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按分类查找All 前端开发(536) 

[前端开发] adam

Adam is a visually appealing e-learning template for institutions and businesses, aiding in quick online learning setup with responsive design and multimedia integration, although functional features require further development. (2024-04-17, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] daniel

Daniel is a visually appealing e-learning template for institutions and businesses, aiding in quick online learning setup with responsive design and multimedia integration, although functional features require further development. (2024-03-08, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] bsite-with-Modern-UI-UX-in-React-JS-with-Tailwind

通过构建响应迅速的React JS应用程序来掌握现代web开发,该应用程序由令人惊叹的英雄部分、高质量资产和渐变、业务统计、具有行动号召按钮的可重用功能部分、推荐信等组成!
Master modern web development by building a responsive React JS application consisting of a stunning hero section, high-quality assets and gradients, business stats, reusable feature sections with call-to-action buttons, testimonials, and more! (2023-12-31, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] cccms

CCCMS是基于ThinkPHP8 和Arco Design Vue 开发的一套CMS管理系统,非常适用快速二次开发,内置系统权限管理、系统操作日志等基本功能。满足绝大多数企业日常需求。,
CCCMS is a set of CMS management system developed based on ThinkPaHP8 and Arco Design Vue, which is very suitable for rapid secondary development. It has built-in system authority management, system operation log and other basic functions. Meet the daily needs of most enterprises., (2023-08-02, Less, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] vue-manage-system-plus

采用Vue3 + Element Plus 搭建的后台管理系统解决方案,基于vue-manage- system开源系统升级改造而成,企业级定制,注释清晰,快速上手,开箱即用。,
The background management system solution built by Vue3+Element Plus is based on the upgrade and transformation of the vue management system open source system. It is enterprise customized, with clear notes, quick start, and out of the box use., (2023-03-27, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] vue-element-admin

基于 Vue 和 Element UI,能够快速搭建起一个企业中后台产品原型,内置路由权限验证,高级列表,万能分页,引导动画等业务模型,方便扩展,极大提高生产力
Based on Vue and Element UI, it can quickly build a prototype of enterprise middle and background products, with built-in business models such as routing permission verification, advanced list, universal paging, and guided animation, which is convenient for expansion and greatly improves productivity (2022-12-13, JavaScript, 312KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Reggie

本项目是为餐饮企业定制的软件产品,包括系统管理后台和移动端应用两部分。 后台SpringBoot+MybatisPlus,前端Vue+Element- UI,前后端分离。 存储系统使用MySQL、Redis(SpringCache)读写...
This project is a customized software product for catering enterprises, including system management background and mobile application. The background SpringBoot+MybatisPlus, the front Vue+Element UI, and the front and rear ends are separated. The storage system uses MySQL, Redis (SpringCache) for reading and writing (2022-07-09, JavaScript, 60975KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] xuxiaowei-cloud-next

基于 JDK 17、Spring Boot 3.x.x、OAuth 2.1、Vite 4、Vue 3、Element Plus 的微服务。支持支付宝、钉钉、码云、QQ、微信、企业微信、微博等第三方登录。包含基于 GitLab Runn...
Micro services based on JDK 17, Spring Boot 3. x.x, OAuth 2.1, Vite 4, Vue 3, and Element Plus. It supports third-party logins such as Alipay, Pinpin, CodeCloud, QQ, WeChat, WeChat and Weibo. Include GitLab Run based (2023-06-07, Java, 4739KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] paascloud-master

spring cloud + vue + oAuth2.0全家桶实战,前后端分离模拟商城,完整的购物流程、后端运营平台,可以实现快速搭建企业级微服务项目。支持微信登录等三方登录。
Spring cloud+vue+oAuth2.0 whole family bucket practice, front and rear end separation simulation mall, complete shopping process, back-end operation platform, can quickly build enterprise level micro service projects. Three party login such as WeChat login is supported. (2023-04-29, Java, 1139KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] metaworks4

Metaworks 4是一个进步的企业web框架,它促进了基于POJO的领域驱动开发、微服务...
Metaworks 4 is a progressive enterprise web framework that promotes POJO-based domain driven development, micro-services architecture-ready, and material design and responsive web. Metaworks 4 utilizes VueJS, Spring Data, and Spring Hateoas. Plus, Metaworks4 can be composed with OCE s components like IAM, API- GW, Billing to enable MSA architecture. (2018-08-29, HTML, 4916KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] ProjetoFinalModulo2

Projeto onde precisamos desenvolver em grupo o front-end para apresentar um novo produto lan?ado pela empresa "FrontEnders", onde poderíamos inventar o produto que quiséssemos, pensando em algo que seria legal para ajudar no dia a dia com programa??o ou estudos. Acesse nosso projeto clicando no link abaixo: (2022-03-29, HTML, 633KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] framework

java企业级底层框架,提供日志、缓存、DB访问、消息中间件、规则引擎、流程引擎、分布式事务便捷使用方法, 我们不重复造轮子,我们只是开源世界的搬运工。
The Java enterprise level underlying framework provides a convenient way to use logs, caches, DB access, message middleware, rule engines, process engines, and Distributed transaction. We do not duplicate the wheel. We are just porter in the open source world. (2023-03-21, Java, 759KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] aggregate-framework

Aggregate Framework是为方便开发人员运用DDD和CQRS思想来构建复杂的、可扩展的Java企业应用系统而提供的Java技术框架。该框架提供了Aggregate、Repository、Domain Event等构建块的...
The Aggregate Framework is a Java technology framework provided to facilitate developers to use DDD and CQRS ideas to build complex and scalable Java enterprise application systems. This framework provides building blocks such as Aggregate, Repository, Domain Event, etc (2022-08-11, Java, 726KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] ruoyi-mall-vue

一个基于若依框架,的前后端分离的商城系统, 包含分类、sku、商户管理、分销、会员、适合企业或个人二次开发。管理端采用:Vue,客户端采用:Taro
A front-end and back-end separated shopping mall system based on the Ruoyi framework, including classification, SKU, merchant management, distribution, membership, suitable for enterprise or individual secondary development. The management end adopts Vue, and the client adopts Taro (2023-03-16, Vue, 1553KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] RuoYi-Mall-Taro

一个基于若依框架,的前后端分离的商城系统, 包含分类、sku、商户管理、分销、会员、适合企业或个人二次开发。管理端采用:Vue,客户端采用:Taro
A front-end and back-end separated shopping mall system based on the Ruoyi framework, including classification, SKU, merchant management, distribution, membership, suitable for enterprise or individual secondary development. The management end adopts Vue, and the client adopts Taro (2023-03-16, JavaScript, 2034KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] SnailAspNetCoreFramework

定位为asp.net core中小企业快速开发框架,包含完整的后端和前端的代码。backend:asp.net core 3.1,cap,swag,ef core code first,autofac,automapper,nlog,...
Positioned as an asp.net core rapid development framework for small and medium-sized enterprises, including complete backend and front-end code. Backend: asp.net core 3.1, cap, swag, ef core code first, autofac, automapper, nlog (2021-06-04, Vue, 629KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] knife-boot

基于SpringCloud(Hoxton.SR7) + SpringBoot(2.3.4) 和Cloud Alibaba搭建的企业级前后端分离的微服务框架(用户权限管理,统一授权,资源权限管理、JWT、MQ、网关API,Nacos注册...
A microservice framework for enterprise level front-end and back-end separation based on SpringCloud (Hoxton. SR7), SpringBoot (2.3.4), and Cloud Alibaba (user permission management, unified authorization, resource permission management, JWT, MQ, gateway API, Nacos registration (2020-09-27, Java, 180KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] redux-with-domain

蚂蚁大数据部孵化出的一款企业级前端框架,适用于复杂的 SPA 场景。开箱即用,通过领域驱动的开发方式与运行时约束,让项目具备良好的可维护性。
An enterprise level front-end framework incubated by Ant s big data department, suitable for complex SPA scenarios. Out of the box, with domain driven development and runtime constraints, the project has good maintainability. (2022-02-10, TypeScript, 708KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] PandaUi

PandaUi 是PandaX的前端框架,PandaX 是golang(go)语言快速开发平台, 基于gin go-restful+ Vue3 + pinia + vite3 + Element-Plus的前后端分离企业级系统开发脚手架
PandaUi is the front-end framework of PandaX, which is a rapid development platform for Golang (go) language. Based on gin go restful+Vue3+pinia+vite3+Element Plus, the front-end and back-end separation of enterprise level system development scaffolding (2023-05-31, Vue, 3381KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] PandaX

PandaX 是一个golang(go)语言快速开发框架, 基于go-restful gin +gorm + Vue3 + TypeScript + vite2 + Element-plus的前后端分离企业级系统开发脚手架(包含了...
PandaX is a Golang (go) language rapid development framework based on go restful gin+gorm+Vue3+TypeScript+vite2+Element plus, which separates the front-end and back-end of enterprise level system development scaffolding (including (2023-05-27, GO, 196KB, 下载0次)
