests of the registration and query message 2, room 3 Check-out management, customer information management, including detailed information on a variety of rooms, such as room number, type, standard price after discount price Rooms a specific location, whether there are guests, as well as rooms inquiries. 4, the hotel staff to edit and query information. 5, monthly, quarterly and annual statistics on hotel revenue. (2007-12-26, ASP, 2384KB, 下载93次)


[.net编程] ASP.NETreference

微软的.NET技术目前正是风风火火,作为全球软件业最大的公司,微软在.NET技术上投入了大量的人力物力,把公司未来战略重心放在了.NET上,而从目前看来,.NET技术无疑代表了未来Internet技术的方向。 ASP.NET技术就是由微软的.NET技术细化而来的,它跟ASP技术有些关系,然而又不是仅仅是一个继承,可以讲,ASP.NET跟ASP想比较的话,已经是变得面目全非了,当然好得至少是一个量级以上。 ASP.NET完全基于模块与组件,具有更好的可扩展性与可定制性,数据处理方面更是引入了许多激动人心的新技术,正是这些具有革新意义的新特性,让ASP.NET远远超越了ASP,同时也提供给web开发人员更好的灵活性,有效缩短了web应用程序的开发周期。 ASP.NET与Windows 2000 Server/Advanced Server的完美组合,为中小型乃至企业级的web商业模型提供了一个更为稳定,高效,安全的运行环境。
err (2007-12-14, ASP, 3682KB, 下载57次)


[.net编程] codeunion.com

互动.NET留言簿安装简易,只需将留言簿解压或安装到WEB下任何的目录,这样 只要本地安装了微软.NETFramework正式版及IIS5.0服务即可通过浏览器以形如 ""的地址来访问留言簿。另外你也 可以用记事本等工具打开web.config文件对留言簿的样式,数据库路径,版权信 息等进行设置。
interaction.NET Guestbook Simple installation, Guestbook can be unpacked or installed under any of the Web directory, so as long as the local installation of Microsoft. disposition official version and IIS5.0 services can be enacted browser in the shape of "http :// "visit to the address asked visitor's book. In addition you can also use tools such as Notepad to open sed paper wrote down the right forms, Path databases, copyright information, etc. installed. (2007-07-09, C#, 669KB, 下载8次)


[.net编程] net2.0

精通ASP.NET2.0企业级开项目开发源代码.有会员积分系统/简单OA系统/客户关系管理系统/网上书店系统.每个里面都分sql2003和sql2005的代码,c# 三层架构非常值得学习
proficient ASP.NET2.0 enterprise-class open source project development. Member Integral System/OA simple systems/customer relationship management/online bookstore system. each of which are sub-sql2003 and sql2005 The code, c# three-tier system is very worth learning (2007-03-03, C#, 2006KB, 下载281次)
