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按平台查找All Delphi(573) 

[SCSI/ASPI] pswqcvy

In order to improve the core competitiveness, the company uses the corresponding information technology and Internet technology to coordinate. (2020-02-10, Delphi, 10KB, 下载0次)


[其他小程序] bxsxcbasic

人员档案的管理,物料档案管理 设计实现对企业人员与物料基本情况
The Management of personnel Archives, the Design of material Archives Management and the basic situation of Enterprise personnel and Materials (2018-12-20, Delphi, 55KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] mtnr

BEA TUXEDO是在企业,Internet 这样的分布式运算环境中开发和管理三层结构的客 户 服务器型关键任务应用系统的
BEA TUXEDO is developed and managed in the distributed computing environment such as enterprise and Internet. (2018-12-20, Delphi, 2KB, 下载0次)


[其他] GsmSMS

Short message cat complete code, used for enterprises to send a small number of short messages, do not need to access the short message gateway. (2018-12-13, Delphi, 581KB, 下载0次)


[其他小程序] aad

BEA TUXEDO是在企业,Internet 这样的分布式运算环境中开发和管理三层结构的客 户 服务器型关键任务应用系统的
BEA TUXEDO is developed and managed in the distributed computing environment such as enterprise and Internet. (2018-10-28, Delphi, 2KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] wx_user

In other people's code modification, can be normal to enter the wechat receive information and send the message, you will use yourself to change! (2017-09-24, Delphi, 1369KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] ResizeKIT_XE5

Automatically adjusts the size of the controls and fonts displayed on the form in proportion to changes in the form size or screen resolution. The size of the form when it is initially displayed and the amount that the form can be enlarged or reduced can be set. New version for XE5
Automatically adjusts the size of the controls and fonts displayed on the form in proportion to changes in the form size or screen resolution. The size of the form when it is initially displayed and the amount that the form can be enlarged or reduced can be set. New version for XE5 (2014-04-03, Delphi, 92KB, 下载3次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] DELPHI5-enterprise-Apply

本书是一部面向企业级应用的Delphi 5高级编程开发专著。全书以企业级应用体系结构为框架,以Delphi 5最新最强大的功能为线索 ,结合软件工程理论和项目管理经验,深入探讨了Delphi 5企业级开发的思想、策略及技术要点,并通过人力资源管理系统/电子商务货物配送系统、自动控制、与监测系统这三个典型的企业级解决方案及应用剖析,全面细致地介绍了如何使用Delphi实现真正意义上的企业级应用开发。 全书内容详实、例程丰富、汇集了作者多年实际开发经验和研究心得,是一本真正面向实战应用的Delphi力作,可为Delphi程序员挑战发展空间提供帮助,亦可供中、高级编程人员及项目主管参考
The book is the one for enterprise-class applications Delphi Programming monograph. Britannica enterprise applications architecture framework for clues to the latest and most powerful features in Delphi 5, combined with the theory of software engineering and project management experience, depth Delphi 5 enterprise level development of ideas, strategies and technical points, and through human resource management system/e-commerce goods distribution system, automatic control and monitoring system of three typical enterprise-class solutions and application profiling, comprehensive and detailed description of how to use Delphi to achieve enterprise-class application development in the true sense. Book is informative, routines, bringing together of many years of practical experience in the development and research experience, a real combat application-oriented Delphi masterpiece challenge to the development of space available for Delphi programmers to help, may also be used in high-level pr (2012-08-30, Delphi, 13003KB, 下载3次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] danganguanli

Small staff of the management system, enabling staff to add information, modify the query, and related business inquiries, providing a convenient application programming interface (2010-06-23, Delphi, 811KB, 下载85次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] DELPHI

本书是一部面向企业级应用的Delphi 5高级编程开发专著。全书以企业级应用体系结构为框架,以Delphi 5最新最强大的功能为线索 ,结合软件工程理论和项目管理经验,深入探讨了Delphi 5企业级开发的思想、策略及技术要点,并通过人力资源管理系统/电子商务货物配送系统、自动控制、与监测系统这三个典型的企业级解决方案及应用剖析,全面细致地介绍了如何使用Delphi实现真正意义上的企业级应用开发。 全书内容详实、例程丰富、汇集了作者多年实际开发经验和研究心得,是一本真正面向实战应用的Delphi力作,可为Delphi程序员挑战发展空间提供帮助,亦可供中、高级编程人员及项目主管参考。
This book is an enterprise-class applications, Delphi 5 Advanced Programming monographs. The book to enterprise-level application architecture as a framework, Delphi 5 the latest and most powerful features for clues, combined with software engineering theory and project management experience, depth of the Delphi 5 enterprise-level development of ideas, strategies and technical points, and through human resource management systems/e-goods delivery system, automatic control, and monitoring systems of these three typical enterprise-class solutions and applications analysis, a comprehensive detailed description of how to use Delphi to achieve a truly enterprise-class application development. Informative book, routines rich collection of the author s many years of practical development experience and research experience, is a true masterpiece for the actual application of Delphi, Delphi programmers can help challenges of development space will also be used in high-level programming (2010-02-26, Delphi, 13005KB, 下载4次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] cs1

人员档案的管理、物料档案管理 设计实现对企业人员与物料基本情况的档案的输入、删除与修改
Personnel file management, file management material Design and implementation of enterprise personnel and materials, basic conditions of the input files, delete and modify the (2009-10-28, Delphi, 384KB, 下载8次)


[企业管理] Corporate_merchandise_management_system

Corporate merchandise management system, are used to manage enterprises in the daily work of sales and inventory data. If you use artificial sales data management and analysis, is both time consuming and laborious, but also intended to allow an error. Merchandise management system using not only save time and manpower, but also to provide a standardized sales process. (2009-03-14, Delphi, 2043KB, 下载9次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] QQguaji

QQ onhook DELPHI-source server and client preparation ~ hope to have everyone help ~ (2008-07-23, Delphi, 1218KB, 下载31次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] zp-wancheng

The system used to develop network development system, in the hope that those who go to work just to business people who have helped (2008-07-02, Delphi, 802KB, 下载1次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] TextClassification_wbfl_sn

整个实验是在Windows环境下使用delphi完成的。选取了600篇文档,数据集共分教育,商业与经济,计算机与因特网,娱乐与休闲,自然科学5个类别, 教育类包括31篇文档, 商业与经济类有93篇文档, 计算机与因特网102篇文档, 娱乐与休闲166篇文档, 自然科学有208篇文档。 目录“DataSet”:RawText中的文本分词后保存在DataSet目录。 数据表“WordsTable”:保存DataSet中所有文本的倒排文档。 其中“目录DataSet”和“DataBase.mdb”为实验测试所必须
The entire experiment in the Windows environment using delphi completed. Selected 600 documents, data set is divided into education, business and economy, computers and the Internet, entertainment and leisure, five categories of natural sciences, education, including 31 types of documents, business and economic category has 93 documents, computers and the Internet 102 chapter documents, Entertainment and Leisure 166 documents, 208 documents have the natural sciences. Directory of (2008-03-26, Delphi, 2796KB, 下载21次)


[交通/航空行业] comicq

Qualcomm comicq enterprises is a communications tool, a communication tool for software (2007-12-14, Delphi, 3357KB, 下载41次)


[企业管理] code_dp004

制衣企业工资管理系统 这种就不用多说了 管理系统的应用是比较多,献上一份源码
Enterprise management system for garment wages Needless to say this on the application of the management system is more and more, presented a source (2007-07-16, Delphi, 1966KB, 下载13次)


[企业管理] 20050428090521

financial management software, good, suitable for small enterprises on probation, welcome to download (2006-08-03, Delphi, 100KB, 下载204次)


[企业管理] qualityms

Quality control system: Delphi sql has realized the manufacture enterprise in the production process to the product quality control (2005-09-27, Delphi, 2686KB, 下载28次)


[企业管理] Delphi进销存程序设计附书源码

set into the thinking of marketing management systems management software products, is conducting a multi-year development and management of software systems on the basis of summing up experiences, the extract. It is established in a mature enterprise data model, the model of competence on the basis of the enterprise marketing management, enterprise marketing management modes, such as pushing or "pull" mode, the system should be demonstrated (2005-04-11, Delphi, 2573KB, 下载363次)
