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[文章/文档] wehub-callback

与wehub 开发相关的文档,版本更新记录,faq(wehub是连接wechat与第三方企业服务的工具),
Documents related to wehub development, version update records, faq (wehub is a tool to connect wechat with third-party enterprise services), (2019-06-21, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] rust-library-i18n

Rust 核心库和标准库中文翻译,可作为 IDE 工具的智能提示,并生成本地 API 文档,
The Chinese translation of the Rust core library and standard library can be used as an intelligent prompt for IDE tools and generate local API documents, (2023-06-02, Rust, 0KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] Dali电源_cn

This application note introduces the basic communication between the control equipment and the control device, including the explanation of electrical specifications, timing, package format and Manchester coding / decoding. (2020-12-14, C/C++, 764KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] Google C++ Style Guide.pdf

Google's C + + language programming specification is very helpful to the specification of large enterprise applications. It is recommended to read and practice. (2020-08-23, C/C++, 531KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] 最小二乘一次性完成算法

This paper introduces the matlab simulation program of the least squares one-time completion algorithm, including different signal-to-noise ratios and different orders of simulation. (2019-12-19, C/C++, 8KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] EAI二次开发说明

Development description of UFIDA U8 enterprise integration tool (EAI), taking VB as an example (2019-11-26, Visual Basic, 19KB, 下载3次)


[文章/文档] 《江苏省软件企业产品评估规范》

本规范由江苏省软件行业协会,以及协会常务理事以上重点软件企业: 南京南瑞集团公司、南京三宝科技股份有限公司、亚信科技(南京)有限公司、国电南瑞科技股份有限公司、江苏国光信息产业股份有限公司、国电南京自动化股份有限公司、江苏金智科技股份有限公司、南京南瑞继保电气有限公司、江苏南大苏富特科技股份有限公司、恒宝股份有限公司、江苏润和软件股份有限公司、朗新科技(中国)有限公司、南京联创科技集团股份有限公司、焦点科技股份有限公司、江苏瑞中数据股份有限公司、苏州蜗牛数字技术股份有限公司、南京新模式软件集成有限公司、南京擎天科技有限公司、江苏虚拟软件园股份有限公司以及江苏省软件产品检测中心等共同提出。 本规范在提出和制订过程中,与北京市软件行业协会、上海市软件行业协会、广东省软件行业协会、湖北省软件行业协会、浙江省软件行业协会、山东省软件行业协会、深圳市软件行业协会、陕西省软件行业协会等省市软协进行了充分沟通,并邀请他们共同参与。 本规范为首次发布。
Jiangsu Province Software Enterprise Product Evaluation Standard (2019-05-29, Others, 32KB, 下载1次)


[文章/文档] 双重序贯检测算法

In this paper, a cooperative spectrum sensing (CSDS) method based on dual sequential detection is proposed. The average number of samples and average sensing time required by this method are less than 40% of the energy detection while maintaining the sensing performance at low SNR, and the cooperative overhead is significantly reduced compared with the existing cooperative sequential detection methods. (2019-01-19, matlab, 595KB, 下载3次)


[文章/文档] GD32E230_User_Manual_CN_V1.0

The cheapest 32-bit ARM processor, GD32E230, is the best choice for porting many previous MCU applications. (2019-01-08, C/C++, 5894KB, 下载9次)


[文章/文档] xlzciumc

In order to improve the core competitiveness, the company uses the corresponding information technology and Internet technology to coordinate. (2018-10-27, Unix_Linux, 7KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] 相参积累

使用仿真软件 Matlab 产生一定载频和宽度的脉冲串,并叠加高斯白噪声, 信噪比为 1。编写程序进行相参积累并对比不同积累方式下信噪比的大小。
The simulation software MATLAB is used to generate a certain carrier frequency and width of the pulse train, and superimpose white Gaussian noise, SNR is 1. The program is non coherent accumulation and compares the signal to noise ratio under different accumulation modes. (2018-10-21, matlab, 1KB, 下载56次)


[文章/文档] 华为C编程规范和范例

HUAWEI, China's technology innovation enterprises, learn their coding standards and make fewer mistakes. (2018-06-28, C/C++, 286KB, 下载6次)


[文章/文档] 车载诊断标准ISO-15765(1~4)完全中文版

The Chinese version of the vehicle diagnostic standard ISO15765 is expected to be useful (2017-12-21, C/C++, 2802KB, 下载44次)


[文章/文档] 1.视频技术规范 第1部分:技术要求.pdf

Power grid video monitoring system and interface (2017-12-01, WINDOWS, 700KB, 下载5次)


[文章/文档] iso13818-1-CN

码流传输规范文档,H264转PS h264转TS的标准及解码方法都在文档里
ES to PS TS specification document (2017-06-28, WINDOWS, 1464KB, 下载17次)



this document contains the control system.it is very use full to the B.E student
this document contains the control system.it is very use full to the B.E student (2012-10-03, WORD, 1829KB, 下载4次)


[文章/文档] CsharpTutorials-and-training-program-design-2010PP

《C#程序设计基础教程与实训》,陈广老师所编教材的ppt,有一定参考价值。本人另附他的在线视频:http://www.enet.com.cn/eschool/video/c/ 欢迎大家观看,讲的还是比较细致的,初学者必看视频,最好是买他的教材回来配合看。
" C# tutorials and training program design," Chan materials compiled by teachers ppt, a certain reference value. I attached his online video: http://www.enet.com.cn/eschool/video/c/ Welcome to watch, talk or a more detailed, beginners must-see video, it is best to buy his textbook back with the look. (2010-05-01, C#, 8059KB, 下载24次)


[文章/文档] huanj

矿业城市是指依托自然矿藏资源优势,并通过开发利用其资源而发展起来的 城市。大多传统矿业城市都面临“矿竭城衰”的问题。如何避免“矿竭城衰”达 到可持续发展,是摆在矿业城市面前的重要问题。矿业城市发展中的生态环境问 题因其影响范围广、潜伏性强、恢复重建的成本高、周期长、难度大已成为制约 矿业城市可持续发展的“瓶颈”因素。
Mining town is the advantage of relying on natural mineral resources, and through the development and utilization of its resources and developed city. Most of the traditional mining town are facing " mine dried up City bad" problem. How to avoid " mining town dried up bad" to achieve sustainable development, are placed in the mining town of the important questions before us. Mining town in the development of eco-environmental problems because of their impact on a wide range of latent, and the restoration and reconstruction of the high cost and long cycle and difficult mining town has become a constraint to sustainable development " bottleneck" factor. (2009-03-19, Windows_Unix, 2803KB, 下载1次)


[文章/文档] test

知名IT企业面试题,有巨大参考价值。 对于想找工作的朋友,有很大的帮助。
Well-known IT companies face the questions, have a great reference value. Friend looking for work, have a great help. (2008-05-27, C/C++, 1491KB, 下载38次)


[文章/文档] ERP_core_theory

Real learning ERP management approach should be the first enterprise management and corporate finance business and have a certain understanding of ERP grasp the basic concepts, principles and methods, then we will proceed ERP software for exploration and learning, so as to quickly master the ERP software functions, At the same time, ERP management concepts and methods have a better understanding of (2007-12-26, WORD, 18KB, 下载61次)
