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[企业管理] 2

企业发放的奖金根据利润提成。利润(I)低于或等于10万元时,奖金可提10 ;利润高    于10万元,低于20万元时,低于10万元的部分按10 提成,高于10万元的部分,可可提    成7.5 ;20万到40万之间时,高于20万元的部分,可提成5 ;40万到60万之间时高于    40万元的部分,可提成3 ;60万到100万之间时,高于60万元的部分,可提成1.5 ,高于    100万元时,超过100万元的部分按1 提成,从键盘输入当月利润I,求应发放奖金总数?
Total number of bonuses should be issued (2016-06-22, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] HRMS

HRMS(Human Resource Management System:人力资源管理系统)的发展历史可以追溯到20世纪60年代末期。由于当时计算机技术已经进入实用阶段,同时大型企业用手工来计算和发放薪资既费时费力又非常容易出差错,为了解决这个矛盾,第一代的人力资源管理系统应运而生。当时由于技术条件和需求的限制,用户非常少,而且那种系统充其量也只不过是一种自动计算薪资的工具,既不包含非财务的信息,也不包含薪资的历史信息,几乎没有报表生成功能和薪资数据分析功能。但是,它的出现为人力资源的管理展示了美好的前景,即用计算机的高速度和自动化来替代手工的巨大工作量,用计算机的高准确性来避免手工的错误和误差,使大规模集中处理大型企业的薪资成为可能。
HRMS (Human Resource Management System: Human Resource Management System) development history can be traced back to the late 1960s. At that time, computer technology has entered the practical stage, while large enterprises by hand calculation and payment of salaries to both time-consuming and very easy to go wrong, in order to resolve this conflict, the first generation of human resource management system came into being. At that time due to technical conditions and demand constraints, users are very small, and that the system at best is only a tool to automatically calculate payroll, contains neither non-financial information, nor does it include salary history information, almost no report generation functions and payroll data analysis. However, it appears as a human resource management shows a bright future, which uses the computer' s speed and automation to replace manual enormous workload, high accuracy using a computer to avoid manual errors and error, so that large-scale cent (2013-07-03, Visual C++, 13354KB, 下载6次)


[企业管理] Bonuscode

奖金发放代码夜半雨轻浅| 分类:C/C++| 浏览174次 //企业发放奖金根据利润提成。 //利润(r)低于或等于10万,奖金可提成10 , //利润高于10万,低于20万时,低于10万的部分按照10 提成,高于10万的部分,提成7.5 , //20万到40万之间时,高于20万的部分,提成5 , //40万到60万之间的部分,提成3 ,60万到100万之间时,高于60万的部分,提成1.5 , //高于100万时,超过100万的部分按1 提成。从键盘上输入当月利润r,求应发放奖金总数?
Bonus code (2013-04-18, Visual C++, 11KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] HR

企业人事管理系统 使用了SQL Server 2005数据库,在调试之前需要作者按照书中数据库表结构自己设计数据库。 主程序文件是VC003.dsw,使用Visual C++6.0打开此文件,然后使用工具栏中的“Build”命令即可调试。 管理员的用户名和密码可以从数据库中的表“users”中获取。
Enterprise personnel management systems use SQL Server 2005 database, and in need of in accordance with the book database table structure design their own database before commissioning. Main program file VC003.dsw, and Use Visual C++6.0 to open this file tool bar and then use the " Build" command to debug. The administrator' s user name and password can be obtained from the database table " users" . (2012-08-29, Visual C++, 5899KB, 下载6次)


[企业管理] ichaap09kucunn

库存管理信息系统,企业好帮手 读者需要安装Rational Rose2000运行UML目录下的文件 安装Jbuilder9.0运行第9章提供的源码 读者能在SQL Servver2000的查询分析器器中运行各章DB目录下提供的两个.sql建立数据库及其表格等,也能将数据库文件.mdf与.ldf附加到当前数据库服务器上直接使用(推荐)。 可直接使用。
Inventory management information systems, enterprise helper readers need to install the file to install the source code provided in Chapter 9 of the Jbuilder9.0 run readers can run two of the DB directory of each chapter in the SQL Query Analyzer Servver2000 UML directory Rational Rose2000 run . sql to establish a database and its forms, but also can the database file. mdf and. ldf attached to the current database on the server directly (recommended). Can be used directly. (2012-08-03, Visual C++, 995KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] qiye-command--system

通过调查和与企业相关专业人员的沟通,要求系统具有以下功能: 1. 系统操作简单、便捷,界面简洁、友好。 2. 具有规范、完善的基础信息设置和管理。 3. 支持多人操作,要求有用户和权限分配功能。 4. 对销售信息提供销售功能。 5. 支持销售退货和入库退货功能。 6. 支持库存价格调整功能。
Through surveys and communication with business professionals, the system has the following features: (1) the system is simple, convenient, simple, friendly interface. (2) specification, the basis of information set up and manage. Support the people operating the required users and assign permissions functions. Sales information to provide a sales function. Support sales return and storage of the return function. Support the stock price adjustment function. (2012-05-01, Visual C++, 72KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] kehuziyguanlixitong

VC++ 客户资源管理系统 系统介绍 客户资源管理系统用于商业公司、单位的客户资料管理,主要包括客户资料管理、商业往来管理等内容。软件操作简单、方便、实用,使用本软件,可节省工作时间、提高工作效率。通过此软件企业管理人员通过客户管理系统能够了解客户的业务情况,并能根据客户反馈的信息及时地了解市场。 操作注意事项 数据库密码 111 系统登录密码 用户名 密码 MRKJ 111 操作流程 (1)用户登录客户资源管理系统后,可看到地域信息、客户类别、客户职务、客户单位、客户通讯、商业往来、用户管理等功能按钮。 (2)单击相应的按钮,打开相应的窗体进行操作。
vc++ kehuziyuanguanlixitong (2012-04-09, Visual C++, 1858KB, 下载12次)


[企业管理] aa

This system belongs to a small database system, to small and medium enterprises fixed assets assessment, from the basic information management, fixed assets management, data maintenance and management, system maintenance, system management tool module. Due to the operator a limited knowledge of computers, so the system has the good man-machine interface. To facilitate the data query, support query with more conditions. The fixed assets of large data volume of cases, to support the classification display fixed assets data. When the external environment ( power failure, network virus ) interference in the system, the system can automatically protect the security of the original data. Under the appropriate permissions, may be easily removed for data, and maintain the stability of data. Assets depreciation accounting automatically, to minimize human intervention. Excel import / export function. (2012-02-16, Visual C++, 1019KB, 下载8次)


[企业管理] 201111817339779

人事工资管理系统,数据库采用SQL Server 2005,可以进行档案管理、奖罚管理和工资管理等,方便处理企业内部员工的相关工资信息。另外,为了更方便的查看员工的工资信息,还可以通过水晶报表对工资信息进行打樱   初始的管理员用户名为tsoft,密码为111。
Human resources management system, database using SQL Server 2005, can file management, reward and punishment management and payroll management, internal staff to facilitate the processing of the relevant salary information. In addition, in order to more easily view employee payroll information, you can also pay through the crystal report information on the play Sakura The initial administrator user name tsoft, password is 111. (2011-12-09, Visual C++, 1148KB, 下载8次)


[企业管理] phonecapture

Telephone voice recording business management system. 1, the use of man-machine dialogue operation, interface design, beautiful and friendly, safe and reliable data storage. 2, the system can answer the caller ID and call features such as 3, to provide telephone broadcast function, 4, 5 to provide customer management capabilities, to provide telephone recording function 6, provide sound management (2011-11-02, Visual C++, 4578KB, 下载20次)


[企业管理] 03

Telephone customer service is the company launched an initiative to contact by telephone with the customer service, answer questions for customers, but customers too many cases, the inevitable problems, in order to avoid this from happening, the need for all customers calls are recorded, by recording a better understanding of customer needs, but also to avoid errors in the work staff. (2011-05-05, Visual C++, 4742KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] f200991715367

For some SMEs may pay a lot or the use of EXCEL tab, and then print and then cut into strips of paper sent to all employees, or a form of a notice by EMAIL to employees in this way also the traditional time-consuming. In view of this. I designed a software for mass pay to solve this problem. At the same time, the software can also be applied to different information to different functions of human hair. (2010-12-02, Visual C++, 1673KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] management

事管理系统是一个典型的信息管理系统(MIS),随着社会经济与科技的发展,人们更多的利用科技来管理日常生活和工作事务。为了适应这一发展趋势,数据库管理信息系统的发展也异常迅速。人们也开始越来越多地利用计算机解决实际问题。员工信息管理是企业信息管理的重要部分,面对大量的人事信息,采用人力处理即浪费时间、又浪费人力和物力,并且数据的准确性低。因此,开发一个界面友好,易于操作的人力资源管理软件进行自动化处理变得十分重要,这正是本系统开发的目的和意义。 本文介绍了人事管理系统的开发过程。本系统利用VC++6.0和Microsoft SQL Server 2000设计和实现人事管理信息系统。论文详细介绍了从系统的需求分析、系统分析、概要设计、详细设计的整个开发过程。
The personnel management system is a typical information management system (MIS), along with social economy and technical development, the people more uses science and technology manages the daily life and work business. In order to adapt this development tendency, the data bank administration information system development exceptionally is also rapid. The people also start more and more to use the computer solution actual problem. The staff information management is the enterprise information management important part, facing the massive human affairs information, uses manpower processing namely to waste the time, to waste the manpower and the physical resource, and the data accuracy is low. Therefore, develops a contact surface in a friendly way, is easy human resources management software which operates to carry on automated processing to change extremely importantly, this is precisely this system development goal and the significance. This article introduced the personnel manageme (2010-06-02, Visual C++, 892KB, 下载36次)


[企业管理] tt

题目:企业发放的奖金根据利润提成。利润(I)低于或等于10万元时,奖金可提10 ;利润高于10万元,低于20万元时,低于10万元的部分按10 提成,高于10万元的部分,可可提成7.5 ;20万到40万之间时,高于20万元的部分,可提成5 ;40万到60万之间时高于40万元的部分,可提成3 ;60万到100万之间时,高于60万元的部分,可提成1.5 ,高于100万元时,超过100万元的部分按1 提成,从键盘输入当月利润I,求应发放奖金总数? 程序分析:请利用数轴来分界,定位。注意定义时需把奖金定义成长整型。
new (2010-04-27, Visual C++, 402KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] ToolWarehouseSystem

TWS主要分为两个部分,第一部分是员工与工具信息管理系统(Employ and Tool Management System, ETMS),详细记录工具的借、还与工具状态,公司内部 员工可以通过本地企业局域网(Intranet)查询自己工具的借还情况,并发出对贵 重工具的请求。对于本地没有的特殊工具,员工可以使用ETMS 通过互联网 (Internet)在总公司或各个子公司的仓库中查找特定工具,并发出借用该工具的 请求。 第二部分是一个仓库的实时管理系统(Warehouse Management System , WMS),位于总公司和每个子公司的工具仓库,在提取具体工具时,用户需要到 具体的工具仓库进行工具的提取(也可以在工具仓库现场借工具)
Tool Warehouse System (2010-04-27, Visual C++, 5826KB, 下载35次)


[企业管理] Leyipai11

淘宝销售进销存系统 升级版1.1源码 应多数朋友的要求对之前发布的 淘宝销售进销存系统 http://www.51aspx.com/CV/Leyipai 进行改进:包括界面、常见BUG 、数据库优化 乐意拍进销存管理系统 面向淘宝个体用户 和小企业的进销存管理系统 主要功能系统用户管理、销售管理、采购管理、库存管理、物品管理、问题管理。其中用户管理包括:用户基本信息管理、用户类型管理、用户权限管理。采购管理主要有:采购订单管理、采购入库单管理、采购退货管理。销售管理:销售订单管理、销售出库管理、销售发货管理、销售退货管理。库存管理分为:入库管理、出库管理、库存盘点、库存调拨。 数据库在DB_51aspx文件夹中(sql2000),附加即可. 登陆用户名和密码都是51aspx
Taobao Sales Invoicing System Version 1.1 source upgrade Most friend requests should be released before the sale Invoicing System http://www.51aspx.com/CV/Leyipai Taobao Be improved: including interface, common BUG, database optimization Happy to beat inventory management system for individual users and small Taobao business inventory management system Main function of the system user management, sales management, purchasing management, inventory management, materials management, problem management. User management which includes: the user basic information management, user type management, user rights management. Procurement management are: purchase order management, purchasing single storage management, purchasing return management. Sales Management: sales order management, sales out of database management, sales delivery management, sales returns management. Inventory management is divided into: storage management, a database management, inventory counts, inventory all (2010-04-21, Visual C++, 6107KB, 下载178次)


[企业管理] OAofficesystem

A办公系统 项目描述:该项目主要针企业的自动化办公,提高办公效率,减少人事理成本.让人工作方便、舒服 本项目主要分为六大块:人事管理,日程管理,文档管理,消息传递,系统统管理,考勤管理 人事管理:主要实现对机构部门员工增删改查,打印员工信息等操作. 日程管理:实现了公司部门及个人日程的管理.运用一个简单的日历显示日程,让人一目了然,有阳历转换阴历, 适合大众使用。在以前这种技术会在闰年可能会出现错误,现在已经解决了,需要的朋友们可以学习学习。
oa Office systems and functions have all but. (2010-03-17, Visual C++, 10680KB, 下载13次)


[企业管理] 03

企业电话语音录音管理系统 本系统在设计时应该满足以下几个目标: 采用人机对话的操作方式,界面设计美观友好、操作灵活、方便、快捷、准确、数据存储安全可靠。 系统可以进行来电显示和来电接听等功能。 提供电话拨出功能,可以通过程序拨出电话。 提供客户管理功能,记录客户信息,并可以在拨出电话时以电话簿的形式显示客户信息。 提供电话录音功能,当电话接通时开始录音,当电话挂断时结束录音。 提供录音管理功能,可以通过程序修改录音文件的存储位置。 系统最大限度地实现了易维护性和易操作性。 系统运行稳定、安全可靠。 操作注意事项 (1)本系统默认操作员用户名为:tsoft,密码为:111。
company telephone record manage system (2009-09-07, Visual C++, 3645KB, 下载31次)


[企业管理] 37387

本管理系统采用了C/S结构:SQL Server +Visual C++,SQL Server是比较流的数据库管理系统,在小型企业里得到了比较广泛的使用,Visual C++是一款强大的可视化开发工具,也是比较流行的工具,所以选用它们有着很大的优势.
The management system using C/S structure: SQL Server+ Visual C++, SQL Server is more flow of database management systems, in small enterprises has been relatively widely used, Visual C++ Is a powerful visual development tools, is also the more popular tools, so they have a great selection advantage. (2008-04-03, Visual C++, 2000KB, 下载36次)


[企业管理] spkcglxt

Commodity Inventory Management System: With the national retail business of rapid development, its warehouse management has become increasingly complex, the daily amount of data required to gradually deal with the huge, commercial operation of the intermediate links are more and more, the original mainly rely on manual management and simple computer management approach, apparently unable to adapt to the scale of business has expanded. Given this situation, the development of this system. (2008-03-19, Visual C++, 929KB, 下载180次)
