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按平台查找All Jupyter Notebook(643) 

[穿戴设备] Apple-Fitness-Watch-Data-Analysis

分析apple watch的数据是健康和福利部门运营企业的重要工具。通过仔细检查用户数据…
Analyzing data from apple watch is an essential tool for businesses operating in the health and wellness sector. By scrutinizing user dat… (2024-01-14, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] urn-with-Neural-Networks-A-Deep-Learning-Approach

The Customer Churn ML model aims to forecast customer attrition using Neural Networks, enabling businesses to proactively retain customers. By leveraging advanced analytics, it empowers companies to identify patterns, enhance customer satisfaction, and make informed decisions, ultimately fostering sustainable growth and profitability. (2023-12-09, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] tion-Unveiling-Patterns-in-the-Smartphone-Market-

This project revolves around assisting Bob, an entrepreneur entering the mobile phone industry, in estimating the prices of mobile phones his company produces. Leveraging the power of data mining and extensive data analysis, we delve into a comprehensive exploration of the mobile prices dataset. (2023-11-11, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Data-competition

Sort out the competitions that have been done, predict the flight delay of Ctrip tickets, predict the risk of business exit, etc (2018-06-24, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] Randomized-Retail-GL-Generator

A Python script to generate a randomized, yet logical, general ledger dataset for retail businesses. Suitable for financial modeling training and educational purposes. (2023-10-22, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] sentiment-analysis-amazon-product-reviews

Pvt repo for PLDA term project. Analyzing Amazon product reviews sentiment using NLP techniques. Aiming to help businesses understand customer sentiment. Code includes preprocessing, classification & evaluation in Python. Access limited to team & instructor. (2023-05-20, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Data-Analysis-of-Amazon-Sales-

Sales management is essential for businesses to meet increasing competition and the need for improved distribution methods to reduce costs and increase profits. This project aims to perform ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) on an Amazon dataset and analyze the sales trends on a monthly, yearly, and yearly-monthly basis. The goal is to discover key metri (2023-09-02, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[聚类算法] Customer_segmentation_using_k-means-clustering

Customer segmentation is a powerful technique used by businesses to understand their customers better and tailor their marketing strategies accordingly. In this project, we aim to apply the K-means clustering algorithm to segment customers based on their similarities and differences in purchasing behavior, preferences, and characteristics. (2023-08-07, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] superstore-sales-analysis

Data forms the backbone of every enterprise, and to help them grow they need to have proper understanding of the trends in the sector through this analysis we dive into sales analysis in the superstore and get to draw recomendations on the sales to the store which will help boost their sales through Exploratory data analysis (2023-06-22, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] GenerativeAI-Generate_new_reviews_using_BERT

Use the Yelp Dataset, which contains user reviews and ratings of businesses across various categories to perform sentiment analysis on the reviews and classify them as positive, negative, or neutral. Generative AI: Build a system to generate new reviews using pre-trained language models such as BERT (2023-07-14, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] DataCamp-Projects

This repository contains all Python projects I have done on DataCamp, with a plethora of datasets and problems ranging from finance to entertainment, to basic NLP (2022-02-14, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Timeseries-prediction-model

Timeseries analysis - Study case of a small business using ARIMA,SARIMA and XGBoost models to predict stock based on sales. (2022-10-28, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] productive-datascience-template

Data science and engineering project template for productive enterprise teams to build scalable and sustainable solutions (2020-07-06, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] NEXUS_AI

nexus analytics是一个由人工智能支持的平台,旨在帮助餐厅和咖啡厅部门的企业主制作数据-...
nexus analytics is a platform powered by AI aimed to help business owners in Restaurant and Café sector to make data-driven decisions based on their customer s reviews on social media platforms. (2022-09-26, Jupyter Notebook, 126044KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] The-Android-App-Market-on-Google-Play

Mobile apps are everywhere. They are easy to create and can be very lucrative from the business standpoint. Specifically, Android is expanding as an operating system and has captured more than 74% of the total market[1]. The Google Play Store apps data has enormous potential to facilitate data-driven decisions and insights for businesses. In (2022-05-07, Jupyter Notebook, 1783KB, 下载0次)


[通讯编程] IEEE-CIS-Fraud-Detection

Predicting the best efficacy of legit and fraudulent transactions for people across the world to help business in increasing their revenue and for customers to have hassle-free smooth transactions. (2023-01-23, Jupyter Notebook, 8335KB, 下载0次)


[聚类算法] Random-Forest-Regression

使用随机森林算法对企业评级进行预测。The random forest algorithm is used to predict the enterprise rating.
The random forest algorithm is used to predict the enterprise rating. The random forest algorithm is used to predict the enterprise rating (2020-09-13, Jupyter Notebook, 1448KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] BBC-News-Classification

文本文档是企业最丰富的数据来源之一。我们将使用BBC compris的公共数据集...
Text documents are one of the richest sources of data for businesses. We’ll use a public dataset from the BBC comprised of 2225 articles, each labeled under one of 5 categories: business, entertainment, politics, sport or tech. The dataset is broken into 1490 records for training and 735 for testing. The goal will be to build a system that can (2020-08-12, Jupyter Notebook, 12KB, 下载0次)


[GPU/显卡] atic-Modulation-Classification-with-Deep-Learning

Using the multi-class modulation dataset Tensorflow library with different SNR levels, different CNN models were trained with the GPU and the modulation types were classified for each SNR level. (2022-05-31, Jupyter Notebook, 798KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] pytorch-book

pytorch-book,PyTorch tutorials and fun projects including neural talk, neural style, poem writing, anime generation (《深度学习框架PyTorch:...
PyTorch tutorials and fun projects including neural talk, neural style, poem writing, anytime generation (PyTorch: (2022-12-04, Jupyter Notebook, 9485KB, 下载0次)
