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[其他书籍] 基于反演策略的星基ADS-B信号译码方法

To solve the problem of low decoding accuracy of satellite based broadcast automatic correlation surveillance (ADS-B) signal at low SNR, a satellite based ADS-B decoding technology based on inversion strategy is proposed (2021-03-18, PDF, 925KB, 下载0次)


[其他书籍] 【U6S.CN】用Python写网络爬虫(第2版).pdf

This book is the second edition of using Python to write web crawler. The content of the book explains how to use Python to crawl the sample website and the application of the scratch framework (2020-09-30, Python, 11626KB, 下载0次)


[其他书籍] tongxinyuanli

This is the Defense Industry Publishing House editor Fan Changxin communication theory (seventh edition) after-school exercise answers, we want to help (2015-04-27, MultiPlatform, 5108KB, 下载44次)


[其他书籍] Hacker-Monthly

《黑客》月刊是news.ycombinator.com 网站黑客新闻组的印刷版,这是一个深受黑客和企业创始人喜欢的网站之一。本pdf是2010年六月刊。
" Hacker" magazine site is hacker news group news.ycombinator.com print version, which is a popular favorite hacker site, and one of founders. The pdf is the June issue of 2010. (2011-05-26, PDF, 589KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] EMV2000_cn

EMV2000 Chinese version is the official version provided by China Union Pay, and online to download the ISO7816 protocol similar, but some of their own requirements CUP is to enter the software necessary financial industry norms. (2011-03-21, WORD, 1145KB, 下载106次)


[其他书籍] 9_Vmware_vSphere_vCenter_Sever

This article is a virtual machine instructions series of experiments to explain the (VMware) install and configure the virtual machine related products and general applications, enterprise and application in many areas, (2010-12-08, WORD, 1965KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] Evolving.Application.Domains.of.Data.Warehousing

Data warehouse technology matures, the needs of large enterprise data processing more and more urgent, the document describes the latest data mining technologies and methods. (2010-11-24, PDF, 8033KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] windowsce

Windows CE 开发初步(第一部) 作者: BUILDER.COM 来源:http://www.zdnet.com.cn/developer/category/Windows 许多开发人员都尝试了基于无线装置的软件编程,然而这些思想达于成功的关键之处在于他们能否深 入了解 Windows CE 的功能和缺点。本文就此介绍了 Windows CE 的一些基本特性,并指出过渡到基于 无线装置的软件开发所应具备的知识。
Initial Windows CE Development (Part I) Author: BUILDER.COM Source: http://www.zdnet.com.cn/developer/category/Windows Many developers have tried the software programming based on wireless devices, but these ideas up to on the key to success lies in their ability to in-depth understanding of Windows CE features and shortcomings. This paper thus describes some basic characteristics of Windows CE, and pointed out that the transition to software-based wireless devices should have the knowledge. (2010-01-21, C/C++, 248KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] Operations_Management

本书比较系统地阐述了现代生产管理中最新的、具有代表性的思想、方 式和方法。如:物料需要计划(MRP)和制造资源计划(MRPⅡ);准时化生 产方式(JIT);柔性制造系统(FMS);以及计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)。 在编写中,结合我国企业的实践,特别侧重于上述思想、方式和方法在我国 企业中应用的可能性,以及必需具备的环境条件,并列举了一些已有效应用 上述方法的我国企业的典型案例。
This book systematically expounded the latest in modern production management, and a representative of the thinking of ways and means. Such as: materials need to plan (MRP) and manufacturing resource planning (MRP Ⅱ) just-in-time production (JIT) flexible manufacturing system (FMS) and computer integrated manufacturing system (CIMS). At the time of writing, the combination of the practice of China' s enterprises, with particular emphasis on the above-mentioned ideas, ways and means in our country the possibility of enterprise applications, as well as the environmental conditions necessary for, and lists some of the effective application of these methods a typical case of China' s enterprises . (2009-06-09, PDF, 436KB, 下载27次)


[其他书籍] PKUacmjiaocai

程序设计导引及在线实践 本书的最大特点是和“北京大学程序在线评测系统"紧密结合,因而把实践性摆到了一个特殊的地位。“北京大学程序在线评测系统”(简称“POJ”)是一个免费的公益性网上程序设计题库,网址为http://acm.pku.edu.cn/JudgeOnline,它包含2000多道饶有趣味的程序设计题,题目大部分来自ACM国际大学生程序设计竞赛,很多题目就反映工作和生活中的实际问题
Programming guide and online practice the most important feature of this book is " University procedures online evaluation system," closely integrated, so the practice of placing a special status. " Peking University online evaluation system procedures" (referred to as " POJ" ) is a free public service programming questions online at http://acm.pku.edu.cn/JudgeOnline, it contains more than 2000 interesting Road title of program design, the subject mostly from the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, the topic on a lot of work and life reflect the practical problems (2009-05-20, C/C++, 1688KB, 下载54次)


[其他书籍] DB2FastStudy

DB2是IBM的数据库管理软件,应用于全球500强80 的企业,本书介绍DB2,让你快速入门
DB2 is IBM' s database management software, used in 80 of the world' s top 500 enterprises, introduced the book DB2, allows you to Quick Start (2009-05-05, Windows_Unix, 1820KB, 下载152次)


[其他书籍] Linux_Device_Drivers(3rdEdition_EN_CN)

Linux device drivers third edition, the classic of classics 2 in English and accompanied by the code (2009-04-23, Unix_Linux, 2572KB, 下载134次)


[其他书籍] MangBook

德隆是最大的民营企业之一。德隆在辉煌时刻,其运作模式曾吸引了许多企业家探讨;而德隆的突然崩塌,同样应该引起人们警醒。目前德隆危机渐趋平缓,但德隆对中国企业的启示却有长久的意义。   本书追踪了德隆从崛起到危机的全过程,资料丰富详实。不仅首次披露了德隆国际战略投资有限公司的37个股东的隐秘身份,还全面展示了德隆自救行动的“A计划”。是目前了解德隆最全面、最深入的读本。
Delong is one of the largest private enterprises. Delong in the glorious moment, its mode of operation has attracted a lot of entrepreneurs to explore and the sudden collapse of Delong, the same people should be vigilant. Delong current crisis is becoming flat, but Delong inspiration for Chinese enterprises have long-term significance. Delong book tracks the rise of the crisis from the whole process of information-rich and detailed. Disclosed for the first time not only the Delong International Strategic Investment Co., Ltd. 37 to shareholders of the secret identity, but also a comprehensive display of self-help measures Delong " A Plan." Learn Delong is the most comprehensive and in depth read. (2009-04-06, PDF, 1608KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] 3gtraining

此课件包含了《UMTS 的网络结构及协议》、《WCDMA 空中接口及无线技术》、《爱立信 WCDMA核心网信令》、《第三代移动通信的发展及主要的无线技术》、《IMT2000概述》、《核心网概述》等几门课程,是面向技术维护人员全面普及3G培训的教材,是掌握了移动通信基础知识后的3G入门课程。
This courseware contains (2008-10-09, Others, 2833KB, 下载178次)


[其他书籍] 270B

西门子技术支持网站简介 当您在使用西门子产品时可能遇到这样或是那样的问题,没关系,您可以登陆西门 子技术支持与服务网站来查找您需要的信息. 网站链接为: http://www.ad.siemens.com.cn/service/ 登陆网站后,您可以点击相关链接,查找您想要得信息,其中在"网上课堂"可以 下载西门子技术支持工程师编写的常问问题和使用入门文档,点击网页左侧的"技 术资源",进入后将显示语言切换到英文(点击网页的右上角"English"),然后 在"Search"输入框中输入您要查找的相关内容,如下载升级软件包,或是查找错 误代码的解释,或是查找相关产品的信息等等,您可能会找到很多条链接,您可以 从中选择您所需要的内容,您还可以通过点击"Product Support"进入西门子的 产品信息库,通过点击左侧的相关文件链接可以查找到西门子相关产品的详细信 息.如果您经常使用网站信息,您会觉得它已成为您解决问题的得力助手. (2008-07-17, PDF, 2679KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] apriori1

Apriori算法改进及其实现 内容摘要 信息技术的不断推广应用,将企业带入了一个信息爆炸的时代。如何充分利用这些数据信息为企业决策者提供决策支持成为一个十分迫切的又棘手的问题,人们除了利用现有的关系数据库标准查询语句得到一般的直观的信息以外,必须挖掘其内含的、未知的却又实际存在的数据关系。著名的Apriori算法是一种挖掘关联规则的算法。 本文通过对参与候选集的元素计数的方法来减少产生候选集的组合和减少数据库的扫描次数来达到要求。这有利于提高挖掘的速度和减少数据库的I/O操作时间的开销。 (2008-05-24, WORD, 398KB, 下载119次)


[其他书籍] amessagetogasia

100 years ago, the letter addressed to Garcia in different ways widespread in the world, becoming history, one of the best-selling books. Would like to dedicate this book to all letters can bring Garcia s people- you are the messenger of the people! The world is full of talented poor. Civilization, and is carefully looking for coke this talent a long process. Praised the book on professionalism, loyalty to the concept of affect generation after generation! (2008-04-15, MultiPlatform, 99KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] ltc

楼天城大牛的冬令营论文. 浅谈部分搜索+高效算法在搜索问题中的应用 浙江省杭州第十四中学 楼天城 摘要: 本文从有位置限制的匹配问题的搜索谈起,通过对题目Milk Bottle Data的分析,提出了深度优先搜索的一种非常规搜索——部分搜索+高效算法。然后通过部分搜索在Triangle Construction和智破连环阵两题中的应用,探讨了部分搜索方法通用的主要优化方法,并从此方法本质分析其高效的原因所在和应用需要满足的要求和限制。
Floor-day winter cattle City papers. On the part of the search+ Efficient algorithm in search problems in the application of secondary schools in Zhejiang Province Hangzhou, 14th Floor, Tin Shing Abstract: This article from the location restrictions about matching search through the topics Milk Bottle Data analysis, put forward a depth-first search of an unconventional search- part of the search+ efficient algorithms. And then through part of the search in the Triangle Construction and Moses broke the two questions in a series array of applications, explore some of the major generic search method optimization method, and from this method of analysis of the nature of its efficient cause of the problem and applications need to meet the requirements and limitations. (2007-12-10, MultiPlatform, 75KB, 下载22次)


[其他书籍] huawei_PCB_Rules

Huawei printed circuit board (PCB) design specifications.- Shenzhen Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Enterprise Standard (2007-09-04, Others, 351KB, 下载205次)


[其他书籍] FWHelp8_cn

used for the design and production of specialized web graphics ultimate solution, it is the first website to help graphic designers and developers to address the special problems faced by the production environment. (2005-12-31, Windows_Unix, 5549KB, 下载2次)
