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[其他书籍] Modern_Python_Cookbook

针对忙碌的现代程序员的最新现代Python配方关于本书使用Python开发简洁,富有表现力的程序通过精心解释和结构化的配方学习最佳实践和常用习语发现在新的发展时代应用Python的新方法本书是谁 本书适用于Web开发人员,程序员,企业程序员,工程师,大数据科学家等。
The latest in modern Python recipes for the busy modern programmer About This Book Develop succinct, expressive programs in Python Learn the best practices and common idioms through carefully explained and structured recipes Discover new ways to apply Python for the new age of development Who This Book Is For The book is for web developers, programmers, enterprise programmers, engineers, big data scientist, and so on. (2019-04-19, Python, 6499KB, 下载1次)


[其他书籍] Habits-of-Highly-Effective-People

" Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (20th Anniversary Edition)" is not only businesses, organizations, individuals get more self-improvement of life required materials. Readers throughout all areas of business, government, military, schools and families. Change people' s way of thinking and behavior. This change helps achieve even a powerful country. (2016-06-14, PDF, 684KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] Programmer-job-of-the-Road-

本书通过分析IT 行业的现状,为读者描绘了一个真实可信的程序员生活蓝图,并以此为基础,指出了从事IT 行业的各种酸甜苦辣,为准程序员们就业择业提供了完整的参考资料。同时,本书针对当前各大IT 企业面试笔试中常见的问题以及注意事项,进行了深层次 的分析。
Book through situation analysis of the IT industry, for the reader depicts an authentic programmer living blueprint, and on this basis, points out the various ups and downs in the IT industry, programmers, whichever provides a complete employment career References. At the same time, the book for the current major IT companies written interview common problems and considerations conducted in-depth analysis. (2015-05-21, C++, 1154KB, 下载1次)


[其他书籍] Radargrammetry

靳​ 国​ 旺​ 、​ 张​ 红​ 敏​ 、​ 徐​ 青​ ​ 编​ 著​ ,​ 2​ 0​ 1​ 5​ 年​ 4​ 月​ ,​ 中​ 海​ 达​ 测​ 绘​ 地​ 理​ 信​ 息​ 科​ 技​ 出​ 版​ 基​ 金​ 项​ 目​ 资​ 助​ ,​ 测​ 绘​ 出​ 版​ 社​ 出​ 版​ ,​ 雷​ 达​ 摄​ 影​ 测​ 量​ ,​ 高​ 等​ 学​ 校​ 教​ 材​ 。
Jin Guowang, Zhang Hongmin,Xu Qing, Radargrammetry. (2015-04-09, Visual C++, 1212KB, 下载1次)


[其他书籍] Power-geographic-information-system

本书用12章内容,从8个方面对电力地理信息系统技术与方法进行了论述与探讨。其主要内容包括:地理信息系统及在电力系统中的应用、全球定位系统与数字摄影测量系统技术、GIS工程分析与设计和GIS工程实施、输变电地理信息系统、配电管理系统与配电自动化系统、配电地理信息系统及其空间数据库设计与应用、电力地理信息系统开发策略与技术、常用平台简介等,对电力地理信息系统的教学、科研和产品研发、工程实施与应用具有很大的参考价值和指导意义。 本书可供电力企业的生产运行管理人员,高等院校相关专业的学生,及从事电力信自化的科研教学和产品研发、市场营销人阅读。
Book with 12 chapters, from eight aspects of the power of geographic information system technology and methods discussed. Its main contents include: geographic information systems, and power systems, global positioning systems and digital photogrammetry system technology, GIS engineering analysis and design, and GIS project implementation, transmission and distribution of geographic information systems, distribution management systems and power distribution automation systems, and distribution of geographic information systems, and its spatial database design and application of the power of geographic information system development strategy and technology, commonly used platform introduction, has great power of geographic information system of teaching, research and product development, engineering, implementation and application of reference value and significance. The book is available for the production run of the electric power enterprise management personnel, the universities rela (2013-03-20, PDF, 7946KB, 下载8次)


[其他书籍] Multi-component-Chirp-estimation

提出一种联合循环平稳法与多普勒模糊数搜索法的多分量Chirp信号相位参数精确估计算法,与已有循环平稳算法相比,该算法的相位参数取值范围不受限,低信噪比下的相位参 数估计精度约提高30 dB
Smooth fuzzy numbers and Doppler search method for multi-component the Chirp signal phase parameters the precise estimation algorithm, compared with existing cyclostationary algorithm proposed combined cycle, the phase of the algorithm parameters range is not limited by the low signal-to-noise than under the phase parameter estimation accuracy is improved by about 30 dB (2013-03-02, PPT, 270KB, 下载15次)


[其他书籍] Avidemux

Avidemux 2.4.3操作说明书,非常详细的。 Avidemux 2.4.3的是一款不错的图像工具,下面是他简要介绍和使用方式等等希望对大家的工作学习娱乐有所帮助:   Avidemux是一个免费的视频编辑器,可以进行剪切、过滤和编码等任务。它支持广泛的文件格式,包括AVI文件的编辑,DVD的MPEG文件、MP4和ASF,并能将声音从文件中分解出来。支持强大的队列任务处理和脚本功能。
Avidemux 2.4.3 operating instructions, very detailed. Avidemux 2.4.3 is a nice graphical tool, the following is a brief introduction and use him the way we hope to help the work of learning fun: Avidemux is a free video editor, can be cut, filter, and coding task. It supports a wide range of file formats, including AVI file editing, DVD, MPEG files, MP4 and ASF, and can be decomposed by the sound from the file. Strong mandate to support queue processing and scripting. (2010-04-07, PDF, 386KB, 下载22次)


[其他书籍] CShare

CSharp技术内幕,书共14章,每章分为两个部分,全面覆盖了C#语言基本的数据类型、编程概念知识,以及委派、事件、映射、公用语言运行环境(CLR)库等特色之处,还对Windows编程时常接触到的数据库、图形图像编程、线程等进行了实例讨论。本书中的所有实例程序源代码均可从中国水利水电出版社网站(www.waterpub.com.cn)下载。本书覆盖的内容全面,并通过与C++、Java语言的对比进行讲解,以加深读者的印象,对一些常见的编程问 题进行了深入而详尽的讨论。本书讲解翔实、示例具体,是C#编程人员不可或缺的参考手册,也适合.NET的中高级用户使用。
CSharp技术内幕 (2010-04-01, C#, 6624KB, 下载9次)


[其他书籍] The_Pragmatic_Programmer_From_Joumeyman_to_Master

" Pragmatic Programmer" by a series of separate parts, covering topics from personal responsibility, professional development, and remain flexible until used to make the code and can be easily adapted and re-used in a variety of architecture technology. The use of many rich and entertaining anecdotes, thoughtful examples, and interesting analogies, comprehensively explained the many different aspects of software development best practices and major pitfalls. Whether you are a beginner, there are experienced programmers, or software project manager, this book is for you to read. (2010-03-03, Unix_Linux, 11045KB, 下载9次)


[其他书籍] Cross-Platform_GUI_Programming_with_wxWidgets_CN

《使用wxWidgets进行跨平台程序开发》(Cross-Platform GUI Programming with Widgets 中文版) wxWidgets是一个开源的跨平台的C++构架库(framework) (主页http://www.wxwidgets.org ) 它可以提供GUI(图形用户界面)和其它工具。目前的2.x版本支持所有版本的Windows、带GTK+或Motif的Unix和MacOS。一个支持OS/2的版本正在开发中。 wxWidgets在最开始是由爱丁堡(Edinburgh)大学的人工智能应用学院开发的,主要是内部使用,而在1992年第一次公布。 2.x版本做了很大程度的改良,并且由Julian Smart, Robert Roebling, Vadim Zeitlin, Vaclav Slavik和更多其他的人所编写和维护。 wxWidgets的主体是由C++构建的,但你并不是必需通过C++才能使用wxWidgets.wxWidgets拥有许多其它语言的绑定(binding),使你在用其它语言编写程序的时候也可以使用wxWidgets.
Cross-Platform GUI Programming with Widgets (2010-01-06, C++, 5793KB, 下载29次)


[其他书籍] createadatabase

在SQL Server 2000中建立数据库一、在SQL Server 2000中建立数据库 1.在SQL Server 2000中创建数据库 (1)打开SQL Server 2000的企业管理器,在数据库选项上单击右键,点击新建数据库。 (2)在新建数据库属性中设置数据库名称为sjk。 2.在SQL Server 2000中创建用户 (1)打开SQL Server 2000的企业管理器并打开安全性文件夹。 (2)在登录选项上单击右键打开新建登录属性,设置用户名为zl,身份验证选择SQL Server身份验证,然后输入密码,在下面的默认设置中设置用户默认数据库为sjk(第一步新建的数据库)。
In SQL Server 2000 to create a database in SQL Server 2000 to create a database 1. In SQL Server 2000 to create database (1) Open the SQL Server 2000' s Enterprise Manager, the database options on the right-click and click New Database . (2) in the new database set database name property for sjk. 2. In SQL Server 2000 to create user (1) Open the SQL Server 2000' s Enterprise Manager and open the Security folder. (2) Right-click on the Login option to open new log properties, set the user name zl, select SQL Server Authentication authentication, then enter the password, the default settings in the following user default database set up for sjk (the first step the new database). (2009-06-27, SQL, 5KB, 下载1次)


[其他书籍] QAM_demodulate

在实际通信信道上传输数字信号时,由于信道传输特性不理想及加性噪声的 影响,接收端所收到的数字信号不可避免地会发生错误。为了在一定的信噪比范 围内获得较好的误码率指标,首先要合理设计基带信号,选择调制解调方式,采 用时域、频域均衡等技术使误码率尽可能降低
In the actual communication channel to transmit digital signals, the channel transmission characteristics as a result of unsatisfactory and additive noise impact of the receiving end of the digital signal received will inevitably error. To a certain degree of signal to noise ratio in the range of bit error rate better indicators, we should first rational design of base-band signal, select the modem mode, using time-domain, frequency domain equalization, such as technology enables to minimize error rate (2009-01-05, Others, 210KB, 下载11次)


[其他书籍] C_chengxuyuan_mianshibaodian

C programmers interview book download (pdf version), no way, I find a lot of this electronic version of this book, this is what I see most clearly the. Written by very good! With many enterprises, the company s face questions. In need of a friend can download to see! (2009-01-02, Visual C++, 4222KB, 下载93次)


[其他书籍] 1

Successful RF design must pay careful attention throughout the design process every step and every detail, which means that must be started in the design phase is necessary to conduct a thorough, careful planning, and the progress of each design step to conduct a comprehensive assessment of continued . This detailed design skills is the most domestic electronic corporate culture lacking. (2008-11-20, Others, 7KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] LoadRunner_book

Mercury LoadRunner 是一种预测系统行为和性能的负载测试工具.通过以模拟上千万用户实施并发负载及实时性能监测的方式来确认和查找问题,LoadRunner 能够对整个企业架构进行测试. 该文档是LoadRunner 8.0的使用手册。
Mercury LoadRunner is a prediction system behavior and performance load testing tools. Through tens of millions of users to simulate the load and the implementation of concurrent real-time performance monitoring approach to identify and locate the problem, LoadRunner to test the entire enterprise architecture. The document is LoadRunner 8.0 user (2008-07-15, MultiPlatform, 2572KB, 下载52次)


[其他书籍] TheUltimateIQTestBook

The Ultimate IQ Test Book: 1,000 Practice Test Questions to Boost Your Brain Power 智商测试,现在遇到的招聘,为政府,军队,教育,工业和商业。 "最终的智商测试书" ,是本书最大的智商实践考验。笔试和汇编的智商测试专家,它包含1000个实践问题,组织了25种测试,一个简单的指导,以评估个人业绩。这个问题本身是很相似的向那些面对考生,在实际测验。他们是多学科,并包括口头,数值和图表的推理问题,使读者可以就实践中的各种不同类型的问题,它们很可能会遇到。通过提问可以帮助人改善他们的词汇和发展权的计算和逻辑推理。通过研究不同类型的试验,并认识到不同类型的问题,读者可以提高他们的考试分数,并增加他们的智商评级。 "最终的智商测试书" ,是非常宝贵的是那些必须采取智商测验,但它也有很大的乐趣的人喜欢把自己的心为自己的娱乐-和提高他们的智力。 (2008-07-10, PDF, 5100KB, 下载28次)


[其他书籍] Petshop4.0

PetShop是一个范例,微软用它来展示.Net企业系统开发的能力。业界有许多.Net与J2EE之争,许多数据是从微软的PetShop和Sun的PetStore而来。这种争论不可避免带有浓厚的商业色彩,对于我们开发人员而言,没有必要过多关注。然而PetShop随着版本的不断更新,至现在基于.Net 2.0的PetShop4.0为止,整个设计逐渐变得成熟而优雅,却又很多可以借鉴之处。PetShop是一个小型的项目,系统架构与代码都比较简单,却也凸现了许多颇有价值的设计与开发理念。本系列试图对PetShop作一个全方位的解剖.
Petshop is an example of Microsoft (2008-06-08, PDF, 787KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] always

辉煌之地 幸福之源  ? ?   ——“香巴拉”中国第一家装门户网站  ?   家是心灵的归宿、幸福的天堂;装饰一个梦想中的家已成为越来越多人执著的追求。那么,请到“香巴拉”来,体验我们全面、权威、专业、多元的一站式家装服务。唯有“香巴拉”家装不可复制的天成之美,可为您造一方理想的圣地。   “香巴拉”家装网站作为成熟的行业代言品牌,突破性地实现:全面反映行业发展动态;超大容量再现企业、产品信息;以客户需求为导向建立庞大的服务体系;追求实现包括企业和消费者在内的目标用户最高实用价值;服务功能的创新性、权威性直接积极地引导市场,从而成为中国家装业第一门户。   “香巴拉”凝聚250多位美居专家、800多家大型装修公司、3000多个知名家装建材品牌以及超过200000种的精选优质家装建材产品的智慧和支持,打造承载“全程家装产业链”的网络互动平台,给予每个家庭无所不在的帮助。   “香巴拉”同时超越了传统家装网站,从单纯的信息集散地变为家装行业供求状况的晴雨表,全面把握行情风尚的主窗口;汇聚所有参与、关注、热爱家装事业的朋友,成为“家装人”栖居的乐园。 (2008-05-23, Visual C++, 1934KB, 下载13次)


[其他书籍] Improved-fast-SPIHT-algorithm

改进的快速SPIHT 算法.针对原算法的不足引入了“最小阈值”和“最小输出位”,同时改变了原算法的扫描顺序,降低了算法的复杂程度,并使其更有利于并行优化处理。实验证明,改进后的算法减少了编解码过程中的存储容量和时间消耗,而重建图像的峰值信噪比和人眼视觉效果与原算法相当。
improved fast SPIHT. Against the original algorithm of the introduction of the "minimum threshold" and "the smallest output ", and also changed the original algorithm scanning sequence, reducing the complexity of the algorithm, and make it more conducive to optimizing the parallel processing. Experiments show that the improved algorithm to reduce the codec in the process of storage capacity and time consumption, and reconstruction in PSNR and the human visual effects and the original algorithm. (2007-04-11, Others, 199KB, 下载133次)


[其他书籍] linux_recover

current threat to the Unix platform and rare virus, and improve the Unix file system is also made as a result of system software such as the collapse of failures and data loss is rare. But for many years for enterprise-level users, Unix user friendly interface level and Windows platform series still lags far behind. (2006-04-05, Unix_Linux, 98KB, 下载4次)
