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按平台查找All Unix_Linux(450) 

[WEB开发] SilverStripe-cms-3.3.2

SilverStripe CMS是一款功能强大的CMS内容管理系统,适用于一些中小型企业建站使用,具有强大的网站设计功能,直观和友好的用户操作界面。
CMS SilverStripe is a powerful CMS content management system, suitable for a number of small and medium enterprises to use, with a strong web design features, intuitive and friendly user interface. (2016-05-12, Unix_Linux, 10101KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] qqjob2.0

基本功能 1、个人在线添加求职简历 2、个在线上传个人相片 3、首页显示最新新闻信息10条(可修改) 4、首页显示最新招聘信息10条(可修改) 5、首页显示最新求职信息10条(可修改) 6、注册用户可在线发送求职/招聘意向邮件 7、企业可发布多条招聘信息 8、企业自己删除招聘信息
1 basic functions, add personal online resume 2, a 3-line upload personal photos, home to display the latest news and information 10 (editable) 4 Home display the latest Job 10 (modifiable) 5, page 10 shows the latest job information Article (editable) 6, registered users can send job/hiring intentions email online 7, companies can publish more than 8 jobs, delete jobs enterprises (2016-03-07, Unix_Linux, 952KB, 下载1次)


[界面编程] wxPython_cn

漂亮的界面是一个GUI程序必不可少的一部分,wxPython可以做到这一 点,加之Python强大的功能和简洁的语法,使用得它在Python的gui中成为一种主流。
Beautiful interface is an essential part of a GUI program, wxPython can do it, coupled with powerful features and simple Python syntax, it must become a mainstream use in the gui in Python. (2015-01-15, Unix_Linux, 3133KB, 下载16次)


[android开发] Android-Collection

飞凌嵌入式公司的OK6410,FL6410,TE6410 开发板附带的光盘资料中含有Android 开 发的所有资料,用户可以直接从光盘中拷贝Android 资料到Ubuntu 系统中,用户也可以从飞 凌公司资料服务器上下载Android2.3 的源代码, 技术论坛 http://bbs.witech.com.cn/thread-3809-1-1.html 里面提供了所有资料的下载链接,请随 时关注我们的论坛公告,了解技术资料的更新。
Feiling embedded company OK6410, FL6410, CD-ROM that comes with TE6410 development board contains the Android open All information sent, the user can copy the data directly from the CD-ROM into the Ubuntu system Android, users can fly Ling company data server download Android2.3 source code, technical forums http://bbs.witech.com.cn/thread-3809-1-1.html which provides a link to download all the information, please follow When interest in our forum bulletin for updated technical information. (2014-02-19, Unix_Linux, 9765KB, 下载15次)


[matlab编程] The-Totem-Protocol

扩展的虚拟同步(Extended Virtual Synchrony),也称为 TOTEM 协议 Y. Amir 等,"The Totem Single Ring Ordering and Membership Protocol" L.E. Moser 等,"Extended Virtual Synchrony" Corosync 是 TOTEM 协议的一个开源实现,当前 RedHat 等提供的企业集群使用它作为一致性协议。
扩展的虚拟同步(Extended Virtual Synchrony),也称为 TOTEM 协议 Y. Amir 等,"The Totem Single Ring Ordering and Membership Protocol" L.E. Moser 等,"Extended Virtual Synchrony" Corosync 是 TOTEM 协议的一个开源实现,当前 RedHat 等提供的企业集群使用它作为一致性协议。 (2014-01-30, Unix_Linux, 168KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] redhat_wifi

Used to solve REDHAT6.3 Enterprise Edition notebook Wireless LAN Driver, follow the instructions step-by-step compile and install the last plug-in module, boot automatically start, will be able to solve the wireless Internet (2013-05-18, Unix_Linux, 1106KB, 下载13次)


[Linux/Unix编程] linux-0.11-cn

source code of linux0.11 online missing traps.c, and fdreg.h content, implemented Qi, the other does not recognize# comment sourceinsight, have all been modified to// convenience in which to view (2013-01-04, Unix_Linux, 323KB, 下载4次)


[系统编程] 3

设有两个并发执行的父子进程,不断循环输出各自进程号、优先数和调度策 略。进程初始调度策略均为系统默认策略和默认优先级。当父进程收到 SIGINT 信 号时会自动将其优先数加 1,子进程收到 SIGTSTP 信号时会自动将其优先数减 1。 请编程实现以上功能。
linux thread (2012-12-11, Unix_Linux, 6KB, 下载4次)


[软件设计/软件工程] Advanced-Bash-Scripting_cn

英文Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide的中文翻译,虽然翻译的版本比较旧,但是结合起最新的6.5英文版,非常合适的学习方式
Chinese translation of the English the Advanced Bash-the Scripting Guide, although the translated version of the older ones, but the combination of the latest 6.5 English, a very appropriate way of learning (2012-08-08, Unix_Linux, 2140KB, 下载2次)


[软件设计/软件工程] qt-3.0.5-doc-zh_CN

Details of the QT software, including the QT development, QT installation steps, the use of tutorials, QT transplantation, localization, as well as examples of tutorials. And introduced the relevant API reference, various modules and so on (2010-03-06, Unix_Linux, 570KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] PowerPC_paper2

近年来,随着网络带宽、计算机处理能力和存储容量的迅速提高,以及各种视频信 息处理技术的出现,视频监控进入了全球数字化的网络时代
In recent years, with the network bandwidth, computer processing power and storage capacity is rapidly increasing, and a variety of video processing technologies, video surveillance into the global digital network era (2010-01-03, Unix_Linux, 4413KB, 下载2次)


[Linux/Unix编程] asearchd-1.06.tar

A full featured Internet search engine, specifically designed to power vertical search, enterprise search, or a knowledge area search. Can index 2.5 million documents per 24 hours on a single Dell server. Clean C++/STL code written from scratch. (2009-07-09, Unix_Linux, 147KB, 下载21次)


[Linux/Unix编程] Linux_system_programming_cn

O reilly出版的Linux System Programming的中文翻译版。版权归哈工大创新实验小组所有。 是2007年出版的书。目前还没有正式出版的中文版。
O' reilly published Linux System Programming of the Chinese translation version. HIT innovation belongs to all of the experimental group. Is a book published in 2007. There is no official Chinese version of the publication right now. (2009-05-31, Unix_Linux, 1506KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] cs106softhy

简单的后台管理功能,可在线发布产品,添加管理员. 易于操作管理,适合用于企业建站之用. 后台管理登录:/super/login.asp 用户名:admin 密码:admin
Simple background management functions can be published online products, add the administrator. Easy to operate management, suitable for use in Enterprises Website. Admin Login:/super/login.asp Username: admin Password: admin (2009-05-30, Unix_Linux, 1106KB, 下载1次)


[其他书籍] Linux_Device_Drivers(3rdEdition_EN_CN)

Linux device drivers third edition, the classic of classics 2 in English and accompanied by the code (2009-04-23, Unix_Linux, 2572KB, 下载134次)


[Windows编程] qweqweqweqwe

一种新的方法,可以自动对两幅图像进行 ·Matlab code for encoding an unwrappi ·冈萨雷斯的经典教材数字图像处理的matl ·Fast Fourier Transform ·《Matlab控制系统与应用实例》一书源码 ·Bayesian Compressed Sensing ·永磁同步电动机的空间矢量控制simulink ·Matlab计算信噪比,单声道,双声道均可
一种新的方法,可以自动对两幅图像进行 ·Matlab code for encoding an unwrappi ·冈萨雷斯的经典教材数字图像处理的matl ·Fast Fourier Transform ·《Matlab控制系统与应用实例》一书源码 ·Bayesian Compressed Sensing ·永磁同步电动机的空间矢量控制simulink ·Matlab计算信噪比,单声道,双声道均可 (2009-04-17, Unix_Linux, 1373KB, 下载3次)


[Linux/Unix编程] server

The code is based on LINUX systems, the achievement of internal staff communication part of the server-side code. File transfer to be completed and collective meetings. The code contains detailed integrity. (2009-04-13, Unix_Linux, 170KB, 下载4次)


[Linux/Unix编程] C++_GUI_Programming_with_Qt_4_CN

Qt 4 中文版的书,目前此类书很少,qt 4的中文版的就更少了。主要讲解qt 4的入门,软件的安装之类的,是一个超级棒的入门教材!
Qt 4 The Chinese version of the book, currently very few such books, qt 4 of the Chinese version even less. On the qt 4 main entry, software installation like it is a superb introductory textbooks! (2008-09-25, Unix_Linux, 1983KB, 下载958次)


[嵌入式Linux] linux

是《linux设备驱动》RD2,的中文版,本书是告诉一个新手,如何开发Linux驱动,本书是根据E文翻译过来的,适合搞嵌入式行业而且英文不太好的朋友,如果英文nice,建议看《linux device drivers 3》,站里有,如果你在本站找不到,也可以发邮件给我,我发给你! my email: lifei4690277@yahoo.com.cn
Is (2008-08-19, Unix_Linux, 31882KB, 下载70次)


[其他] wireless_transmission_error.tar

ns2下用于802.11的无线传输模型的代码 增加了基于信噪比计算差错率等功能
under ns2 for 802.11 wireless transmission model code to increase signal to noise ratio based on the calculation of error rate and other functions (2008-06-05, Unix_Linux, 918KB, 下载131次)
