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[文章/文档] markdown-viewer

The ultralightweight Markdown document display system can package Markdown documents into a website with directory hierarchy in just a few lines of code configuration for easy viewing. It can be used to quickly build enterprise help documents, blogs, tutorials, photo stations, and so on. At present, it has been used to support all help documents under eoLinker., (2018-10-29, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] markdown-viewer

The ultralightweight Markdown document display system can package Markdown documents into a website with directory hierarchy in just a few lines of code configuration for easy viewing. It can be used to quickly build enterprise help documents, blogs, tutorials, photo stations, and so on. At present, it has been used to support all help documents under eoLinker., (2018-03-08, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] 信刻内外网数据光盘刻录摆渡系统

随着各种数据传输、网络技术和储存技术不断快速发展,各政府和企事业单位利用互联网开展相关工作已成为不可逆转的趋势,各个机构都需要在内网和互联网之间进行大量的信息交换,以提升效率,因此加强涉密数据传输的保密管理与网络安全至关重要。《计算机信息系统国际互联网保密管理规定》其中要求“涉及国家秘密的计算机信息系统,不得直接或间接地与国际互联网或其它公共信息网络相连接,必须实行物理隔离。”网络隔离的目的是为了 (2023-01-03, Others, 1596KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] 卡尔曼滤波与组合导航原理第2版

The principle of Kalman filter and integrated navigation (2nd Edition) compiled by Qin Yong yuan and others is a unified textbook for postgraduates organized by China Aviation Industry Corporation. The book focuses on the basic theory of Kalman filter and the new theory and method of Kalman filter developed in recent ten years. In addition, the contents related to the design theory and method of integrated navigation system and some research results of the author are also introduced. (2020-11-14, Others, 13603KB, 下载4次)


[文章/文档] 基于时频分析的相位编码信号检测及识别方法研究

低信噪比条件下( 0 dB) 对相位编码信号的检测及识别是当前脉内特征分析中的重点和难点, 基于这种原因, 提出了一种基于时频分析( 短时傅里叶变换) 方法对信号脉冲进行检测, 然后, 重点论述了低信噪比条件下( 0 dB) 对 相位编码信号的调制类型识别及参数估计, 根据对信号时频特征的分析, 建立对信号进行检测及识别的算法模型, 并给出了算法的理论依据, 通过计算机仿真实验证明了该方法的有效性。
The detection and recognition of the phase coded signal under the condition of low signal-to-noise ratio (0 dB) is the key and difficult point in the analysis of intra pulse characteristics, In this paper, a method based on time-frequency analysis (short time Fourier transform) is proposed to detect the signal pulse, and then (0 dB) is emphasized in the condition of low SNR Based on the analysis of the time-frequency characteristics of the signal, the algorithm model of signal detection and recognition is established, The theoretical basis of the algorithm is given, and the effectiveness of the method is proved by computer simulation. (2020-06-22, Others, 529KB, 下载2次)


[文章/文档] 基于单矢量水听器空间谱增强的MUSIC算法_马艳

针对单矢量水听器多重信号分类(Multiple Signal Classification,MUSIC)算法在低信噪比条件下,存在谱峰宽度变宽、估计精度变低等性能恶化的问题,提出一种基于单矢量水听器空间谱增强的改进 MUSIC 算法。
A modified Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm of single acoustic vector hydrophone is proposed by enhancing space spectrum under low SNR condition. (2020-04-13, PDF, 800KB, 下载1次)


[文章/文档] 等保测评参考文档

Reference documents for national information security and other three-level evaluation and certification, including safety management systems, safety management institutions, personnel safety management, system construction management, system operation and maintenance management, etc. It can provide reference to the documents for enterprises participating in the third-level assessment and certification. (2020-04-12, Others, 3430KB, 下载6次)


[文章/文档] 改进的平面域Delaunay三角网生成算法_邹永贵

数字图像处理(Digital Image Processing)是通过计算机对图像进行去除噪声、增强、复原、分割、提取特征等处理的方法和技术。数字图像处理的产生和迅速发展主要受三个因素的影响:一是计算机的发展;二是数学的发展(特别是离散数学理论的创立和完善);三是广泛的农牧业、林业、环境、军事、工业和医学等方面的应用需求的增长
Digital image processing is a method and technology to remove noise, enhance, restore, segment, extract features and so on. The emergence and rapid development of digital image processing are mainly affected by three factors: first, the development of computer; second, the development of Mathematics (especially the establishment and improvement of discrete mathematics theory); third, the growth of application demand in a wide range of agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry, environment, military, industry and medicine (2020-02-17, Visual C++, 1729KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] 《Docker 生产环境实践指南》

《Docker 生产环境实践指南》 本书围绕“Docker该如何应用到生产环境”这一核心问题展开。在本书中,读者将接触到多个IT企业应用Docker到生产环境的成功案例,了解Docker实际投产时将会面临的问题,以及它与现有基础设施存在的矛盾与冲突,了解构建Docker生态系统所需的配套设施,包括安全、构建镜像、持续集成/持续交付、镜像存储、配置管理、网络实现、服务发现、持久化存储以及日志监控等模块具体选型方案及利弊所在。本书编写时一些案例参考的Docker版本是Docker 1.6版本或Docker 1.7。
Docker production environment practice guide This book focuses on the core issue of "how to apply docker to production environment". In this book, readers will be exposed to the successful cases of multiple IT enterprises applying docker to the production environment, understand the problems faced by docker when it is actually put into production, as well as the contradictions and conflicts between docker and existing infrastructure, and understand the supporting facilities needed to build the docker ecosystem, including security, building image, continuous integration / continuous delivery, image storage, configuration management, network Implementation, service discovery, persistent storage, log monitoring and other modules specific options and advantages and disadvantages. When writing this book, some cases refer to docker version 1.6 or docker 1.7. (2019-11-15, LINUX, 2462KB, 下载1次)


[文章/文档] PPT5-11

第5章基于LINGO的基础理论及算法设计 第6章企业销售额问题 第7章日报销售问题 第8章钢管加工用料问题 第9章 航空运输问题 第10章人员安排问题 第11章食堂用餐满意度问题
Chapter 5 is based on the basic theory and algorithm design of LINGO Chapter 6 Corporate Sales Issues Chapter 7 Daily Sales Issues Chapter 8 Steel Pipe Processing Materials Chapter 9 Air Transport Issues Chapter 10 Staffing Issues Chapter 11 Dining Hall Dining Satisfaction (2019-06-21, matlab, 1628KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] 空间谱估计与算法

The main contents of this book are the research progress of spatial spectrum estimation, signal source estimation, linear prediction (LP) algorithm, MUSIC algorithm, subspace fitting algorithm, rotation invariant subspace (ESPRIT) algorithm, subspace iteration and update, spatial spectrum estimation of special signals, spatial spectrum estimation of special arrays, array error correction method, modern signal processing in spatial spectrum estimation. The application of this method and the estimation of multidimensional spatial spectrum are also discussed. (2019-04-24, matlab, 35841KB, 下载48次)


[文章/文档] JDK_API_1_5_zh_CN

JAVA API文档提供了很多官方的介绍和类、方法、变量的解释。一般很系统,涉及所有的方面,如果开发人员对正在使用的类不熟悉,想查看类里面的变量或者方法,就可以打开JavaAPI文档进行阅读和查看。
JAVA API documentation provides many official introductions and explanations of classes, methods, and variables. Generally very systematic, involving all aspects, if the developer is not familiar with the class being used, want to view the variables or methods in the class, you can open the Java API document for reading and viewing. (2019-04-18, Java, 30739KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] 货运政策导向下城市物流结构动态演化博弈研究

The government, distribution enterprises and users are selected as the participants of the game in the process of urban freight transportation. In order to analyze the factors affecting the participants'strategy selection in the process of promoting the urban freight transport policy, an evolutionary game model among the government, distribution enterprises and users is proposed. Based on the analysis of the cost and benefit of three different strategies, the system dynamics method is used to simulate and analyze the model. The results show that the government, distribution enterprises and users all attach importance to the revenue of the strategy when choosing the strategy; (2019-01-05, Others, 368KB, 下载6次)


[文章/文档] PCF8563_CN

PCF8563 是低功耗的CMOS 实时时钟/日历芯片,它提供一个可编程时钟输出,一个 中断输出和掉电检测器,所有的地址和数据通过I2C 总线接口串行传递。最大总线速度为 400Kbits/s,每次读写数据后,内嵌的字地址寄存器会自动产生增量。
PCF8563 is a low-power CMOS real-time clock / calendar chip, which provides a programmable clock output, one. Interrupt output and power down detector, all addresses and data are transmitted through I2C bus interface. The maximum bus speed is 400Kbits/s, every time after reading and writing data, the embedded word address register automatically generates increments. (2018-05-24, C/C++, 334KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] CMMI认证

CMM认证简称能力成熟度模型,是鉴定企业在开发流程化和质量管理上的国际通行标准,全球软件生产标准大都以此为基点,并都努力争取成为CMM认证队伍中的一分子 CMMI是英文Capability Maturity Model Integration的缩写 CMM标准共分五个等级,从第1级到第5级分别为:初始级、可重复级、定义级、管理级和优化级 在全球通过CMM5级的企业中,65%在印度,而中国才有几家。
CMM authentication is called the capability maturity model. It is the international standard to identify enterprises in the process of development and quality management. Most of the global software production standards are based on this, and strive to become a member of the CMM certification team. CMMI is the abbreviation of English Capability Maturity Model Integration The CMM standard is divided into five levels, from level first to fifth: initial, repeatable, definition, management, and optimization In the world through the CMM5 level of enterprises, 65% in India, and there are only a few in China. (2018-01-12, WINDOWS, 789KB, 下载2次)


[文章/文档] CQMFB的设计

The design of the CQMFB (2017-12-09, matlab, 396KB, 下载18次)


[文章/文档] SX1278中文数据手册CN

SX1278|SX1276无线符合LOra技术模块是基于 SEMTECH 射频集成芯片 SX127X 的射频模块, 是一款高性能物联网无线收发器,其特殊的 LORA 调试方式可大大增加通信距离,可广 泛应用于各种场合的短距离物联网无线通信领域
SX1278|SX1276 wireless technology with LOra module is the RF module SEMTECH RF chip based on SX127X, is a high performance networking wireless transceiver, the LORA debug mode can greatly increase the communication distance, can be widely used in various occasions for short-range wireless networking communications field (2017-09-05, C/C++, 20006KB, 下载21次)


[文章/文档] Shoppingtreatise

This paragraph mainly talk about Internet grows up vary fast inner along with joining in WTO.The net is becoming a new media with the most potential of development and future,as well as the hot point of publicize by much business. The net technology should be well used to offer information service for clients and cooperate cooperates,and catchs business especially for the tradition large corporation.Shenyang Changhong engine Ltd as a engine-making corporation should build its homepage better to qua it as a carrier to publicize,service and communion from this way to concert it grows up quickly.Let more corporation and client join in and know Shenyang Changhong engine Ltd by homepage. (2010-05-26, Java, 1526KB, 下载2次)


[文章/文档] watermarking

数字水印技术目前 正处于一个快速发 展和持续深入的阶 段, 应用领域也在 快速扩展。 刀 市场经济飞速发展的今天, 这 对于企业形象和经济利益存在 严重损害危险的企业和数字产 品侵权的创作者来说, 无疑是 一个良好的解决方案。数字水 印及其应用技术不仅提供了突 破性的信息安全防护方式, 而 且在数字防伪中占据着重要的 地位, 这对维护国家经济秩序 是大有益处的。
Digital watermarking technology is currently in a rapid and sustained development of advanced stage, applications are also rapidly expanding. Knife of the rapid development of the market economy today, which is the economic interests of corporate image and the risk of serious damage to businesses and digital products for the creators of infringement is a good solution. And application of digital watermarking technology provides a breakthrough approach to information security protection, and security in the digital occupy an important position, which is to safeguard national economic order is a great benefit. (2009-05-13, matlab, 1021KB, 下载9次)


[文章/文档] 线程通信

线程通信 本 文 我 们 将 在VC++4.1 环 境 下 介 绍 一 个 父 进 程 和 其 子 进 程 的 通 信 实 例。 在 父 进 程Parent 窗 口 中 按 一 下 鼠 标 左 键, 就 会 产 生 一 个Pipe 和 启 动 子 进 程Child, 并 从Pipe 一 端 发 送 信 息, 同 时Child 启 动 后 会 创 建 一 个 工 作 线 程, 专 门 用 来 从 管 道 的 另 一 端 读 入 数 据。 通 过 父 进 程 菜 单 项 的 控 制 来 改 变 图 形 形 状 参 数, 并 传 给Child 使 之 在 自 己 的 窗 口 中 绘 出 响 应 的 图 形。 下 面 分 别 就 父 进 程Parent 和 子 进 程Child 来 进 行 说 明。
thread communication in this paper we will VC 4.1 environment on the process of a father and his son, the process of communication examples. The parent process Parent window on the mouse button, it will have a Pipe and promoter process Child, and Pipe from one end to send messages and Child will be launched to create a work of threads, devoted to the pipeline from the other end of read data. Father process through a menu item to change the control parameters of graphics shapes and Child pass to make it in their own window graphics charted response. Below process on the father and son Parent Child process to say. (2005-01-10, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载21次)
