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[WEB开发] 27

An excellent enterprise building system, mainly aimed at enterprises, is simple, safe, personalized, humanized, free and expansible, no system vulnerability, logic extension without template engine, database presupposition free field theory support any form of site. (2018-04-15, PHP, 828KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 20

Wemall WeChat mall is suitable for small business e-commerce, such as WeChat fruit, WeChat vegetables, WeChat takeaway, WeChat supermarket and so on. 11 functions of WeChat mall, powerful system, commodity, order, WeChat, etc. (2018-04-08, PHP, 9154KB, 下载11次)


[WEB开发] 要饭系统源码

It is very good, no problem .GOGOGO (2018-04-07, PHP, 15KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] dede贵金属金融交易投资企业网站_A5

dedecms 开发的贵金属交易系统,可实时交易,买涨买跌
Precious metal trading system (2018-04-07, PHP, 14005KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 蓝色简洁企业CMS后台管理模板

this is my object it is very good its values are beautiful (2017-11-20, PHP, 174KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] daomeiWish2012

Unfortunate Wishing Wall v2012 is the latest official vow of 2012.9.23. Is for bad luck people wish, or wish to use the holiday php perfect program, developed by the unlucky network (www.daomei.net.cn) landscaping. 2012 version of the main features css rewrite, art better, better user experience. (2016-11-10, PHP, 1176KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] LingMov

本程序是常用的企业网站,前台模版很不错,清清爽,后台功能含,新闻,产品,留言本等等。 适合小型企业网站 后台地址/PHPCMS 后台管理密码为 admin admin
This procedure is commonly used in enterprise web site, the foreground template is very good, clean and fresh, background features, news, products, message and so on. Suitable for small business website Background address /PHPCMS Background management password Admin admin (2016-04-15, PHP, 1932KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] Yong-Lu-wine

Based on a PHP and MySQL with the background of the enterprise. (2016-01-23, PHP, 19873KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] YxcmsApp1.1.9

PHP enterprise management system to facilitate the secondary development, completely open source free (2013-10-15, PHP, 2922KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] osFileManager_bm3c7w

php源码实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,稻草人企业站 v1.1.0 UTF8,稻草人企业站管理系统基于php+sqlite与php+mysql两个版本,php+sqlite特点和asp+access差不多,优点是利于备份,现在大多网站空间都支持php+sqlite。php+mysql特点是利于处理大量的数据,但备份和还原不方便。,手头参考的例子程序代码
php source code implementation, which is a php script language corporate website, Scarecrow enterprises stand v1.1.0 UTF8, Scarecrow enterprise station management system is based on php+ sqlite with two versions of php+ mysql , php+ sqlite similar characteristics and asp+ access (2013-06-20, PHP, 76KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] osFileManager_jozxi7

脚本语言服务端php实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,稻草人企业站 v1.1.0 UTF8,稻草人企业站管理系统基于php+sqlite与php+mysql两个版本,php+sqlite特点和asp+access差不多,优点是利于备份,现在大多网站空间都支持php+sqlite。php+mysql特点是利于处理大量的数据,但备份和还原不方便。,参看、研究和阅读,提升自我
Php server-side scripting language implementation , which is a php script language corporate website, Scarecrow enterprises stand v1.1.0 UTF8, Scarecrow enterprise station management system is based on php+ sqlite with two versions of php+ mysql , php+ sqlite features and asp (2013-06-20, PHP, 77KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] PHPMyWind_v4.5.9

PHPMyWind 是一款基于PHP+MySQL开发,符合W3C标准的建站引擎。适用于企业级建站的首选利器。开发之初,团队就从适用于企业级建站为突破口,增强程序的易用性,灵活性,可拆分性,致力于为国内企业网站提供"核动力"。
PHPMyWind a based on PHP+MySQL development, comply with W3C standards Jianzhan engine. Applied to the weapon of choice for enterprise-class Jianzhan. The beginning of the development team for enterprise Jianzhan as a breakthrough, enhance the program' s ease of use, flexibility, can be split, is committed to provide " nuclear power for domestic corporate website. (2013-01-13, PHP, 2663KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] JIRENqiy

JIREN CMS企业版是我们 为个人和企业开发的一套快速建站免费使用的系统;它运行在PHP+MYSQL的坏境中,具备了安全可靠、简单免费、跨平台性好等特点。
We JIREN CMS Enterprise Edition for individuals and companies to develop a rapid establishment of the free use of the system it runs in bad environment PHP+MYSQL, have a safe, reliable, simple and free, cross-platform features. (2013-01-10, PHP, 3194KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] game_22826_zvklti

php脚本语言实现,实现功能相对完善例子代码,这是一个用php脚本语言写的影音娱乐,FLASH小游戏系统 繁体+简体版,一个PHP+Mysql的FLASH小游戏系统。支持生成HTML页面,后台可以自定义广告。,参考学习应运于开发实践不错的例子。 (2012-11-15, PHP, 465KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] sdddj

官方主页启用新域名mp34t.cn,即mp3试听,方便大家记忆,原252u.cn仍可使用. 底部请自己修改,代码加在</html>上面,上次发布的音乐小偷,有部分人只改了 域名,名字就用了,这样大家都一样,没个性,所以以后发布的作品都不会加上头 底部文件,这次的DJ小偷头部是直接采集对方网站的,所以不用改,也不能改.总 之,希望大家尽量多改一些再用,个性化一下,减少被搜索引擎K的风险.
The official home of the opening of the new domain name to mp34t.cn, i.e. MP3, facilitate memory, the original 252u.cn can use. Please modify the bottom, add code in </HTML > above, the last release music thieves, some people only changed Domain name, name used, so are all the same, no personality, so later published works will not add up The bottom file, the DJ thief head is the direct acquisition of website of the other side, it does not need to change, cannot change the total. We hope that as many as possible, instead of some use, personalized search engine, reduce risk of K. (2012-02-11, PHP, 34KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] 7.2map

dz7.2全国城地图安装说明: A:上传文件到plugins目录下 一般为bbs/plugins/ditu/ditu.inc.php B:系统后台—论坛插件—找到全国城市地图:点击安装 C:双击插件名称:ditu NEW!,进行设置:所在城市地区 如长沙 填写0737 另外还可以调整地图大小
dz7.2 National City Map (2011-06-13, PHP, 3KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] CmsEasy_3.7_UTF-8_20110611

ETS is the company website system CmsEasy Kyushu ETS science and technology development in China' s first marketing template free enterprise website management system, the system generates prospects html, in full compliance with SEO, while there online customer service, potential customers to track, and convenient management of corporate website , search engine promotion features. (2011-06-12, PHP, 4059KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] jobwygknetcn

主要完成个人求职 企业招聘 后台管理 推荐人才等
Completed for job-seeking enterprises to recruit personnel, etc. Admin Recommended (2010-07-15, PHP, 2687KB, 下载15次)


[WEB开发] phpdtb_v1.0_beta_1

此版本有强大的购物功能,订单管理,后台权限分级管理,自定义前台导航,超级中英文语言功能,特别适合做两语言网站的用户。 由开源基地开发支持。 http://www.opensources.org.cn
This version has a strong shopping features, order management, background competence management at different levels, custom front navigation, super in both English and Chinese language function, and are particularly suited to do two language site. Development support from the open source base. http://www.opensources.org.cn (2008-12-19, PHP, 5596KB, 下载25次)


[WEB开发] vitcie-cn-1[1].1b

best PHP Cart, I also get it from the others (2005-01-08, PHP, 531KB, 下载71次)
