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按分类查找All 企业管理(547) 
按平台查找All Java(547) 

[企业管理] Enterprise

基于Java Swing和Awt完成的简单的企业财务管理系统(但是功能模块很简略),
A simple enterprise financial management system based on Java Swing and Awt (but with simple function modules), (2023-09-09, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] idempiere

i买方。社区动力企业。完全开源Business Suite ERP CRM MFG SCM POS,
iDempiere. Community Powered Enterprise. Full Open Source Business Suite ERP CRM MFG SCM POS, (2023-08-04, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] ThneedInc

An order tracking system programmed in Java with JavaFX. Moved from enterprise account to personal account. (2018-09-17, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] crm

?? Customer support software helps businesses keep customer contact details up to date, track every customer interaction, and manage customer accounts. spring boot + vue.js (2022-06-21, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] erp-system

Enterprise resource management platform. Backend for the ERP system. (2023-06-07, Java, 4451KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] Electronic Commerce and Enterprise Management

Courses on e-commerce and business management, fully integrate code and practice (2018-12-20, Java, 7547KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] StoreManage

Warehouse management system is mainly on business Invoicing integrated management. (2015-12-09, Java, 6479KB, 下载10次)


[企业管理] A164743583-5309

Enterprise sales forecasting system that can predict future data. There is a need to contact me (2015-05-07, Java, 4095KB, 下载2次)


[企业管理] tes

Various functional enterprise information management system implementation code, including customer information to add or delete features (2015-03-24, Java, 560KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] 03

企业人事管理系统 -本系统管理员用户名为:tsoft,密码为:111。 (2)登录后,首先通过“人事管理”/“档案管理”添加超级管理员的人事档案,其次通过“用户管理”/“新增用户”添加为系统管理员,最后通过新添加的管理员登录!需要注意的是,只有第一个被添加的管理员为超级管理员。(添加管理员的默认密码为111)
The business enterprise personal management system (2014-12-14, Java, 843KB, 下载7次)


[企业管理] MIS

Kaoqin System (2014-11-22, Java, 7086KB, 下载22次)


[企业管理] salarymanagejava

Wage management system is developed for computer processing applications for enterprise payroll management business. The system is maintained by the system, input, query, modify, export, statistics and other sub-modules, covering payroll functions ordinary business enterprise. (2013-12-26, Java, 1716KB, 下载2次)


[企业管理] wmSystem

This system is a warehouse management, freight management, warehouse goods out of database management, customer demographics, access to library statistics and other functions in an integrated warehouse management system. Support multiple types of storage, a library, replenishment, while supporting a variety of ways to search and comprehensive history of management can be applied to a variety of industries monomer warehouse or used in the manufacture of refined management companies, logistics companies, Circulation and other special industry warehouse management. You can easily solve logistics enterprises in warehouse management, freight flow analysis and other issues, the rapid increase of warehouse logistics enterprise management level, a solid customer base, increase economic efficiency, with minimum investment to get good management twin surplus. Help production between companies, subsidiaries, distributors, agents, shopping malls, stores, etc. to establish a sound, efficient, rapid (2013-12-17, Java, 7799KB, 下载24次)


[企业管理] JXManager

基于java的企业进销管理系统,使用SQL Sever 2000数据库,使用eclips环境开发
Java-based business into the sales management system, using SQL Sever 2000 database development environment using eclips (2013-08-19, Java, 1782KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] jytqyjxc

The main work of the the Easy Pass enterprise inventory management system to manage information technology procurement, purchase, sales and inventory. Minimize errors that may occur in every aspect of effectively reducing blind procurement, reduce procurement costs, the reasonable control inventory, reduce the amount of funds used to increase market sensitivity, enabling enterprises to reasonable arrangements for each critical step Invoicing, enhance market competitiveness. To solve these problems, the dealer Invoicing rationalization put forward higher requirements. Broadly speaking, Invoicing System is universal. (2013-01-07, Java, 2316KB, 下载13次)


[企业管理] Invoicing-management-system

Invoicing management system, using VB prepared, can be used for general corporate management and planning (2012-01-06, Java, 1511KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] dlfhglxtsjcsgy2005

Power load management system for data transmission Statute (2009-04-24, Java, 237KB, 下载31次)


[企业管理] jianzhan

Corporate Web site management system for Chinese Deluxe Edition, is the first choice for business websites. Beautiful classic layout for companies. A powerful Web site management system for the background, as long as the will to type, you can manage content on our site at any time! Can easily have a business of their own websites, all-round display of your products, online ordering, easy to manage. An information age companies build their own network marketing website is the first step, to obtain customer trust the most important ways. The system is a multi-style Web site management system, you can choose according to their own needs. The system to concentrate the majority of the company s business functions, and backstage management. (2008-02-24, Java, 15KB, 下载22次)


[企业管理] enterprisewebsite

SPRING make use of an enterprise information system web site, are in need can be downloaded (2008-02-18, Java, 4052KB, 下载35次)


[企业管理] InfoFlow

InforFlow workflow middleware is followed by the International Workflow Management Coalition Workflow Management to develop norms and to achieve the workflow middleware product. InforFlow can provide a unified government and enterprise business process management platform, but also for enterprise application integration and business process integration platform, is the Government or the rapid component of enterprise management information system development platform. (2008-01-18, Java, 77KB, 下载9次)
