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[WEB开发] iCMS-7.0.6

Design of electronic document management system (2018-04-25, PHP, 7325KB, 下载8次)


[WEB开发] 1

Dzzoffice large table office system itself is a graphical, easy to use network hard disk management software that can implement enterprise LAN servers, enterprise private cloud storage (2018-04-15, PHP, 19788KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 11

北牧微信营销系统CMS企业版是一个以php+mysql进行开发的微信三级分销系统源码。 北牧微信营销系统CMS企业版包含了以下特征: 1.微信公众平台接口、微博开放接口、易信开放接口、淘宝商品导入接口、阿里巴巴商品导入接口,店铺可正常接入三方平台,也可跨平台使用 2.店铺包含:手机前端,PC后台,手机后台 3.购物系统(多规格商品、库存、购物车、订单、付款、发货、退换货、评价、延时收货整个流程完备)
The CMS enterprise version of WeChat marketing system is a source of WeChat's three level distribution system developed by php+mysql. The CMS version of WeChat marketing system contains the following characteristics: 1. WeChat public platform interface, micro-blog open interface, easy to open interface, Taobao commodity import interface, Alibaba commodity import interface, the store can access the three party platform, and also can be used across the platform. 2. stores include: mobile phone front-end, PC backstage, mobile backstage. 3., shopping system (multi specification goods, inventory, shopping cart, order, payment, delivery, return, evaluation, delayed receipt, the whole process is complete). (2018-04-08, PHP, 70529KB, 下载8次)


[WEB开发] cpweb

CPWEB企业网站管理系统(以下称CPWEB)是一个基于PHP+Mysql架构的企业网站管理系统。CPWEB 采用模块化方式开发,功能强大灵活易于扩展,并且完全开放源代码,面向大中型站点提供重量级企业网站建设解决方案。
CPWEB enterprise website management system (hereinafter referred to as CPWEB) is an enterprise website management system based on PHP+Mysql architecture. CPWEB uses a modular approach developed, powerful and flexible and easy to expand, and fully open source code for large and medium sized sites to provide heavyweight enterprise website construction solutions. (2016-04-15, PHP, 4382KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] qbmb_red_v1.0

7、支持整站内手机体系应用。 8、优秀的个性化搜索体验,方便用户查找产品、商家、人才、展会等资源。 9、具有优秀的企业图库功能,支持图片栏目分类、证书资质管理、产品图片快捷插入等。 10、支持企业图片上传。 11、提供十多套企业模板,可自由更改企业风格。 12、商家店铺可自由组装,分产品、求购、人才、新闻、资质、展会等。 13、支持企业注册是否需要审核
7, support the use of mobile phone system in station. 8, excellent personalized search experience, easy for users to find products, business, personnel, exhibition and other resources. 9, excellent enterprise library function, support picture column classification, qualification certificate management, product pictures and quick insertion. 10, support enterprises to upload pictures. 11, provide 10 sets of enterprise template, can be free to change the style of enterprise. 12, business shop can be assembled freely, products, purchase, talent, news, qualification, exhibitions etc.. 13, support enterprise registration is needed (2016-03-19, PHP, 1463KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 5kcrm0.5.2

Wukong CRM system is an open source free generic platform for enterprise customer relationship management software, using advanced LAMP architecture has good openness, scalability, security, and transparency our CRM philosophy is based on combining Chinese SMEs Features and Present enterprises, investigate and understand the needs of various industries, realize the business management of the Road, formed its own unique characteristics and advantages, aimed at improving corporate marketing capabilities, strengthen enterprise decision support and other aspects of enterprise information to provide real effective support and help. (2015-11-25, PHP, 5474KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] baby.webloft.cn

A website source code, very useful for beginners, very helpful! Everyone can learn! (2015-05-12, PHP, 3650KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] xiaocms_v1.0.0710-(1)

XiaoCms企业建站版基于PHP+Mysql架构 是一款小巧、灵活、简单、易用轻量级cms。 能满足大部分企业 博客 等小型站点。
XiaoCms enterprise website version based on the PHP+Mysql architecture is a compact, flexible, simple, easy to use lightweight cms. Can satisfy the majority enterprise blog and other small sites. (2014-07-13, PHP, 408KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] lanseyiyuan

Blue hospital web site templates, web website source code. (2013-12-27, PHP, 594KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] mibew165_zh-cn

Mibew Messenger (also known as Open Web Messenger) is an open-source live support application written in PHP and MySQL. It enables one-on-one chat assistance in real-time directly from your website. (2013-08-20, PHP, 70KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] feinet

The development based thinkphp cms Head of Corporate oa project (2013-03-19, PHP, 21648KB, 下载8次)


[WEB开发] login

The news development system, personal corporate web site development, please support (2013-01-30, PHP, 14788KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] phpcms-v9

phpcms v9模板简单清新的企业网站模板源码
phpcms v9 template simple fresh corporate website template source (2012-12-21, PHP, 620KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] espcmsPHP

Simple and easy to use enterprise program! Need everybody can download (2012-10-17, PHP, 3846KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] SinoHRM

SinoHRM is believed to promote the software developed for the free version of the charitable donations of human resources management software, it is through an integrated, innovative human capital management solutions to help enterprises solve the problem of talent management that improved governance, improve workforce efficiency and reasonable labor costs. (2011-12-29, PHP, 8266KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] Kuwebs_V3.1_UTF8

Kuwebs企业网站管理系统Kuwebs是酷纬信息开发的为企业网站提供解决方案而开发的营销型网站系统, 后台采用PHP+Mysql架构,内置企业简介模块、新闻模块、产品模块、图片模块、下载模块、 在线留言模块、常见问题模块、友情链接模块。前台采用DIV+CSS,遵循SEO标准, 通过模板或者定制为企业提供专业的营销型网站。
Kuwebs Enterprise CMS Kuwebs is cool latitude information for the corporate website developed to provide solutions and develop web-based marketing system, using PHP+ Mysql back-end architecture, built-in Profile module, news module, products module, image module, download module Feedback module, FAQ module, link module. Front using DIV+ CSS, SEO standards followed by the template or customized to provide professional marketing-type site. (2011-11-10, PHP, 4084KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] 65company_php168

PHP168企业应用平台 v6.5 基于“核心+系统+模块+插件”的架构体系,拓展性良好。能非常方便站长及企业搭建企业信息平台。 提供的模块有:新闻、产品、人才招聘、独立页模块、会员中心、专题、在线客服等相关模块。
PHP168 Enterprise Application Platform v6.5 based on " Core+ System+ module+ plugin" architecture system expansion was good. Owners and enterprises can be very convenient platform to build enterprise information. The module offers: news, products, talent recruitment, independent page module, Member Center, special, online customer service and other related modules. (2010-08-02, PHP, 9520KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] lvyou

亿网旅游网站管理程序V10.2.1版 最后更新日期:2010-02-10 更新作者:!!杨公子 QQ61709225 安装信息: 一键自动安装: http://你的域名/install.php 或者手动安装 一:进入数据库,创建一个数据库。 二:把lvyou.sql数据信息导入数据库。 三:重新配置目录中的configs/comn.php文件。 演示网站:http://bbs.ewliao.cn/demo/lvyou/ 演示后台:http://bbs.ewliao.cn/demo/lvyou/admin/admin_login.php 管理帐号和密码都是:admin
100 000 000 Net travel site management procedures V10.2.1 version Last updated :2010-02-10 Update of:!! Yang Gongzi QQ61709225 installation information: a key to automatically install: http:// to your domain / install.php or manually install a : into the database, create a database. Second: the lvyou.sql data into the database. 3: Reconfigure directory configs / comn.php file. Demo Site: http://bbs.ewliao.cn/demo/lvyou/ presentation background: http://bbs.ewliao.cn/demo/lvyou/admin/admin_login.php management account and password are: admin (2010-05-16, PHP, 1363KB, 下载49次)


[WEB开发] common-site

I independently developed by a set of common system for corporate website, which contains the information systems, product management system, similar to the discussion group system, watercress, etc. (2009-07-28, PHP, 2097KB, 下载13次)


[WEB开发] hhy

A php website建站enterprise system. Unzip all the files to the php environment, the procedures used smarty+ Php+ Mysql design (2008-11-10, PHP, 630KB, 下载5次)
