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[数据库系统] SolidChoiceSys

客户关系管理是企业为了优化长期价值和管理客户而选择的经营战略,而基于J2EE平台的CRM系统可以实现移动办公和分布式管理的需求.采用目前流行的SSM(Spring MVC、Spring和MyBatis)框架进行CRM系统开发,提高了系统开...
Customer relationship management is a business strategy chosen by enterprises to optimize long-term value and manage customers. A CRM system based on the J2EE platform can meet the needs of mobile office and distributed management. The current popular SSM (Spring MVC, Spring, and MyBatis) framework is adopted for CRM system development, which improves system performance (2019-02-21, JavaScript, 61234KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] company-site-fullstack

A full stack enterprise website project based on express+vue3. The backend adopts Nodejs express framework and MVC s project architecture, RESTful s interface specification, and the database uses MongoDB, which is more compatible with JavaScript. The front-end is divided into a backend management system and a front-end client, both of which adopt (2023-05-09, JavaScript, 8343KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Talent-ecosystem

人才生态圈依托强大的数据实力,颠覆传统招聘模式,并凭借大数据和 AI 技术建设一个开放职 岗生态系统,重塑人力资源市场招聘服务标准,企业通过在平台上注册并发布各岗位信息,为求职 者提供就业信息,并可以通过平台强大的数据实力在人才库中查...
The talent ecosystem relies on strong data strength to subvert traditional recruitment models, and builds an open job ecosystem with big data and AI technology, reshaping recruitment service standards in the human resources market. Enterprises register and publish job information on the platform to provide job seekers with employment information, and can search in the talent pool through the platform s powerful data strength (2022-07-11, JavaScript, 143306KB, 下载0次)
