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[WEB开发] ThinkPHP5

ThinkPHP是一个免费开源的,快速、简单的面向对象的轻量级PHP开发框架,遵循Apache2开源协议发布,是为了敏捷WEB应用 开发和简化企业级应用开发而诞生的。拥有众多的优秀功能和特性,经历了三年多发展的同时,在社区团队的积极参与下,在易用性、扩展性和性能方面不断优化和 改进,众多的典型案例确保可以稳定用于商业以及门户级的开发。
ThinkPHP is a free open-source, object-oriented lightweight PHP development framework of quick and easy, released under the Apache2 open source protocol to agile WEB application development and simplify the development of enterprise application and the birth of the. Has many outstanding features and characteristics, experience more than three years of development, in the active participation of the community team, continuous optimization and improvement in usability, scalability and performance, a large number of typical cases to ensure stability for commercial as well as the development of the portal level. (2017-05-09, Java, 332KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] DouPHP_1.3_Release

A lightweight enterprise website management system, based on PHP+Mysql architecture, it can run in Linux, Windows, MacOSX, Solaris and other platforms, the system is equipped with Smarty template engine, support custom pseudo static, DIV+CSS design using foreground template background, concise interface design, function is simple and easy to have a good user experience, good stability, expansion safety and strong, can be installed through the backstage module online, such as membership module, order module, for small and medium-sized site website construction solution. (2017-04-13, Java, 3730KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] duorenwu

多任务推广系统,可用于网站推广,任务推广,如:微信加人、公众号关注、下载任务、注册任务等其它多任务,网站推广自动执行浏览及拥金发放,任务类型通过用户完成后截图上传给予雇主进行审核,网站拥金采用发放金币方式,用户可在线进行兑换成人民币进行提现,系统将自带娱乐功能,如挖掘宝箱,增加用户与平台的互动,让用户可在乐趣中赚钱。 盾灵多任务推广系统安装: 所有目录要求有读写权限 上传网站目录后,通过浏览器运行install/index.php进行安装
Multi task system can be used for promotion, website promotion, job promotion, such as: WeChat, with public attention, download task, registration task and other tasks automatically and browse the website promotion commission issued, task type audit by the user after upload screenshots to give to the employer, the website owned gold by issuing gold coins, user online can be converted into RMB of cash, the system will bring their own entertainment features, such as mining chest, increase user interaction with the platform, so that users can make money in the fun. Shield spirit multi task promotion system installation: All directories require read and write permissions Upload the site directory, run through the browser to install install/index.php (2017-04-12, Java, 5118KB, 下载10次)


[WEB开发] qunjianzhan_tongyong

群建站通用企业网站建设系统,别名:Qunjinazhan_TY。本系统采用PHP语言编写,无需数据库支持。 本系统免费开源,可以任意使用而且无需支付任何费用,但是您不可以在未经我们书面授权的情况下派生版本公开发布。 功能模块:公司介绍 新闻动态 产品中心 技术服务 人才招聘 招商加盟 联系我们 友情链接 特别说明:本程序支持安装在子目录。
Group website general enterprise website construction system, alias: Qunjinazhan_TY. The system uses PHP language, without support. This system is free and open source, can be used freely and without paying any fees, but you can not be without the written authorization of the public release of the derived version. Function module: the company introduces the news dynamic product center technical service personnel recruitment recruitment to contact us Special note: This program supports the installation of subdirectories. (2017-03-14, Java, 4715KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] hs15

一:使搜索引擎更加容易抓取和索引 二:提供更多的功能,提高用户的友好体验 三:可用性的提高,提高用户的友好体验 黑色风格HTML5企业网站系统使用方法 将文件上传只ASP空间,运行http://你的域名/install.asp进行安装。 只需两步即可安装完成,为了保证网站安全,请修改默认后台路径及数据库名称。
A: make it easier for search engines to crawl and index Two: to provide more features to enhance the user friendly experience Three: improve the usability, improve the user friendly experience Black style HTML5 enterprise website system using method Upload the file only ASP space, run http:// your domain name /install.asp installation. Just two steps to complete the installation, in order to ensure the security of the site, please modify the default background path and name. (2017-03-06, Java, 10181KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] trqqjsw

asp+access/mssql架构的网站系统,具备电脑版,手机版,平板版无缝自动切换,一个后台同步管理,整站可生成静态有利于搜索引擎收录,文件可用dreamweaver打开可视化修改。兼容所有主流浏览器。 可应用于“小刀娱乐网、QQ教程、易语言教程网、LOL教程、QQ业务、代码分享、教程发布”等等图片文字类型的网站。 程序前台有首页、列表页、内容页、会员登录、会员注册、会员个人中心、会员积分体系、会员投稿、投稿编辑、会员签到、在线留言、文章评论、整站搜索等功能。
The website of the asp+access/mssql system, with the computer version, mobile phone version of the tablet version, seamless automatic switching, a background synchronization management station can generate static to search engines, the file can be opened Dreamweaver visual changes. Compatible with all major browsers. Can be applied to the knife entertainment network, QQ tutorials, easy language tutorial network, LOL tutorials, QQ services, code sharing, tutorial release, etc.. The program of a home page, list page, content page, member login, member registration, member center, individual members of integral system, membership submission, submission editing, membership attendance, online messages, comments, web search and other functions. (2017-03-05, Java, 3622KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] xacwenhua

CAC cultural investment platform to promote their business system built on the official website of the source code, the source code using ASP language development, is access, so there is no what special requirements on the environment, as long as the windows system can be run directly, but also do not need to set up a special , directly upload source binding you can access the domain name, is very simple and convenient, suitable for use in small and medium-sized enterprises to build their own official website. (2017-02-10, Java, 5062KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] aspweb70xuexiao

1,全站DIV+CSS布局 2,首页展示内容丰富包括:图片新闻,行业新闻,公司新闻,滚动开班信息,学院信息,学院作品信息,课程信息,等 3,网站黑色大气,适合游戏,机械类企业网站 4,课程信息支持三级分类,后台自定义 5,后台信息批量修删除 6,全站SEO后台自定义功能 后台管理地址:域名/yousiteadmin/login.asp 初始用户名:admin 初始密码:123
1, total station DIV+CSS layout 2, the front page shows the rich content includes: picture news, industry news, news, rolling classes of information, School of information, school work information, course information, etc. 3, the site of the black atmosphere, suitable for games, mechanical enterprise website 4, course information to support the three classification, custom background 5, the background information batch repair deleted 6, the total station SEO custom features Background management address: domain name /yousiteadmin/login.asp initial user name: admin initial password: 123 (2017-01-23, Java, 6897KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] sszcms

网站后台:/xy35 帐号:admin 密码:admin888 功能介绍 亮点:前台大气,拥有顶级商城模样;后台简单大方,操作简单,轻松自由。 后台: 1.信息配置,可以配置一些网站相关,比较适合SEO优化。 2. 首页显示板块功能,这个地方可以选择你需要在首页上所要展示的板块。 3.友情链接:这个功能不用多解释,相信你懂。 4.碎片管理:主要就是广告管理,当然你有需要,也可以增加一些其他的碎片。
Website background: /xy35 Account: admin Password: Admin888 Function introduction Highlights: front of the atmosphere, with the top mall appearance background simple and generous, simple operation, easy freedom. Backstage: 1 information configuration, you can configure some of the site related, more suitable for SEO optimization. 2 home page display function, this place can choose what you need to show on the home page. 3 links: this function does not need to explain, I believe you understand. 4 debris Management: the main advertising management, of course, you need, you can also add some other debris. (2017-01-21, Java, 1782KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] tong

程序可作为幼儿圆网站、幼儿企业公司网和童装网使用。 内容包括文章系统,商品展示,公司招聘,留言本和用户中心五部分。 管理员后台登陆地址:/admin/Admin_Login.asp 用户名:admin 密码:admin888 程序为用户着想,所有内容进入后台直接修改,后台添加的文章内容前台自动调用显示。 底部代码在end.asp里修改,首页公告在gonggao.inc里修改。
Procedures can be used as children s round website, children s enterprise network and children s clothing network use. The content includes the article system, the commodity display, the company recruitment, the message and the user center five parts. Administrator background landing address: /admin/Admin_Login.asp User name: admin Password: Admin888 Procedures for the user s sake, all the content into the background directly modify the background to add the contents of the front desk automatic call display. At the bottom of the code in the end.asp changes, home notice in the gonggao.inc modified. (2016-10-13, Java, 2024KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] ga5

一套专为派出所网上警务室站群建站首选的信息网站管理系统,模板风格宽频页面十分大方。宁志网站 管理系统是国内知名建站软件,它由技术人员开发好了的一种现成建站软件,主要为全国各地方公安, 事业单位、企业公司、自助建站提供方便。网站系统无复杂的安装设置要求,适合广大工作人员使用。 特点:安全、稳定、美观、实用、易操作...
A set of police station for the police station of the website of the first choice of information website management system, template style broadband page is very generous. Ning Zhi website Management system is a well-known domestic software, which is developed by the technical staff of a ready-made software, mainly for the local public security, Institutions, enterprises, self-help Station to provide convenient. Site system without complex installation requirements, suitable for the use of the general staff. Features: safe, stable, beautiful, practical, easy to operate... (2016-08-30, Java, 12502KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] SuperCms_v1.0.beta

模板采用响应式设计,自动适应手机,电脑及平板显示;满足单一店铺外卖需求。 功能: 1.菜单分类管理 2.菜品管理:菜品增加,删除,修改 3.订单管理 4.友情链接管理 5.数据库备份 6.文章模块:如:促销活动,帮助中心 7.单页模块:如:企业信息,关于我们 更强大的功能在开发中…… 安装方法: 上传到网站根目录,运行http://www.***.com/install 自动完成安装。
This template is responsive design automatically adapts to mobile phones, computers and flat panel display meet the needs of a single takeaway shop. Features: 1. Menu Category Management 2. dishes Management: dishes to add, delete, modify, 3. Order Management 4. Links management 5. Database Backup 6. Articles module: such as: promotional activities to help center 7. A single-page module: such as: corporate information, about us More powerful in development ...... Installation: Uploaded to the site root directory, run http: //www.***.com/install automatically complete the installation. (2015-05-25, Java, 3589KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] scxkzcx_v1

本程序可以查询“全国企业食品生产许可证信息”,也就是俗称QS。程序无需更新,自动获取最新信息。直接放在php目录下即可使用,无需MYSQL支持。表单提交界面暂时没有添加数据验证,以后会更新,源码底部的版权信息禁止删除。 本程序为了保护源站地址,所以有一个加密文件,请不要修改,任何修改将会报错。 任何个人或网站转载本程序请勿删除以上信息。
This program can query the national food production license business information , which is commonly known as QS. Program does not need updates, automatically get the latest information. Directly on the php directory can be used without MYSQL support. No form submission interface add data validation, later updated, copyright information at the bottom of the source is prohibited deleted. The procedure to protect the source station address, so there is an encrypted file, do not modify any changes will be given. Any person or website reprint this program do not delete the above information. (2015-05-03, Java, 6KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] ThinkPHP_v3.2.3

ThinkPHP是一个免费开源的,快速、简单的面向对象的轻量级PHP开发框架,遵循Apache2开源协议发布,是为了敏捷WEB应用 开发和简化企业级应用开发而诞生的。拥有众多的优秀功能和特性,经历了三年多发展的同时,在社区团队的积极参与下,在易用性、扩展性和性能方面不断优化和 改进,众多的典型案例确保可以稳定用于商业以及门户级的开发
ThinkPHP is a free, open source, fast and simple lightweight object-oriented PHP development framework, following the release of Apache2 open source license is to Agile WEB application development and simplify enterprise application development and birth. Has many excellent functions and features, while more experienced three years of development, with the active participation of the community team, in ease of use, scalability, and performance optimization and continuous improvement, many of the typical cases can ensure stability for business and the development of the portal level (2015-03-30, Java, 1060KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] 14

企业门户网站 (1)鼠标移动到“用户中心”,可以进行注册登录等操作,如果是管理员,可以在这里进入后台。 (2)在后台中可以执行对用户、公告、留言等操作。 (3)鼠标移动到“产品地带”,可以按类别查看和下载公司的产品。 (4)鼠标移动到“技术支持”,是对于常见问题的解决办法,和下载工具及补丁。 (5)单击“留言簿”,为公司留言。 使用Mysql MyEclipse 开发
Enterprise Portal- (1) move the mouse to the User Center Sign and other operations can be carried out, if it is an administrator, where you can enter the background. (2) The user can perform the operation, announcements, messages and so on in the background. (3) Move the mouse to Product Zone , by category view and download the company s products. (4) Move the mouse to technical support for solutions to common problems, and download tools and patches. (5) Click the guest book for the company s message. Use Mysql MyEclipse development (2014-11-16, Java, 1951KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] jQueryformfbisao

If this function is used on corporate websites, wanted the right, and with the realization of the Select dropdown box jQuery dynamic preview picture effects, when the user then under Select when the drop-down list will be selected by default the first pieces of content, on the right side immediately show the contents of the article contained a picture preview, effectively enhance the user experience, this dynamic form generation Select picture preview applicable to the product description, shopping sites and other places, code compatibility is very good. (2014-10-11, Java, 57KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] FinTelecom

我国电信行业的发展已日趋成熟,市场竞争也日趋激烈,为了在市场竞争中保持强大的竞争力,电信运营商必须做到在降低成本的同时能够快速灵活高效地部署新业务新需求,来完善和满足客户和市场的需求。因此首要问题就是必须解决业务支撑系统的问题,所以构建省级集中的BOSS(Business&Operation Support System)系统已成为电信运营商支撑系统建设的总体趋势,计费账务系统又是BOSS系统的重要组成部分,特设计计费系统模型,以期形成一整套符合中国电信企业实际情况的理论和实践体系。本文主要讨论电信计费账务系统核心部分计费模块的设计和实现,对于与其他部分无法分离描述或分离后将使表达变得不清时,则将计费账务系统作为整体进行讨论。在充分调研现有系统和参考大量国内外资料的基础上,通过对电信企业计费账务系统进行系统化的设计,目的是将整个计费账务系统进行系统化理论的抽象,从而建立一套稳定、高效、易扩展的解决方案。
The telecom sector of our country has developped maturely in gradually , the market competition is becoming fierce day by day. In order to keep stronger competition in market competition, telecom operators must can sell measure with lower than competitor cost, quicker speed and more nimble camp, come to perfect and debut the telecommunication business satisfying customer need, must resolve business propping up the system core part therefore, the settlement-consuming plan system that level concentrates therefore structuring a province entraliezed BOSS (Business&Operation Support System) already becomes telecom operators collectivity trend that system builds. Account affairs-consuming model designing that concentrate a plan specially, to expect that the package forming one accords with Chinese telecom trade reality theory and carries out system.This paper has mainly discussed counts account affairs system core part meter-consuming subsystem-consuming design and realization , with regard (2014-06-23, Java, 1335KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] cas-client-3.2.0-release

CAS 是 Yale 大学发起的一个开源项目,旨在为 Web 应用系统提供一种可靠的单点登录方法,CAS 在 2004 年 12 月正式成为 JA-SIG 的一个项目。CAS 具有以下特点: 开源的企业级单点登录解决方案。 CAS Server 为需要独立部署的 Web 应用。 CAS Client 支持非常多的客户端(这里指单点登录系统中的各个 Web 应用),包括 Java, .Net, PHP, Perl, Apache, uPortal, Ruby 等。
CAS is an open source project initiated by Yale University, aims to provide a reliable single sign-on approach for Web application system, CAS in December 2004 officially became a project of JA-SIG. CAS has the following characteristics: Open source enterprise single sign-on solution. CAS Server to deploy Web applications require independent. CAS Client support is very much a client (in this case a single sign-on system for each Web application), including Java,. Net, PHP, Perl, Apache, uPortal, Ruby, etc. (2014-06-16, Java, 3983KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] Enterprise-project-office-chat

源码简介: 本项目是一套基于适合企业内部使用的XMPP的即时聊天和日常工作管理项目源码类似于OA项目, 但是功能的侧重点在聊天,项目默认服务端使用了google talk的服务器,但是因为某些位置原因登录失效了,但是还是不影响对源码的分析,项目注释恰当,有丰富的工具类。其他详细情况 可以下载源码自己测试一下。 涉及模块&技术 引导页 SQLite 文件管理 用户登录
Source description: The project is based on a suitable internal use XMPP instant chat and daily work management project source project similar to OA, But the focus in the chat function, project default server server using google talk, but for some reason login failure location, but still does not affect the analysis of the source code, project notes properly, there is a wealth of tools. Other details You can download the source code to test yourself. Involved Module & Technology Boot Page SQLite Document Management User Login (2014-05-28, Java, 5208KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] company

本系统采用纯HTML,不含ASP,PHP,ASP.NET,JAVA,JSP等编程语言,不包含任何数据库,绝对安全,您尽可以放心使用。 本系统采用UTF-8编码,能兼容目前任何语言,而不必去考虑以后网站其他语言版本的兼容性问题。 只有HTML为什么能够运行?因为我们正在将网站引擎与页面表现进行物理隔离,最大限度的保证了您的网站的安全。 不会因为网站程序漏洞而影响到您的网站安全以及所在服务器的安全。 该模板放置在我们的云计算网站托管统一引擎上,数据库采用基于云计算的分布式存储,在安全性、稳定性、速度上都有明显的优势。 网站版块主要为以下版块: 首页、公司简介、成功案例、产品类别、产品展示、联系我们、关于我们 产品分类可二级,前台所有数据均可通过后台管理更新,无须手动改动网页,快捷高效,功能精简实用,适合企业网站基本需求。
The system uses pure HTML, not including ASP, PHP, ASP.NET, JAVA, JSP and other programming languages, does not contain any database, absolutely safe, you can rest assured that use. The system uses UTF-8 encoding, can be compatible with any language, without having to consider the future site of other language versions of the compatibility issues. Why only be able to run HTML? Because we are the site performance of the engine and the physical separation page, ensure the maximum safety of your website. Web bugs will not affect your site safety and security of the host server. The template available on our website hosting unified cloud computing engine, the database uses the cloud-based distributed storage, security, stability, speed, has a distinct advantage. Forum Main forum for the following websites: Home, company profiles, success stories, product category, product demonstration, contact us, about us Products can be two, all the data reception can be upda (2011-05-19, Java, 6156KB, 下载46次)
