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[其他书籍] 计算机程序设计艺术.Vol1.3rd.Edition_zh-cn

Computer programming art Volume 1 (2020-11-13, Others, 41214KB, 下载0次)


[其他书籍] the_beauty_of_code

" Code of the United States and selected version of" perfect clarity Chinese, infoQ series of enterprise software development, focusing on programming ideas to explain, and with complete source code, is to learn C/C++ good information. (2010-12-15, C/C++, 1195KB, 下载8次)


[其他书籍] 8_Vmware_vSphere_ESX_Server

This article is a virtual machine instructions series of experiments, explained in detail (VMware) install and configure the virtual machine related products and general applications, enterprise and application in many areas, (2010-12-08, WORD, 1618KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] TheArtOfDeception

《欺骗的艺术》将会展示政府、企业和我们每一个人,在社会工程师的入侵面前是多么 的脆弱和易受攻击。在这个重视信息安全的时代,我们在技术上投入大量的资金来保护我们 的计算机网络和数据,而这本书会指出,骗取内部人员的信任和绕过所有技术上的保护是多 么的轻而易举。无论你是在政府还是在企业,这本书都如同一个清晰、明确的路标,它将帮 助你弄清社会工程师的手段,并且挫败他们的阴谋。
" Art of deception" will show the government, enterprises, and each of us, before the invasion of social engineers is how fragile and vulnerable. In this era of emphasis on information security, we have a lot of money in technology to protect our computer networks and data, and this book will point out that fraud within the staff' s trust and bypass the technical protection of all how easy. Whether you are in government or in business, this book is like a clear, definite signs that will help you identify the means of social engineers, and foil their plots. (2010-05-15, C/C++, 973KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] 41

This document illustrates how to achieve a high degree of optimal routing in an enterprise network connected to multiple Internet service providers (ISPs), while minimizing the memory requirements of the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routers. This is achieved by using AS_PATH filters for accepting only routes originated from an ISP and its directly connected autonomous systems, instead of receiving the full BGP routing table from an ISP. (2010-01-07, Visual C++, 17KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] NSISchs

1、此教程的最新版本可从 轻狂编程资源网 下载得到。 2、此教程由少轻狂收集于网络并添加修改了部分内容制作成CHM文档,以便于网络分发。如果您有更好的意见或建议,请与少轻狂联系:www.flighty.cn shaoqingkuang@163.com 3、少轻狂使用的编译环境为NSIS 2.11和HM VNISEdit 2.0.3,少轻狂不保证NSIS脚本文件能够在其他编译环境中通过,如有问题请自行检查脚本文件。 3、少轻狂提供教程文件的本意只是让大家互相学习提高,并不为您使用此教程可能造成的损失负责。
Setup Scrip (2010-01-07, PDF, 284KB, 下载8次)


[其他书籍] OpenCL48_CN

opencl1.0规范中文版 经过近半年的埋头码字,终于得成正果,最近又根据最新的revision48做了修正,保留了附录中的例子 NOTE:仅校对了前几章,后面的还未进行校对,不过后面大多数都是介绍API的,所以应该不会有太大问题,如有讹误,请以英文版为准,千万不要开骂:( 最近研究tex,后面可能会用tex重新整理,暂时先用此word->pdf版本
OpenCL 1.0 Specification Chinese (2009-11-14, PDF, 3738KB, 下载8次)


[其他书籍] CRM

Microsoft CRM 可帮助中型企业生成有利的客户关系。雇员通过集成的市场营销、销售和客户服务功能共享信息,促进销售成功并提供统一、高效的客户服务。 使用 Microsoft .NET 连接技术生成的 Microsoft CRM 易于部署、自定义和使用。Microsoft Outlook 与其他业务应用程序进行了集成,并可随着公司的发展壮大而扩展。
Microsoft CRM 可帮助中型企业生成有利的客户关系。雇员通过集成的市场营销、销售和客户服务功能共享信息,促进销售成功并提供统一、高效的客户服务。 使用 Microsoft .NET 连接技术生成的 Microsoft CRM 易于部署、自定义和使用。Microsoft Outlook 与其他业务应用程序进行了集成,并可随着公司的发展壮大而扩展。 (2009-08-02, PDF, 2751KB, 下载5次)


[其他书籍] model

The book outlined a variety of models and describe a variety of perspectives and relationships in accordance with their classification methods of the new organization, and then discuss a few points of which involved 32 kinds of patterns, and explains how they are integrated into enterprise solutions (2009-07-08, PDF, 4495KB, 下载1次)


[其他书籍] 3040995285

This book systematically on the basis of the theory of information theory, including: information and measurement information discrete and continuous source of information entropy source channel and channel capacity average distortion and information rate-distortion function source coding and channel coding theorem network information theory and the theory of secrecy systems. The book also introduced the practice of information theory in communications engineering application, while a brief introduction to information theory in thermodynamics, optics, statistics, biomedical and other applications in other disciplines. This book can be used for institutions of higher learning radio technology, information technology, communications, computers and other specialized undergraduate and postgraduate courses in information theory textbook, but also for acoustic management science and related professional post-graduate teaching, research and engineering officers. (2009-06-21, Visual C++, 9174KB, 下载8次)


[其他书籍] shou_ji_jiesuo

Guinness password to unlock the phone, including the mainstream of the current models, such as Samsung, Motorola, Siemens, Ericsson, Nokia, Philips and so on, there are occasionally people who were locked machine, you can own the solution, do not go for that annoying Customer Service! (2009-04-29, TEXT, 3KB, 下载12次)


[其他书籍] guoqishenghuo

Novels depict a university student, after graduation to enter the large state-owned enterprises, poor and white, there is no genius intelligence, not brilliant, continuous efforts by him, and constantly run into a wall, grow and make progress in the course of a certain grade to explore the workplace on the go through the trials and temper, and to make changes and adapt to the efforts and miseries. Want to just enter the community, particularly those who have just graduated take part in work, in particular to the state-owned enterprises are to join the young students some help, or there is a ray of spiritual resonance. (2009-03-02, TEXT, 1465KB, 下载8次)


[其他书籍] DSP

摘 要 :本 文从 波 形 合 成 基 本 原 理 出发 。研 究 了利 用 DSP合 成 任 意 波 形 的 基 本 方 法 .并 以 TI公 司 的 TM$320VC5402 DSP 为例讨论 了 DTMF的信 号 实现 。
Abstract: This article from the waveform synthesis of the basic principles of starting. Research on the use of DSP Synthesis Arbitrary Waveform basic method. And TI s TM $ 320VC5402 DSP as an example to discuss the realization of DTMF signals. (2008-12-25, Others, 181KB, 下载30次)


[其他书籍] 000q289

一种低噪声可变增益放大器。文中介绍了以AD603 为核心构成的低噪声可变增益放大器的实用电路, 通过模式选择、 引脚编程, 可选择不同的带宽, 以及得到不同的增益。通过对增益控制方式的选择, 可得到最佳的信 噪比。
A low noise variable gain amplifier. In this paper, in order to AD603 as the core consisting of low-noise variable gain amplifier circuit of the practical, through mode selection, lead programming, choice of different bandwidth, as well as different gain. Way to gain control through the choice of the best available signal to noise ratio. (2008-08-24, C/C++, 244KB, 下载66次)


[其他书籍] aybook.cn_xdystjs0202

搜索巨人Google和Autonomy,一家出售信息恢复工具的公司,都使用了贝叶斯定理(Bayesian principles)为数据搜索提供近似的(但是技术上不确切)结果。研究人员还使用贝叶斯模型来判断症状和疾病之间的相互关系,创建个人机器人,开发能够根据数据和经验来决定行动的人工智能设备。
Search giant Google and Autonomy, a sale of information-retrieval tools which are using the Bayes theorem (Bayesian principles) for the data search to provide similar (but technically incorrect) results. The researchers also used Bayesian models to determine the symptoms and the interrelationship between diseases, create personal robots, developed based on data and experience to determine the action of artificial intelligence equipment. (2008-03-26, Visual C++, 5498KB, 下载6次)


[其他书籍] linkerandloader_cn_beta2

linker and loader of the Chinese translation of the full version, this station has been Chuan version is incomplete, and there are no bookmarks to read is not convenient. For in order to understand the links and load the details very well, is a rare classic at home and abroad. (2007-11-28, C/C++, 5213KB, 下载72次)


[其他书籍] ACE_Example

内容:介绍ACE技术论文集 本论文描述ACE的结构和功能,并使用来自像电信、企业级医学成像和WWW服务这样的领域的例子阐释核心的ACE特性。ACE可以自由使用,并正在被用于许多商业项目(比如爱立信、Bellcore、西门子、摩托罗拉、柯达,和McDonnell Douglas),以及许多学院和工业研究项目。ACE已被移植到多种OS(操作系统)平台上,包括Win32和大多数的UNIX/POSIX实现。此外,同时有C++和Java版本的ACE可用。
content : Proceedings of the ACE ACE paper describes the structure and function, and from use as telecommunications, enterprise-class medical imaging and Web services in areas such as the example to explain the core features of the ACE. ACE can be freely used, and is being used in many commercial projects (such as Ericsson, Bellcore, Siemens, Motorola, Kodak, and McDonnell Douglas), and many institutions and industrial research projects. ACE has been transplanted to various OS (operating system) platforms, including Win32 and most UNIX/POSIX achieve. In addition, there are C and Java versions of the ACE available. (2006-04-07, C/C++, 1758KB, 下载57次)


[其他书籍] Linux_Device_Dev_CN

linux 驱动开发中文版(超值!!!)(是《LINUX DEVICE DRIVERS》3rd 的中文版!!)强烈推荐的好书
Chinese version (overvalued !!!)( "LINUX DEVICE DRIVERS" 3rd of the Chinese version! !) Strongly recommended books! ! (2006-03-24, WORD, 863KB, 下载1542次)


[其他书籍] 求职笔试大全

famous enterprises at home and abroad for job-seekers written Daquan, including Microsoft, IBM, Huawei, ZTE, there are some reference to the answer, I believe in the IT sector to show the ambitious you will be a big help! Haha! (2005-10-25, Others, 435KB, 下载1264次)


[其他书籍] C语言资料大全1.0

本资料大全致力于收集一切关于C语言的文章、技巧、教程、源代码和辅助工具软件。适合所有层次的C语言学习者。本资料大全免费下载,如您手头也有C语言相关资料,敬请分享,另外如您对本资料大全有任何建议或者意见希望能告诉我,以便以后继续改进。本人联系方式见下: Email: yaoz@163.com QQ:15987743 网站:http://www.programfan.com http://www.pfan.cn
Daquan committed to the information collected on the C language articles, techniques, tutorials, source code and supporting tools. Suitable for all levels of C-language learners. The Encyclopaedia free download information, such as your hand is C language-related information, please share, and if your information to the Encyclopaedia any suggestion or advice hope to be able to tell me that in order to continue to improve the future. I will appear in the next Contact : Email : yaoz@163.com QQ : 15987743 Website : http://www.programfan.com http://www.pfan.cn (2005-03-25, C/C++, 312KB, 下载171次)
