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[内容生成] invoice-generator

This project provides a user-friendly invoice generation tool for freelancers, small businesses, and contractors. Create professional, customized invoices quickly and easily to ensure you get paid on time, every time. (2024-04-28, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] hackomania-govtech

LLM application which utilises cutting edge libraries such as langchain to generate responses for businesses looking to know more about the different SG policies that can support them. Uses Retrieval Augmented Generation with vector database. (2024-04-07, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] luim-chat

Luim Ai:用于企业的高级人工智能助手,利用OpenAI和Next.js来简化工作流、安全身份验证和可扩展性。使用最先进的技术(包括NextAuth、Prisma和Vercel AI)提高生产力。
Luim Ai: Advanced AI assistant for businesses, leveraging OpenAI and Next.js for streamlined workflows, secure authentication, and scalability. Enhance productivity with state-of-the-art tech including NextAuth, Prisma, and Vercel AI. (2024-02-03, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] VCBot

DiscordVCの入退出をgoogle text to speechて?読み上け?。このBotは性善説を信し?て作られています
DiscordVC will log in and out of Google text to speech. こ Bot は theory of good nature を belief セ ? work ら れ い man す (2022-07-05, TypeScript, 83KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] GutscheinGang

A project, where vouchers can be bought to support local businesses that have big losses during the Corona crisis. Those vouchers are supposed to be redeemed after the crisis and therefore flatten the impact curve of the crisis on those businesses. (2022-02-10, TypeScript, 2073KB, 下载0次)
