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[其他] YunJing

音视频内容已经成为人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。人们不仅通过音视频来获取信息、娱乐休闲,还希望通过这一媒介来探索和表达更深层次的情感和思想。《韵镜》作为一个创新的音视频项目,旨在打破传统界限,探索音视频艺术的新维度,为观众带来前所未有的感官体验。该项目以上线至腾讯云。, stars:0, update:2024-06-28 05:54:59 (2024-06-29, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Sales_Analytics_Excel

empower businesses to monitor and evaluate their sales activities and performance. Evaluation of financial performance, support decision-making, and facilitate communication with stakeholders (2024-05-13, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] apijobs

APIJobs offers a developer-friendly and enterprise-grade job listing API designed for job boards, comprehensive search functionalities, and deep insights into the job market. (2024-05-12, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] build_a_MUD_game_book

The purpose of this GitHub repository is to provide readers with a practical, hands-on guide to building a text-based Multi-User Dungeon (MUD) game titled "Beware of Dragons in the Dungeons" while learning about distributed systems and computer architecture concepts. (2024-04-25, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Diverse-VRP-Models-for-Colombian-E-commerce

Repository dedicated to providing a variety of Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) models tailored specifically to address the logistics challenges of e-commerce businesses in Colombia (2024-04-19, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] sedig

I am Sedig, a web developer and entrepreneur with a passion for creating futuristic and cool designs. I am especially experienced in software development, specializing in HTML, CSS, and business management. (2024-04-17, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Trend-Analysis-in-SQL

I have created an e-commerce database. I will analyze this data and answer important questions that can help a business in a real-world scenario. (2024-04-03, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] promptaloo-game

Promptaloo is a multiplayer image-guessing web game where players are presented with AI-generated images and their goal is to guess the prompt used to generate that image. The game aims to be entertaining, engaging, and challenging, while also showcasing the capabilities of AI-generated art. (2024-03-25, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] pfVectors

Using my passion of Dungeons and Dragons I created a data structures project using vectors. The program can add players, print summary, list data, query a player, check list size, empty list, sort by multiple different data (attack speed and defense) and provide an unsorted list (2024-02-08, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] build-openwrt

Just enter the device name to cloud build the latest stable version of official openwrt. | 只需输入设备名称即可云编译官方openwrt最新稳定版本。
Just enter the device name to cloud build the latest stable version of official openwrt| Just enter the device name to compile the latest stable version of the official openwrt. (2023-12-10, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] IPC-HDBK-620_中文CN

IPC-HDBK-620 2018 - April Handbook and Guide to IPC-D-620 and IPC/WHMA-A-620
IPC-HDBK-620 Handbook and Guide to IPC-D-620 and IPC/WHMA-A-620 This handbook is intended to provide information on the design requirements for cable and wiring harness design, to the extent that they can be applied to the broad spectrum of cable and wiring harness design. (2023-08-01, Others, 3785KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 项目管理工具模版

Project management is a new management discipline based on modern management. It integrates financial control, human resource management, risk control, quality management, information technology management (Communication Management), procurement management, etc. in enterprise management, so as to achieve the purpose of completing all internal work or projects efficiently, high quality and low cost. Project management has become a "golden profession" after MBA. (2020-05-29, Others, 14524KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 通信原理(樊昌信)

通信原理(樊昌信版)内容提要 本书是在1980、1984、1988、1995年出版的《通信原理》教材的基础上,根据科技发展和教学改革实践的需要,经评审和重新修订而成的。本书讲述现代通信的基本原理,主要内容包括模拟通信和数字通信,而侧重于数字通信。全书共12章,可分为三个部分:第一部分(第1~4章)阐述通信基础知识及模拟通信原理;第二部分(第5~8章)主要论述数字通信、模拟信号数字化及数字信号最佳接受的基本原理;第三部分(第9~12章)讨论数字通信中的编码和同步等技术以及通信网的概念。各章均设有习题和思考题,书后并附有部分习题答案。全书内容丰富,讲述由潜入深,简明透彻,概念清楚,重点较为突出,即便于教学,也有助于广大工程技术人员参考。本书是全国高等院校工科电子类通信专业的统编教材,又可作为从事通信及有关工程技术人员的重要参考书。
Communication Principle (Fan Changxin Edition) (2019-07-21, Others, 18601KB, 下载7次)


[其他] 每天显示本周最高最低价策略

通达信策略 每天显示本周最高最低价策略 也就是在日线级别直观看到本周周K线的周K线大势情况
Daily display of the week's highest and lowest price strategy that is, at the level of the daily line intuitively see the week's K-line trend of the week's K-line situation. (2019-03-13, Others, 1KB, 下载1次)


[其他] KEPServerEX-Manual(2017)zh-cn

This software-based server is used to achieve accurate communication and fast setup between client applications, industrial devices and systems, and provides excellent performance. More interoperability. The server provides a variety of plug-ins, device drivers and components to meet most communication needs. Plug-in Design and Single A user interface provides a native interface for both standard-based applications and non-standard-based applications to achieve consistent access.
This software-based server is used to achieve accurate communication and fast setup between client applications, industrial devices and systems, and provides excellent performance. More interoperability. The server provides a variety of plug-ins, device drivers and components to meet most communication needs. Plug-in Design and Single A user interface provides a native interface for both standard-based applications and non-standard-based applications to achieve consistent access. (2019-01-26, Others, 2063KB, 下载1次)


[其他] SAE+J1939-21-2001-cn

J1939协议中文翻译版,主要内容为数据链路层 ,J1939主要用在货运卡车项目中,很好的学习资料
J1939 protocol Chinese translation version, the main content is the data link layer, J1939 is mainly used in freight truck project, good learning materials (2019-01-13, Others, 474KB, 下载7次)


[其他] 0.国家电网企业文化题

2018 grid information, test grid look, ah, good things worth sharing. Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah (2018-06-09, Others, 125KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Windows 7和Win8下玩游戏屏幕左右黑条修复工具

亦菲宋承宪 资料图 韩媒消息 腾讯娱乐讯(编译/于洋) 据韩国媒体文化日报独家报道,刘亦菲和宋承宪于2015年成为恋人,现已分手。
Yifei and Song Seung's data, Korean media news, Tencent entertainment news (compile / Yu Yang), according to the exclusive reports of Korean media culture daily, Liu Yifei and Song Seung became lovers in 2015 and have broken up. (2018-01-25, Others, 900KB, 下载1次)


[其他] HuaWeiZhiLiaoDaQuan

Huawei Sourcebook, including Huawei, basic information management and business. If you want to join or learn Huawei Huawei, and this is a good reader. (2010-10-16, Others, 860KB, 下载24次)


[其他] Addison.Wesley.Beyond.Software.Architecture

LUKE HOHMANN 从他广泛的成功主持的企业软件企劃案(创造和維持软件解決方案)提供实用的智慧经验。这本书教学生怎么建立SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE (軟骔建構, 或稱軟骔架構, 或軟骔結構)与顾客的整体企业目标契合和帮助学生掌握他们的决定。这對任何一名软体工程的学生或是当他们將进入工作璈境昍,这些技能都是非常重要的。
Provides the software engineering community with a clearer understanding of the business value of software architecture. Helps technologists grasp the business ramifications of their decisions, and provides business-oriented software professionals with better knowledge of how robust software can be built and maintained. Softcover. (2010-08-07, Others, 950KB, 下载3次)
