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[数学计算] bagel-coffee-stores

Bagel Corner和Mister Coffee Database Management为两个虚构的企业开发和管理数据库,专注于实体关系模型、MySQL和用于数据操作和查询的SQL脚本。(注:这是根据学校项目改编的)
Bagel Corner and Mister Coffee Database Management develops and manages databases for two fictional businesses, focusing on entity-relationship models, MySQL, and SQL scripts for data manipulation and querying. (Note: this is adapted from a school project) (2024-03-02, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Statistical-Analysis-of-a-dataset

Statistical analysis means investigating trends, patterns, and relationships using quantitative data. It is an important research tool used by scientists, governments, businesses, and other organizations. To draw valid conclusions, statistical analysis requires careful planning from the very start of the research process. (2024-02-23, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Currancy_exchange_Forcasting

This repository provides a Python guide and tools for forecasting currency exchange rates. It enables individuals, businesses, investors, and financial institutions to analyze historical data, interpret economic indicators, and make precise predictions using mathematical models. (2024-02-10, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] advertising-budgets-and-sales-regression

Created a multiple linear regression model to predict business sales returns, utilizing data from TV, radio, and newspaper advertising budgets. The model aids in optimizing advertising strategies for enhanced return on investment. (2024-01-26, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] ltering-Algorithm-for-Harmonic-Signal-Enhancement

An adaptive comb filtering algorithm for the enhancement of harmonic signals in the presence of additive white noise. The algorithm improves the signal-to- noise ratio by estimating the fundamental frequency and enhancing the harmonic component in the input. It is implemented in Python and can be used for audio processing applications. (2023-01-10, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] uci-ics-kys-ios-app

[iOS App]2018 USC的AthenaHacks黑客马拉松| Kys iOS应用程序允许用户向他们的嘘声发送彩信爱情炸弹,让他们的一天或用户...,
[iOS App] 2018 USC s AthenaHacks Hackathon | Kys iOS app allows for users to send their boos a MMS love bomb to make their day or users frenemies an annoying spam blast to disable their phones ??. (2022-10-22, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] ECG-Filtering-AdaptiveFilters

For this project, raw ECG signal data will be taken and subjected to an adaptive filter which is aimed to attenuate the P wave, QRS complex, T wave, and U wave of the ECG signal. The specifications will be chosen to best minimize the mean square error and maximize the peak signal to noise ratio between the raw ECG data. Three adaptive filters (2021-05-10, Python, 2KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] 转移概率矩阵计算的一种统计方法

利用马尔可夫链进行预测 , 其关键是转移概率矩阵的计算 。 本文给出了计算转移概率矩阵的一种统计方法 ,并且给出了实例计算 ,目的是为企业进行科学管理和决策提供科学依据 。
The key to prediction using the Markov chain is the calculation of the transition probability matrix. This paper presents a statistical method for calculating the transition probability matrix, and gives an example calculation, which aims to provide a scientific basis for scientific management and decision-making. (2018-10-15, PDF, 140KB, 下载7次)


[数学计算] 基于FFT的高数据率低信噪比下的长码直捕算法

Including discontinuous code phase search and parallel carrier Doppler search strategy, full bit coherent integration algorithm based on bit synchronization and Tong decision algorithm based on frequency compensation. (2018-09-11, PDF, 359KB, 下载4次)


[数学计算] posthost

邮局选址 问题描述:在一个按照东西和南北方向划分成规整街区的城市里,n个居民点散乱地分布在不同的街区中。用x坐标表示东西向,用y坐标表示南北向。各居民点的位置可以由坐标(x,y)表示。要求:为建邮局选址,使得n个居民点到邮局之距离的总和最小。 提示:带权中位数(分治算法)
Post office location problem description: a north-south direction and in accordance with what is divided into regular city blocks, n scattered settlements located in different neighborhoods. Showing something to coordinate with x, y coordinates used to represent the north and south. Positions of settlements can be represented by the coordinates (x, y). Requirements: In order to build the post office location, so that the n settlements the post office to the sum of the minimum. Tip: weighted median (divide and conquer algorithm) (2016-04-04, Java, 110KB, 下载9次)


[数学计算] MonteCarlo_simlations

蒙特卡罗(Monte Carlo)方法,或称计算机随机模拟方法,是一种基于"随机数"的计算方法。这一方法源于美国在第二次世界大战中研制原子弹的"曼哈顿计划"。该计划的主持人之一、数学家冯·诺伊曼用驰名世界的赌城-摩纳哥的Monte Carlo-来命名这种方法,为它蒙上了一层神秘色彩
Monte Carlo (Monte Carlo) methods, or computer random simulation method is based on the calculation method of the random number. This approach stems from the United States developed the atomic bomb during World War II Manhattan Project. Von Neumann, one of the hosts of the program, mathematician with the world-famous Las Vegas- Monaco, Monte Carlo-named this method, it cast a layer of mystery (2012-09-18, matlab, 401KB, 下载12次)


[数学计算] rejectionofnbibaseonwaveletpacket

为了进一步提高直接序列/跳频(DS/FH)扩频系统的抗干扰能力,基于小波包变换结合递归最小二乘算法设计 了一种变换域自适应干扰抑制算法,该算法采用小波包分解定位窄带干扰,递归最小二乘算法抑制窄带干扰。通过蒙特卡 罗仿真分析在增加抗干扰模块后,DS/FH系统工作在准静态时,在不同信噪比条件下抗窄带干扰性能。仿真结果表明:该 算法具有较强的自适应性以及抗窄带干扰能力,其性能优于传统的直接置零法,适用于多音干扰下的恶劣通信环境。
In order to further improve the anti-jamming capability of direct sequence/frequency-hopping spread spectrum system (DS/FH), based on wavelet packet transform combined with recursive least squares algorithm design a transform domain adaptive interference suppression algorithm, the algorithm uses wavelet packet decomposition positioning narrowband interference, narrowband interference suppression recursive least squares algorithm. By Monte Carlo simulation analysis to increase the anti-jamming module DS/FH system work in the quasi-static, in different SNR anti narrowband interference performance. Simulation results show that: the algorithm has strong adaptability and resistance to narrowband interference ability, its performance is superior to the traditional method of direct zero, poor communication environment suitable for multi-tone interference. (2012-09-09, matlab, 294KB, 下载106次)


[数学计算] SAVI

SAVI(Simulated Annealing algorithm for minimizing Validity Index)详见李铁军教授的个人主页http://dsec.pku.edu.cn/~tieli/
SAVI(Simulated Annealing algorithm for minimizing Validity Index), developed by Tiejun Li(Peking University) is based on the optimal reduction of the random walker dynamics on the complex network (see the papers on complex networks below) is integrated here. To use it, unzip the downloaded files and run the main.m file in matlab environment. The matlab codes main.m is the main function. The other .m files are functions called by main.m. Some network data files are also included. The output is the .clu file which can be visualized with the software Pajek. (2012-07-31, matlab, 23KB, 下载1次)


[数学计算] shop

算法实验作业 3-3 购物问题 问题描述: 由于换季,某商场推出优惠活动,以超低价格出售若干种商品。但是,商场为避免过分 亏本,规定某些商品不能同时购买,而且每种超低价商品只能买一件。身为顾客的你想获得 最大的实惠,也就是争取节省最多的钱。经过仔细研究过,我们发现,商场出售的超低价商 品中,不存在以下这种情况: n(3≤n)种商品 c1, c2, c3,…, cn,其中 ci和 ci+1是不能同时购买的(i=1, 2, …,n-1),而 且 c1和 cn也不能同时购买。 编程任务: 请编程计算可以节省的最大金额数。 数据输入: 第 1 行两个整数 K,M(1≤K≤1000),其中 K 表示超低价商品数,K 种商品的编号依 次为 1,2, …,K;M 表示不能同时购买的商品对数。 接下来 K 行,第 i 行有一个整数 Xi 表示购买编号为 i 的商品可以节省的金额(1≤Xi ≤100)。 再接下来 M 行,每行两个数 A 和 B,表示 A 和 B 不能同时购买,1≤A≤K,1≤B≤K,A ≠B。 结果输出 输出计算出的能节省的最大金额数。 输入文件示例 输出文件示例 input.txt output.txt 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
算法实验作业 3-3 购物问题 问题描述: 由于换季,某商场推出优惠活动,以超低价格出售若干种商品。但是,商场为避免过分 亏本,规定某些商品不能同时购买,而且每种超低价商品只能买一件。身为顾客的你想获得 最大的实惠,也就是争取节省最多的钱。经过仔细研究过,我们发现,商场出售的超低价商 品中,不存在以下这种情况: n(3≤n)种商品 c1, c2, c3,…, cn,其中 ci和 ci+1是不能同时购买的(i=1, 2, …,n-1),而 且 c1和 cn也不能同时购买。 编程任务: 请编程计算可以节省的最大金额数。 数据输入: 第 1 行两个整数 K,M(1≤K≤1000),其中 K 表示超低价商品数,K 种商品的编号依 次为 1,2, …,K;M 表示不能同时购买的商品对数。 接下来 K 行,第 i 行有一个整数 Xi 表示购买编号为 i 的商品可以节省的金额(1≤Xi ≤100)。 再接下来 M 行,每行两个数 A 和 B,表示 A 和 B 不能同时购买,1≤A≤K,1≤B≤K,A ≠B。 结果输出 输出计算出的能节省的最大金额数 (2012-07-10, C++, 1KB, 下载28次)


[数学计算] binary

二叉树方法计算信用风险溢价 参数说明: V:公司资产市场价值初值 r:市场无风险利率 sigma:企业资产市场价值波动率 T:期限 num:二叉树层数 dp:违约点,即债权价值 输出结果: M:公司的风险溢价
The binomial tree method to calculate the credit risk premium Parameters: V: the market value of assets initial value r: market risk-free rate sigma: Enterprise market value of assets volatility T: Term the num: binary tree layers dp: default point, ie, the value of claims Output: M: The risk premium (2012-05-13, matlab, 1KB, 下载20次)


[数学计算] CGP.1.1.tar

该软件包CG +是为解决大规模,无约束,非线性优化问题的共轭梯度代码。企业管治+实现了共轭梯度法的三个不同版本:弗莱彻-里夫斯方法,波拉克Ribiere方法的,积极的波拉克-Ribiere方法的(聊天总是非负)
The package CG+ is a Conjugate Gradient code for solving large-scale, unconstrained, nonlinear optimization problems. CG+ implements three different versions of the Conjugate Gradient method: the Fletcher-Reeves method, the Polak-Ribiere method, and the positive Polak-Ribiere method (Beta always non-negative). (2012-02-18, Fortran, 14KB, 下载9次)


[数学计算] msc

function [Xcorrect]=msc(X,Xref) msc pretreate the samples X with the Multiplicative Scatter Correct Input X:the matrix of the sample spectra to be Correct Xref:the matrix of the sample spectra to be ref Output Xcorrect:the sample spectras was Corrected from the X Programmer: zhimin zhang @ central south university on dec 13 ,2007 Reference: Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 29 (1995) 233-241 (2009-04-08, matlab, 1KB, 下载200次)


[数学计算] polynomail

设计一个一元稀疏多项式简单计算机器 1. 本演示程序中,用户根据相应提示可以完成以下功能: (1) 输入并建立两个多项式; (2) 输出多项式,输出形式为整数序列:n,c1,e1,c2,e2,…… cn,en,其中n是多项式的项数,ci和ei分别是第i项的系数和指数,序列按照指数降序排列。 (3) 多项式Pa和Pb相加,建立多项式Pa+Pb (4) 多项式Pa和Pb相减,建立多项式Pa-Pb 2. 对一些特殊情况的说明:将0多项式设置为仅一项的多项式,其系数和指数值均为0.
One dollar to design a simple computer Sparse Polynomial 1. This demo, users are prompted to be completed in accordance with the corresponding the following features: (1) input and the establishment of two polynomials (2) the output polynomial, the output form of an integer sequence: n, c1, e1, c2, e2, ... ... cn, en, in which n is the number of polynomial, ci and ei, respectively, is the first i of the coefficient and index, in accordance with the index in descending order of sequence. (3) the sum of polynomial Pa and Pb, the establishment of polynomial Pa+ Pb (4) polynomial subtraction Pa and Pb, the establishment of polynomial Pa-Pb2. For some special cases of note: The number 0 type is set to only a polynomial, the coefficient and index values are 0. (2008-01-06, Visual C++, 155KB, 下载2次)


[数学计算] montecarlonotes

蒙特卡罗方法得课件,很详细! 蒙特卡罗随机模拟方法很不错得,大家快下。
Monte Carlo method in the courseware, very carefully! Monte-Carlo simulation method is pretty good in, we quickly under. (2006-12-21, Others, 295KB, 下载426次)


[数学计算] 时间抽选基2FFT及IFFT算法C语言实现

正在学数字信号处理,感觉上学期信号与系统学得不扎实,因为当时只是死记公式,这学期数信老师提倡动手实践,觉得自己在编程中对公式理解得更加深刻了。 以下是我写的FFT,欢迎指教。
is studying digital signal processing, signal feel semester with enough solid school system, because only memorizing formulas, a few letters this semester to promote hands-teachers find themselves in the right programming formula to understand more deeply. The following is what I wrote FFT welcome to enlighten. (2005-03-25, C/C++, 1KB, 下载204次)
