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[企业管理] esbapi3

ESB全称为Enterprise Service Bus,即企业服务总线。它是传统中间件技术与XML、Web服务等技术结合的产物。ESB提供了网络中最基本的连接中枢,是构筑企业神经系统的必要元素。ESB的出现改变了传统的软件架构,可以提供比传统中间件产品更为廉价的解决方案,同时它还可以消除不同应用之间的技术差异,让不同的应用服务器协调运作,实现了不同服务之间的通信与整合。从功能上看,ESB提供了事件驱动和文档导向的处理模式,以及分布式的运行管理机制,它支持基于内容的路由和过滤,具备了复杂数据的传输能力,并可以提供一系列的标准接口。
ESB is called Enterprise Service Bus, which is the enterprise service bus. It is the combination of traditional middleware technology and XML, Web services and other technologies. ESB provides the most basic connection center in the network, and it is a necessary element to build the enterprise nervous system. The emergence of ESB changes the traditional software architecture and provides a cheaper solution than the traditional middleware products. It can also eliminate the technical differences between different applications, coordinate the operation of different application servers, and realize the communication and integration of different services. Functionally, ESB provides event driven and document oriented processing patterns, as well as a distributed running management mechanism, which supports content based routing and filtering, has the ability to transmit complex data, and provides a series of standard interfaces. (2018-04-10, Visual C++, 470KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] qinyechuangkuguanlixitong

企业仓库管理系统由基本信息管理模块、入库管理模块、库存管理模块、查询管理模块等几部分组成。数据库SQL Server 2000,界面用到许多第三方类,美观,漂亮。对MFC+SQL2000的学习是不错的资料。
Enterprise Warehouse Management System consists of several parts basic information management module, warehouse management module, inventory management module, query management module and other components. Database SQL Server 2000, the interface used in many third-party class, beautiful, beautiful. For MFC+ SQL2000 learning is good information. (2015-05-06, Visual C++, 7047KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] ClientManager

客户管理系统主要由基础信息维护、客户信息维护、客户服务、信息查询、系统管理和帮助信息等几个功能模块组成,规划系统功能模块如下: 基础信息维护模块该模块主要包括区域信息设置、企业性质设置、企业类型设置、企业资信设置、客户级别设置和客户满意程度设置6部分。 客户信息维护模块该模块主要包括客户信息、联系人信息、业务往来、客户呼叫中心4个部分。 客户服务模块 该模块主要包括客户反馈、客户投诉两个部分。 信息查询模块 该模块主要包括客户信息查询、联系人信息查询、客户反馈满意度查询和客户投诉满意度查询4部分。 系统管理模块该模块主要包括增加操作员、密码修改、退出系统3部分。
Customer management system mainly consists of basic information maintenance, customer information maintenance, customer service, information inquiry, systems management and help information, and several functional modules, the planning system function modules as follows:  basic information maintenance module The module includes regional information setting, corporate nature setting, type of enterprise settings, set the corporate credit, customer and client satisfaction level setting set 6 parts.  customer information maintenance module The module includes customer information, contact information, business contacts, customer call center four parts.  Customer Service module The module includes customer feedback, customer complaints in two parts.  information query module The module includes customer information inquiries, contact information inquiries, customer feedback and customer satisfaction inquiries complaint satisfaction inquiries four parts. ɧ (2013-11-18, Visual C++, 6045KB, 下载11次)


[企业管理] enterprises-attendance-system

The project is a small and medium-sized enterprises attendance management system, a super administrator module and user mode, the main achievement of the features: User management (add, delete, modify, integrated query), attendance management (work, work, travel, leave , absenteeism), payroll management, rights management, database backup and recovery. (2013-03-12, Visual C++, 10113KB, 下载22次)


[企业管理] SlarayMangentment

Salary management system provides the basic personnel information management, employee' s basic salary, variable pay and payroll system management, at the same time together with the query function, to avoid loss of data system also provides data backup and restore functions. In order to truly apply to all types of small and medium-sized enterprises and business type units. (2012-12-21, Visual C++, 9245KB, 下载7次)


[企业管理] Car-Repair-management-system

使用汽车维修管理系统可以大大地提高修车企业的工作效率,减少工作中可能出现的错误,为客户提供更好的服务,是提高修车行业自动化水平的重要手段之一。 用户名为Admin 密码为111111
Use car maintenance management system can greatly increase the working efficiency of the car business, reduce work errors, provide better service for customers, is to improve the car industry automation level, one of the important means. (2012-08-08, Visual C++, 1253KB, 下载11次)


[企业管理] aaa

Enterprise warehouse management system to achieve the storage of goods, storage of return management. Commodity inventory management. Inventory allocation of goods, a database management. Inventory of goods, the lower limit. For warehousing, storage return of goods such as a library query management. (2012-06-29, Visual C++, 7950KB, 下载8次)


[企业管理] hrms

Human resources management systems currently on the market, but to find a truly desirable, in line with the actual situation of human resource management (HRM) software is not easy. Due to the existence of such deficiencies, embarrassing choice of HRM systems, the system to achieve the automation of human resources management (2012-04-18, Visual C++, 6289KB, 下载7次)


[企业管理] 07

系统介绍 目前,图书市场日益激烈的竞争迫使图书企业希望采用一种新的管理方式来加快图书流通信息的反馈速度,而计算机信息技术的发展为图书管理注入了新的生机。 本图书管理系统实现了以下功能:  实现图书的入库与入库退货管理。  实现图书的库存盘点管理。  实现图书的定价、调价管理。  实现图书的销售、销售退货管理。  实现图书的入库查询、入库退货查询、图书销售查询等信息查询。
Library management system manual (2011-10-06, Visual C++, 15310KB, 下载6次)


[企业管理] Small-enterprise-salary-system

The small business payroll system is a simple C++ code, containing a total of about 2000 lines of code lines, very helpful for beginners. This code includes the knowledge points are classes, inheritance, polymorphism, function pointers. Code structure is clear, rigorous thinking, user-friendly. (2011-09-16, Visual C++, 701KB, 下载8次)


[企业管理] 201011022118915

The small business payroll system is to learn C++ when I do their own. Contains about 2000 lines of code lines. C++ knowledge of basic points are used, such as classes, inheritance, polymorphism, function pointers and so on. Code structure is clear, precise and friendly interface. (2011-04-18, Visual C++, 703KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] 03

企业电话语音录音管理系统 ? 提供电话拨出功能,可以通过程序拨出电话。 ? 提供客户管理功能,记录客户信息,并可以在拨出电话时以电话簿的形式显示客户信息。 ? 提供电话录音功能,当电话接通时开始录音,当电话挂断时结束录音。
Business telephone voice recording management system ? allocate functions to provide telephone, you can process outgoing calls. ? provide customer management, record customer information, and can make a call when the phone book in the form of display customer information. ? telephone recording, start recording when the phone is switched on, when the end of the recording when the phone is hung up. (2010-11-27, Visual C++, 531KB, 下载2次)


[企业管理] 16

人事管理系统是一个企业单位不可缺少的部分,它的内容对于企业的决策者和管理者来说都至关重要,本章将介绍一个基本的人事管理系统实例的开发过程,采用ADO和SQL Server 2000等技术。
AppWizard has created this FTPSOCKET application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your FTPSOCKET application. FTPSOCKET.dsp This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and is used to build a single project or subproject. Other users can share the project (.dsp) file, but they should export the makefiles locally. FTPSOCKET.h This is the main header file for the application. It includes other project specific headers (including Resource.h) and declares the CFTPSOCKETApp application class. FTPSOCKET.cpp This is the main application source file that contains the application class CFTPSOCKETApp. FTPSOCKET.rc This is a listing of all of the Microsoft Windows resources that the program use (2010-06-22, Visual C++, 63KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] JXC

进销存管理系统是一个典型的数据库开发应用程序,由基础信息管理、库存管理、商品销售、查询统计、往来管理、系统设置6部分组成。  基础信息管理 该模块主要是对企业的客户信息、商品信息、供应商信息进行有效管理,并实现按不同条件对这些数据进行查询的功能。  库存管理 该模块主要是对商品的入库及入库退货信息进行有效管理,对商品的价格进行调整,同时可按不同条件查询库存商品。  商品销售 该模块主要是对商品的销售及销售退货信息进行有效管理。  查询统计 该模块主要实现按不同条件查询商品的入库信息及销售信息,并可对某一时间段内某种商品的销售情况按数量或金额进行升序或降序排行,同时可对某一年度的销售额进行图表分析。  往来管理 该模块主要实现对商品的入库结账、入库退货结账、销售结账、销售退货结账信息进行有效管理,同时可实现销售结账信息及入库结账信息的查询操作。  系统设置 该模块主要实现对操作员及操作员密码进行有效管理。
进销存管理系统是一个典型的数据库开发应用程序,由基础信息管理、库存管理、商品销售、查询统计、往来管理、系统设置6部分组成。  基础信息管理 该模块主要是对企业的客户信息、商品信息、供应商信息进行有效管理,并实现按不同条件对这些数据进行查询的功能。  库存管理 该模块主要是对商品的入库及入库退货信息进行有效管理,对商品的价格进行调整,同时可按不同条件查询库存商品。  商品销售 该模块主要是对商品的销售及销售退货信息进行有效管理。  查询统计 该模块主要实现按不同条件查询商品的入库信息及销售信息,并可对某一时间段内某种商品的销售情况按数量或金额进行升序或降序排行,同时可对某一年度的销售额进行图表分析。  往来管理 该模块主要实现对商品的入库结账、入库退货结账、销售结账、销售退货结账信息进行有效管理,同时可实现销售结账信息及入库结账信息的查询操作。  系统设置 该模块主要实现对操作员及操作员密码进行有效管理。 (2010-06-14, Visual C++, 480KB, 下载35次)


[企业管理] NoteManage

在一些业务范围广泛的公司中,当公司有了新的通知要告诉在外地的员工,通常使用拨打电话的方式,这样虽然能把事情说清楚,但是当在外的员工比较多时,工作量很大,为了解决这个问题,可以开发一个企业短信群发管理系统。企业短信群发管理系统主要利用硬件短信猫发送短信,并且可以查看SIM卡中收到的短信。本系统应具有以下功能: l 电话簿管理。 l 常用语管理。 l 短信息发送。 l 短信息接收。 l 短信猫设置。
In some businesses a wide range of companies, when the company has a new notice to tell the staff in the field, often using the call the way, so that while something can make it clear, but when the staff outside the relatively long time, heavy workload In order to solve this problem, can develop an enterprise Short Message Management System. Enterprise Short Message Management System using mainly the hardware to send SMS text messages a cat, and you can view the SIM card received in the message. The system should have the following features: l phone book management. l common language management. l short messages. l short message received. l SMS cat set. (2009-11-05, Visual C++, 1649KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] khmanager

主要功能 客户管理系统主要由基础信息维护、客户信息维护、客户服务、信息查询、系统管理和帮助信息等几个功能模块组成,规划系统功能模块如下:  基础信息维护模块 该模块主要包括区域信息设置、企业性质设置、企业类型设置、企业资信设置、客户级别设置和客户满意程度设置6部分。  客户信息维护模块 该模块主要包括客户信息、联系人信息、业务往来、客户呼叫中心4个部分。  客户服务模块 该模块主要包括客户反馈、客户投诉两个部分。  信息查询模块 该模块主要包括客户信息查询、联系人信息查询、客户反馈满意度查询和客户投诉满意度查询4部分。  系统管理模块 该模块主要包括增加操作员、密码修改、退出系统3部分。
Customer management system is mainly based on information from maintenance, customer information, maintenance, customer service, information, information systems management and help the composition of several function modules, function modules planning system is as follows: The maintenance of basic information modules  The module is mainly set up regional information, the nature of an enterprise set up, business type, business credit establishment, customer-level settings and set the level of customer satisfaction 6.  to safeguard customer information module The module includes customer information, contact information, business contacts, customer call center in part 4.  Customer Service Module The module includes customer feedback, customer complaints in two parts.  Information Module The module includes customer information, contact information, customer feedback and customer satisfaction inquiries, inquiries, complaints satisfaction 4. (2009-05-24, Visual C++, 2163KB, 下载13次)


[企业管理] MaterialsManagementSystems

The system provides the enterprise management of the flat material through the system to complete the storage of materials, a library, borrow and return them to operate at the same time also provided important information to record and report the log display, easy-to-manage personnel clear view of materials flow situation. (2009-05-15, Visual C++, 4794KB, 下载187次)


[企业管理] rukuyuanchengxu

随着现代工业的发展,计算机信息管理系统越来越受到企业重视。本文主要分析了仓库管理系统的一些基本功能和组成情况,包括系统的需求分析、系统结构,功能模块划分以及数据库模式分析等,重点对应用程序的实际开发实现作了介绍。达到了数据的一致性和安全性,且应用程序功能完备,符合了仓库管理系统作为典型的信息管理系统(MIS)的要求。同时简单介绍了Visual Basic编程环境和Access数据库管理系统的功能特点,仓库管理系统是企业物流管理中不可或缺的一部分。
With the development of modern industry, the information management system of the computer is being paid attention to by enterprises. This text has analysed some basic functions of the administrative system of the stock and makes up the situation mainly, including the systematic demand is analysed, systematic structure, the function module divides and the data base mode is analysed etc., have realized doing the introduction to the actual development of the application program especially. Having reached the consistency and security of the data, and the application program function is complete, have accorded with the administrative system of the stock as the request for the typical information management system (MIS). Introduced the function characteristics of Visual Basic programming environment and Access data base management system briefly at the same time, the administrative system of the stock is an indispensable part in enterprise s material flow management. (2009-04-21, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载39次)


[企业管理] information-management-system(C)

企业信息文档管理系统 一个可以用于企业内部的文档资料管理的系统平台,利用TreeView控件进行树控制 有类别管理、文档管理、添加文档、浏览文档、附件管理、角色管理、添加角色、用户管理功能模块。 操作过程中: 1:选择上下移动按钮可以改变角色的排列顺序; 2:选择"pen"型按钮可以修改你所选的角色,并在下面的文本框中填写修改后的角色名称; 3:选择"X"型按钮可以删除你所选的角色。
Enterprise Information Document Management System can be used in an internal document data management system platform, using tree controls TreeView control category management, document management, add files, browse documents, Attachment Manager, the role of management, add the role, the user management functions module. Operation: 1: Select button to move up or down to change the role of the order 2: Select pen-type button you can modify the selected roles, as well as in the text box below to fill the role of the revised name 3: Select X-type button to delete your chosen role. (2008-02-27, Visual C++, 659KB, 下载55次)


[企业管理] WuLiu

Logistics management system includes the basic information management, warehouse management, sales management, distribution management, transportation management, customs management, decision management module, suitable for large and medium-sized logistics enterprises, ERP for other developers also have a very good reference. (2007-09-26, Visual C++, 18909KB, 下载364次)
