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[其他] easymonitor

Combined with my own experience in building a monitoring system in the company s production, I will show in detail how to monitor the online service log. The index design, software configuration, monitoring scheme, etc. involved in the content can be directly copied into the project. This is a monitoring system that is very suitable for small enterprises. (2024-04-20, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] mozi-generator

深入业务场景的企业级硬项目,基于 React + Spring Boot + Picocli + 对象存储的 代码生成器共享平台 。开发者可以在平台上制作并发布代码生成器,用户可以搜索、下载、在线使用代码生成器,管理员可以集中管理所有用户和生成器。
It is an enterprise level hard project that goes deep into business scenarios, and a code generator sharing platform based on React+Spring Boot+Picocli+object storage. Developers can create and publish code generators on the platform. Users can search, download and use code generators online. Administrators can centrally manage all users and generators. (2024-03-07, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] shell-scripting-tutorial

欢迎来到“Shell Scripting Zero to Hero”存储库,这是一个全面的指南,可以帮助您掌握用于真实企业场景的Bash Shell脚本。无论您是希望自动化单调任务的初学者,还是希望增强脚本技能的经验丰富的开发人员,本教程都将带您从基础知识学习英雄级脚本。
Welcome to the "Shell Scripting Zero to Hero" repository, your comprehensive guide to mastering Bash shell scripting for real-world corporate scenarios. Whether you re a beginner looking to automate tedious tasks or an experienced developer aiming to enhance your scripting skills, this tutorial takes you from the basics to hero-level scripting. (2024-03-03, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] wechat-chat-summary

WeChat Chat Summary是一个高效的工具,旨在自动提取、分析,并总结微信聊天记录。该工具能够从指定邮箱中检索微信聊天记录,使用ChatGPT API对其进行智能分析,最后将生成的摘要自动发送到企业微信、飞书或钉钉的Webhook URL。
WeChat Chat Summary is an efficient tool designed to automatically extract, analyze and summarize WeChat chat records. The tool can retrieve WeChat chat records from the specified mailbox, use ChatGPT API to perform intelligent analysis on them, and finally automatically send the generated summary to the WeChat, fly book or nailed Webhook URL of the enterprise. (2024-02-19, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] bash-scripting-tutorial

欢迎来到“Shell Scripting Zero to Hero”存储库,这是一个全面的指南,可以帮助您掌握用于真实企业场景的Bash Shell脚本。无论您是希望自动化单调任务的初学者,还是希望增强脚本技能的经验丰富的开发人员,本教程都将带您从基础知识学习英雄级脚本。
Welcome to the "Shell Scripting Zero to Hero" repository, your comprehensive guide to mastering Bash shell scripting for real-world corporate scenarios. Whether you re a beginner looking to automate tedious tasks or an experienced developer aiming to enhance your scripting skills, this tutorial takes you from the basics to hero-level scripting. (2024-02-12, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] GymManagements

计算机毕业设计之基于SSM的健身房管理系统(源代码+数据库+万字论文+ppt)角色:管理员、用户 管理员:管理员进入主页面,主要功能包括对个人中心、用户管理、健身器材管理、课程类型管理、课程信息管理、教练信息管理、系统管理、订单管理等进行操作。 用户:首页、健身器材、课程信...
The SSM based gymnasium management system of computer graduation design (source code+database+ten thousand word paper+ppt) Role: administrator, user administrator: administrator enters the main page, whose main functions include operating personal center, user management, fitness equipment management, course type management, course information management, coach information management, system management, order management, etc. User: Home page, fitness equipment, course letter (2024-01-16, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Room

基于Java+SpringBoot+Vue的自习室座位管理系统源代码+数据库+万字文档+ppt)角色:管理员、企业、用户 当游客打开系统的网址后,首先看到的就是首页界面。在这里,游客能够看到自习室座位管理系统的导航条显示首页、自习室座位、系统公告、后台管理、投诉反馈、个人中心...
Java+SpringBoot+Vue based self-study room seat management system source code+database+10000 word document+ppt) Role: administrator, enterprise, user When visitors open the system website, the first thing they see is the home page interface. Here, visitors can see the navigation bar of the study room seat management system displaying the home page, study room seats, system announcements, background management, complaint feedback, personal center (2024-01-08, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] practical-spring-boot

This repository is a practical guide and collection of resources for mastering Spring Boot, a powerful framework for building Java-based enterprise applications. Whether you are a beginner looking to get started with Spring Boot or an experienced developer aiming to enhance your skills, this repository has you covered. (2024-01-01, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Aditi-AI-Enterprise-Architect-Product-Portfolio

Aditi AI企业架构师产品组合-*感谢AI社区访问我的存储库-敬请关注AWS AI研究学习资源****如果您发现存储库有用,请给它一个星星-感谢您访问我的库-快乐学习**
Aditi AI Enterprise Architect Product Portfolio - * Thank you AI community for visiting my repository - Stay tuned for awesome AWS AI Research Learning Resources ** ** If you find the repository useful please give it a star - Thank you for visiting my repository - Happy Learning ** (2023-12-31, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Exploratory-Data-Analysis-on-Online-Retail

Performing exploratory data analysis of the features of the Unicorn Companies dataset to draw insights and provide recommendations to help Unicorn Companies create good business models and make decisions that will lead companies with high growth potential, diversify investment portfolios, and prioritize companies with experienced leadership teams. (2023-12-26, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] courseing

课程设计选题管理系统(源代码+数据库+万字文档+ppt)角色:管理员、企业、用户 管理员:管理员进入主页面,主要功能包括对首页、个人中心、学生管理、教师管理、课题信息管理、课题分类管理、选题信息管理、系统管理等进行操作。 教师:教师进入系统可以对首页、个人中心、课题信息管理、课题
Course design topic selection management system (source code+database+ten thousand word document+ppt) Role: administrator, enterprise, user administrator: administrator enters the main page, whose main functions include operating the home page, personal center, student management, teacher management, topic information management, topic classification management, topic information management, system management, etc. Teachers: teachers can access the system to check the home page, personal center, subject information management, and subject (2023-11-30, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] finance

基于Java+SSM+Jsp的企业财务管理系统(源代码+数据库+万字文档+ppt)角色:管理员、财务经理、用户 管理员:主页、个人中心、用户管理、收费信息管理、支出信息管理、报销信息管理、薪资管理、留言管理、公告管理、报销类型管理 、公告类型管理、留言类型管理、收费类型管理...
Enterprise financial management system based on Java+SSM+Jsp (source code+database+ten thousand word document+ppt) Roles: administrator, financial manager, user administrator: home page, personal center, user management, charge information management, expenditure information management, reimbursement information management, salary management, message management, announcement management, reimbursement type management, announcement type management, message type management, charge type management (2023-11-05, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] HORA

Xiaomei HR, a professional human resources system based on OSGI modular technology, mainly includes several modules: personnel files, attendance management, salary management, performance management and logistics management. It is suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises. The system features module development and loading at the code level, which fundamentally solves the problem of system complexity, and provides in-depth services in the field of human resources., (2023-10-25, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 项目经理的九阴真经

售前售后一些工作心得分为九种技能(业务调研,解决方 案,产品演示,用户考察,公司介绍,用户培训,现场推广,项目验收,团队管理),分别整理成文,希望能给在这个行业内拼搏的同道一些启发。
Pre-Sales Aftermarket some work experience is divided into nine skills (business research, Solution Case, product demo, user inspection, company introduction, user training, on-site promotion, project acceptance, team management), respectively, to collate the written, hope to be in the industry to fight for some inspiration. (2019-05-08, Others, 738KB, 下载2次)


[其他] 防洪标准【GB 50201-2014】

This standard is applicable to flood protection zones, industrial and mining enterprises, transportation facilities, power facilities, environmental protection facilities, communications facilities, cultural relics and historic sites and tourist facilities, water conservancy and hydropower projects and other protection objects, to prevent rainstorm flood, snow melting flood, mixed rain and snow flood and coastal and estuarine areas against tidal water planning and design. Construction and operation management. 2015-05-01 implementation. (2018-10-04, Others, 11816KB, 下载1次)


[其他] Serial Key

The CCBoot system is powerful, efficient and stable. It can be used in the Internet bar industry; all kinds of enterprises and institutions; telecom / Netcom and other ISP business offices and similar business outlets; multimedia classrooms of educational institutions, online libraries, computer rooms; chain hotels; song and entertainment industries. CCBoot supports all diskless system functions: multi server, multiple network card, multi disk, packet storage, mirror restore point, load balance, redundant service, server caching, client caching, reading and writing separation, large memory access, SSD read caching and so on. (2018-05-15, Others, 43KB, 下载0次)


[其他] music

MUSIC 算法MATLAB仿真源代码 clc clear all format long %将数据显示为长整型科学计数 N=200;%快拍数 doa=[20 60]/180*pi; %信号到达角 w=[pi/4 pi/3]';%信号频率 M=10;%阵元数 P=length(w); %信号个数 lambda=150;%波长 d=lambda/2;%阵元间距 snr=20;%信噪比 B=zeros(P,M); %创建一个P行M列的0矩阵 for k=1:P B(k,:)=exp(-j*2*pi*d*sin(doa(k))/lambda*[0:M-1]); %矩阵赋值 end B=B'; xx=2*exp(j*(w*[1:N])); %仿真信号 x=B*xx; x=x+awgn(x,snr);%加入高斯白噪声 R=x*x'; %数据协方差矩阵 [U,V]=eig(R); %求R的特征值和特征向量 UU=U(:,1:M-P); %估计噪声子空间 theta=-90:0.5:90; %%谱峰搜索 for ii=1:length(theta) AA=zeros(1,length(M)); for jj=0:M-1 AA(1+jj)=exp(-j*2*jj*pi*d*sin(theta(ii)/180*pi)/lambda); end WW=AA*UU*UU'*AA'; Pmusic(ii)=abs(1/ WW); end Pmusic=10*log10(Pmusic/max(Pmusic)); %空间谱函数 plot(theta,Pmusic,'-k') xlabel('角度 \theta/degree') ylabel('谱函数P(\theta) /dB') title('MUSIC算法的DOA估计谱') grid on
MUSIC algorithm MATLAB simulation source code (2018-04-28, Others, 15KB, 下载8次)


[其他] 防错料软件

Ming yuan MES (error proof module) is a sub module for small and medium enterprises engaged in the SMT industry. This module is cheap, software is stable, provides powerful hardware expansion, supports scanning production, scans the hard wrong means of changing material, avoids human factors causing mass production and improves product quality. Stability of quantity (2018-04-11, Others, 4654KB, 下载4次)


[其他] HuaWeiJixiaoGuanliYuKaohe

华为绩效管理与绩效考核,是华为的内部培训教材。非常详细,共89页。涉及到: 1)企业价值链与价值评估体系 2)评价过程中种种问题透视 3)绩效、绩效管理概念 4)绩效管理体系:绩效目标体系、绩效管理程序、绩效考核制度、绩效管理组织与责任体系
Huawei performance management and performance evaluation, Huawei' s internal training materials. Very detailed, a total of 89. Relate to: 1) assess the enterprise value chain and value system 2) the various problems in the perspective of the evaluation process 3) performance, performance management concepts 4) performance management system: system performance objectives, performance management process, performance appraisal system, performance management, organization and responsibilities system (2010-10-16, Others, 77KB, 下载33次)


[其他] jisuanjiwangluo2

中小型校园网的组建 校园计算机网络已成为学校办学的基础设施和必备条件.公众信息电脑公司立足中国,服务教育.以开发教育软件和网络集成为主,推进教育教学信息化和现代化为主要经营方向的综合型企业.
The formation of small and medium-sized campus network campus computer network has become the school s infrastructure and a prerequisite. Public information computer company based in China, service education. To develop educational software and network integration-oriented, promoting education and teaching information technology and modernization as the main direction of the integrated enterprise. (2008-12-31, Others, 85KB, 下载6次)
