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[其他] AntiMainlandChinaWebCrawler

[AntiMainlandChinaWebCrawler/反中国大陆网络爬虫]你是否还在因中国大陆网络爬虫在未经任何通知和允许的情况下私自将你的仓库/账号/组织镜像至它们自家的平台而困扰吗?你是否还在担心此类事件会一次又一次的重演呢?别担忧!别发愁!你只需将此仓库内的所有文件下载下来,在你的仓库内建造一个文件夹用于存放这个仓库中的所有文件,即可一劳永逸解决这个问题!还在等什么呢?快点动手吧! (2024-06-29, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] public-apis-cn

?? 将 public-apis 项目翻译为中文版,并收集添加国内常用 API,欢迎大家点赞 ?? 和贡献一行好用的 API,让这个项目成为中文版的免费 API 大全。, stars:71, update:2024-05-30 10:42:39 (2024-06-01, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] oauth-2

OAuth 2.1 授权框架的简体中文翻译。Simplified Chinese translation of OAuth 2.1 Authorization Framework.
Simplified Chinese translation of OAuth 2.1 authorization framework. Simplified Chinese translation of OAuth 2.1 Authorization Framework. (2024-05-21, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Social-Enterprise-Analysis-Presentation

This research project explores and investigates the best practises implemented by social enterprise organizations within the food and bev… (2024-01-09, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] ChristianEconomy

**Christian Economy: Faith-Driven Commerce** Discover, support, and connect with Christian businesses using our Flutter and C# app. Vote … (2023-12-11, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Storely

Storely is a versatile management system designed for businesses, schools, and kindergartens, combining a user-friendly Vuetify interface, robust Express backend, and a scalable MongoDB database. This modular solution addresses diverse operational needs with efficiency and security. Join us in evolving Storely by contributing to our project! (2023-11-27, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] awesome-developer-surveys

An awesome list of developer surveys intended for developer relations, product managers, marketers, entrepreneurs or anybody else interested in developer trends. (2023-11-26, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] CN-exercises

计算机网络:自顶向下方法 (原书第七版)陈鸣译 课后习题参考答案(中文版+英文版)
Computer network: top-down method (the seventh edition of the original book) Chen Ming translated the reference answers to the exercises after class (Chinese version+English version) (2019-11-23, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] ssurance-Market-Trends-Size-Forecast---2019-2025-

... the small and medium enterprises (SMEs), Rising trend towards advanced technologies such big data analytics, machine learning, and Io…, (2020-05-30, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] to-Business-Mission-Critical-Systems-A-Case-Study

Continuous experimentation (CE) refers to a group of practices used by software companies to rapidly assess the usage, value and performance of deployed software using data collected from customers and the deployed system. Despite its increasing popularity in the development of web-facing applications, CE has not been discussed in the developmen... (2020-09-09, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Verified-SMS-API

Businesses send trillions of messages every year to communicate with consumers, but sometimes it can be difficult to trust these messages. Verified SMS adds sender verification and branding to business SMS messages, making these messages safer and more trustworthy. (2020-07-28, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] PositivePayApp

Positive Pay App是一款强大且用户友好的应用程序,旨在帮助企业安全管理支票交易...,
The Positive Pay App is a robust and user-friendly application designed to assist businesses in managing their check transactions securely and efficiently. With an intuitive GUI, the app provides seamless functionalities for generating, exporting, and reviewing check transaction data. (2023-08-17, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] KZ指数Stata计算代码

It contains the KZ index and financing constraint index calculated from data of 2008-19. There are detailed steps (2021-04-07, Others, 4167KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 缠论公式_通达信14个

The main formula of the twist theory, used for dividing strokes, line segments and high and low judgments, very accurate (2020-08-29, Others, 24KB, 下载7次)


[其他] 光伏系统MPPT算法及并网逆变器的研究

The research on the maximum power point tracking algorithm of the independent photovoltaic power generation system based on CAJ format, and the modeling and controller design of the photovoltaic grid connected inverter, Pang Jinyong, are of great help to the study of photovoltaic system. (2019-11-21, Others, 15653KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 8667

Mutual information is useful to calculate a set of procedures, Includes the modulation, demodulation, signal to noise ratio calculation, Independent component analysis algorithm reduces the raw data noise. (2017-04-21, Others, 5KB, 下载0次)


[其他] WW-mobile

手机淘宝旺旺最新版 MobileWW2 软件免费,但需要GPRS上网流量
Phone Taobao Wangwang MobileWW2 the latest version of software free of charge, but need GPRS Internet traffic (2009-01-19, Others, 760KB, 下载10次)


[其他] Test_SM32x_H0229

Silicon Motion testSM32x- H0229 disk volume production tools (2008-12-06, Others, 2630KB, 下载28次)


[其他] 7816(1-4)_cn

7816 standard (1-4) the Chinese version can help you learn fast and convenient comparing 7816 agreement (2008-10-30, Others, 581KB, 下载219次)


[其他] ERP_Train_ref

ERP企业资源管理软件开发知识教育文章, 对于欲要了解ERP知识的同人有所帮助。
ERP enterprise resource management software development knowledge education article, for wishing to understand ERP knowledge help colleagues. (2008-08-24, Others, 363KB, 下载9次)
