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[前端开发] newbie-boot3

适用于企业级中大型后台管理系统的前后端分离框架。后端使用 JDK21 + SpringBoot3.2 + SaToken + MybatisPlus 等技术栈,前端使用 FiveAdminV2 进行开发。
It is applicable to the front and rear end separation framework of enterprise level medium and large background management systems. The back-end uses JDK21+SpringBoot3.2+SaToken+MybatisPlus and other technology stacks, and the front-end uses FiveAdminV2 for development. (2024-05-15, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] mayfair

Mayfair is a visually appealing e-learning template for institutions and businesses, aiding in quick online learning setup with responsive design and multimedia integration, although functional features require further development. (2023-10-17, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] letga-server

Letga 是一个基于 GoFrame 和 AntDesign 的中后台管理系统。Letga 集成了通用的中后台基础功能组件,是一款规范化、易扩展、体验佳的企业级开源系统。,
Letga is a middle and back office management system based on GoFrame and AntDesign. Letga is an enterprise level open source system that is standardized, easy to expand and has a good experience., (2023-09-29, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] nbsaas-boot

基于Request-Response的企业级快速开发框架,简单,快捷,采用spring boot,spring cloud,shiro,jpa,mybatis等技术,通过模型生成后端代码和前端vue3代码。,
The enterprise level rapid development framework based on Request Response is simple and fast. It uses spring boot, spring cloud, shiro, jpa, mybatis and other technologies to generate back-end code and front-end vue3 code through the model., (2023-07-09, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] antd-umi-sys

企业BI系统,数据可视化平台,主要技术:react、antd、umi、dva、es6、less等,与君共勉,互相学习,如果喜欢请start 。,
Enterprise BI system, data visualization platform, main technologies: act, antd, umi, dva, es6, less, etc., encourage each other and learn from each other, if you like, please start., (2021-01-04, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] dhtmlx

dhtmlx组件是一个JavaScript 库,提供了一套完整的Ajax驱动的UI 组件。使用 dhtmlxSuite 生成企业级 web 应用程序有干净的界面、 快速的性能和丰富的用户体验
The dhtmlx component is a JavaScript library that provides a complete set of Ajax driven UI components. Using dhtmlxSuite to generate enterprise level web applications has a clean interface, fast performance and rich user experience (2015-04-15, HTML, 646KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] albedo

Albedo 是一个Java企业应用开源框架,使用经典技术组合(SpringBoot2.x、MyBatis、Vue),包括核心模块如:组织机构、角色用户、权限授权、数据权限、代码生成、定时任务等。
Albedo is an open source framework for Java enterprise applications, using classic technology combinations (SpringBoot2. x, MyBatis, Vue), including core modules such as organization, role users, permission authorization, data permissions, code generation, scheduled tasks, etc. (2023-05-09, Java, 7166KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] opendevops

CODO is an enterprise multi hybrid cloud, one-stop DevOps, automated operation and maintenance, fully open source cloud management platform, automated operation and maintenance platform for users (2023-03-06, Python, 21442KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] mobile-ui-template

Mobile UI Template is a modern, responsive, and customizable mobile UI template for your business. It contains reusable components, theme color, and design support along with dark theme support. (2023-01-09, TypeScript, 46559KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] turtle

turtle是一个企业级javascript typescript渐进式服务器开发框架。它提供了很多grea...
turtle is an enterprise-class javascript/typescript progressive server development framework. It offers a lot of great default features, such as elegant exits, distributed locks, zero-configuration service discovery, api slow-log, AOP, IOC service, scheduled task worker, etc. The driver system brings powerful scalability, and The pre-built CLI (2022-12-03, TypeScript, 110KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] framework

基于最新的Spring Boot 2.2.0稳定版,天然的前后端分离设计思想。简单、便捷、易拓展,致力于成为中小企业开发的利器
Based on the latest Spring Boot 2.2.0 stable version, with a natural design concept of front and rear end separation. Simple, convenient, and easy to expand, committed to becoming a powerful tool for small and medium-sized enterprise development (2022-07-07, Java, 275KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] dwztp

This project is a website backend built using a combination of dwz front-end framework and thinkphp back-end framework, which contains some functions required by simple enterprise websites and can be expanded to develop more functions. (2015-06-05, PHP, 3359KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] eagle

A front-end and back-end separated basic framework platform developed using Vue, SpringBoot, Shiro, JWT, and others, providing basic services that are ready to use and provide protection for the development of enterprise business needs. (2023-02-16, Java, 3664KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] kcat

This is a campus service-oriented website developed by our team at Xingnuo Studio. It is convenient for teachers and students on campus. We provide professional software, entertainment software, homework assistance, helpdesk, and campus phone. The front-end technology used in the project includes HTML+CSS+Javascript+JQuery+layer, and the back-end is within the SSM framework (2018-03-16, JavaScript, 21918KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] erp-system

erp-system,不使用Web框架,只使用Servlet JSP的一个企业管理系统,主要是发帖及回帖功能。还存在一些错误,算是第一个较大的练手作品。
ERP system, an enterprise management system that does not use a web framework but only uses Servlet JSP, mainly for posting and replying functions. There are still some mistakes, which can be considered as the first major hand training work. (2016-07-01, JavaScript, 2632KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] thinkjs-app

Thinkjs app, build an enterprise level Nodejs application based on the Thinkjs framework, MySQL database, Redis cache, and mvc front-end and back-end separation solution. Currently, it supports web, Android, iOS, and WeChat access (2018-03-29, JavaScript, 431KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] eye

eye,这是一个基于httprouter为路由,底层为官方标准库net http为网络框架的企业级标准web框架,微服务框架。可直接开箱即用
Eye, this is an enterprise level standard web framework and microservices framework based on HTTP router as routing, with the official standard library net HTTP as the network framework at the bottom. Can be used directly out of the box (2019-07-30, GO, 43133KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] swiftboot

swiftboot,基于Spring Boot,Spring MVC,Spring Data 的企业Web应用快速开发开发框架。A rapid development framework based on Spring Boot, Spring MVC ...
Swiftboot is a rapid development framework for enterprise web applications based on Spring Boot, Spring MVC, and Spring Data. A rapid development framework based on Spring Boot, Spring MVC ... (2023-02-05, Java, 799KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] MATLAB数字水印[多算法对比,GUI界面]

本课题为基于MATLAB的小波变换dwt和离散余弦dct的多方法对比数字水印系统。带GUI交互界面。有一个主界面GUI,可以调用dwt方法的子界面和dct方法的子界面。流程包括,读取宿主图像和水印图像,嵌入,多种方法的攻击(剪切,加噪,旋转等),提取,最后利用psnr峰值信噪比进行评价不同攻击下,鲁棒性的好坏。 (2022-07-06, Delphi, 465KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] 【.NET源码】2022版企业内部培训整站系统

上个月我们公司花6000元采购了套内部培训系统,有在线点播,直播,刷题题库,在线考试,监督学习,用户管理等模块,有源代码和开发文档,可在原有程序基础上进行二次开发,已经搭建好投入使用,人力说不错,免费分享给有需要的朋友! (2022-03-30, C#, 13KB, 下载0次)
