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[其他] king-Security-Excellence-ISO-27001-2022-Study-Hub

通过我们诱人的ISO 27001:2022学习中心,步入安全大师的世界。探索网络安全辉煌的深度,提升您的知识,并激发您的职业潜力。潜入精心策划的资源宝库,赋予组织、公司和企业权力。
Step into the world of security mastery with our enticing ISO 27001:2022 Study Hub. Explore the depths of cybersecurity brilliance, elevate your knowledge, and ignite your career potential. Dive into a treasure trove of resources meticulously curated to empower organizations, companies, enterprises. (2024-05-19, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] AWS-simple-secure-network

By implementing industry best practices and leveraging state-of-the-art security technologies, this project aims to establish a robust security framework that ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data stored and transmitted within the cloud infrastructure of a small business. (2024-05-10, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Cybersecurity-IAM-Developer-Project

(IAM)开发商,塔塔咨询服务(TCS)网络安全团队中的关键角色。您的主要职责包括评估IAM就绪性,设计定制的解决方案,以及为全球技术企业集团TechCorp Enterprises规划IAM平台的实施。
(IAM) developer, a key role within the cybersercurity team at Tata Consultancy Services (TCS). Your primary responsibilities include assessing IAM readiness, designing tailored solutions, and planning the implementation of an IAM platform for TechCorp Enterprises, a global technology conglomerate. (2024-05-02, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Ice-cream-Shop

Ice-Cream Parlour, a vital feature in e-commerce, functions akin to the "ordering cart" in US English, assisting users in making online purchases. In the realm of electronic commerce (e-commerce), the business-to-consumer facet stands as the most prominent business application of the World Wide Web. (2024-04-28, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] etsy-clone

Etsy克隆来构建您的买卖和市场。Etsy clone script是一个完全可定制的解决方案,让企业家能够利用尖端的功能和特性启动他们的买卖市场业务。
Etsy clone to Build your Buy and Sell and Marketplace. Etsy clone script is a completely customizable solution that lets entrepreneurs kick-start their buy-and-sell marketplace business with cutting-edge features and functionalities. (2024-04-20, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Accountant-Portfolio

As a seasoned accounting professional with a passion for excellence and precision, I am thrilled to showcase my expertise and capabilities through this portfolio. Here, you ll discover a comprehensive collection of my work, tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses seeking reliable accounting services. (2024-04-05, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Hardware-Ledger

Hardware Ledger是一种先进的数字账本技术,嵌入硬件设备中,用于安全数据存储。它允许防篡改记录保存,并确保企业和个人的最大数据完整性。
Hardware-Ledger is a cutting-edge digital ledger technology embedded in hardware devices for secure data storage. It allows for tamper-proof record-keeping and ensures maximum data integrity for businesses and individuals alike. (2024-04-05, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] CtrlALtElite-

The senior project undertaken by our Team CtrlAltElite focuses on developing a comprehensive website for GlamByManpreet, a business specializing in makeup services. The objective is to create a digital platform that not only showcases the range of makeup services offered by Manpreet but also enhances customer interaction and service accessibility. (2024-03-29, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Sales-Report

Power BI上的Sales Report项目提供动态仪表板、交互式可视化和实时分析来分析销售数据。它提供对关键指标、趋势和预测的见解,使企业能够做出明智的决策,并推动绩效改进。
The Sales Report project on Power BI offers dynamic dashboards, interactive visualizations, and real-time analytics to analyze sales data. It provides insights into key metrics, trends, and forecasts, empowering businesses to make informed decisions and drive performance improvements. (2024-03-23, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Kwith-Technologies

Kwith Technologies由Kavithma Thushal共同创立,是为全球企业量身定制的创新IT解决方案的先驱。凭借对尖端技术和个性化服务的不懈承诺,我们将创意与功能无缝融合,确保我们的客户在当今快速发展的数字环境中保持领先地位。
Kwith-Technologies, co-founded by Kavithma Thushal, pioneers innovative IT solutions tailored to empower businesses worldwide. With a relentless commitment to cutting-edge technology and personalized service, we seamlessly merge creativity with functionality, ensuring our clients stay ahead in today s rapidly evolving digital landscape. (2024-03-05, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Power-BI-Sales-Insight

问题陈述:AltiQ是一家计算机硬件企业,在动态变化的市场中面临挑战。销售总监决定投资于数据分析项目,他希望构建能够为他提供实时销售见解的power BI仪表板。我们表现为内部或外部
Problem Statement: AltiQ, a computer hardware business, is facing challenges in dynamically changing market. Sales director decides to invest in data analysis project and he would like to build power BI dashboard that can give him real time sales insights. We behave as internal or ex (2024-02-02, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] shopping

基于Java+SpringBoot+Vue的超市管理系统 (源代码+数据库+万字文档+ppt)角色:管理员、员工 管理员:管理员登录进入超市管理系统的实现可以查看首页、个人中心、员工管理、商品类型管理、商品信息管理、商品进货管理、商品出库管理、商品销量管理、销售退回管理等信...
Supermarket management system based on Java+SpringBoot+Vue (source code+database+ten thousand word document+ppt) Role: administrator, employee administrator: administrator can log in to the supermarket management system to view the home page, personal center, employee management, commodity type management, commodity information management, commodity purchase management, commodity delivery management, commodity sales management, sales return management and other letters (2023-11-30, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] arky

arky是EFS——领驭框架软件公司(Enterprise Framework Software,简称EFS)创立的一个 开 源项目,旨在为企业应用的 开 发 提供一个架构卓越的,高品质的,高可维护的(代码非常精炼,并且容易理解),技术支撑全面...
Arky is an open source project created by EFS Enterprise Framework Software (EFS for short), which aims to provide an excellent architecture, high-quality, highly maintainable (code is very refined and easy to understand), comprehensive technical support for the development of enterprise applications (2018-01-23, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 台湾高技传动即将参展亚太国际智能装备博览会,倒计时

2022年7月18-22日,第3届亚太国际智能装备博览会的强势回归,证明了属于工业制造行业的展会时代又一次迎来了春天,第3届亚太国际智能装备博览会现场将聚集国际国内最先进、知名、具有代表性的品牌企业参展,台湾高技GAOJ-K传动也即将在本次亚太国际智能装备博览会中跟大家见面。 (2022-06-20, Others, 508KB, 下载0次)


[其他] EDFA增益谱的精确测量

一种精确测量 ED FA 增益谱方法, 按照这种方法, 不需要考虑 ED FA 的内 部结构, 使用较小功率的宽光谱光源和任意波长的激光器, 能够较简便精确测量 ED FA 小信 号增益
An accurate method for measuring EDFA gain spectrum. According to this method, the internal structure of EDFA does not need to be taken into account. The small signal gain of EDFA can be easily and accurately measured by using a wide spectrum light source with smaller power and a laser with any wavelength (2020-05-17, Others, 217KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 项目经理的九阴真经

售前售后一些工作心得分为九种技能(业务调研,解决方 案,产品演示,用户考察,公司介绍,用户培训,现场推广,项目验收,团队管理),分别整理成文,希望能给在这个行业内拼搏的同道一些启发。
Pre-Sales Aftermarket some work experience is divided into nine skills (business research, Solution Case, product demo, user inspection, company introduction, user training, on-site promotion, project acceptance, team management), respectively, to collate the written, hope to be in the industry to fight for some inspiration. (2019-05-08, Others, 738KB, 下载2次)


[其他] 不懂项目管理,还敢拼职场

Do not understand the project management, but also dare to fight the workplace (2019-05-08, Others, 29033KB, 下载1次)


[其他] H.264-MPEG-4 Part 10 White Paper

数字电视和DVD-video的出现使得广播电视和家庭娱乐发生了彻底的变革.随着视频压缩技术的标准化,越来越多的这些应用成为可能.MPGE系列的下一个标准,MPEG4,正使得新一代的基于因特网的视频应用成为可能.而现在视频压缩的ITU-T H.263标准被广泛的应用于视频会议系统.
With the standardization of video compression technology, more and more of these applications become possible. The next standard in the MPGE series, MPEG4, is making a new generation of Internet-based video applications possible. Now ITU-T H for video compression. 263 standards are widely used in video conferencing systems. (2018-09-26, Others, 741KB, 下载0次)


[其他] ScreenZoom

It can display five pixels on the center of the cross line and up and down when the mouse moves. Each pixel can be amplified to nearly 2 millimeters, handle, parent handle, class name, thread, absolute coordinates, relative coordinates, and can be used for programming. (2018-06-18, Others, 23KB, 下载0次)


[其他] jisuanjiwangluo2

中小型校园网的组建 校园计算机网络已成为学校办学的基础设施和必备条件.公众信息电脑公司立足中国,服务教育.以开发教育软件和网络集成为主,推进教育教学信息化和现代化为主要经营方向的综合型企业.
The formation of small and medium-sized campus network campus computer network has become the school s infrastructure and a prerequisite. Public information computer company based in China, service education. To develop educational software and network integration-oriented, promoting education and teaching information technology and modernization as the main direction of the integrated enterprise. (2008-12-31, Others, 85KB, 下载6次)
