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按分类查找All C/C++基础(27) 
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[C/C++基础] Bank-Managment-System

This Customer Management System is a C++ program designed to manage customer data and transactions for a business. It provides various functionalities such as adding new customers, modifying customer data, showing individual customer data, showing all customer data,etc (2024-04-25, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] DarkHorse_SMS

After studying Dark Horse’s C++ language course on the bilibili website, the author completed the optimized source code of the polymorphic-based enterprise employee management system project. Open source code, I hope everyone can learn and make progress. (2024-04-07, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] WallMall

That is a network chat. It s app suitable for corporate networks and those for whom security is not an empty word. In general, read the code and readme and dive into the world of security! (2024-02-25, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] ToonTanks

Toon Tanks is a fun and entertaining game that s perfect for players looking for a quick and exciting multiplayer battle. So grab your friends, hop into your tank, and get ready for some cartoon tank warfare! (2023-11-15, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] UFO-game

Entertaining C++ program that challenges you to save your friend from alien abduction! Crack the codeword using the Command Line Interface (CLI) and enjoy a fun guessing game. (2023-11-10, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] SeniorCourse

成都大学 信工学院 学长课堂 C C++方向 18级大一上学期,
The first semester of Grade 18 freshman in the C C++direction of the senior class of Chengdu University School of Information Technology, (2018-11-30, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] store-id-helper

Store ID helper AKA Dynamic Content Booster非常快速、可扩展、企业级、高性能多线程内容重复数据消除...,
Store ID helper AKA Dynamic Content Booster is extremely fast, scalable, enterprise-grade, high-performance multi-threaded content deduplicator, written in C++14. It works with any Squid starting with v3 and with all products based on it. Supported templates are listed in the project wiki (2023-08-15, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)
