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按分类查找All SQL Server(52) 
按平台查找All SQL(52) 

[SQL Server] Desktop

SQL database, enterprise system management topics, for table structure operations, add, delete, modify, query various statements (2018-10-07, SQL, 35KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] SQL管理器

Query tools, green version of the query analyzer and enterprise manager, convenient and easy to use, you can download to try, easy to use (2018-06-14, SQL, 16342KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] shiyan3

熟悉运用SQL Server企业管理器和查询分析器进行视图的创建、删除和修改
Familiar with using SQL Server Enterprise Manager and Query Analyzer to create a view, delete, and modify (2014-01-15, SQL, 92KB, 下载4次)


[SQL Server] shiyan4-

存储过程和触发器 熟悉运用SQL Server企业管理器和查询分析器进行存储过程的创建和删除。 2. 熟悉运用SQL Server企业管理器和查询分析器进行触发器的创建和删除
Familiar with the use of stored procedures and triggers in SQL Server Enterprise Manager and Query Analyzer to create and delete stored procedures. 2 familiar with using SQL Server Enterprise Manager and Query Analyzer to create and delete triggers (2014-01-15, SQL, 563KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] SQLinfo

SQL企业信息管理系统。。。 源码中包涵注释、还有查询语言。。 方便新生使用。 本源码简单、清晰
SQL Enterprise Information Management System. . . Bear with the source code comments, there is a query language. . Facilitate the new use. The source is simple, clear (2011-04-05, SQL, 1KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] Database_enterprise_resource_management_system_sou

数据库企业资源管理系统源码及说明Database, enterprise resource management system source code and instructions
Database, enterprise resource management system source code and instructions Database, enterprise resource management system source code and instructions (2010-08-05, SQL, 3625KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] sqltest

Sql interview questions of large corporations, very practical, the students used to find a job (2010-07-30, SQL, 21KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] Enterprise_Management_System_Database

企业管理系统数据库设计:Enterprise Management System Database
Enterprise Management System Database Design: Enterprise Management System Database (2010-07-08, SQL, 2696KB, 下载2次)


[SQL Server] conture

In this study, the factors influencing the implementation of customer relationship management (CRM) at small and medium-sized tourism enterprises in Cappadocia were analyzed (2010-03-13, SQL, 5391KB, 下载43次)


[SQL Server] xpsql2000EnterpriseandSp4

在Windows XP系统安装SQL 2000 企业版(图解版) 和SP4补丁安装原创
Windows XP+ SQL 2000+ SP4  (2010-02-04, SQL, 837KB, 下载6次)


[SQL Server] Bank

It is written in a SQL enterprise management system for banks. (2009-12-23, SQL, 1KB, 下载26次)


[SQL Server] ftpsearchdbase

BISM "菁搜"FTP搜索引擎数据库 帮助文档: http://blog.csdn.net/BismSoftware/archive/2009/03/30/4037334.aspx 此为BISM软件开发小组发布的"菁搜"FTP搜索引擎的第一个版本.有很多功能还没有完成,请大家见谅!(此软件将作为开源项目) 帮肋文档在help文件里面. (开源信息和相关帮助信息)http://blog.csdn.net/BismSoftware 有相关问题可以联系我们: BISM软件工作组 E-MAIL:Bismsotware@163.com 余文锋 E-MAIL:wenfeng610@yahoo.com.cn 陈鸿雏 E-MAIL:canzer@126.com.cn 吴侃侃 E-MAIL:suzerain2005@163.com
BISM " Ching found" FTP search engine database to help document: http://blog.csdn.net/BismSoftware/archive/2009/03/30/4037334.aspx this BISM software development teams for the release of " Ching found" FTP search engine the first version. There are many features is not yet complete, please forgive me! (this software will serve as the open-source project) to help in the help file documentation ribbed inside. (to help open source information and related information) http://blog.csdn. net/BismSoftware there are related issues can contact us: BISM Software Working Group E-MAIL: Bismsotware@163.com余文锋E-MAIL: wenfeng610@yahoo.com.cn Chen child E-MAIL: canzer@126.com.cn Wu Kan-Kan E-MAIL: suzerain2005@163.com (2009-06-08, SQL, 33804KB, 下载288次)


[SQL Server] ST_EnterpriseOnlineInfoManage

Sqlserver development based on ASP.NET and the Enterprise Information Management System (2009-06-04, SQL, 458KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] BlueHill

A complete management system which contains various aspects of the enterprise subsystem even have access to the company s registration (2009-05-20, SQL, 2869KB, 下载14次)


[SQL Server] sellsys

Dynamic help you in decision-making commodity information can be used for small, medium and large enterprises (2009-05-05, SQL, 120KB, 下载2次)


[SQL Server] crm-db

crm database design (2009-03-11, SQL, 184KB, 下载38次)


[SQL Server] GlobalEC_SQL

全球商务网站系统介绍 GLOBALEC.COM.CN[生成HTML版] 系统概述: 软件名称:全球商务网站系统 当前版本:V1.0 最新版本:V1.1 运行环境:WINNT+(IIS)+ASP+MSSQL 脚本语言:ASP 系统需求: 操作系统 Windows 2000 Adv Server,Windows 2000 Server
Global Business Web system introduction GLOBALEC.COM.CN [generated HTML version] System Overview: Software Name: Global Business Web site system the current version: V1.0 the latest version: V1.1 Operating Environment: WINNT+ (IIS)+ ASP+ MSSQL scripting languages: ASP System Requirements: OS Windows 2000 Adv Server, Windows 2000 Server (2008-07-24, SQL, 12669KB, 下载5次)


[SQL Server] chap11qiyekehufuwuxitong

这是企业客户服务系统 老师给的光盘里带的 看着不错,跟大家一起分享
This is a corporate customer service system to the CD-ROM the teacher looked at the里带good to share with you (2008-04-29, SQL, 499KB, 下载7次)


[SQL Server] asset

SQL stored procedure programming with the XML database. Is an asset management database, built very well. Can be slightly modified to be a company (2008-04-10, SQL, 903KB, 下载88次)


[SQL Server] SQL

两个基于SQL设计的系统,一个是 企业员工资料管理系统,一个是轿车销售管理系统
two SQL-based design system, an enterprise information management system for staff, Car sales is a management system (2007-07-01, SQL, 495KB, 下载15次)
