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[其他书籍] 9428157

"3D Mathematics Foundation: Graphics and Game Development" professional training institutions designated teaching reference books, a number of game development enterprises jointly recommended, the authority of the game industry, to explore the core secrets behind game development. "Basic Mathematics of 3D: Graphics and Game Development" mainly introduces the basic concepts of 3D mathematics, which is particularly important for computer game developers and programmers. The author discussed the mathematical theory in detail and provided geometric explanations when necessary to help readers form an intuitive 3D sense. (2019-06-23, Python, 36KB, 下载1次)


[其他书籍] 无线传感网络

近年来,随着微机电系统(Micro-Electro-Mechanism System,简称MEMS )、无线通 信、信息网络与数字集成电路等技术的迅速发展,低成本、低功耗以及多功能的传感器 得到广泛应用。这些微型的传感器节点集成了数据感知、处理与传输等功能,通过节点间的相互协作,以无线多跳方式组成一个自组织网络,即无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Networks,简称WSN ) 。WSN最主要的任务就是监测物理环境,并将节点感知的信息高效、准确地转发到基站(C Sink )。这种数据交互模式将真实的物理世界和逻辑的信息世界融合在一起,深刻地改变了人与自然的交互方式。无线传感器网络广泛地应用于以下领域。
Wireless sensor networks(WSN ) have exoteric environment, dynamic topology structure and limited resource node, which enables its security issue to be the research hotspot and difficulty point of this field. This thesis is focus on structure and reliable data transmit of WSN, and the framework is as following. (2017-07-10, C/C++, 27629KB, 下载13次)


[其他书籍] Frequency-error-

:提出了用静电力激振法确定电容式加速度传感器的动态特性,并分析了其静电力的非线 性!频率误差及补偿传感器本身寄生电容的方法"给出的静电振动台结构简单!经济实用,具有很 宽的低频测量范围(可达1Hz)和较低的静电力非线性系数,输出端具有较高的信噪比,可广泛用于 电容式传感器频率特性的测试及结构优化"本文给出了传感器在静电振动台上的测试结果"结果 表明:传感器可动系统的几何参数直接影响频率特性曲线,随着传感器平均空气间隙的减小,可动 系统的阻尼比增加"
Frequency error and compensation parasitic capacitance sensor itself approach "gives simple electrostatic vibration table! Economical and practical, with very Wide frequency range (up to 1Hz) and low linear coefficient of static electricity, the output has a high signal to noise ratio (2011-06-23, tcl/tk, 24KB, 下载5次)


[其他书籍] progit.zh.pdf

pro git中文pdf版 git 使用的很不错的介绍 一共九章涉及各种问题,最重要的就是中文翻译很到位
Git is the version control system developed by Linus Torvalds for Linux kernel development. It took the open source world by storm since its inception in 2005, and is used by small development shops and giants like Google, Red Hat, and IBM, and of course many open source projects.   * A book by Git experts to turn you into a Git expert   * Introduces the world of distributed version control   * Shows how to build a Git development workflow   What you’ll learn   * Use Git as a programmer or a project leader.   * Become a fluent Git user.   * Use distributed features of Git to the full.   * Acquire the ability to insert Git in the development workflow.   * Migrate programming projects from other SCMs to Git.   * Learn how to extend Git.   This book is for all open source developers: you are bound to encounter it somewhere in the course of your working life. Proprietary software developers will appreciate Git’s enormous scalability, since it is used for the Linux project, which (2010-07-06, Unix_Linux, 4252KB, 下载102次)


[其他书籍] Bestpracticeforprogrammerinterwiew

揭开知名IT企业面试、笔试的核心机密,传授程序员岗位求职的关键技巧、传递快乐工作的精神与态度。   该书涉猎各大IT公司历年面试真题(包括笔试题、口试题、电话面试、英语面试,以及逻辑测试和智力测试),通过精确详细的分在,把在应聘程序员(含网络、测试等)过程中所遇见的常见考点为你一一点破。
Well-known IT company opened the interview, written examination of the core secrets, passing the key job programmer job skills, pass happy with the spirit and attitude. The book read materials on the major IT companies interviewed Zhenti years (including the document questions, oral questions, telephone interviews, interviews in English, and logic testing and intelligence testing), through the precise details of the points, the programmers in the candidates (including the network, testing ) commonly encountered in the course of your 11 point out the test center. (2010-06-22, C++, 4221KB, 下载25次)


[其他书籍] Avater

自主虚拟人技术在虚拟空间中对人类的形态、运动、行为和认知方式进行模 拟,其目的是使虚拟人能够在没有外界干预的条件下,根据外在与内在的条件进 行自主的行为选择与控制。随着虚拟人角色越来越多地出现在虚拟训练、工业设 计、娱乐等各种应用中,人们对虚拟人的智能化和自主程度提出了更高的要求, 使得自主虚拟人成为了虚拟人研究中的热点问题之一。针对目前自主虚拟人控制 技术中存在的问题,本文对运动控制、感知、路径规划和行为控制等关键性技术 进行了研究。
The technology of autonomous virtual human simulates the figure, motion, behavior and cognitive style of human beings in virtual environment. The research aim is to enable the characters to choose and control own behaviors according to the internal and external conditions without user intervention. With more and more virtual characters appearing in the applications of virtual training, industry designing and entertainment, people bring up higher requirements to the intelligence and autonomy of virtual human.Therefore, the autonomous virtual human has become a hotspot in the research field of virtual human. To solving the problems in the control of autonomous virtual human, this paper studied on some key technologies, such as motion control, perception, path plan and behavior control. (2010-06-21, PDF, 1848KB, 下载16次)


[其他书籍] SmartEnergyMeterTypeFunctionalSecuritySpecificatio

1.标准编制背景 根据国家电网公司电网智能化建设规划,智能电网用电环节包含“用电信息采集系统”、“双向互动营销技术”等建设与研究项目。执行统一标准、具备一定功能的电能表是开展这些智能化建设项目的关键技术基础之一,智能电能表系列标准因此成为一项先行工作,被列入国家电网公司2009年企业标准制修订计划。
1. The standard preparation of background under the State Grid Corporation of intelligent power grid construction planning, smart electricity grid links with " Power of Information Collection System" , " two-way interactive marketing technologies" such as construction and research projects. The implementation of uniform standards, have a certain function of energy table is the implementation of these intelligent building project, one of the key technical basis, intelligent energy meter series of standards has therefore become a first job, was included in the State Grid Corporation in 2009 enterprise standard system revised project. (2010-03-29, Visual Basic, 6723KB, 下载13次)


[其他书籍] BuffettBiography

沃伦·巴菲特——美国最成功的集团企业的塑造者,一举一动都影响全球市场走势的投资大师,一个比杰克·韦尔奇更懂得管理的人,一个宣称在死后50年仍能管理和影响的人,以世界顶尖投资人和令人难以企及的财富创造能力而赢得世人盛赞和追捧。   在这部奉为“投资者不可不读的投资经典”中,作者洛温斯坦以巴菲特独有的投资风格和管理方式为焦点,对他充满传奇色彩的投资策略、人生哲学和管理智慧等进行深入透彻的描述和分析,并运用大量翔实的材料重现了几十年前巴菲特如何巧妙地寻找价值洼地,如何出其不意地挖掘潜在的投资价值,如何将伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司塑造成美国最大的集团企业的奥秘……本书不只是一个娓娓道来的大师传奇,更是一个无比成功的投资人的自画像:他凭正义和品德取胜了大都市的尔虞我诈,并且用自己的执著甚至顽固引领瞬息万变的投资世界。   毋庸置疑,巴菲特那种超乎常人的名垂青史的欲望使他成为美国传奇的独特形象,他不仅是一个伟大的资本家,而且是美国资本主义的代言人;他不仅证明了投资是一种理性的、可以捉摸的事业,而且为世人揭开了华尔街神秘的面纱;更重要的是,他的成功成为全世界梦想家的希望和承诺。
Warren Buffett- America s most successful conglomerates shapers, every move the market trends affecting the global investment guru, one more than Jack Welch, know how to manage people, a claim that is still 50 years after death to manage and influence people, to the world s leading investors and is difficult to prices and the wealth creation ability to win the praise and the pursuit of the world. In this enshrined as the "Investors should not miss the investment classic", the authors Lowenstein in Buffett s unique investment style and management focus on his legendary investment strategy, philosophy of life and management of intellectual and so thorough in-depth description and analysis, and using a large number of informative material to reproduce a few decades ago to find the value of Buffett s how clever low-lying land, how to tap the potential surprise value of investments, how to Berkshire Hasa Wei s molded into the nation s largest conglomerates mystery ... ... the book is not (2010-03-26, Java, 307KB, 下载6次)


[其他书籍] 1

Game Theory and Information Economics is not only in academic fields in the dazzling, in other areas, such as the military, management, sports, politics, public relations, personal life, the same can be fully utilized, even in biology can seek its tracks. In the general business management, the managers who are skilled and competent in the management of patients must be able to self-motivated and conscious application of game theory and information economics. In everyday life, people can game theory and information economics have to rely on analysis of even thinking to solve practical problems. (2010-03-23, Others, 546KB, 下载5次)


[其他书籍] shenmeshishuxue_cn

本书是世界著名数学家R.柯朗的名著之一,是介绍数学基本内容的综合性通俗读物。书中以易懂的语言,深入浅出地叙述了许多数学分支的基本概念、实质和分析问题的方法。鉴于它的思想性较强,内容丰富,说理清楚,世界上许多国家都翻译出版了此书。 本书可供具有中等文化程度的读者、中专以上在校师生(特别是数学专业的师生)以及数学爱好者阅读
This book is world-renowned mathematician R. Courant, one of the classics, is to introduce the basic elements of a comprehensive mathematical popular literature. Book in order to understand the language and easily comprehensible account of the basic concepts of many branches of mathematics, substance and analysis of the problem. In view of its ideological strong, rich in content and reasoning clear that many countries have translated and published a book. This book has a secondary level of education available to readers for more than secondary school teachers (especially teachers and students of mathematics) and mathematics enthusiasts to read (2010-03-03, PDF, 16978KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] RobinLiwarsinguigu

 李彦宏   本书描绘了1994年以来在硅谷这个世界闻名的美国高科技产业区,几家著名大企业(微软、网景、太阳、圣言、美国在线……)间展开的商业竞争。这里有围绕浏览器的明争暗斗;有网景从创业到被兼并的风风雨雨;有Java的异军突起;上网服务的你争我夺和美国在线的种种商业手段;有在联邦法院内微软和对手们的唇枪舌战;有比尔·盖茨、巴克斯代尔、曼克尼里等精英人物的精彩表现,最后,作者还向您展示了硅谷的成功之路。.   本书无论对于政策研究者、企业决策者、风险投资家、银行总裁、经理董事,还是对于信息总管、技术开发人员,均为难得的滋补佳肴,乃至于网络新媒体的观潮人或普通平民百姓也是饭后茶余的有趣读物。..   本书采用了章回小说的形式,但并不是小说,而是真实的激烈商战,所涉及的人物都足用的真名。...
Li This book describes in Silicon Valley since 1994, the United States of this world-renowned high-tech industry zone, several well-known big companies (Microsoft, Netscape, Sun, Word, America Online ... ...) between the start of business competition. There is infighting surrounding the browser a Netscape merger from the start to be ups and downs a Java-dark horse Internet services, and the United States to scramble all the online business tools there in the Federal Court and the opponents within the Microsoft The war of words a Bill Gates, Barksdale, Manke Ni-ri and other elite brilliant performance, finally, the author shows you the Silicon Valley success. . This book both for policy researchers, enterprise decision-makers, venture capitalists, bank president, manager, director, or for information mains, technology developers, are rare nourishing food, and even the new Internet media, or ordinary civilians Guanchao people are also meal Chayu interesting reading. .. This bo (2009-10-01, CHM, 255KB, 下载27次)


[其他书籍] cciesp

CCIE R&S路由与交换 CCIE SP 服务提供商 认证考试指南 本书全面系统的介绍了Cisco CCIE路由与交换方向以及服务提供商方向考试的所有知识点。全书共分为 8 个部分。分别介绍了CCIE笔试和实验室考试中所用到的基础网络知识,各种路由协议,LAN交换,城域网,MPLS,Qos及组播等。 本书按照Cisco CCIE路由与交换及服务提供商的考试大纲写成,针对目前SP服务提供商考试资料相对匮乏的情况,整理出这本认证指南,其目标是为了使准备CCIE认证的考生获得更方便的资料。 本书亦适合各类网络工程师和网络设计者作为工作时的参考手册。
CCIE R & S Routing and Switching Service Provider CCIE SP Certification exam guide The book describes a comprehensive system for Cisco CCIE Routing and Switching service providers the direction and the direction of the examination of all the knowledge points. Book is divided into eight parts. Introduced the CCIE written and lab examinations used in the basic network knowledge, a variety of routing protocols, LAN switching, MAN, MPLS, Qos, etc. and multicast. Book in accordance with the Cisco CCIE Routing and Switching and Service Provider written exam outline, in view of the current service provider SP test the relative scarcity of information, sorting out the certification guidelines, the goal is to enable the preparation of candidates CCIE Certification information more easily. This book is also suitable for various types of network engineers and network designers work as a reference manual. (2009-05-15, PDF, 47245KB, 下载26次)


[其他书籍] digitalaudiocompression(AC3)A52

ac3标准文档,杜比数字AC-3(Dolby Digital AC-3)是杜比公司开发的新一代家庭影院多声道数字音频系统。杜比定向逻辑系统是一个模拟系统。它的四个声道是从编码后的两个声道分解出来的,因此难免有分离度不佳、信噪比不高,对环绕声缺乏立体感,并且环绕声的频带窄等缺点。
ac3 standard documents, Dolby Digital AC-3 (Dolby Digital AC-3) is Dolby has developed a new generation of home theater multi-channel digital audio system. Dolby Pro Logic system is a simulation system. It is from the four-channel encoded by the two-channel decomposition, have poor separation, signal to noise ratio is not high, on three-dimensional sense of a lack of surround sound and surround sound, such as the shortcomings of a narrow band. (2009-04-15, Visual C++, 532KB, 下载78次)



《ARM嵌入式WINDOWS CE实践教程》是ARM嵌入式技术 系列教程之一。该教程教材采用华中科技大学和武汉创维特信息技 术有限公司联合研制的JXARM9-2410嵌入式教学实验系统作为教 学实践平台。 Windows CE嵌入式操作系统是目前嵌入式主流操作系统之一, 它以超强的性能、友好的Windows人机界面以及标准化、可视化的 软件开发过程被越来越多地使用在手机、PDA等产品中,本书结合 ARM9嵌入式处理器的特点,介绍了在其上进行Windows CE开发
" ARM embedded practice WINDOWS CE tutorial" ARM Embedded Technologies are one of tutorial series. The use of tutorial materials and Wuhan Huazhong University of Science and Technology Information Technology Co., Ltd. Skyworth special development of the United JXARM9-2410 embedded system as a teaching experiment platform for teaching practice. Embedded Windows CE embedded operating system is one of the mainstream operating system, the performance of its super-friendly man-machine interface of Windows, as well as standardization, visualization software development process is increasingly used in mobile phone, PDA and other products, this book combines the features of ARM9 embedded processor, in its introduction on the development of Windows CE (2009-04-05, PDF, 7427KB, 下载68次)


[其他书籍] wlyx

网络营销学课件,共包含9章,第1章 网络营销的理论基础 第2章 网络营销常用工具和方法 第3章 网络营销导向的企业网站研究 第4章 搜索引擎营销基础 第5章 许可Email营销基础 第6章 WEB2.0与网络营销 第7章 网络广告基础 第8章 网络营销实践应用 第9章 网络营销管理
Network Marketing courseware contains a total of 9 chapters, Chapter 1 of the theoretical foundation of network marketing Chapter 2 network marketing tools and methods commonly used in Chapter 3 of Network Marketing-oriented study of corporate Web site Chapter 4 based on search engine marketing Chapter 5 permission Email Marketing based on Chapter 6 WEB2.0 with Web Marketing Chapter 7 online advertising based on Chapter 8 Practical Application of Network Marketing Network Marketing Chapter 9 Management (2009-01-06, PPT, 3075KB, 下载8次)


[其他书籍] ERwin

欢迎使用ERwin信息模型,以前如果你从未见过模型,ERwin Methods Guide将帮助你了解什么是模型,以及它适合于什么。如果你已经一些有使用数据和信息模型的经验,那么你知道它在业务需求中是很有用的。如果在设计新的信息系统或在维护和修改存在的东西,模型能帮助你。本文没有包括信息模型的许多细节。但是,到你读完它的时候,你将足够地了解它,即使你仅仅初学者,ERwin的方法也将为你工作。本文覆盖了由 ERwin支持的信息模型方法,它不包括了ERwin的详细使用,如何使用 ERwin工具请见”ERwin User s Guide”。由 ERwin支持的信息模型方法是神秘的缩写字:”IDEF1X”,IDEF1X方法由 U.S.空军开发。目前,它应用于空军、政府机构、航空工业和财政部门、大公司、大型企业。并且,信息模型在各种主要的管理严格的大公司是必需的。
err (2008-12-30, SQL, 218KB, 下载18次)


[其他书籍] qiyewangzhangxitong

漂亮的企业网站系统v11 1、整体修改了上一版的一些BUG。 2、修改了页面底部的统计形式。 3、修改了“公告更新”栏目,本来是只能滚动显示一条,现在可以全部滚动显示了。 4、修改了首页调用新闻、文章等显示栏目可实现二级栏目调用显示。 5、增加了网站在线音乐播放功能,见网页底部框架结构。 6、修改了论坛贴图关于“相关贴图”字眼的美观。 7、修改了论坛贴图无法自动缩放的功能。 8、增加了社区银行功能。 9、增加了“广告公司”的功能。 10、修改了“音乐听吧”插件。 11、修改了版主评定功能(带工资发放功能)。 12、增加了论坛二级分类的功能。 13、增加了发表新贴可以增加贴子标题颜色和加粗的功能。 14、增加了论坛事件功能。 15、增加和美化了一些图片。 16、把社区银行的数据库整合到了主数据库内。 17、修改了社区祈愿板 18、增加了涂鸦板板 管理员用户名:admin 管理员密码:admin
err (2008-11-29, ASP, 8127KB, 下载11次)


[其他书籍] vb_Numerical_Recipes

err (2008-11-06, Visual Basic, 2015KB, 下载76次)


[其他书籍] beidongbaojingqi

BISS0001 is a high performance sensor signal processing integrated circuits, it is with pyroelectric infrared sensor and a small amount of external components constitute a passive pyroelectric infrared switch. It can automatically and quickly to open all types of incandescent, fluorescent lamps, buzzers, automatic door, electric fans, dryers and automatic devices such as hand-washing pool, especially suitable for enterprises, hotels, shopping malls, the Treasury and the family aisle, corridors and other sensitive region, or for the security zone automatic lighting, lighting and alarm system. (2008-05-29, Others, 129KB, 下载223次)


[其他书籍] Digital_Communication(4th_EN)

本书是数学通信领域的一本经典教材,通过对概率论及随机过程的复习,详细介绍了数字和模拟信源编码,数字调制信号和窄带信号与系统的特征、加性高斯白噪声中数字通信的调制和最佳调制与检测方法、基于最大似然准则的载波相位估计和定时同步的方法、不同信道模型的信道容量及随机编码、带限信道的信号设计、受到符号干扰恶化信号的解调与检测问题、自适应信道均衡、多信道与多载波调制、扩展频谱信号和系统、衰落信道上的数字通信。本书适合通信工程相关专业的高年级本科生、研究生及工程技术人员阅读。 (2007-10-30, Others, 17350KB, 下载422次)
