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[前端开发] dui-angular-starter-template

This is a boilerplate for David UI Angular, the components library for enterprise-level projects based on Tailwind CSS and Angular. (2023-11-08, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] angular-enterprise-stack

An enterprise-level mono repo architecture using Nx, designed to streamline app management across a company s portfolio. Incorporates Ngrx, Angular Signals, Standalone Components, Jest, and Playwright, with shared libraries for UI components, Authentication, and more. (2023-11-04, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] flutte-food-delivery-ui

This UI Kit contains a high-quality mobile application design best suited for any business connected to food delivery, (2021-08-20, Dart, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] shinju-date

「SHINJU DATE」はななしいんくに所属するタレントか?YouTubeて?配信や投稿した動画を検索て?きるウェフ?サーヒ?スて?す。,
"SHINJU DATE" フ?ヒ?ス?ス?す., (2023-08-23, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] mkdocs-git-committers-plugin-2

MkDocs plugin for displaying a list of GitHub (.com or Enterprise) contributors on each page. Encourages contributions to the documentation! (2023-03-27, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] responsive-pet-food-website-ui

It is a website that can be used by a pet shop and a company or business that sells animal feed ( JUST FRONTEND). Design principles are based on current principles. (2021-08-31, HTML, 396KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] codewithpunit.github

开始为Web应用程序编码雇佣自由职业者进行全堆栈开发和企业培训师UI UX PHP Ful...
Start Coding For Web Application Hire as a Freelancers for Full stack Development and Corporate Trainer UI/UX PHP Full stack , MERN And MEAN . (2021-11-19, HTML, 1036KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] twee-framework

Modern MVC Framework for Node.js and io.js based on Express.js for professionals with deadlines in enterprise (2019-05-29, JavaScript, 1187KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] vue2-element

基于vue2 + vue-router2 + element-ui + vuex2 + fetch + webpack2 企业级后台管理系统最佳实践
Based on the best practices of enterprise level background management system of vue2+vue-router2+element ui+vuex2+fetch+webpack2 (2018-01-06, JavaScript, 253KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] tiny-vue

企业级UI组件库,支持Vue.js 2和Vue.js3,以及PC和移动设备。
An enterprise-class UI component library, support both Vue.js 2 and Vue.js 3, as well as PC and mobile. (2023-06-15, Less, 22010KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] ui5-webcomponents

UI5 Web组件-在本机API之上的企业风味糖!使用te构建SAP Fiori用户界面...
UI5 Web Components - the enterprise-flavored sugar on top of native APIs! Build SAP Fiori user interfaces with the technology of your choice. (2023-06-16, TypeScript, 14399KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] ked

ked 是基于 Ke Design 设计体系的 React UI 组件库,主要用于研发企业级中后台产品。
Ked is a React UI component library based on the Ke Design design system, which is mainly used to develop enterprise level middle and back office products. (2021-11-30, TypeScript, 2559KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] resgen

Keep track of jobs you ve applied to, automate resume & cover letter creation; generate PDFs from .odt templates on the fly while scraping the job post and tracking employer status. (2022-04-09, Ruby, 6537KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Barber-Shop-Website

A barber shop website design that can serves as a template site for local small or big businesses. (2023-02-09, CSS, 2632KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] cities-atlas-front-end

An Urban Economy Navigator designed to provide policymakers, entrepreneurs, investors, business organizations, civil society, and the general public with unprecedented economic data and visualizations for more than 1,000 cities in 79 countries. (2023-01-06, TypeScript, 2245KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] stencil

A toolchain for building scalable, enterprise-ready component systems on top of TypeScript and Web Component standards. Stencil components can be distributed natively to React, Angular, Vue, and traditional web developers from a single, framework-agnostic codebase. (2023-06-02, TypeScript, 2327KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] PConnect

PConnect is an enterprise level basic functional framework based on Angular4+SpringCloud (user permission management, area management, GIS map,...). Its core design goal is to separate the front and back ends, develop quickly, learn easily, have powerful functions, and not duplicate the wheel. Its goal is to help enterprises build a set of basic functional frameworks (2018-09-18, Java, 4464KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] niutal

Niutal, a stable, secure, flexible, robust, and plugin based web application service solution framework for enterprise level components (2020-10-14, Java, 23645KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] jeefuse-web

jeefuse-web,在jeefuseMDA快速开发框架基础上搭建的面向企业应用系统开发的java web应用程序骨架,
JEEFUSE-web, a Java web application framework built on the JEEFUSE-MDA rapid development framework for enterprise application system development, (2013-08-20, JavaScript, 46764KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] strongshop

strongshop,StrongShop 是一款免费开源的跨境电商商城网站。基于 PHP Laravel6 框架开发,遵循 BSD-3-Clause 开源协议,免费商用。支持多语言,多货币,多种国际配送方式。PayPal 支付,国际信用卡支付。PC Web ...
StrongShop is a free and open source cross-border e-commerce mall website. Developed based on the PHP Laravel6 framework, following the BSD-3-Clause open-source protocol, and available for free commercial use. Supports multiple languages, currencies, and international delivery methods. PayPal payment, international credit card payment. PC Web ... (2021-09-04, PHP, 9820KB, 下载0次)
