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[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Customer-Churn

Customer Churn Prediction project uses machine learning to forecast customer defection, helping businesses retain customers & minimize revenue loss (2024-04-03, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] rning-and-NLP-project-Customer-Feedback-Sentiment

he sentiment analysis project provides businesses with a scalable and efficient solution to understand customer feedback effectively. By automating the sentiment analysis process, businesses can make data-driven decisions, improve customer satisfaction, and enhance their products and services accordingly. (2024-03-18, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] Stock_price_prediction_and_forecasting_LSTM

With this code stock price of a company on the NASDAQ can be predicted and forecasted (just a project made for fun and learning, not investing tool or for advise) (2024-03-02, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] News_Articles_Category_prediction

创建了一个RNN LSTM模型,该模型预测了体育、娱乐、政治等新闻文章的类别。还使用了词干化、柠檬化和关键词删除的概念。
Created a RNN LSTM model which predicts the category of the news articles be it sports, entertainment, politics etc. The concept of Stemming, Lemmatization and stopword removal were used as well. (2024-02-19, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] biznalityx

An integrated application the combines business applications. Predictive Analysis: Food Retail Business Owners can setup new business loc… (2024-01-14, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Customer-Segmentation

This project explores the use of machine learning classification algorithms for customer segmentation in the context of a retail business (2023-12-28, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[时间序列预测] Project-3-Reliance-Stock-Market-Analysis

时间序列分析-该项目的主要目标是预测信实工业有限公司(Reliance Industries Limited)在未来几年的股价...
Time Series Analysis -The main objective of the project is to predict the stock prices of Reliance Industries Limited for the upcoming days. This involves obtaining essential stock data such as Open, High, Low, and Close prices, from 2015 to 2020. The project aims to identify short-term and long-term trends, analyze the impact (2023-11-28, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] ericsson-upskill-tutorials

加拿大爱立信应用人工智能和ML Upskill Program 2.0的数据科学教程。另请参阅
Data science tutorials for Applied AI&ML Upskill Program 2.0, Ericsson Canada. See also , (2022-02-08, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] Home_Credit_Default_Risk

Home Credit fosters financial inclusion by aiding those with sparse credit histories. Using telco and transaction data, they employ machine learning to gauge repayment capacities. Their goal: ensure right clients get suitable loans with optimal terms, supporting their financial success. (2023-09-24, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] walmart_sales_prediction

Sales analysis and forecasting are crucial for businesses to understand and optimize their sales performance and make informed decisions about their future sales goals. In this project, I analyzed Walmart s weekly sales data from 45 stores to gain insights into their sales performance and identify trends and patterns. (2023-09-13, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Home-Credit-Model

该项目作为Rakamin Academy与捷信印尼公司合作的总结性任务完成。
This project was completed as the concluding assignment at Rakamin Academy in partnership with Home Credit Indonesia. (2023-09-02, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] OasisInfobyte.DS.AyeshaButt

Sales Prediction Using Python: Predicting future sales is crucial for businesses to optimize their marketing strategies, allocate resources efficiently, and maximize revenue potential. This project leverages machine learning techniques to forecast sales based on factors like advertising expenses, customer segmentation, and marketing platforms. (2023-08-28, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] fmgd-gpt

Bot that answers questions related to the course Firms, Markets and Global Dynamics (based on OpenAI s API), (2023-08-11, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] cn-pulsar-star-challenge

[Codenation] Explore the main functions of probability distributions such as PDF, CDF and quantiles, and the relationships between normal and binomial distributions. We will also explore the Pulsar Star data set provided by Dr. Robert Lyon (University of Manchester). (2022-08-23, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] LeadGeneration

Lead generation is a challenge that businesses have faced since the dawn of capitalism. (2019-10-21, Jupyter Notebook, 2748KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] syr_mads_ist718_big_data_analytics

雪城大学,应用数据科学硕士-IST 718大数据分析
Syracuse University, Masters of Applied Data Science - IST 718 Big Data Analytics (2020-03-25, Jupyter Notebook, 42781KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟/增强现实-VR/AR] MediumArticle-GoogleMaps

Respository for the Medium Article "Getting insights about businesses and locations from Google Maps" containing the jupyter notebook and the data in CSV form (2020-03-02, Jupyter Notebook, 142KB, 下载0次)


[聚类算法] SBIR_TFIDF_KMeans

使用KMeans对小企业创新研究(SBIR)数据的TF IDF特征进行文档聚类
Document clustering using KMeans on TF IDF features on Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) data (2021-03-17, Jupyter Notebook, 2483KB, 下载0次)


[生物医药技术] Microeconomics-Project

Microeconomics-Project,How Has Covid-19 Affected the Economy and Which Businesses Have Benefited the Most from the Covid-19 Pandemic (2023-05-14, Jupyter Notebook, 7592KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Machine-Learning-with-Spark

Machine-Learning-with-Spark,Create scalable machine learning applications to power a modern data-driven business using Spark (2023-01-30, Jupyter Notebook, 1212KB, 下载0次)
